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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 27

               select max(gph1.pa_history_id) pa_history_id
               from   ghr_pa_history  gph1,
	              PER_PEOPLE_EXTRA_INFO pei1
               where  gph1.table_name         = 'PER_PEOPLE_EXTRA_INFO'
	       and    pei1.person_id          = p_person_id
               and    pei1.information_type   = p_information_type
	       and    gph1.information1       = to_char(pei1.person_extra_info_id)
               and    gph1.effective_date     = ( select max(gph2.effective_date)maxdate
                                                  from   ghr_pa_history gph2
                                                  where  gph2.table_name =  'PER_PEOPLE_EXTRA_INFO'
				                  and    gph2.effective_date <= p_effective_date
				                  and    gph2.information1 = to_char(pei1.person_extra_info_id)) ;
Line: 136

            select max(par1.pa_notification_id) notification_id
            from ghr_pa_requests par1
            where par1.person_id =  p_person_id
              and par1.pa_notification_id is NOT Null
	      and par1.noa_family_code NOT in ('CORRECT', 'CANCEL')
              and nvl(par1.first_noa_cancel_or_correct, 'normal') <> 'CANCEL'
              and par1.effective_date = ( select max(par2.effective_date) maxdate
				       from ghr_pa_requests par2
				       where par2.person_id =  p_person_id
			                 and par2.pa_notification_id is NOT Null
			                 and par2.effective_date <= p_effective_date
				         and par2.noa_family_code NOT in ('CORRECT', 'CANCEL')
				         and nvl(par2.first_noa_cancel_or_correct, 'normal') <> 'CANCEL' ) ;
Line: 152

             select pa_request_id
	     from ghr_pa_requests g
	     where g.pa_notification_id = c_notification_id ;
Line: 201

   select    flx.id_flex_num id_flex_num
   from      fnd_id_flex_structures_tl flx
   where     flx.id_flex_code           = 'PEA'  and
             flx.application_id         =  800   and
             flx.id_flex_structure_name =  'US Fed Perf Appraisal' and
             flx.language	        =  'US'  ;
Line: 213

   select pan.person_analysis_id, pea.segment2 rating_of_record
   from per_analysis_criteria pea,
        per_person_analyses pan
   where pan.person_id              = p_person_id and
         pan.id_flex_num            = g_perf_flex_num  and
	  pea.id_flex_num            = pan.id_flex_num   and
         nvl(pan.date_from,sysdate)  between nvl(pea.start_date_active,nvl(pan.date_from,sysdate) )
                                      and   nvl(pea.end_date_active,nvl(pan.date_from,sysdate) )  and
         pan.analysis_criteria_id     =  pea.analysis_criteria_id  and
         trunc(nvl(pan.date_from,sysdate)) = (select max(trunc(nvl(pan.date_from,sysdate))) max_date_from
					      from per_person_analyses pan
				    	      where pan.person_id      = p_person_id and
					      pan.id_flex_num          = g_perf_flex_num and
					      trunc(nvl(pan.date_from,sysdate)) <= p_effective_date )

    order by person_analysis_id  desc    ;
Line: 282

       select elt.input_currency_code input_curr_code
       from pay_element_types_f elt,
            pay_element_entries_f ele
            trunc(p_effective_date) between elt.effective_start_date
			            	   and elt.effective_end_date
         and trunc(p_effective_date) between ele.effective_start_date
			            	   and ele.effective_end_date
         and ele.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
         and elt.element_type_id = ele.element_type_id
	 and upper(elt.element_name) = upper(l_new_element_name)
         and (elt.business_group_id is null or elt.business_group_id = p_business_group_id) ;
Line: 400

    SELECT eef.element_entry_id
    FROM pay_element_entries_f eef,
   	 pay_element_types_f elt
    WHERE eef.assignment_id = l_assignment_id
    AND  eef.effective_start_date <= l_effective_date
    AND  elt.element_type_id = eef.element_type_id
    AND  eef.effective_start_date BETWEEN elt.effective_start_date
 				    AND elt.effective_end_date
    AND  UPPER(pqp_fedhr_uspay_int_utils.return_old_element_name
		    eef.effective_start_date)) =  'FEDERAL AWARDS' ;
Line: 451

    SELECT eef.element_entry_id
    FROM pay_element_entries_f eef,
         pay_element_types_f elt
    WHERE eef.assignment_id = l_assignment_id
    AND  eef.effective_start_date <= l_effective_date
    AND  elt.element_type_id = eef.element_type_id
    AND eef.effective_start_date BETWEEN elt.effective_start_date
 				    AND elt.effective_end_date
    AND  UPPER(pqp_fedhr_uspay_int_utils.return_old_element_name
		    eef.effective_start_date)) IN ('RELOCATION BONUS',
                                                  'RECRUITMENT BONUS' );
Line: 501

    select nvl(substr((select ghr_ss_views_pkg.get_people_ei_id_ason_date(p_person_id,p_information_type,p_effective_date) from dual), 0, 10),-1)
    into l_history_id
    from dual;
Line: 523

          select nvl(max(gph1.pa_history_id),hr_api.g_number) pa_history_id
          from   ghr_pa_history  gph1,
          where  gph1.table_name         = 'PER_ASSIGNMENT_EXTRA_INFO'
	  and    pei1.assignment_id      = p_asg_id
          and    pei1.information_type   = p_information_type
	  and    gph1.information1       = to_char(pei1.assignment_extra_info_id)
          and    gph1.effective_date     = ( select max(gph2.effective_date)maxdate
                                             from   ghr_pa_history gph2
                                             where  gph2.table_name =  'PER_ASSIGNMENT_EXTRA_INFO'
				             and    gph2.effective_date <= p_effective_date
				             and    gph2.information1 = to_char(pei1.assignment_extra_info_id)) ;
Line: 577

      select nvl(max(gph1.pa_history_id),hr_api.g_number) pa_history_id
      from   ghr_pa_history  gph1,
	              PER_POSITION_EXTRA_INFO pei1
      where  gph1.table_name         = 'PER_POSITION_EXTRA_INFO'
      and    pei1.position_id          = p_position_id
      and    pei1.information_type   = p_information_type
      and    gph1.information1       = to_char(pei1.position_extra_info_id)
      and    gph1.effective_date     = ( select max(gph2.effective_date)maxdate
                                         from   ghr_pa_history gph2
                                         where  gph2.table_name =  'PER_POSITION_EXTRA_INFO'
                                         and    gph2.effective_date <= p_effective_date
		                         and    gph2.information1 = to_char(pei1.position_extra_info_id)) ;
Line: 622

      select flx.id_flex_num id_flex_num
        from fnd_id_flex_structures_tl flx
       where flx.id_flex_code = 'PEA' and flx.application_id = 800 and
             flx.id_flex_structure_name = 'US Fed Perf Appraisal' and
             flx.language = 'US';
Line: 631

      select pan.person_analysis_id, pea.segment5 rating_of_record
        from per_analysis_criteria pea, per_person_analyses pan
       where pan.person_id = p_person_id and
             pan.id_flex_num = g_perf_flex_num and
             pea.id_flex_num = pan.id_flex_num and
             nvl(pan.date_from, sysdate) between
             nvl(pea.start_date_active, nvl(pan.date_from, sysdate)) and
             nvl(pea.end_date_active, nvl(pan.date_from, sysdate)) and
             pan.analysis_criteria_id = pea.analysis_criteria_id

       order by person_analysis_id desc;
Line: 682

    SELECT MIN(effective_start_date) effective_start_date
      FROM per_all_assignments_f
     WHERE person_id = p_person_id AND
           assignment_id =
           (SELECT MAX(assignment_id)
              FROM per_all_assignments_f
             WHERE person_id = p_person_id AND assignment_type in ('E','C')) AND
           assignment_type in ('E','C');
Line: 705

		select max(effective_end_date) effective_end_date
			from per_all_assignments_f
			where person_id = p_person_id and
			      assignment_type in ('E','C')  ;