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Line 554: , pay_bal_attribute_definitions bad

550: where prb.assignment_id = p_asg_id
551: and prb.defined_balance_id in
552: (select pba.defined_balance_id
553: from pay_balance_attributes pba
554: , pay_bal_attribute_definitions bad
555: where pba.attribute_id = bad.attribute_id
556: and bad.attribute_name = g_att_name);
557: --
558: else

Line 1207: l_attribute_name pay_bal_attribute_definitions.attribute_name%type;

1203: (pdb.legislation_code is null
1204: and pdb.business_group_id is null)
1205: );
1206: --
1207: l_attribute_name pay_bal_attribute_definitions.attribute_name%type;
1208: l_attribute_id pay_bal_attribute_definitions.attribute_id%type;
1209: begin
1210: --
1211: -- Use for both DELTA and NON DELTA modes

Line 1208: l_attribute_id pay_bal_attribute_definitions.attribute_id%type;

1204: and pdb.business_group_id is null)
1205: );
1206: --
1207: l_attribute_name pay_bal_attribute_definitions.attribute_name%type;
1208: l_attribute_id pay_bal_attribute_definitions.attribute_id%type;
1209: begin
1210: --
1211: -- Use for both DELTA and NON DELTA modes
1212: --

Line 1219: insert into pay_bal_attribute_definitions

1215: select pay_bal_attribute_definition_s.nextval
1216: into l_attribute_id
1217: from dual;
1218: --
1219: insert into pay_bal_attribute_definitions
1220: (attribute_id,
1221: attribute_name,
1222: alterable,
1223: business_group_id)

Line 1572: from pay_bal_attribute_definitions

1568: --
1569: --
1570: delete from pay_balance_attributes
1571: where attribute_id in (select attribute_id
1572: from pay_bal_attribute_definitions
1573: where attribute_name = g_att_name
1574: );
1575: delete from pay_bal_attribute_definitions
1576: where attribute_name = g_att_name;

Line 1575: delete from pay_bal_attribute_definitions

1571: where attribute_id in (select attribute_id
1572: from pay_bal_attribute_definitions
1573: where attribute_name = g_att_name
1574: );
1575: delete from pay_bal_attribute_definitions
1576: where attribute_name = g_att_name;
1577: end if;
1578: end if;
1579: --