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Line 2948: po_line_locations_all poll,

2944: xla_upgrade_dates upd,
2945: fnd_currencies fnd_curr,
2946: fnd_document_sequences fds,
2947: ap_invoice_lines_all lines,
2948: po_line_locations_all poll,
2949: zx_party_tax_profile ptp
2950: WHERE inv.rowid BETWEEN p_start_rowid AND p_end_rowid
2951: AND upd.ledger_id = inv.set_of_books_id
2952: AND (TRUNC(inv.invoice_date) between upd.start_date and upd.end_date)

Line 4315: po_line_locations_all poll,

4311: ) poh,
4312: fnd_currencies fc,
4313: hr_organization_information oi,
4314: po_lines_all pol,
4315: po_line_locations_all poll,
4316: zx_party_tax_profile ptp,
4317: hr_locations_all hr
4318: WHERE NVL(poh.currency_code, poh.base_currency_code) = fc.currency_code(+)
4319: AND oi.organization_id(+) = poh.org_id

Line 5011: po_line_locations_all poll,

5007: AND oi.org_information_context(+) = 'Operating Unit Information'
5008: ) poh,
5009: fnd_currencies fc,
5010: po_lines_all pol,
5011: po_line_locations_all poll,
5012: zx_party_tax_profile ptp,
5013: ap_tax_codes_all atc,
5014: ar_tax_group_codes_all atg,
5015: zx_rates_b rates,

Line 5418: po_line_locations_all poll

5414: NVL(poll.po_release_id, poh.po_header_id) trx_id
5415: FROM po_headers_all poh,
5416: financials_system_params_all fsp,
5417: xla_upgrade_dates upd,
5418: po_line_locations_all poll
5419: WHERE poh.rowid BETWEEN p_start_rowid AND p_end_rowid
5420: AND NVL(poh.closed_code, 'X') <> 'FINALLY CLOSED'
5421: AND NVL(poh.org_id, -99) = NVL(fsp.org_id, -99)
5422: AND upd.ledger_id = fsp.set_of_books_id