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Line 22: wf_engine.setItemAttrText( itemtype => p_itemType

18: l_temp := substr(l_temp, instr(l_temp, ':') + 1);
19: l_value := substr(l_temp, 1, instr(l_temp, ';') - 1);
20: l_temp := substr(l_temp, instr(l_temp, ';') + 1);
21: begin
22: wf_engine.setItemAttrText( itemtype => p_itemType
23: , itemkey => p_itemKey
24: , aname => l_key
25: , avalue => l_value);
26: exception

Line 240: wf_engine.CreateProcess(l_itemType

236: l_itemType := fnd_profile.value('IRC_NTF_WF_ITEM_TYPE');
237: hr_utility.set_location('Item Type : '||l_itemType, 130);
238: if l_itemType is not NULL then
239: l_itemKey := p_event.event_key;
240: wf_engine.CreateProcess(l_itemType
241: ,l_itemKey
243: loadWorkflowAttributes ( p_eventData => l_eventData
244: , p_itemType => l_itemType

Line 246: wf_engine.startprocess( l_itemType

243: loadWorkflowAttributes ( p_eventData => l_eventData
244: , p_itemType => l_itemType
245: , p_itemKey => l_itemKey );
246: wf_engine.startprocess( l_itemType
247: , l_itemKey);
248: else
249: hr_utility.set_location('Workflow Item Type not set', 160);
250: end if;

Line 287: l_value := wf_engine.GetItemAttrText( itemtype => p_itemType

283: l_rightIndex := length(l_returnMessage); --This is to cater for token at last
284: end if;
285: l_token := substr(l_returnMessage,l_leftIndex + 1, l_rightIndex-l_leftIndex-1);
286: begin
287: l_value := wf_engine.GetItemAttrText( itemtype => p_itemType
288: , itemkey => p_itemKey
289: , aname => l_token);
290: exception
291: when others then

Line 481: wf_engine.setItemAttrText ( itemtype => p_itemType

477: hr_utility.set_location('AME Transaction Complete : ' || l_approvalprocesscompleteynout,30);
478: if l_approvalProcessCompleteYNOut = 'N' then
479: hr_utility.set_location('Recipient : ' || l_nextApprovers(1).name,60);
481: wf_engine.setItemAttrText ( itemtype => p_itemType
482: , itemkey => p_itemKey
483: , aname => 'IRC_APPROVER'
484: , avalue => l_nextApprovers(1).name );
485: l_eventName := wf_engine.GetItemAttrText( itemtype => p_itemType

Line 485: l_eventName := wf_engine.GetItemAttrText( itemtype => p_itemType

481: wf_engine.setItemAttrText ( itemtype => p_itemType
482: , itemkey => p_itemKey
483: , aname => 'IRC_APPROVER'
484: , avalue => l_nextApprovers(1).name );
485: l_eventName := wf_engine.GetItemAttrText( itemtype => p_itemType
486: , itemkey => p_itemKey
487: , aname => 'IRC_EVENT_NAME');
488: l_messageSubjectName := null;
489: l_messageBodyName := null;

Line 513: wf_engine.setItemAttrText ( itemtype => p_itemType

509: l_messageSubject := parseAndReplaceFNDMessage( p_itemType => p_itemType
510: , p_itemKey => p_itemKey
511: , p_message => fnd_message.get);
512: hr_utility.set_location('Message Subject sent to Recipient: '||l_messageSubject,120);
513: wf_engine.setItemAttrText ( itemtype => p_itemType
514: , itemkey => p_itemKey
515: , aname => 'IRC_MESSAGE_SUBJECT'
516: , avalue => l_messageSubject);
517: fnd_message.set_name('PER',l_messageBodyName);

Line 522: wf_engine.setitemattrtext( itemtype => p_itemType

518: l_messageBody := parseAndReplaceFNDMessage( p_itemType => p_itemType
519: , p_itemKey => p_itemKey
520: , p_message => fnd_message.get);
521: hr_utility.set_location('Message Body sent to recipient: '||l_messageBody,150);
522: wf_engine.setitemattrtext( itemtype => p_itemType
523: , itemkey => p_itemKey
524: , aname => 'IRC_MESSAGE_BODY'
525: , avalue => l_messageBody);
526: l_message_type :=fnd_profile.value('IRC_NTF_WF_ITEM_TYPE');

Line 542: l_candidatePersonId := wf_engine.GetItemAttrText( itemtype => p_itemType

538: wf_notification.setAttrText(l_notificationId, 'SUBJECT', l_messageSubject);
539: wf_notification.setAttrText(l_notificationId, 'TEXT_BODY', l_messageBody);
540: wf_notification.setAttrText(l_notificationId, 'HTML_BODY', l_messageBody);
541: if l_ntf_message_type = 'IRC_MESSAGE_WITH_ATTACHMENT' then
542: l_candidatePersonId := wf_engine.GetItemAttrText( itemtype => p_itemType
543: , itemkey => p_itemKey
544: , aname => 'IRC_CAND_PER_ID');
545: attachDocument(l_notificationId,l_candidatePersonId,l_eventName,p_itemKey);
546: end if;

Line 584: l_value := wf_engine.getitemattrtext( itemtype => g_WFItemType

580: begin
581: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| g_package||'.'||l_proc, 10);
582: g_WFItemType := fnd_profile.value('IRC_NTF_WF_ITEM_TYPE');
583: hr_utility.set_location('Workflow Attribute : '|| p_WFAttr, 20);
584: l_value := wf_engine.getitemattrtext( itemtype => g_WFItemType
585: , itemkey => p_itemKey
586: , aname => p_WFAttr);
587: hr_utility.set_location('Success - Exiting:'|| g_package||'.'||l_proc, 60);
588: return l_value;