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2 /* $Header: PERFRD2RB.pls 120.0 2007/12/24 13:18:20 amakrish noship $ */
4 function c_set_unitsformula(cotorep_category in varchar2, age in number, previous_cotorep in varchar2, disability_rate in number, due_to_wa in varchar2, disability_class_code in varchar2, pid in number) return number is
5   l_total_cotorep number;
6   l_total_accident number;
7   l_total_other number;
8   pos1 integer;
9   pos2 integer;
10   l_base_unit number;
11   l_xcot_a number;
12   l_xcot_b number;
13   l_xcot_c number;
14   l_xcot_young_age number;
15   l_xcot_old_age number;
16   l_xcot_age_units number;
17   l_xcot_training_hours number;
18   l_xcot_training_units number;
19   l_xcot_ap number;
20   l_xcot_impro number;
21   l_xcot_cat number;
22   l_xcot_cdtd number;
23   l_xcot_cfp number;
24   l_xipp_low_rate number;
25   l_xipp_medium_rate number;
26   l_xipp_high_rate number;
27   l_xipp_low_units number;
28   l_xipp_medium_units number;
29   l_xipp_high_units number;
30   l_hire_units number;
31 begin
32         per_fr_d2_pkg.get_extra_units(p_establishment_id,
33     pc_1jan,
34     l_base_unit,
35     l_xcot_a,
36     l_xcot_b,
37     l_xcot_c,
38     l_xcot_young_age,
39     l_xcot_old_age,
40     l_xcot_age_units,
41     l_xcot_training_hours,
42     l_xcot_training_units,
43     l_xcot_ap,
44     l_xcot_impro,
45     l_xcot_cat,
46     l_xcot_cdtd,
47     l_xcot_cfp,
48     l_xipp_low_rate,
49     l_xipp_medium_rate,
50     l_xipp_high_rate,
51     l_xipp_low_units,
52     l_xipp_medium_units,
53     l_xipp_high_units,
54     l_hire_units);
55         l_total_cotorep := l_base_unit;
56   if not(cotorep_category is null) then
57         if (cotorep_category = 'A') then
58       l_total_cotorep := l_total_cotorep + l_xcot_a;
59     elsif (cotorep_category = 'B') then
60       l_total_cotorep := l_total_cotorep + l_xcot_b;
61     elsif (cotorep_category = 'C') then
62       l_total_cotorep := l_total_cotorep + l_xcot_c;
63     end if;
64         if (age >= l_xcot_old_age) or (age < l_xcot_young_age) then
65       l_total_cotorep := l_total_cotorep + l_xcot_age_units;
66     end if;
67         if not(pc_hours_training is null)
68     and (pc_hours_training >= l_xcot_training_hours)
69     then
70       l_total_cotorep := l_total_cotorep + l_xcot_training_units;
71     end if;
72             if previous_cotorep in ('AP','IMPRO','CAT','CDTD','CFP') then
73       if (previous_cotorep = 'AP') then
74         l_total_cotorep := l_total_cotorep + l_xcot_ap;
75       elsif (previous_cotorep = 'IMPRO') then
76         l_total_cotorep := l_total_cotorep + l_xcot_impro;
77       elsif (previous_cotorep = 'CAT') then
78         l_total_cotorep := l_total_cotorep + l_xcot_cat;
79       elsif (previous_cotorep = 'CDTD') then
80         l_total_cotorep := l_total_cotorep + l_xcot_cdtd;
81       elsif (pc_hire_year = p_year or pc_hire_year = p_year-1) then
82         l_total_cotorep := l_total_cotorep + l_xcot_cfp;
83       end if;
84     end if;
85     if (pc_year_became_permanent = p_year or
86         pc_year_became_permanent = p_year-1)     then
87       l_total_cotorep := l_total_cotorep + l_hire_units;     end if;
88   end if;
89         l_total_accident := l_base_unit;
90   if not(disability_rate is null) and (due_to_wa = 'Y') then
91         if (disability_rate >= l_xipp_low_rate)
92     and (disability_rate < l_xipp_medium_rate)
93     then
94       l_total_accident := l_total_accident + l_xipp_low_units;
95     elsif (disability_rate >= l_xipp_medium_rate)
96     and (disability_rate <= l_xipp_high_rate)
97     then
98       l_total_accident := l_total_accident + l_xipp_medium_units;
99     elsif (disability_rate > l_xipp_high_rate) then
100       l_total_accident := l_total_accident + l_xipp_high_units;
101     end if;
102         if (pc_year_became_permanent = p_year or
103         pc_year_became_permanent = p_year-1) then
104       l_total_accident := l_total_accident + l_hire_units;
105     end if;
106   end if;
107         l_total_other := l_base_unit;
108     if disability_class_code in ('CIVIL','MILITARY','MILITARY_EQUIVALENT') then
109         if (pc_year_became_permanent = p_year or
110         pc_year_became_permanent = p_year-1) then
111       l_total_other := l_total_other + l_hire_units;
112     end if;
113   end if;
114         pc_units_total := greatest(l_total_cotorep,l_total_accident,l_total_other);
115         pos1 := instr (pc_count_disabled,to_char(pid)||'=');
116   if pos1 = 0 then
117     pc_units_coef := 0;
118   else
119     pos1 := pos1 + NVL(length(to_char(pid)), 0) +1;
120     pos2 := instr (pc_count_disabled,';',pos1);
121     if pos2 = 0 then
122       pos2 := NVL(length(pc_count_disabled), 0) +1;
123     end if;
124     pc_units_coef := to_number(substr(pc_count_disabled,pos1,pos2-pos1));
125   end if;
126     pc_units_actual := round(pc_units_total*pc_units_coef,2);
127     return(1);
128 end;
130 function AfterPForm return boolean is
131 begin
132   PC_1JAN := to_date (to_char(P_YEAR)||'/01/01','YYYY/MM/DD');
133   PC_31DEC := to_date (to_char(P_YEAR)||'/12/31','YYYY/MM/DD');
134   PC_31DEC_m := to_char(PC_31DEC, 'dd-mon-yyyy');
135   return (TRUE);
136 end;
138 function BeforeReport return boolean is
139   l_return_code integer;
140   l_headcount_obligation number;
141   l_headcount_particular number;
142   l_basis_obligation number;
143   l_obligation number;
144   l_breakdown_particular varchar2(32000);
145   l_count_disabled varchar2(32000);
146   l_disabled_where_clause varchar2(32500);
147 begin
148   --Commented By Raj hr_standard.event('BEFORE REPORT');
149   l_return_code := per_fr_d2_pkg.set_headcounts
150                                     (P_ESTABLISHMENT_ID,
151                                      PC_1JAN,
152                                      PC_31DEC,
153                                      l_headcount_obligation,
154                                      l_headcount_particular,
155                                      l_basis_obligation,
156                                      l_obligation,
157                                      l_breakdown_particular,
158                                      l_count_disabled,
159                                      l_disabled_where_clause);
160   PC_HEADCOUNT_OBLIGATION := l_headcount_obligation;
161   PC_HEADCOUNT_PARTICULAR := l_headcount_particular;
162   PC_BASIS_OBLIGATION := l_basis_obligation;
163   PC_OBLIGATION := l_obligation;
164   PC_BREAKDOWN_PARTICULAR := l_breakdown_particular;
165   PC_COUNT_DISABLED := l_count_disabled;
166   PC_DISABLED_WHERE_CLAUSE := l_disabled_where_clause;
167   return (TRUE);
168 end;
170 function fc_set_job_infoformula(pid in number) return number is
171   l_pcs_code              varchar2(10);
172   l_job_title             varchar2(240);
173   l_hours_training        number;
174   l_hire_year             number;
175   l_year_became_permanent number;
176 begin
177   per_fr_d2_pkg.get_job_info(p_establishment_id,
178                              pid,
179                              pc_1jan,
180                              pc_31dec,
181                              p_year,
182                              l_pcs_code,
183                              l_job_title,
184                              l_hours_training,
185                              l_hire_year,
186                              l_year_became_permanent);
187   pc_pcs_code := l_pcs_code;
188   pc_job_title := l_job_title;
189   pc_hours_training := l_hours_training;
190   pc_hire_year := l_hire_year;
191   pc_year_became_permanent := l_year_became_permanent;
192   return(1);
193 end;
195 function g_disabled_empgroupfilter(disability_start_date in date, disability_end_date in date) return boolean is
196 begin
197   if nvl(disability_start_date,to_date('1900/01/01','YYYY/MM/DD')) <= pc_31dec
198     and nvl(disability_end_date,to_date('4712/12/31','YYYY/MM/DD')) >= pc_1jan
199   then
200     return (TRUE);
201   else
202     return (FALSE);
203   end if;
204 RETURN NULL; end;
206 function AfterReport return boolean is
207 begin
208   --Commented By Raj hr_standard.event('AFTER REPORT');
209   return (TRUE);
211 end;
213 --Functions to refer Oracle report placeholders--
215  Function PC_HIRE_YEAR_p return number is
216 	Begin
217 	 return PC_HIRE_YEAR;
218 	 END;
219  Function PC_YEAR_BECAME_PERMANENT_p return number is
220 	Begin
222 	 END;
223  Function PC_JOB_TITLE_p return varchar2 is
224 	Begin
225 	 return PC_JOB_TITLE;
226 	 END;
227  Function PC_HOURS_TRAINING_p return number is
228 	Begin
229 	 return PC_HOURS_TRAINING;
230 	 END;
231  Function PC_PCS_CODE_p return varchar2 is
232 	Begin
233 	 return PC_PCS_CODE;
234 	 END;
235  Function PC_UNITS_TOTAL_p return number is
236 	Begin
237 	 return PC_UNITS_TOTAL;
238 	 END;
239  Function PC_UNITS_COEF_p return number is
240 	Begin
241 	 return PC_UNITS_COEF;
242 	 END;
243  Function PC_UNITS_ACTUAL_p return number is
244 	Begin
245 	 return PC_UNITS_ACTUAL;
246 	 END;
247  Function PC_DISABLED_WHERE_CLAUSE_p return varchar2 is
248 	Begin
250 	 END;
251  Function PC_HEADCOUNT_OBLIGATION_p return number is
252 	Begin
254 	 END;
255  Function PC_HEADCOUNT_PARTICULAR_p return number is
256 	Begin
258 	 END;
259  Function PC_BASIS_OBLIGATION_p return number is
260 	Begin
262 	 END;
263  Function PC_OBLIGATION_p return number is
264 	Begin
265 	 return PC_OBLIGATION;
266 	 END;
267  Function PC_BREAKDOWN_PARTICULAR_p return varchar2 is
268 	Begin
270 	 END;
271  Function PC_COUNT_DISABLED_p return varchar2 is
272 	Begin
273 	 return PC_COUNT_DISABLED;
274 	 END;