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APPS.IGS_EN_GEN_006 dependencies on IGS_EN_GEN_002

Line 78: v_alternate_code := IGS_EN_GEN_002.ENRP_GET_ACAD_ALT_CD (

74: CLOSE c_scae_ci;
75: p_enrolment_cat := v_enrolment_cat;
76: -- Check if a link exists for the teaching period to the
77: -- academic calendar of the new IGS_PS_COURSE offering option.
78: v_alternate_code := IGS_EN_GEN_002.ENRP_GET_ACAD_ALT_CD (
79: v_cal_type,
80: v_ci_sequence_number,
81: v_acad_cal_type,
82: v_acad_ci_sequence_number,

Line 754: IGS_EN_GEN_002.enrp_get_acai_offer(acaiv.ADM_OUTCOME_STATUS,

750: ) acaiv
752: WHERE acaiv.person_id = p_person_id AND
753: acaiv.course_cd = p_course_cd AND
754: IGS_EN_GEN_002.enrp_get_acai_offer(acaiv.ADM_OUTCOME_STATUS,
756: acaiv.acad_cal_type = p_acad_cal_type AND
757: acaiv.acad_ci_sequence_number = p_acad_ci_sequence_number
758: ORDER BY acaiv.offer_dt DESC; -- use latest offer date

Line 1062: v_dummy := IGS_EN_GEN_002.ENRP_GET_ACAD_ALT_CD(

1058: -- Get the current attendance type for a student IGS_PS_COURSE attempt within a
1059: -- nominated load calendar instance.
1060: -- 1. Determine the academic calendar instance that the load calendar
1061: -- instance is within.
1062: v_dummy := IGS_EN_GEN_002.ENRP_GET_ACAD_ALT_CD(
1063: p_load_cal_type,
1064: p_load_sequence_number,
1065: v_acad_cal_type,
1066: v_acad_sequence_number,

Line 1152: v_academic_cal_type := IGS_EN_GEN_002.ENRP_GET_ACAD_ALT_CD(

1148: CLOSE c_sua_ci;
1150: END IF;
1151: CLOSE c_sua_ci;
1152: v_academic_cal_type := IGS_EN_GEN_002.ENRP_GET_ACAD_ALT_CD(
1153: v_cal_type,
1154: v_ci_sequence_number,
1155: v_academic_cal_type,
1156: v_academic_ci_sequence_number,