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1 package body iby_queryset_pkg as
2 /*$Header: ibyqsetb.pls 115.11 2002/11/19 23:50:17 jleybovi ship $*/
4   /* This procedure gets the trxn info for this particular     */
5   /* trxn.  Given a merchant_id, order_id, split_id,           */
6   /* payment_operation, and vendor_id, it returns              */
7   /* the status (if the operation occurred before -- useful for*/
8   /* determining retries) and the set_trxn_id to indicate the  */
9   /* parent SET trxn to the vendor.                            */
11   PROCEDURE get_settrxninfo
12         (merchant_id_in          IN     IBY_Payee.PayeeID%TYPE,
13          order_id_in             IN     iby_trxn_summaries_all.TangibleID%TYPE,
14          split_id_in             IN     iby_trxn_extended.SplitID%TYPE,
15          payment_operation_in    IN     iby_trxn_summaries_all.PaymentMethodName%TYPE,
16          vendor_id_in            IN     IBY_BEPInfo.BEPID%TYPE,
17          status_out              OUT NOCOPY iby_trxn_summaries_all.Status%TYPE,
18          prev_set_trxn_id_in_out IN OUT NOCOPY iby_trxn_extended.SETTrxnID%TYPE,
19          price_out               OUT NOCOPY iby_trxn_summaries_all.Amount%TYPE,
20          currency_out            OUT NOCOPY iby_trxn_summaries_all.CurrencyNameCode%TYPE,
21          previous_price_out      OUT NOCOPY iby_trxn_summaries_all.Amount%TYPE,
22          previous_currency_out   OUT NOCOPY iby_trxn_summaries_all.CurrencyNameCode%TYPE)
23   IS
24     in_trxn_type 	   NUMBER;
25     num_trxns              NUMBER;
26     num_succ_trxns         NUMBER;
27     max_time               DATE;
28   BEGIN
29     -- NULL or make zero output parameters just in case
30     status_out := NULL;
31     price_out := NULL;
32     currency_out := NULL;
33     previous_price_out := NULL;
34     previous_currency_out := NULL;
35     in_trxn_type := NULL;
36     -- If not a query operation, get status of current trxn, if it's
37     -- already in database
38     IF (UPPER(payment_operation_in) = 'ORASET_BATCHADMIN')
39     THEN
40       -- Trxn is a batch operation, so look into the batch
41       -- table to get the status of the previous operation,
42       -- if any, to help set the RETRY flag
43       SELECT count(*)
44         INTO num_trxns
45         FROM iby_batches_all
46        WHERE BatchID = order_id_in;
47       IF (num_trxns > 0)
48       THEN
49         SELECT BatchStatus
50           INTO status_out
51           FROM iby_batches_all
52          WHERE BatchID = order_id_in;
53       END IF;
54     ELSIF ((UPPER(payment_operation_in) <> 'ORASET_QRYBATCHSTATUS') AND
55            (UPPER(payment_operation_in) <> 'ORASET_TRXNSTATUSQUERY'))
56     THEN
57       -- Not a batch or query operation, so get the status from
58       -- the SET table
59       getStatus_SET(order_id_in, merchant_id_in, UPPER(payment_operation_in), split_id_in, status_out);
60       -- get previous price information
61       getAmount_SET(order_id_in, merchant_id_in, UPPER(payment_operation_in), split_id_in, previous_price_out,previous_currency_out);
62       -- Do additional processing per operation to get previous SET trxn id
63       IF (UPPER(payment_operation_in) = 'ORASET_AUTH')
64       THEN
65         -- It's a subsequent auth, so raise an error since this
66         -- procedure is not to be used for this case
68        	raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_20311#', FALSE);
69         --raise_application_error(-20311,'GET_SETTRXNID: This procedure does not handle split auths, use processSplitAuth instead');
70       ELSIF (UPPER(payment_operation_in) = 'ORASET_AUTHREV')
71       THEN
72         -- It's an auth reversal, so parent will be
73         -- an auth (VeriFone doesn't support authrev of subsequentauth)
74         -- dbms_output.put_line('In ORASET_AUTHREV, m_id, o_id, m_tx_id: '||merchant_id_in||' '||order_id_in||' '||split_id_in);
76         -- See how many trxns of type SET (PREQ=2) or AUTH
77         -- of this order_id, trxn_id occurred before
78         SELECT count(*)
79           INTO num_trxns
80           FROM iby_transactions_set_v
81          WHERE order_id = order_id_in
82            AND merchant_id = merchant_id_in
83            AND trxn_type IN (2)
84            AND split_id = split_id_in
85            AND (request_type IN (2,4)
86                 OR
87                 request_type IS NULL)
88            AND status = 0;
89         -- dbms_output.put_line('Num m_trx_ids found for oid,mid,mtxid combo: '||num_trxns);
90         IF (num_trxns = 1)
91         THEN
92           -- Only one matching trxn, so get the SET trxn id
93           -- dbms_output.put_line('Getting SET Trxn ID');
94           SELECT TRX.set_trxn_id, TRX.amount, TRX.currency
95             INTO prev_set_trxn_id_in_out,price_out,currency_out
96             FROM iby_transactions_set_v TRX
97            WHERE order_id = order_id_in
98              AND merchant_id = merchant_id_in
99              AND trxn_type IN (2)
100              AND split_id = split_id_in
101              AND (request_type IN (2,4)
102                   OR
103                   request_type IS NULL)
104              AND status = 0;
105           -- dbms_output.put_line('SET trxn id: '||prev_set_trxn_id_in_out);
106         ELSIF (num_trxns = 0)
107         THEN
108           -- No matching trxns, so return error
109        	  raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_20312#', FALSE);
110           --raise_application_error(-20312,'No authorization matching given order_id '||order_id_in||', split_id '||split_id_in||' to be voided');
111         ELSE
112           -- Too many transactions match
113        	  raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_20313#', FALSE);
114           --raise_application_error(-20313,num_trxns || ' duplicate transactions matching given order_id, split_id: '||order_id_in||' '||split_id_in||' to be voided');
115         END IF;
116       ELSIF  (UPPER(payment_operation_in) = 'ORASET_CAPTURE')
117       THEN
118         -- It's a capture, so parent will be
119         -- an auth, authrev or subsequentauth
120         -- dbms_output.put_line('In ORASET_CAPTURE, m_id, o_id, m_tx_id: '||merchant_id_in||' '||order_id_in||' '||split_id_in);
121         -- See how many trxns of type SET (PREQ=2) or AUTH
122         -- of this order_id, trxn_id occurred before
123         SELECT count(*)
124           INTO num_trxns
125           FROM iby_transactions_set_v
126          WHERE order_id = order_id_in
127            AND merchant_id = merchant_id_in
128            AND trxn_type IN (2,4,101) -- auth, authrev, or subsequentauth
129            AND split_id = split_id_in
130            AND (request_type IN (2,4)
131                 OR
132                 request_type IS NULL)
133            AND status = 0;
134         -- dbms_output.put_line('Num m_trx_ids found for oid,mid,mtxid combo: '||num_trxns);
135         IF (num_trxns = 2)
136         THEN
137           -- If two transactions match, then get the authrev, which will be
138           -- later than the auth or the subsequentauth
139           SELECT count(*)
140             INTO num_trxns
141             FROM iby_transactions_set_v
142            WHERE order_id = order_id_in
143              AND merchant_id = merchant_id_in
144              AND trxn_type = 4 		-- authrev
145              AND split_id = split_id_in
146              AND (request_type IN (2,4)
147                   OR
148                   request_type IS NULL)
149              AND status = 0;
150           IF (num_trxns = 1)
151           THEN
152             -- Only one matching trxn, so get the SET trxn id
153             -- dbms_output.put_line('Getting SET Trxn ID');
154             SELECT TRX.set_trxn_id, TRX.amount, TRX.currency
155               INTO prev_set_trxn_id_in_out,price_out,currency_out
156               FROM iby_transactions_set_v TRX
157              WHERE order_id = order_id_in
158                AND merchant_id = merchant_id_in
159                AND trxn_type = 4         --authrev
160                AND split_id = split_id_in
161                AND (request_type IN (2,4)
162                     OR
163                     request_type IS NULL)
164                AND status = 0;
166                -- dbms_output.put_line('SET trxn id: '||prev_set_trxn_id_in_out);
168           ELSIF (num_trxns = 0)
169           THEN
170             -- No matching trxns, so return error
171 	    raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_20314#', FALSE);
172             --raise_application_error(-20314,'No void (of authorization) matching given order_id '||order_id_in||', split_id '||split_id_in||' to capture');
173           ELSE
174             -- Too many transactions match
175        		raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_20315#', FALSE);
176             --raise_application_error(-20315,num_trxns||' duplicate void of auth transactions matching given order_id, split_id: '||order_id_in||' '||split_id_in||' to capture');
177           END IF;
178         ELSIF (num_trxns = 1)
179         THEN
180           -- Only one matching trxn, so get the SET trxn id
181           -- dbms_output.put_line('Getting SET Trxn ID');
183           SELECT TRX.set_trxn_id, TRX.amount, TRX.currency
184             INTO prev_set_trxn_id_in_out,price_out,currency_out
185             FROM iby_transactions_set_v TRX
186            WHERE order_id = order_id_in
187              AND merchant_id = merchant_id_in
188              AND trxn_type IN (2, 4, 101)
189              AND split_id = split_id_in
190              AND (request_type IN (2,4)
191                   OR
192                   request_type IS NULL)
193              AND status = 0;
194           -- dbms_output.put_line('SET trxn id: '||prev_set_trxn_id_in_out);
195         ELSIF (num_trxns = 0)
196         THEN
197           -- No matching trxns, so return error
198        	raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_20316#', FALSE);
199           --raise_application_error(-20316,'No authorization matching given order_id '||order_id_in||', split_id '||split_id_in||'merchant_id_in'||merchant_id_in||' to capture');
200         ELSE
201           -- Too many transactions match
202        	raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_20317#', FALSE);
203           --raise_application_error(-20317,num_trxns||' duplicate transactions matching given order_id, split_id: '||order_id_in||' '||split_id_in);
204         END IF;
205       ELSIF ((UPPER(payment_operation_in) = 'ORASET_CAPREV') OR
206              (UPPER(payment_operation_in) = 'ORASET_CREDIT'))
207       THEN
208         -- It's a capture reversal or credit operation, so parent
209         -- trxn will be a capture or an auth capture
210         -- dbms_output.put_line('In ORASET_CAPREV or CREDIT, m_id, o_id, m_tx_id: '||merchant_id_in||' '||order_id_in||' '||split_id_in);
211         -- See if trxn is duplicate
212         SELECT count(*)
213           INTO num_trxns
214           FROM iby_transactions_set_v
215          WHERE order_id = order_id_in
216            AND merchant_id = merchant_id_in
217            AND ( trxn_type IN (8, 9)
218                  OR
219                  (trxn_type = 3 AND request_type IN (2,4)))
220            AND split_id = split_id_in;
221         -- dbms_output.put_line('Num m_trx_ids found for oid,mid,mtxid combo: '||num_trxns);
222         IF (num_trxns = 1)
223         THEN
224           -- dbms_output.put_line('Getting SET Trxn ID');
226           SELECT TRX.set_trxn_id, TRX.amount, TRX.currency
227             INTO prev_set_trxn_id_in_out,price_out,currency_out
228             FROM iby_transactions_set_v TRX
229            WHERE order_id = order_id_in
230              AND merchant_id = merchant_id_in
231              AND  ( trxn_type IN (8, 9)
232                     OR
233                   (trxn_type = 3 AND request_type IN (2,4)))
234              AND split_id = split_id_in;
235           -- dbms_output.put_line('SET trxn id: '||prev_set_trxn_id_in_out);
236         ELSIF (num_trxns = 0)
237         THEN
238            	raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_20318#', FALSE);
239           --raise_application_error(-20318,'No CAPTURE trxn matching given order_id '||order_id_in||', split_id '||split_id_in||' to to void or credit');
240         ELSE
241           -- Too many transactions match
242        	raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_20319#', FALSE);
243           --raise_application_error(-20319,num_trxns||' duplicate transactions '||num_trxns||' matching given order_id, split_id: '||order_id_in||' '||split_id_in);
244         END IF;
245       ELSIF (UPPER(payment_operation_in) = 'ORASET_CREDITREV')
246       THEN
247         -- It's a credit reversal, so parent will be a credit
248         -- dbms_output.put_line('In ORASET_CREDITREV, m_id, o_id, m_tx_id: '||merchant_id_in||' '||order_id_in||' '||split_id_in);
249         -- See if trxn is duplicate
250         SELECT count(*)
251           INTO num_trxns
252           FROM iby_transactions_set_v
253          WHERE order_id = order_id_in
254            AND merchant_id = merchant_id_in
255            AND trxn_type = 5
256            AND split_id = split_id_in;
257         -- dbms_output.put_line('Num m_trx_ids found for oid,mid,mtxid combo: '||num_trxns);
258         IF (num_trxns = 1)
259         THEN
260           -- dbms_output.put_line('Getting SET Trxn ID');
262           SELECT TRX.set_trxn_id, TRX.amount, TRX.currency
263             INTO prev_set_trxn_id_in_out,price_out,currency_out
264             FROM iby_transactions_set_v TRX
265            WHERE order_id = order_id_in
266              AND merchant_id = merchant_id_in
267              AND trxn_type = 5
268              AND split_id = split_id_in;
269           -- dbms_output.put_line('SET trxn id: '||prev_set_trxn_id_in_out);
270         ELSIF (num_trxns = 0)
271         THEN
272        	raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_20320#', FALSE);
273           --raise_application_error(-20320,'No RETURN/CREDIT trxn matching given order_id '||order_id_in||', split_id '||split_id_in||' to be voided');
274         ELSE
275           -- Too many transactions match
276        	raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_20321#', FALSE);
277           --raise_application_error(-20321,num_trxns||' duplicate RETURN/CREDIT transactions matching given order_id, split_id: '||order_id_in||' '||split_id_in);
278         END IF;
279       END IF;
280     END IF;
281   END get_settrxninfo;
284   /* Internal procedure to get the vendor configuration by the */
285   /* payment name.                                             */
286  /** was this procedure used any where??? --jjwu*/
288 /*	-- no longer supported
289   PROCEDURE getVendorByPmtName
290        (payment_name_in   IN     iby_routinginfo.PaymentMethodName%TYPE,
291          p_id              IN OUT NOCOPY iby_routinginfo.PaymentMethodID%TYPE,
292          v_id              IN OUT NOCOPY IBY_BEPInfo.BEPID%TYPE,
293          v_suffix          OUT NOCOPY IBY_BEPInfo.suffix%TYPE,
294          v_base_url        OUT NOCOPY IBY_BEPInfo.BaseURL%TYPE,
295          v_pmtscheme       IN OUT NOCOPY iby_pmtschemes.PmtSchemeName%TYPE)
296   IS
297   BEGIN
299      -- Get bep info based on paymentmethod name
300      SELECT ROUT.bepid , BEP.baseurl, BEP.suffix
301        INTO v_id, v_base_url, v_suffix
302        FROM iby_bepinfo BEP, iby_routinginfo ROUT
303       WHERE UPPER(ROUT.paymentmethodname) = UPPER(payment_name_in)
304         AND BEP.bepid = ROUT.bepid
305         AND ROUT.configured = 1;
308 	iby_pmtschemes_pkg.getPmtSchemeName(v_id, v_pmtscheme);
314       IF p_id IS NULL
315       THEN
316        	raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_20331#', FALSE);
317         --raise_application_error(-20331,'Invalid payment method (OapfPmtType).' || UPPER(payment_name_in));
318       END IF;
320        	raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_20330#', FALSE);
321       --raise_application_error(-20330,'NO DATA FOUND error in getVendorByPmtName.');
323   END getVendorByPmtName;
324 */
327   /* Procedure used to get the status for a particular SET     */
328   /* trxn.  The status_out will be set to some value if the    */
329   /* order occurred previously, else it'll be null.            */
330   PROCEDURE getStatus_SET
331        (order_id_in           IN   iby_trxn_summaries_all.TangibleID%TYPE,
332         merchant_id_in        IN   IBY_Payee.PayeeID%TYPE,
336   IS
333         payment_operation_in  IN   VARCHAR2,
334         split_id_in           IN   iby_trxn_extended.SplitID%TYPE,
335         status_out            OUT NOCOPY iby_trxn_summaries_all.Status%TYPE)
337     loc_status  iby_transactions_set_v.status%TYPE;
338     num_trxns   NUMBER;
339     max_time    DATE;
340     CURSOR s1(tx1 NUMBER,
341               tx2 NUMBER DEFAULT NULL) IS
342          SELECT status
343            FROM iby_transactions_set_v
344            WHERE order_id = order_id_in
345            AND merchant_id = merchant_id_in
346            AND trxn_type IN (tx1, tx2)
347            AND split_id = split_id_in
348            ORDER BY time DESC;
349    BEGIN
351      -- Depending on the payment operation the trxn_type varies
352      -- So we need to select based on this set
353      -- For an explanation of various trxn_types refer the design doc
355      IF (payment_operation_in <> 'ORASET_SET')
356      THEN
357        -- Handle normally
358        IF payment_operation_in = 'ORASET_INIT' THEN
359          OPEN s1(0);
360        ELSIF payment_operation_in = 'ORASET_AUTHREV' THEN
361          OPEN s1(4,7);
362        ELSIF payment_operation_in = 'ORASET_CAPTURE' THEN
363          OPEN s1(8);
364        ELSIF payment_operation_in = 'ORASET_CAPREV' THEN
365          OPEN s1(13);
366        ELSIF payment_operation_in = 'ORASET_CREDIT' THEN
367          OPEN s1(5);
368        ELSIF payment_operation_in = 'ORASET_CREDITREV' THEN
369          OPEN s1(17);
370        END IF;
372        -- Fetch the first row to check the status
373        FETCH s1 INTO loc_status;
374        IF s1%FOUND THEN
375          -- Make sure it's not an empty status
376          IF (loc_status IS NULL)
377          THEN
378            status_out := 9999;
379          ELSE
380            status_out := loc_status;
381          END IF;
383        ELSE
384          -- No rows found
385          status_out := NULL;
386        END IF;
388        CLOSE s1;
389      ELSE
390        -- oraset_set requires special handling because in the SET protocol,
391        -- TWO oraset_set trxns are logged into the DB:  one for
392        -- PInitReq (request_type=1) and one for PReq (request_type=2)
393        -- Get number of PReq trxns
394        SELECT count(*)
395          INTO num_trxns
396          FROM iby_transactions_set_v
397          WHERE order_id = order_id_in
398          AND merchant_id = merchant_id_in
399          AND trxn_type in (2,3)
400          AND request_type = 2;
401        -- dbms_output.put_line('Num PREQ trxns: '||num_trxns);
402        IF (num_trxns = 0)
403        THEN
404          status_out := null;
406        ELSE
407          -- A previous PReq was found
408          SELECT status
409            INTO loc_status
410            FROM iby_transactions_set_v
411            WHERE order_id = order_id_in
412            AND merchant_id = merchant_id_in
413            AND trxn_type in (2,3)
414            AND request_type = 2
415            ORDER BY TIME DESC;
416            IF (loc_status IS NULL)
417            THEN
418              status_out := 9999;
419            ELSE
420              status_out := loc_status;
421            END IF;
422        END IF;
423      END IF;
424    END getStatus_SET;
427   /* Procedure used to get the status for a particular SET     */
428   /* trxn.  The status_out will be set to some value if the    */
429   /* order occurred previously, else it'll be null.            */
430   PROCEDURE getAmount_SET
431       (order_id_in           IN   iby_trxn_summaries_all.TangibleID%TYPE,
432         merchant_id_in        IN   IBY_Payee.PayeeID%TYPE,
433         payment_operation_in  IN   VARCHAR2,
434         split_id_in           IN   iby_trxn_extended.SplitID%TYPE,
435         price_out             OUT NOCOPY iby_trxn_summaries_all.Amount%TYPE,
436         currency_out          OUT NOCOPY iby_trxn_summaries_all.CurrencyNameCode%TYPE)
437   IS
438     num_trxns   NUMBER;
439     max_time    DATE;
440     CURSOR s1(tx1 NUMBER,
441               tx2 NUMBER DEFAULT NULL) IS
442          SELECT amount,currency
443            FROM iby_transactions_set_v
444            WHERE order_id = order_id_in
445            AND merchant_id = merchant_id_in
446            AND trxn_type IN (tx1, tx2)
447            AND split_id = split_id_in
448            ORDER BY time DESC;
449    BEGIN
451      -- Depending on the payment operation the trxn_type varies
452      -- So we need to select based on this set
453      -- For an explanation of various trxn_types refer the design doc
454      price_out := NULL;
455      currency_out := NULL;
457      IF (payment_operation_in <> 'ORASET_SET')
458      THEN
459        -- Handle normally
460        IF payment_operation_in = 'ORASET_INIT' THEN
461          OPEN s1(0);
462        ELSIF payment_operation_in = 'ORASET_AUTH' THEN
463          OPEN s1(101);
464        ELSIF payment_operation_in = 'ORASET_AUTHREV' THEN
465          OPEN s1(4,7);
466        ELSIF payment_operation_in = 'ORASET_CAPTURE' THEN
467          OPEN s1(8);
468        ELSIF payment_operation_in = 'ORASET_CAPREV' THEN
469          OPEN s1(13);
470        ELSIF payment_operation_in = 'ORASET_CREDIT' THEN
471          OPEN s1(5);
472        ELSIF payment_operation_in = 'ORASET_CREDITREV' THEN
473          OPEN s1(17);
474        END IF;
476        -- Fetch the first row to check the status
477        FETCH s1 INTO price_out,currency_out;
478        CLOSE s1;
479      ELSE
480        -- oraset_set requires special handling because in the SET protocol,
481        -- TWO oraset_set trxns are logged into the DB:  one for
482        -- PInitReq (request_type=1) and one for PReq (request_type=2)
483        -- Get number of PReq trxns
484        SELECT count(*)
485          INTO num_trxns
486          FROM iby_transactions_set_v
487          WHERE order_id = order_id_in
488          AND merchant_id = merchant_id_in
489          AND trxn_type in (2,3)
490          AND request_type = 2;
491        -- dbms_output.put_line('Num PREQ trxns: '||num_trxns);
492        IF (num_trxns > 0)
493        THEN
494          -- A previous PReq was found
495          SELECT amount,currency
496            INTO price_out, currency_out
497            FROM iby_transactions_set_v
498            WHERE order_id = order_id_in
499            AND merchant_id = merchant_id_in
500            AND trxn_type in (2,3)
501            AND request_type = 2
502            ORDER BY TIME DESC;
503        END IF;
504      END IF;
505    END getAmount_SET;
508   /* Procedure used for orasubsequentauth instead of the       */
509   /* getStatus_SET procedure.  It performs some special        */
510   /* processing.                                               */
512   PROCEDURE processsplitauth
513         (merchant_id_in        IN     IBY_Payee.PayeeID%TYPE,
514          order_id_in           IN     iby_trxn_summaries_all.TangibleID%TYPE,
515          prev_split_id_in      IN     iby_trxn_extended.SPlitID%TYPE,
516          split_id_in           IN     iby_trxn_extended.SPlitID%TYPE,
517          vendor_id_in          IN     IBY_Payee.PayeeID%TYPE,
518          status_out            OUT NOCOPY iby_trxn_summaries_all.Status%TYPE,
519          set_trxn_id_out       IN OUT NOCOPY iby_trxn_extended.SETTrxnID%TYPE,
520          previous_price_out    OUT NOCOPY iby_trxn_summaries_all.Amount%TYPE,
521          previous_currency_out OUT NOCOPY iby_trxn_summaries_all.CurrencyNameCode%TYPE)
522   IS
523     num_trxns        NUMBER;
524     max_time         DATE;
525     num_succ_trxns   NUMBER;
526     auth_ind         NUMBER;
527   BEGIN
528     num_trxns := NULL;
529     max_time := NULL;
530     num_succ_trxns := NULL;
531     -- get previous price information
532     getAmount_SET(order_id_in, merchant_id_in,'ORASET_AUTH', split_id_in, previous_price_out,previous_currency_out);
533     -- See if trxn is duplicate
534     SELECT count(*)
535       INTO num_trxns
536       FROM iby_transactions_set_v
537      WHERE order_id = order_id_in
538        AND merchant_id = merchant_id_in
539        AND split_id = split_id_in
540        AND trxn_type = 101;
541     -- dbms_output.put_line('Num m_trx_ids found for oid,mid,mtxid combo: '||num_trxns);
543     IF (num_trxns > 0)
544     THEN
545       -- Duplicate transaction found, so return status of that
546       -- transaction
547       -- dbms_output.put_line('Dup txn id');
548       SELECT status
549         INTO status_out
550         FROM iby_transactions_set_v
551        WHERE order_id = order_id_in
552          AND merchant_id = merchant_id_in
553          AND split_id = split_id_in
554          AND trxn_type = 101;
555     END IF;
557     -- Get count number of successful parent set trxn ids
558     SELECT count(*)
559       INTO num_trxns
560       FROM iby_transactions_set_v
561      WHERE order_id = order_id_in
562        AND merchant_id = merchant_id_in
563        AND split_id = prev_split_id_in
564        AND trxn_type IN (2, 101)
565        AND (request_type IN (2,4)
566             OR
567             request_type IS NULL)
568        AND status = 0;
569     IF (num_trxns = 0)
570     THEN
571        	raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_20391#', FALSE);
572       --raise_application_error(-20391,'processSplitAuth: Either parent not found or parent not successful.  Please check parameters and perhaps query trxn status');
573     ELSE
574       -- dbms_output.put_line('found # of parents: '||num_trxns);
575       -- Get previous SET transaction id and
576       -- subsequent authorization indicator
577       SELECT set_trxn_id, subseq_auth_ind
578         INTO set_trxn_id_out, auth_ind
579         FROM iby_transactions_set_v
580        WHERE order_id = order_id_in
581          AND merchant_id = merchant_id_in
582          AND split_id = prev_split_id_in
583          AND trxn_type IN (2,101)
584          AND (request_type IN (2,4)
585               OR
586               request_type IS NULL)
587          AND status = 0;
589       -- dbms_output.put_line('Prev SET trxn id: '||set_trxn_id_out);
590       -- Check to see if the previous transaction allows a split.
591       -- If not, return an error.
592       IF (auth_ind <> 1)
593       THEN
594        	raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_20392#', FALSE);
595         --raise_application_error(-20392,'Previous transaction does not allow a subsequent authorization - subseq_auth_ind is not 1');
596       END IF;
597     END IF;
598   END processSplitAuth;
600 END iby_queryset_pkg;