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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 110

  l_last_update_date   DATE;
Line: 111

  l_last_updated_by    INTEGER;
Line: 112

  l_last_update_login  INTEGER;
Line: 181

  ,p_last_update_date           => l_last_update_date
  ,p_last_updated_by            => l_last_updated_by
  ,p_last_update_login          => l_last_update_login
  ,p_retcode			=> l_retcode
  ,p_msg_mode			=> xla_datafixes_pub.g_msg_mode);
Line: 312

  l_last_update_date   DATE;
Line: 313

  l_last_updated_by    INTEGER;
Line: 314

  l_last_update_login  INTEGER;
Line: 347

  SELECT evt.process_status_code
  INTO   l_process_status
  FROM   xla_ae_headers xah, xla_events evt
  WHERE  xah.application_id = p_application_id
  AND    xah.ae_header_id   = p_ae_header_id
  AND    evt.application_id = p_application_id
  AND    xah.event_id       = evt.event_id;
Line: 430

        ,p_last_update_date     => l_last_update_date
        ,p_last_updated_by      => l_last_updated_by
        ,p_last_update_login    => l_last_update_login
        ,p_retcode              => l_retcode
        ,p_msg_mode             => xla_datafixes_pub.g_msg_mode);
Line: 514

    SELECT xgl.currency_code, xsu.je_source_name
      FROM xla_gl_ledgers_v xgl
         , xla_ae_headers   xah
         , xla_events       evt
         , xla_subledgers   xsu
     WHERE xgl.ledger_id      = xah.ledger_id
       AND xsu.application_id = xah.application_id
       AND xah.ae_header_id   = p_ae_header_id
       AND xah.application_id = p_application_id
       AND evt.process_status_code = 'U'
       AND evt.application_id = p_application_id
       AND xah.event_id       = evt.event_id;
Line: 537

  l_last_update_date           DATE;
Line: 538

  l_last_updated_by            INTEGER;
Line: 539

  l_last_update_login          INTEGER;
Line: 607

       ,p_last_update_date           => l_last_update_date
       ,p_last_updated_by            => l_last_updated_by
       ,p_last_update_login          => l_last_update_login
       ,p_transfer_request_id        => l_transfer_request_id
       ,p_retcode		     => x_completion_retcode
       ,p_msg_mode		     => xla_datafixes_pub.g_msg_mode);