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Line 5764: insert into mtl_item_categories

5761: -- Creating item category assignments for the default category sets
5762: -- for the functional areas having the defining attribute enabled.
5764: insert into mtl_item_categories
5765: (
5766: inventory_item_id,
5767: category_set_id,
5768: category_id,

Line 5834: from mtl_item_categories mic

5830: )
5831: )
5832: and not exists
5833: ( select 'already_exists'
5834: from mtl_item_categories mic
5835: where mic.inventory_item_id = rec.inventory_item_id
5836: and mic.organization_id = rec.organization_id
5837: and mic.category_set_id = s.category_set_id
5838: );

Line 5845: insert into mtl_item_categories

5841: END IF; --- Bug 2665114
5843: -- 2433351,new functional area Product Reporting Looping through all the Orgs
5844: IF ( rec.transaction_type = 'UPDATE') THEN
5845: insert into mtl_item_categories
5846: (
5847: inventory_item_id,
5848: category_set_id,
5849: category_id,

Line 5901: from mtl_item_categories mic

5897: )
5898: -- Check if the item already has any category assignment
5899: and not exists
5900: ( select 'already_exists'
5901: from mtl_item_categories mic
5902: where mic.inventory_item_id = rec.inventory_item_id
5903: --Bug 4089984. Modified following 'and' condition to
5904: -- pick up rows from mtl_parameters table
5905: and mic.organization_id = p.organization_id