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Line 505: wsh_trips wt

501: x_initial_loc_id IN NUMBER)IS
502: SELECT wt.ship_method_code
503: FROM wsh_delivery_legs dlg,
504: wsh_trip_stops st,
505: wsh_trips wt
506: WHERE dlg.delivery_id = x_delivery_id
507: AND st.stop_id = dlg.pick_up_stop_id
508: AND st.stop_location_id = x_initial_loc_id
509: AND st.trip_id = wt.trip_id

Line 730: FROM wsh_trip_stops a, wsh_trips b, wsh_trip_stops c

726: x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS
728: Cursor lock_stop_trip (c_stop_id NUMBER) IS
729: SELECT a.stop_id self_stop_id, b.trip_id, c.stop_id other_stop_id
730: FROM wsh_trip_stops a, wsh_trips b, wsh_trip_stops c
731: WHERE a.trip_id = b.trip_id AND
732: a.stop_id = c_stop_id AND
733: c.trip_id = b.trip_id AND
734: a.stop_id <> C.stop_id

Line 891: wsh_trips wtp

887: SELECT DISTINCT wtp.trip_id, wst.stop_sequence_number, wst.stop_id, wst.stop_location_id
888: FROM wsh_new_deliveries wnd,
889: wsh_delivery_legs wlg,
890: wsh_trip_stops wst,
891: wsh_trips wtp
892: WHERE wnd.delivery_id = wlg.delivery_id AND
893: wlg.pick_up_stop_id = wst.stop_id AND
894: wnd.status_code = 'CO' AND
895: wnd.batch_id = p_sc_batch_id AND