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Line 1074: -- Check whether the p_header_id exists in the mtl_txn_request_headers. If not, raise an exception.

1070: -- IF p_HEADER_ID is not NULL and p_HEADER_ID <> G_MISS_CHAR
1071: -- verify if data is valid
1072: -- if data is not valid : x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
1074: -- Check whether the p_header_id exists in the mtl_txn_request_headers. If not, raise an exception.
1075: /* 04/05/00: the following block is moved to csp_to_form_moheaders.validate_and_write.
1076: begin
1077: select header_id into l_check_header_id
1078: from mtl_txn_request_headers

Line 1078: from mtl_txn_request_headers

1074: -- Check whether the p_header_id exists in the mtl_txn_request_headers. If not, raise an exception.
1075: /* 04/05/00: the following block is moved to csp_to_form_moheaders.validate_and_write.
1076: begin
1077: select header_id into l_check_header_id
1078: from mtl_txn_request_headers
1079: where header_id = p_header_id;
1081: exception
1082: when no_data_found then

Line 1100: from mtl_txn_request_headers

1096: -- verify if data is valid
1097: -- if data is not valid : x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
1098: begin
1099: select header_id into l_check_header_id
1100: from mtl_txn_request_headers
1101: where header_id = p_header_id;
1103: exception
1104: when no_data_found then