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Line 18: FROM mtl_system_items_kfv msi, mrp_low_level_codes mllc

14: -- declare a cursor for detailed debug information. This will be used
15: -- only if debug is turned on.
16: CURSOR cur_debug is
17: SELECT distinct msi.concatenated_segments
18: FROM mtl_system_items_kfv msi, mrp_low_level_codes mllc
19: WHERE mllc.plan_id = mrp_kanban_plan_pk.g_kanban_info_rec.kanban_plan_id
20: AND mllc.organization_id =
21: mrp_kanban_plan_pk.g_kanban_info_rec.organization_id
22: AND mllc.from_subinventory IS NULL

Line 211: mtl_system_items_kfv parent,

207: child_loc.inventory_location_id from_location
208: FROM
209: mtl_item_locations parent_loc,
210: mtl_item_locations child_loc,
211: mtl_system_items_kfv parent,
212: mtl_system_items_kfv child,
213: mrp_low_level_codes mllc
214: WHERE mllc.plan_id = mrp_kanban_plan_pk.g_kanban_info_rec.kanban_plan_id
215: AND mllc.organization_id =

Line 212: mtl_system_items_kfv child,

208: FROM
209: mtl_item_locations parent_loc,
210: mtl_item_locations child_loc,
211: mtl_system_items_kfv parent,
212: mtl_system_items_kfv child,
213: mrp_low_level_codes mllc
214: WHERE mllc.plan_id = mrp_kanban_plan_pk.g_kanban_info_rec.kanban_plan_id
215: AND mllc.organization_id =
216: mrp_kanban_plan_pk.g_kanban_info_rec.organization_id