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Line 354: -- truncate the isc_fs_task_assignmnts_f fact table

350: end if;
352: bis_collection_utilities_log( 'Task base summary table truncated', 1 );
354: -- truncate the isc_fs_task_assignmnts_f fact table
355: l_stmt_id := 80;
356: if truncate_table
357: ( l_isc_schema


354: -- truncate the isc_fs_task_assignmnts_f fact table
355: l_stmt_id := 80;
356: if truncate_table
357: ( l_isc_schema
359: , l_error_message ) <> 0 then
360: logger( l_proc_name, l_stmt_id, l_error_message );
361: raise l_exception;
362: end if;

Line 394: parallel(isc_fs_task_assignmnts_f)

390: -- insert into base fact tables
391: l_stmt_id := 100;
392: insert /*+ append
393: parallel(isc_fs_tasks_f)
394: parallel(isc_fs_task_assignmnts_f)
395: parallel(isc_fs_capacity_f)
396: */
397: ALL
398: when source_object_type_code = 'SR' and task_rn = 1 then into

Line 558: isc_fs_task_assignmnts_f

554: , parent_task_id
555: --
556: )
557: when source_object_type_code = 'SR' and task_assignment_id is not null then into
558: isc_fs_task_assignmnts_f
559: ( task_id
560: , task_assignment_id
561: , deleted_flag
562: , cancelled_flag

Line 916: -- simple columns for isc_fs_task_assignmnts_f

912: -- R12 impact
913: , x.task_split_flag
914: , x.parent_task_id
915: --
916: -- simple columns for isc_fs_task_assignmnts_f
917: --
918: , x.task_assignment_id
919: , 'N' asgn_deleted_flag
920: , x.asgn_cancelled_flag

Line 1542: -- do the merge into isc_fs_task_assignmnts_f

1538: end if;
1540: bis_collection_utilities_log( 'Gathered stats for staging table', 1 );
1542: -- do the merge into isc_fs_task_assignmnts_f
1543: l_stmt_id := 70;
1544: merge into isc_fs_task_assignmnts_f o
1545: using (
1546: select /*+ ordered use_nl(TA,TS,T_SCH,T_ACT,E_ACT,DGA) */

Line 1544: merge into isc_fs_task_assignmnts_f o

1540: bis_collection_utilities_log( 'Gathered stats for staging table', 1 );
1542: -- do the merge into isc_fs_task_assignmnts_f
1543: l_stmt_id := 70;
1544: merge into isc_fs_task_assignmnts_f o
1545: using (
1546: select /*+ ordered use_nl(TA,TS,T_SCH,T_ACT,E_ACT,DGA) */
1547: -- deleted task assignments are moved to negative task_id
1548: -- to break join with isc_fs_tasks_f later

Line 2233: , isc_fs_task_assignmnts_f ta

2229: t.parent_task_id
2230: end parent_task_id
2231: from
2232: jtf_tasks_b t
2233: , isc_fs_task_assignmnts_f ta
2234: , jtf_task_statuses_b ts
2235: , jtf_task_types_b tt
2236: , mtl_uom_conversions t_eff
2237: , mtl_uom_conversions t_peff