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Line 369: -- 2. get the user id from FND_GLOBALS

365: -- HISTORY
366: -- 11/12/1999 ptendulk created
367: -- 03/08/2000 ptendulk Modified after changes from fulfillment team
368: -- 05/09/2000 ptendulk Modified 1.Get the subject from the schedules table
369: -- 2. get the user id from FND_GLOBALS
370: -- 05/22/2000 ptendulk Modified AMS_FULFILL procedure, Get the partyid
371: -- from party id column instead of customer id column
372: -- in ams_list_entries table
373: -- 11-Dec-2000 ptendulk Added the extra paramter in spec of get content XML

Line 402: p_user_id IN NUMBER := FND_GLOBAL.user_id )

398: x_request_history_id OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
399: p_schedule_id IN NUMBER,
401: p_profile_id IN NUMBER := fnd_profile.VALUE('AMF_DEFAULT_MAIL_PROFILE'),
402: p_user_id IN NUMBER := FND_GLOBAL.user_id )
403: IS
405: l_api_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'AMS_FulFill';
406: l_api_version CONSTANT NUMBER := 1.0;

Line 1874: -- 2. get the user id from FND_GLOBALS

1870: -- HISTORY
1871: -- 11/12/1999 ptendulk created
1872: -- 03/08/2000 ptendulk Modified after changes from fulfillment team
1873: -- 05/09/2000 ptendulk Modified 1.Get the subject from the schedules table
1874: -- 2. get the user id from FND_GLOBALS
1875: -- 05/22/2000 ptendulk Modified AMS_FULFILL procedure, Get the partyid
1876: -- from party id column instead of customer id column
1877: -- in ams_list_entries table
1878: -- 11-Dec-2000 ptendulk Added the extra paramter in spec of get content XML

Line 1896: p_user_id IN NUMBER := FND_GLOBAL.user_id )

1892: x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
1894: p_list_header_id IN NUMBER,
1895: p_schedule_id IN NUMBER,
1896: p_user_id IN NUMBER := FND_GLOBAL.user_id )
1897: IS
1899: l_api_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'AMS_FulFill';
1900: l_api_version CONSTANT NUMBER := 1.0;

Line 2485: p_user_id => FND_GLOBAL.user_id,

2481: x_msg_data => x_msg_data,
2482: p_subject => l_schedule_rec.mail_subject,
2483: p_party_id => l_party_id,
2484: p_party_name => l_party_name,
2485: p_user_id => FND_GLOBAL.user_id,
2486: p_extended_header => l_extended_header,
2487: p_content_xml => l_content_xml,
2488: p_request_id => l_request_id
2489: ) ;

Line 2637: VALUES(p_item_id, p_query_id,SYSDATE,FND_GLOBAL.user_id,SYSDATE,FND_GLOBAL.user_id) ;

2633: END IF;
2635: INSERT INTO jtf_fm_query_mes
2636: (mes_doc_id, query_id,last_update_date,last_updated_by,creation_date,created_by)
2637: VALUES(p_item_id, p_query_id,SYSDATE,FND_GLOBAL.user_id,SYSDATE,FND_GLOBAL.user_id) ;
2639: --
2640: -- Standard check of p_commit.
2641: --