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1 PACKAGE gms_pa_costing_pkg AS
2 -- $Header: gmspafcs.pls 120.7 2006/07/28 12:42:12 cmishra noship $
4 g_debug_context		varchar2(1) := NULL;
5 g_packet_id		number := to_number(null);
6 g_set_of_books_id	number := to_number(null);
7 g_request_id		number := to_number(null);
8 g_txn_source            varchar2(30) := NULL;
9 g_error_stage		varchar2(200);
10 g_batch_name            varchar2(30) := null;
11 g_txn_xface_id          number;
13 --=============================================================================
14 -- Procedure Fundscheck_CDL:  Fundschecking procedure which is called from
15 --                            Projects Costing processes.
16 --
17 -- Input Parameters :
18 --     Request ID of the calling Costing process.
19 --
20 -- Output Parameters :
21 --     return_status : 0 if successful, else a non-zero numeric value.
22 --     error_code    : Error code of the failure
23 --     error_stage   : Stage where error occured.
24 --=============================================================================
26 Procedure FundsCheck_CDL (p_request_id	   IN  NUMBER,
27                            p_return_status OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
28                            p_error_code    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
29                            p_error_stage   OUT NOCOPY NUMBER);
31 --=============================================================================
32 --  Procedure : fundscheck_tieback
33 --  Purpose   : Tieback status  of CDL's that were Grants funds checked during
34 --              Costing.
35 --
36 --  Parameters  and meaning.
37 --  -----------------------
38 --  p_request_id    : Request_id of the costing process being run.
39 --  p_return_status : Return status is 0 for success and -1 for failure.
40 --  p_error_code    : Error Code for the failure.
41 --  p_error_stage   : Stage where the failure occured.
42 --=============================================================================
43 Procedure FundsCheck_TieBack (p_request_id    IN  NUMBER,
44                               p_return_status OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
45                               p_error_code    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
46                               p_error_stage   OUT NOCOPY NUMBER);
48 --=============================================================================
49 --  Procedure : Net_zero_adls
50 --  Purpose   : Adls creation logic for the dummy additional exp created
51 --              to correct the accounting adjustments.
52 --              These are new zero transactions.
53 --
54 --  Parameters  and meaning.
55 --  -----------------------
56 --  p_transaction_source    : Transaction source for supplier cost interface.
57 --  p_batch                 : Batch name for transaction source.
58 --  p_status                : return status                  .
59 --  P_xface_id              : Transaction interface ID.
60 --=============================================================================
61  procedure Net_zero_adls( p_transaction_source IN VARCHAR2,
62                           p_batch              IN VARCHAR2,
63                           P_xface_id           IN NUMBER,
64                           p_status             IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ) ;
66 --=============================================================================
67 --   Procedure : Fundscheck_Supplier_Cost
68 --   Purpose   : Funds Check supplier invoice distributions being interfaced to
69 --               projects against an award budget.
70 --
71 --   Parameters  and meaning.
72 --   -----------------------
73 --   p_transaction_source : Transaction source of the record being processed.
74 --   p_current_batch      : Current interface batch being processed.
75 --   p_txn_interface_id   : Transaction Identifier.
76 --   p_request_id         : Request_id of the interface process.
77 --   p_status             : Execution status of the procedure.
78 --                          FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS for success and
79 --                          FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR for unexpected error.
80 --=============================================================================
81 PROCEDURE Fundscheck_Supplier_Cost(p_transaction_source IN VARCHAR2,
82                                    p_txn_interface_id   IN NUMBER ,
83                                    p_request_id 	IN NUMBER,
84                                    p_status             IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
86 --=============================================================================
87 --  Procedure : Tieback_Interface
88 --  Purpose   : Tieback grants related transactions during interface of supplier
89 --              invoice to projects.
90 --
91 --  Parameters  and meaning.
92 --  -----------------------
93 --  p_request_id   : Request_id of the interface process.
94 --  p_status       : Execution status of the procedure.
95 --                   FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS for success and
96 --                   FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR for unexpected error.
97 --=============================================================================
98 PROCEDURE Tieback_Interface(p_request_id         IN NUMBER,
99                             p_status             IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
100                            );
102 --
103 --=============================================================================
104 --  Function : grants_implemented
105 --  Purpose  : Function checks if grants is implemented for the OU. If so,
106 --             return 'Y' else return 'N'
107 --=============================================================================
108 FUNCTION grants_implemented return VARCHAR2;
109 --
110 --
111 -- Variable declarations
113 TYPE tt_project_id	              is table of gms_bc_packets.project_id%TYPE;
114 TYPE tt_award_id	              is table of gms_bc_packets.award_id%TYPE;
115 TYPE tt_task_id	                      is table of gms_bc_packets.task_id%TYPE;
116 TYPE tt_expenditure_type	      is table of gms_bc_packets.expenditure_type%TYPE;
117 TYPE tt_expenditure_item_date	      is table of gms_bc_packets.expenditure_item_date%TYPE;
118 TYPE tt_actual_flag	              is table of gms_bc_packets.actual_flag%TYPE;
119 TYPE tt_status_code	              is table of gms_bc_packets.status_code%TYPE;
120 TYPE tt_last_update_date	      is table of gms_bc_packets.last_update_date%TYPE;
121 TYPE tt_last_updated_by	              is table of gms_bc_packets.last_updated_by%TYPE;
122 TYPE tt_created_by	              is table of gms_bc_packets.created_by%TYPE;
123 TYPE tt_creation_date	              is table of gms_bc_packets.creation_date%TYPE;
124 TYPE tt_last_update_login	      is table of gms_bc_packets.last_update_login%TYPE;
125 TYPE tt_je_category_name	      is table of gms_bc_packets.je_category_name%TYPE;
126 TYPE tt_je_source_name	              is table of gms_bc_packets.je_source_name%TYPE;
127 TYPE tt_transfered_flag	              is table of gms_bc_packets.transfered_flag%TYPE;
128 TYPE tt_document_type	              is table of gms_bc_packets.document_type%TYPE;
129 TYPE tt_expenditure_organization_id   is table of gms_bc_packets.expenditure_organization_id%TYPE;
130 TYPE tt_document_header_id	      is table of gms_bc_packets.document_header_id%TYPE;
131 TYPE tt_document_distribution_id      is table of gms_bc_packets.document_distribution_id%TYPE;
132 TYPE tt_entered_dr	              is table of gms_bc_packets.entered_dr%TYPE;
133 TYPE tt_entered_cr	              is table of gms_bc_packets.entered_cr%TYPE;
134 TYPE tt_status_flag	              is table of gms_bc_packets.status_flag%TYPE;
135 TYPE tt_bc_packet_id	              is table of gms_bc_packets.bc_packet_id%TYPE;
136 TYPE tt_request_id	              is table of gms_bc_packets.request_id%TYPE;
137 TYPE tt_ind_compiled_set_id	      is table of gms_bc_packets.ind_compiled_set_id%TYPE;
138 TYPE tt_person_id	              is table of gms_bc_packets.person_id%TYPE;
139 TYPE tt_job_id	                      is table of gms_bc_packets.job_id%TYPE;
140 TYPE tt_expenditure_category	      is table of gms_bc_packets.expenditure_category%TYPE;
141 TYPE tt_revenue_category	      is table of gms_bc_packets.revenue_category%TYPE;
142 TYPE tt_adjusted_document_header_id   is table of gms_bc_packets.adjusted_document_header_id%TYPE;
143 TYPE tt_award_set_id	              is table of gms_bc_packets.award_set_id%TYPE;
144 TYPE tt_transaction_source	      is table of gms_bc_packets.transaction_source%TYPE;
145 TYPE tt_burdenable_raw_cost           is table of gms_award_distributions.burdenable_raw_cost%TYPE;
146 TYPE tt_acct_raw_cost                 is table of pa_transaction_interface_all.acct_raw_cost%TYPE;
147 TYPE tt_line_type_lookup              is table of ap_invoice_distributions_all.line_type_lookup_code%TYPE;
148 TYPE tt_invoice_type_lookup           is table of ap_invoices_all.invoice_type_lookup_code%TYPE;
150 --REL12 : AP lines uptake enhancement : Added below plsql tables
151 TYPE tt_invoice_id                    is table of ap_invoices_all.invoice_id%TYPE;
152 TYPE tt_invoice_distribution_id       is table of ap_invoice_distributions_all.invoice_distribution_id%TYPE;
153 TYPE tt_sys_ref4                      IS table of pa_transaction_interface_all.cdl_system_reference4%TYPE;
154 TYPE tt_bud_task_id                   is table of gms_bc_packets.bud_task_id%TYPE;
155 TYPE tt_txn_interface_id              is table of pa_transaction_interface_all.txn_interface_id%TYPE;
156 Type tt_nz_adj_flag                   is table of pa_transaction_interface_all.net_zero_adjustment_flag%TYPE ;
157 --
159    cursor get_xface_cur is
160    select xface.interface_id, -- Bug 5389130
161           xface.txn_interface_id,
162           xface.transaction_source,
163           apinv.invoice_id,
164           apinv.invoice_distribution_id , -- REL12 : Ap lines uptake
165 	  xface.cdl_system_reference4 ,   -- REL12 : Ap lines uptake
166           apinv.project_id,
167           apinv.task_id,
168 	  adl.award_id,
169           adl.ind_compiled_set_id,
170           adl.burdenable_raw_cost,
171 	  adl.bud_task_id,
172 	  xface.expenditure_type,
173           xface.expenditure_item_date,
174           apinv.expenditure_organization_id,
175           apinv.line_type_lookup_code,
176           api.invoice_type_lookup_code,
177           xface.acct_raw_cost,
178           api.vendor_id,
179           pet.expenditure_category,
180           pet.revenue_category_code,
181 	  xface.adjusted_expenditure_item_id --REL12 : Ap lines uptake
182           , xface.net_zero_adjustment_flag
183 	  , adl.fc_status -- R12 AP lines uptake : Prepayment changes
184      from ap_invoice_distributions apinv,
185           pa_transaction_interface xface,
186           gms_award_distributions adl,
187           ap_invoices  api,
188           pa_expenditure_types	pet
189     where xface.transaction_source = G_txn_source
190       and xface.txn_interface_id = G_txn_xface_id
191       and xface.cdl_system_reference2 = apinv.invoice_id
192       and xface.cdl_system_reference5 = apinv.invoice_distribution_id --REL12 : Ap lines uptake
193       and apinv.invoice_id = adl.invoice_id
194       and apinv.distribution_line_number = adl.distribution_line_number
195       and apinv.invoice_id = api.invoice_id
196       and apinv.award_id = adl.award_set_id
197       and apinv.expenditure_type = pet.expenditure_type
198       and nvl(apinv.pa_addition_flag, 'X') <> 'T'
199       and adl.document_type = 'AP'
200       and adl.adl_status = 'A';
202    --REL12 : AP lines uptake enhancement
203    -- Cursor to fetch pa_transaction_interface_all records having same invoice_id ,invoice_distribution_id
204    -- and invoice_payment_id. These records correspond to adjusted/non adjusted expenditure items
205    -- associated with original invoice distribution.
207    cursor c_txn_details (p_sys_ref2 VARCHAR2,
208                          p_sys_ref5 VARCHAR2,
209 			 p_sys_ref4 VARCHAR2,
210 			 p_interface_id NUMBER) IS
211    select xface.txn_interface_id,
212           xface.transaction_source,
213           to_number(xface.cdl_system_reference2),
214           to_number(xface.cdl_system_reference5),
215 	  xface.cdl_system_reference4,
216           xface.project_id,
217           xface.task_id,
218           adl.award_id,
219           adl.ind_compiled_set_id,
220           adl.burdenable_raw_cost,
221 	  adl.bud_task_id,
222           xface.expenditure_type,
223           xface.expenditure_item_date,
224           NVL(xface.override_to_organization_id,xface.org_id) expenditure_organization_id,
225           xface.acct_raw_cost,
226           pet.expenditure_category,
227           pet.revenue_category_code,
228 	  xface.adjusted_expenditure_item_id  ,
229           xface.net_zero_adjustment_flag
230      from pa_transaction_interface xface,
231           gms_award_distributions adl,
232           pa_expenditure_types	pet
233     where xface.transaction_source = G_txn_source
234       and xface.cdl_system_reference2  = p_sys_ref2
235       and xface.cdl_system_reference5  = p_sys_ref5
236       and (xface.cdl_system_reference4 = p_sys_ref4 OR p_sys_ref4 IS NULL)
237       and xface.interface_id = p_interface_id
238       and xface.TRANSACTION_STATUS_CODE = 'P'
239       and adl.expenditure_item_id = xface.adjusted_expenditure_item_id
240       and adl.adl_line_num = (SELECT max(adl1.adl_line_num)
241                                 FROM gms_award_distributions adl1
242 			       WHERE adl1.expenditure_item_id = adl.expenditure_item_id
243 			         AND adl1.award_id= adl.award_id
244 				 AND adl1.adl_status = 'A'
245 				 AND adl1.document_type = 'EXP')
246       and xface.expenditure_type = pet.expenditure_type
247       and adl.document_type = 'EXP'
248     ORDER BY  adl.award_id,
249               xface.project_id,
250 	      xface.task_id;
252 END gms_pa_costing_pkg;