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2 /* $Header: WMSCNT2S.pls 115.8 2003/02/05 01:40:57 rbande ship $ */
5 (  p_api_version	    IN	    NUMBER                         ,
6    p_init_msg_list	    IN	    VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false    ,
7    p_commit		    IN	    VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false    ,
8    x_return_status	    OUT	    VARCHAR2                       ,
9    x_msg_count		    OUT	    NUMBER                         ,
10    x_msg_data		    OUT	    VARCHAR2                       ,
11    p_lpn_id		    IN	    NUMBER                         ,
12    p_purge_history          IN      NUMBER   := 2                  ,
13    p_del_history_days_old   IN      NUMBER   := NULL
14 );
17 (  p_api_version   	IN	NUMBER                         ,
18    p_init_msg_list	IN	VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false    ,
19    p_commit		IN	VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false    ,
20    x_return_status	OUT	VARCHAR2                       ,
21    x_msg_count		OUT	NUMBER                         ,
22    x_msg_data		OUT	VARCHAR2                       ,
23    p_lpn_id        	IN	NUMBER                         ,
24    p_explosion_level	IN	NUMBER   := 0                  ,
25    x_content_tbl	OUT	WMS_CONTAINER_PUB.WMS_Container_Tbl_Type
26 );
28 PROCEDURE Transfer_LPN_Contents
29 (  p_api_version   	IN	NUMBER                         ,
30    p_init_msg_list	IN	VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false    ,
31    p_commit		IN	VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false    ,
32    x_return_status	OUT	VARCHAR2                       ,
33    x_msg_count		OUT	NUMBER                         ,
34    x_msg_data		OUT	VARCHAR2                       ,
35    p_lpn_id_source      IN	NUMBER                         ,
36    p_lpn_id_dest        IN      NUMBER
37 );
39 PROCEDURE Container_Required_Qty
40 (  p_api_version           IN	  NUMBER                          ,
41    p_init_msg_list	   IN	  VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false     ,
42    p_commit		   IN	  VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false     ,
43    x_return_status	   OUT	  VARCHAR2                        ,
44    x_msg_count		   OUT	  NUMBER                          ,
45    x_msg_data		   OUT	  VARCHAR2                        ,
46    p_source_item_id	   IN	  NUMBER                          ,
47    p_source_qty	    	   IN	  NUMBER                          ,
48    p_source_qty_uom	   IN	  VARCHAR2                        ,
49    p_qty_per_cont	   IN	  NUMBER   := NULL                ,
50    p_qty_per_cont_uom	   IN	  VARCHAR2 := NULL                ,
51    p_organization_id       IN     NUMBER                          ,
52    p_dest_cont_item_id     IN OUT NUMBER                          ,
53    p_qty_required	   OUT	  NUMBER
54 );
56 PROCEDURE Get_Outermost_LPN
57 (  p_api_version           IN	  NUMBER                          ,
58    p_init_msg_list	   IN	  VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false     ,
59    p_commit		   IN	  VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false     ,
60    x_return_status	   OUT	  VARCHAR2                        ,
61    x_msg_count		   OUT	  NUMBER                          ,
62    x_msg_data		   OUT	  VARCHAR2                        ,
63    p_lpn_id                IN     NUMBER   := NULL                ,
64    p_inventory_item_id     IN     NUMBER   := NULL                ,
65    p_revision              IN     VARCHAR2 := NULL                ,
66    p_lot_number            IN     VARCHAR2 := NULL                ,
67    p_serial_number         IN     VARCHAR2 := NULL                ,
68    x_lpn_list              OUT    WMS_CONTAINER_PUB.LPN_Table_Type
69 );
72 (  p_api_version           IN	  NUMBER                          ,
73    p_init_msg_list	   IN	  VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false     ,
74    p_commit		   IN	  VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false     ,
75    x_return_status	   OUT	  VARCHAR2                        ,
76    x_msg_count		   OUT	  NUMBER                          ,
77    x_msg_data		   OUT	  VARCHAR2                        ,
78    p_lpn_context           IN     NUMBER   := NULL                ,
79    p_content_item_id       IN     NUMBER   := NULL                ,
80    p_max_content_item_qty  IN     NUMBER   := NULL                ,
81    p_organization_id       IN     NUMBER                          ,
82    p_subinventory          IN     VARCHAR2 := NULL                ,
83    p_locator_id            IN     NUMBER   := NULL                ,
84    p_revision              IN     VARCHAR2 := NULL                ,
85    p_lot_number            IN     VARCHAR2 := NULL                ,
86    p_serial_number         IN     VARCHAR2 := NULL                ,
87    p_container_item_id     IN     NUMBER   := NULL                ,
88    x_lpn_list              OUT    WMS_CONTAINER_PUB.LPN_Table_Type
89 );
93 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
94 -- Name
95 --   PROCEDURE validate_pick_drop_lpn
96 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
97 -- Purpose
98 --   This API validates the drop LPN scanned by the user when depositing
99 --   a picked LPN to shipping staging.  It performs the following checks:
100 --
101 --    > Checks if the drop LPN is a new LPN generated by the user.
102 --      If it is, then no further checking is required.  (The LPN will
103 --      be created by the Pick Complete API).
104 --
105 --    > Checks if the user specified the picked LPN as the drop LPN,
106 --      and if so return an error.
107 --
108 --    > Checks to make sure the drop LPN contains picked inventory.
109 --      If the drop LPN is not picked for a sales order, check nested LPNs
110 --      (if they exist).  For the first nested LPN found which is picked
111 --      return a status of success.  If none found, return an error status.
112 --
113 --    > Make sure delivery IDs if they exist are the same for
114 --      both the picked LPN as well as the drop LPN.  If either
115 --      one is not yet associated with delivery ID, allow pick drop
116 --      to continue by returning a status of success.  For the drop LPN,
117 --      check nested LPNs if a delivery ID cannot be determined directly.
118 --
119 --
120 -- Input Parameters
121 --   p_api_version
122 --      API version number (current version is 1.0)
123 --   p_init_msg_list (optional, default FND_API.G_FALSE)
124 --      Valid values: FND_API.G_FALSE or FND_API.G_TRUE.
125 --                           if set to FND_API.G_TRUE
126 --                                   initialize error message list
127 --                           if set to FND_API.G_FALSE - not initialize error
128 --                                   message list
129 --   p_pick_lpn_id           The LPN ID picked by the user for this pick task
130 --
131 --   p_drop_lpn              The destination LPN into which the picked
132 --                           LPN (p_pick_lpn_id) will be packed.
133 --
134 --
135 -- Output Parameters
136 --   x_return_status
137 --       fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success      if all checks pass.
138 --       fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error        if any check fails.
139 --       fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error  if there is an unexpected error
140 --   x_msg_count
141 --       if there is an error (or more than one) error, the number of
142 --       error messages in the buffer
143 --   x_msg_data
144 --       if there is only one error, the error message
146 FUNCTION validate_pick_drop_lpn
147 (  p_api_version_number    IN   NUMBER                       ,
148    p_init_msg_lst          IN   VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false  ,
149    p_pick_lpn_id           IN   NUMBER                       ,
150    p_organization_id       IN   NUMBER                       ,
151    p_drop_lpn              IN   VARCHAR2                     ,
152    p_drop_sub              IN   VARCHAR2                     ,
153    p_drop_loc              IN   NUMBER
156 Procedure default_pick_drop_lpn
157   (  p_api_version_number    IN   NUMBER                       ,
158      p_init_msg_lst          IN   VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false  ,
159      p_pick_lpn_id           IN   NUMBER                       ,
160      p_organization_id       IN   NUMBER                       ,
161      x_lpn_number           OUT   VARCHAR2);