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Line 515: ( p_allocation_rec IN GMI_AUTO_ALLOCATE_PUB.gmi_allocation_rec

511: /* In this procedure, only when create the default lot, uses the Item UOM. */
512: /* So convert the quantities into Item UOMs */
513: /* ======================================================================= */
514: PROCEDURE Create_Default_Lot
515: ( p_allocation_rec IN GMI_AUTO_ALLOCATE_PUB.gmi_allocation_rec
516: , p_ic_item_mst_rec IN GMI_Reservation_Util.ic_item_mst_rec
517: , p_orgn_code IN VARCHAR2
518: , p_trans_id IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
519: , x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2

Line 737: , x_allocation_rec OUT NOCOPY GMI_Auto_Allocate_PUB.gmi_allocation_rec

733: END Create_Default_Lot;
735: PROCEDURE Validation_Before_Allocate
736: ( p_mtl_rsv_rec IN INV_Reservation_Global.mtl_reservation_rec_type
737: , x_allocation_rec OUT NOCOPY GMI_Auto_Allocate_PUB.gmi_allocation_rec
738: , x_ic_item_mst_rec OUT NOCOPY GMI_Reservation_Util.ic_item_mst_rec
739: , x_orgn_code OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
740: , x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
741: , x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER