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Line 139: -- HZ_LOCATIONS which meet the parameters passed in

135: -- Called from address validation conc program (ARHADDRV)
136: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
137: -- It will do the following
138: -- 1) Accept parameters from conc program and retrieve rows from
139: -- HZ_LOCATIONS which meet the parameters passed in
140: -- 2) Raise wf event to enerate xml document base on the rows retrieved.
141: -- It may split up all rows into different batch due to the maximum batch
142: -- size defined for each adapter.
143: ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Line 218: -- get the min creation_date from HZ_LOCATIONS

214: SELECT maximum_batch_size
215: FROM hz_adapters
216: WHERE adapter_id = l_adapter_id;
218: -- get the min creation_date from HZ_LOCATIONS
219: CURSOR get_min_cr_date IS
220: SELECT to_char(min(creation_date), 'DD-MON-YYYY')
221: FROM hz_locations;

Line 221: FROM hz_locations;

218: -- get the min creation_date from HZ_LOCATIONS
219: CURSOR get_min_cr_date IS
220: SELECT to_char(min(creation_date), 'DD-MON-YYYY')
221: FROM hz_locations;
223: -- get worker status
224: CURSOR get_worker_status(l_request_id NUMBER) IS

Line 329: l_where_clause := 'select count(1) from HZ_LOCATIONS '||

325: FETCH get_maxmin_scode INTO l_max_vsc, l_min_vsc;
326: CLOSE get_maxmin_scode;
328: -- construct where clause to find out the total number of locations
329: l_where_clause := 'select count(1) from HZ_LOCATIONS '||
330: 'where actual_content_source = ''USER_ENTERED'' and nvl(do_not_validate_flag,''N'') = ''N''';
331: IF((p_validation_status_op IS NOT NULL) AND (p_validation_status_code IS NOT NULL)) THEN
332: l_where_clause := l_where_clause||' and validation_status_code '
333: ||p_validation_status_op||' :p_val_status_code';

Line 511: -- HZ_LOCATIONS which meet the parameters passed in

507: -- Called from address validation conc program (ARHADDRV)
508: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
509: -- It will do the following
510: -- 1) Accept parameters from conc program and retrieve rows from
511: -- HZ_LOCATIONS which meet the parameters passed in
512: -- 2) Raise wf event to enerate xml document base on the rows retrieved.
513: -- It may split up all rows into different batch due to the maximum batch
514: -- size defined for each adapter.
515: ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Line 678: from HZ_LOCATIONS

675: CURSOR get_loc_obj_version_number(l_location_id NUMBER) IS
676: select object_version_number, state, province, country,
677: county, postal_code, city, rowid
678: from HZ_LOCATIONS
679: where location_id = l_location_id;
681: CURSOR get_content_source(l_adapter_id NUMBER) IS
682: select adapter_content_source

Line 696: FROM hz_locations

693: -- check if the current location record has been validated
694: CURSOR is_standardized(l_location_id NUMBER) IS
695: SELECT 'X'
696: FROM hz_locations
697: WHERE location_id = l_location_id
698: AND date_validated IS NOT NULL
699: AND validation_status_code IS NOT NULL;

Line 820: -- not doing any update on HZ_LOCATIONS, but only

816: p_location_rec => l_location_rec,
817: p_create_update_flag => 'U',
818: x_return_status => l_return_status );
820: -- not doing any update on HZ_LOCATIONS, but only
821: -- put location profile to keep history if needed
822: IF l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error THEN
824: log('Tax validation not passed.');

Line 924: -- update HZ_LOCATIONS directly only if the allow update profile is yes

920: -- not raising error, continue the next record
921: log('Unexpected error at update_location_profile. Rollback changes.');
922: rollback to get_validated_xml_pub;
923: ELSIF(l_return_status = FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS) THEN
924: -- update HZ_LOCATIONS directly only if the allow update profile is yes
925: -- AND validation_status_code is below threshold
926: IF(l_validation_sst_flag = 'Y') THEN
927: BEGIN

Line 942: UPDATE hz_locations

938: l_location_rec.postal_code,
939: NULL, NULL);
940: log('Update location.');
942: UPDATE hz_locations
943: SET address1 = l_location_rec.address1,
944: address2 = l_location_rec.address2,
945: address3 = l_location_rec.address3,
946: address4 = l_location_rec.address4,

Line 1140: where location_table_name = 'HZ_LOCATIONS'

1136: */
1137: CURSOR chk_gnr(l_loc_id NUMBER) IS
1138: select 1
1139: from hz_geo_name_reference_log
1140: where location_table_name = 'HZ_LOCATIONS'
1141: and location_id = l_loc_id
1142: and rownum = 1;
1144: l_location_rec hz_location_v2pub.location_rec_type;

Line 1164: HZ_GNR_PUB.PROCESS_GNR(p_location_table_name => 'HZ_LOCATIONS',

1160: CLOSE chk_gnr;
1162: IF(l_dummy IS NOT NULL) THEN
1163: log('Start HZ_GNR_PUB.PROCESS_GNR call.');
1164: HZ_GNR_PUB.PROCESS_GNR(p_location_table_name => 'HZ_LOCATIONS',
1165: p_location_id => l_location_rec.location_id,
1166: p_call_type => 'U',
1167: x_return_status => x_return_status,
1168: x_msg_count => x_msg_count,