479: result := 'COMPLETE:F';
481: else
482: --
483: wf_directory.GetUserName
484: (p_orig_system => 'PER'
485: ,p_orig_system_id => l_forward_to_person_id
486: ,p_name => l_forward_to_username
487: ,p_display_name => l_forward_to_disp_name);
515: --
516: -- Get the username and display name for forward from person
517: -- and save to item attributes
518: --
519: wf_directory.GetUserName
520: (p_orig_system => 'PER'
521: ,p_orig_system_id => l_current_forward_to_id
522: ,p_name => l_forward_from_username
523: ,p_display_name => l_forward_from_disp_name);
1998: hr_utility.set_location('Building subject for NtfId:'||document_id,17);
1999: end if;
2000: if(l_creator_person_id=l_current_person_id) then
2001: if g_debug then
2002: hr_utility.set_location('calling wf_directory.GetUserName for person_id:'||l_creator_person_id,18);
2003: end if;
2005: -- get creator display name from role
2006: wf_directory.GetUserName
2002: hr_utility.set_location('calling wf_directory.GetUserName for person_id:'||l_creator_person_id,18);
2003: end if;
2005: -- get creator display name from role
2006: wf_directory.GetUserName
2007: (p_orig_system => 'PER'
2008: ,p_orig_system_id => l_creator_person_id
2009: ,p_name => l_creator_username
2010: ,p_display_name => l_creator_disp_name);
2023: else
2024: -- get creator display name from role
2025: if g_debug then
2026: hr_utility.set_location('calling wf_directory.GetUserName for person_id:'||l_creator_person_id,20);
2027: end if;
2028: wf_directory.GetUserName
2029: (p_orig_system => 'PER'
2030: ,p_orig_system_id => l_creator_person_id
2024: -- get creator display name from role
2025: if g_debug then
2026: hr_utility.set_location('calling wf_directory.GetUserName for person_id:'||l_creator_person_id,20);
2027: end if;
2028: wf_directory.GetUserName
2029: (p_orig_system => 'PER'
2030: ,p_orig_system_id => l_creator_person_id
2031: ,p_name => l_creator_username
2032: ,p_display_name => l_creator_disp_name);
2032: ,p_display_name => l_creator_disp_name);
2034: -- get current person display name from role
2035: if g_debug then
2036: hr_utility.set_location('calling wf_directory.GetUserName for person_id:'||l_current_person_id,21);
2037: end if;
2038: wf_directory.GetUserName
2039: (p_orig_system => 'PER'
2040: ,p_orig_system_id => l_current_person_id
2034: -- get current person display name from role
2035: if g_debug then
2036: hr_utility.set_location('calling wf_directory.GetUserName for person_id:'||l_current_person_id,21);
2037: end if;
2038: wf_directory.GetUserName
2039: (p_orig_system => 'PER'
2040: ,p_orig_system_id => l_current_person_id
2041: ,p_name => l_current_username
2042: ,p_display_name => l_current_disp_name);
2308: -- check if the ln_nextApprover_person_id is null
2309: if(ln_nextApprover_person_id is null) then
2310: return fnd_global.user_name;
2311: else
2312: wf_directory.GetUserName(p_orig_system => 'PER'
2313: ,p_orig_system_id => ln_nextApprover_person_id
2314: ,p_name => ln_nextApprover_userName
2315: ,p_display_name => ln_nextApprover_dispName);
2342: from_role varchar2(320);
2343: more_info_role varchar2(320);
2345: l_username fnd_user.user_name%TYPE default null;
2346: userRoles Wf_Directory.RoleTable;
2347: matchFound boolean;
2348: begin
2350: l_username := wf_advanced_worklist.Authenticate(p_username, p_nid, p_nkey);
2354: into recipient, orig_recipient, from_role, more_info_role
2356: where WN.NOTIFICATION_ID = p_nid;
2358: Wf_Directory.GetUserRoles(p_username,userRoles);
2359: matchFound := false;
2361: -- loop through the roles and validate if the user role matches
2362: -- to orig_recipient