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Line 179: from pay_user_tables put

175: g_atr_skills_priority_num t_skills_priority_num;
176: --
177: cursor g_csr_le is
178: select distinct to_number(substr(puc1.user_column_name,1, instr(puc1.user_column_name,'_')-1)) organization_id
179: from pay_user_tables put
180: , pay_user_columns puc
181: , pay_user_columns puc1
182: , pay_user_rows_f pur
183: , pay_user_column_instances_f puci

Line 3090: from pay_user_tables put

3086: --
3087: -- Get the Valid Priorities defined for a specific Legal Entity
3088: cursor csr_get_all_pri_le is
3089: select puci.user_row_id
3090: from pay_user_tables put
3091: , pay_user_rows_f pur
3092: , pay_user_column_instances_f puci
3093: , pay_user_columns puc
3094: where put.user_table_name = 'ZA_WSP_SKILLS_PRIORITIES'

Line 3638: from pay_user_tables put

3634: --
3635: -- Get the Valid Priorities defined for a specific Legal Entity
3636: cursor csr_get_all_pri_le is
3637: select puci.user_row_id
3638: from pay_user_tables put
3639: , pay_user_rows_f pur
3640: , pay_user_column_instances_f puci
3641: , pay_user_columns puc
3642: where put.user_table_name = 'ZA_WSP_SKILLS_PRIORITIES'

Line 3937: l_user_table_id pay_user_tables.user_table_id%type;

3933: p_report_date in date,
3934: p_business_group_id in per_all_assignments_f.business_group_id%type
3935: ) is
3937: l_user_table_id pay_user_tables.user_table_id%type;
3938: l_user_column_id_flex pay_user_columns.user_column_id%type;
3939: l_user_column_id_seg pay_user_columns.user_column_id%type;
3940: l_user_row_id_cat pay_user_rows_f.user_row_id%type;
3941: l_user_row_id_lev pay_user_rows_f.user_row_id%type;

Line 3949: from pay_user_tables

3945: begin
3947: select user_table_id
3948: into l_user_table_id
3949: from pay_user_tables
3950: where user_table_name = 'ZA_OCCUPATIONAL_TYPES'
3951: and business_group_id is null
3952: and legislation_code = 'ZA';