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1 PACKAGE BODY poa_dbi_savings_pkg AS
2 /* $Header: poadbipodsvgb.pls 115.11 2004/02/12 19:17:52 mangupta noship $ */
4  g_po_distribution_id NUMBER := -99999;
5  g_lowest_price NUMBER := -99999;
6  g_blanket_id NUMBER := -99999;
8 function get_lowest_possible_price (p_creation_date DATE,
9                                     p_org_id IN NUMBER,
10                                     p_need_by_date IN DATE,
11 				    p_quantity IN NUMBER,
12 				    p_unit_meas_lookup_code IN VARCHAR2,
13 				    p_currency_code IN VARCHAR2,
14 				    p_item_id IN NUMBER,
15 				    p_item_revision in varchar2,
16 				    p_category_id in number,
17 				    p_ship_to_location_id IN NUMBER,
18                                     p_func_cur_code IN VARCHAR2,
19                                     p_rate_date IN DATE,
20                                     p_ship_to_ou_id IN NUMBER,
21                                     p_ship_to_organization_id IN NUMBER,
22                                     p_po_distribution_id IN NUMBER,
23                                     p_type IN VARCHAR2)
25 IS
29   rlines_cur  T_FLEXREF;
30   rline_q NUMBER := 0;
31   rline_qa NUMBER := 0;
32   rline_a NUMBER := 0;
34   cursor pblines_cur(p_item_id number
35                      ,p_unit_meas_lookup_code varchar2
36                      ,p_creation_date date
37                      ,p_currency_code varchar2)
38        is
39      select bl.po_header_id,b.vendor_id,bl.po_line_id,bl.price_break_lookup_code
40         ,bl.unit_price,bl.min_release_amount bl_min,bl.expiration_date
41         ,b.min_release_amount b_min,b.amount_limit , b.global_agreement_flag
42         ,0 line_qty,0 line_all_qty, gl.currency_code bl_func_cur_code, b.rate bl_rate
43    from po_lines_all bl
44        ,po_headers_all b
45        ,financials_system_params_all fsp
46        ,gl_sets_of_books gl
47   where bl.item_id = p_item_id
48     and bl.price_break_lookup_code is not null
49     and bl.unit_meas_lookup_code = p_unit_meas_lookup_code
50     and b.org_id = fsp.org_id
51     and fsp.set_of_books_id = gl.set_of_books_id
52     and ((b.org_id = p_ship_to_ou_id and nvl(b.global_agreement_flag, 'N') = 'N')
53           or (b.global_agreement_flag = 'Y' and exists
54                 (select 'enabled'
55                   from po_ga_org_assignments pgoa
56                   where pgoa.po_header_id = b.po_header_id
57                   and  pgoa.enabled_flag = 'Y'
58                   and  ((pgoa.purchasing_org_id in
59                            (select tfh.start_org_id
60                             from mtl_procuring_txn_flow_hdrs_v tfh,
61                                  financials_system_params_all fsp1,
62                                  financials_system_params_all fsp2
63                             where p_creation_date between nvl(tfh.start_date, p_creation_date) and nvl(tfh.end_date, p_creation_date)
64                                   and fsp1.org_id = tfh.start_org_id
65                                   and fsp1.purch_encumbrance_flag = 'N'
66                                   and fsp2.org_id = tfh.end_org_id
67                                   and fsp2.purch_encumbrance_flag = 'N'
68                                   and tfh.end_org_id = p_ship_to_ou_id
69                                   and ((tfh.qualifier_code is null) or (tfh.qualifier_code = 1 and tfh.qualifier_value_id = p_category_id))
70                                   and ((tfh.organization_id is null) or (tfh.organization_id = p_ship_to_organization_id))
71                             )
72                         )
73                         or (nvl(pgoa.purchasing_org_id, p_ship_to_ou_id) = p_ship_to_ou_id))
74         )))
75     and nvl(bl.cancel_flag, 'N') = 'N'
76     and Trunc(p_creation_date) <= nvl(bl.expiration_date, p_creation_date)
77     and p_creation_date >= bl.creation_date
78     and bl.po_header_id = b.po_header_id
79     and b.type_lookup_code = 'BLANKET'
80     and b.approved_flag in ('Y','R')
81     and nvl(b.cancel_flag, 'N') = 'N'
82     and Trunc(p_creation_date)
83          between nvl(b.start_date, Trunc(p_creation_date)) and nvl(b.end_date, p_creation_date);
85   type pot_blkt_lines_tbl is TABLE Of pblines_cur%ROWTYPE;
87   cursor pricebreaks_cur(p_po_line_id number
88                         ,p_ship_to_location_id number
89                         ,p_unit_price number
90                         ,p_price_break_lookup_code varchar2
91                         ,p_b_min number
92                         ,p_bl_min number
93                         ,p_amount_limit number
94                         ,p_blanket_amt number
95                         ,p_quantity number
96                         ,p_line_qty number
97                         ,p_line_all_qty number
98                         ,p_creation_date date
99                         ,p_need_by_date date)
100      is
101    select min(shipto_price) keep (dense_rank first order by nvl2(shipto_price, nvl(quantity, 0), null) desc nulls last, trunc(creation_date) desc) over () shipto_price,
102           min(generic_price) keep (dense_rank first order by nvl2(generic_price, nvl(quantity, 0), null) desc nulls last, trunc(creation_date) desc) over () generic_price
103    from
104     (select
105           (case when pb.ship_to_location_id = p_ship_to_location_id  and (pb.quantity is null or
106              (p_price_break_lookup_code = 'NON CUMULATIVE' and p_quantity >= pb.quantity)
107            or (p_price_break_lookup_code = 'CUMULATIVE' and p_quantity + p_line_qty >= pb.quantity ))
108        then pb.price_override else null end) shipto_price,
109           (case when pb.line_location_id is not null and pb.ship_to_location_id is null and (pb.quantity is null or
110              (p_price_break_lookup_code = 'NON CUMULATIVE' and p_quantity >= pb.quantity)
111            or (p_price_break_lookup_code = 'CUMULATIVE' and p_quantity + p_line_all_qty >= pb.quantity))
112            then pb.price_override else null end) generic_price,
113            creation_date,
114            pb.quantity
115       from po_line_locations_all pb
116   where pb.po_line_id = p_po_line_id
117   and pb.shipment_type = 'PRICE BREAK'
118   and p_quantity * nvl(pb.price_override,p_unit_price) >= nvl(p_bl_min,0)
119   and p_quantity * nvl(pb.price_override,p_unit_price) >= nvl(p_b_min,0)
120   and trunc(nvl(p_need_by_date, p_creation_date)) between
121             trunc(nvl(pb.start_date, pb.creation_date)) and
122             nvl(pb.end_date, nvl(p_need_by_date, p_creation_date))
123   and (p_amount_limit is null or p_quantity * nvl(pb.price_override,p_unit_price) + p_blanket_amt <= p_amount_limit) );
125   l_pbline pblines_cur%ROWTYPE;
126   l_qty number;
127   l_shipto_price number;
128   l_generic_price number;
129   l_unit_price number;
130   l_shipto_min number;
131   l_generic_min number;
132   l_unit_price_min number;
133   l_shipto_po_header_id_min number;
134   l_generic_po_header_id_min number;
135   l_unit_po_header_id_min number;
136   l_ret number := null;
137   l_index number;
138   l_debug_line number;
139   l_ga_conversion_rate number;
140 begin
141 /*
143    For blanket lines with price breaks, We store line-level price in the same row as price_override.  For blanket lines
144      without price breaks, it stands in a seperate row by itself.  Therefore we can't use a where clause to exclude the price
145      breaks in the former case, b/c that might remove a good line-level price in the 3nd step.  Note that a blanket line
146      may not have any price break.  And a blanket line may not have any release shipment, either.  So both are outer joins.
148    $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$   Ordering criteria:
149      >with price break
150      order                     | Null ship-to  | Matching ship-to | Mis-matching ship-to
151    _____________________________________________________________________________________
152      Good price break quantity |   2           |        1         |           3
153      Bad price break quantity  |   3           |        3         |           3
154    _____________________________________________________________________________________
155      >without price break (line level price)
156      order: 3
158    $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$   line_qty and line_all_qty:
159      for price breaks w/o ship_to_location specified, any shipment toward that blanket line counts as a price break ladder
160      for price breaks w/ ship_to_location specified, only shipments with the exact ship_to_location counts.
161      In PO Forms, ship_to_org is also considered simliarly, but we don't consider ship_to_org in our best price calculation.
163    $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$    rll.approved_flag:
164      used in line_qty for price break ladder -- only approved release shipments count.  Not used in blanket_amt because you
165      cannot exceed the blanekt total amount even if the obstacle is an unapproved shipment.  This is in accordance with
166      Forms logic.
168    $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$   Assumptions:
169      For a particular blanket line, the line level price is no smaller than any line on the price break.  This is important when
170      blanket_amt (in amount term, not quantity) is considered.
171      If a price break throws the blanket off the roof, its corresponding line price surely will. Thus it's safe to put them in
172      the final where clause.
173      For line_min and blanket_min, however, we could theoretically have the scenario when a price break is too small, but its
174      line price is big enough to get over the MINs.  Although that will disallow us to use the line price, the penalty is small
175      enough (quantity is small) and it's a corner case anyway.
177 */
179   if (g_po_distribution_id <> p_po_distribution_id) then
181   g_po_distribution_id := p_po_distribution_id;
183   g_hit_count := g_hit_count + 1;
185   open pblines_cur(p_item_id,p_unit_meas_lookup_code,p_creation_date,p_currency_code);
186   loop
187     fetch pblines_cur into l_pbline;
188     exit when pblines_cur%NOTFOUND;
190         l_ga_conversion_rate := nvl(l_pbline.bl_rate, 1) * poa_ga_util_pkg.get_ga_conversion_rate(l_pbline.bl_func_cur_code, p_func_cur_code, p_rate_date); -- convert to blanket functional currency and then to standard PO functional currency
192         if(l_pbline.global_agreement_flag = 'Y') then
193            select
194              sum(case when sll.approved_flag='Y' and sll.ship_to_location_id=p_ship_to_location_id then nvl(sd.quantity_ordered,0)-nvl(sd.quantity_cancelled,0) else 0 end) line_qty
195              ,sum(case when sll.approved_flag='Y' then nvl(sd.quantity_ordered,0)-nvl(sd.quantity_cancelled,0) else 0 end) line_all_qty
196              ,sum(sum(nvl(sll.price_override,0)*(nvl(sd.quantity_ordered,0)-nvl(sd.quantity_cancelled,0)))) over () blanket_amt
197            into rline_q, rline_qa, rline_a
198          from po_line_locations_all sll
199              ,po_distributions_all sd
200              ,po_lines_all pol
201         where pol.po_line_id = sll.po_line_id (+)
202           and pol.from_header_id = l_pbline.po_header_id
203           and pol.from_line_id = l_pbline.po_line_id
204           and sll.shipment_type (+) = 'STANDARD'
205           and nvl(sd.distribution_type,'-99') <> 'AGREEMENT'
206           and sll.line_location_id = sd.line_location_id(+)
207           and sd.creation_date(+) < p_creation_date;
209        else
210           select
211              sum(case when rll.approved_flag='Y' and rll.ship_to_location_id=p_ship_to_location_id then
212                   nvl(rd.quantity_ordered,0)-nvl(rd.quantity_cancelled,0) else 0 end) line_qty
213              ,sum(case when rll.approved_flag='Y' then
214                   nvl(rd.quantity_ordered,0)-nvl(rd.quantity_cancelled,0) else 0 end) line_all_qty
215              ,sum(sum(nvl(rll.price_override,0)*(nvl(rd.quantity_ordered,0)-nvl(rd.quantity_cancelled,0)))) over () blanket_amt
216          into rline_q, rline_qa, rline_a
217          from po_line_locations_all rll
218              ,po_distributions_all rd
219         where rll.po_header_id = l_pbline.po_header_id
220           and rll.po_line_id = l_pbline.po_line_id
221           and rll.shipment_type = 'BLANKET'
222           and nvl(rd.distribution_type,'-99') <> 'AGREEMENT'
223           and rll.line_location_id = rd.line_location_id(+)
224           and rd.creation_date(+) < p_creation_date;
226        end if;
228           open pricebreaks_cur(l_pbline.po_line_id
229                         ,p_ship_to_location_id
230                         ,l_pbline.unit_price
231                         ,l_pbline.price_break_lookup_code
232                         ,nvl(l_pbline.b_min, 0)
233                         ,nvl(l_pbline.bl_min, 0)
234                         ,l_pbline.amount_limit
235                         ,nvl(rline_a, 0)
236                         ,p_quantity
237                         ,nvl(rline_q, 0)
238                         ,nvl(rline_qa, 0)
239                         ,p_creation_date
240                         ,p_need_by_date);
241           fetch pricebreaks_cur into l_shipto_price, l_generic_price;
242           close pricebreaks_cur;
243           if(l_shipto_price is not null and (l_shipto_min is null or l_shipto_min > l_shipto_price * l_ga_conversion_rate)) then
244             l_shipto_min := l_shipto_price * l_ga_conversion_rate;
245             l_shipto_po_header_id_min := l_pbline.po_header_id;
246           end if;
247           if(l_generic_price is not null and (l_generic_min is null or l_generic_min > l_generic_price * l_ga_conversion_rate)) then
248             l_generic_min := l_generic_price * l_ga_conversion_rate;
249             l_generic_po_header_id_min := l_pbline.po_header_id;
250           end if;
252           l_unit_price := l_pbline.unit_price;
253           if(l_unit_price is not null and (l_unit_price_min is null or l_unit_price_min > l_unit_price * l_ga_conversion_rate)) then
254             if(p_quantity * l_unit_price >= nvl(l_pbline.bl_min,0)
255               and p_quantity * l_unit_price >= nvl(l_pbline.b_min,0)
256               and (l_pbline.amount_limit is null
257                     or p_quantity * l_unit_price + nvl(rline_a, 0) <= l_pbline.amount_limit)) then
258                 l_unit_price_min := l_unit_price * l_ga_conversion_rate;
259                 l_unit_po_header_id_min := l_pbline.po_header_id;
260             end if;
261           end if;
262   end loop;
264   g_lowest_price := coalesce(l_shipto_min,l_generic_min,l_unit_price_min);
265   g_blanket_id := coalesce(l_shipto_po_header_id_min, l_generic_po_header_id_min, l_unit_po_header_id_min);
267   end if;
269   return (case p_type
270           when 'PRICE' then g_lowest_price
271           when 'BLANKET' then g_blanket_id
272           end);
274 END get_lowest_possible_price ;
276 END poa_dbi_savings_pkg;