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Line 323: financials_system_parameters fsp

319: nvl(pol.amount, pol.quantity * pol.unit_price)
320: FROM po_lines pol,
321: mtl_system_items_kfv msi,
322: mtl_units_of_measure muom, -- bug 2401933.add
323: financials_system_parameters fsp
324: WHERE pol.po_header_id = v_document_id
325: AND pol.item_id = msi.inventory_item_id(+)
326: AND NVL(msi.organization_id, fsp.inventory_organization_id) =
327: fsp.inventory_organization_id

Line 392: financials_system_parameters fsp

388: hr_locations_all hrl,
389: hz_locations hz,
390: org_organization_definitions ood,
391: mtl_units_of_measure muom, -- Bug 2401933.add
392: financials_system_parameters fsp
393: where PLL.PO_RELEASE_ID = v_document_id
394: and PLL.po_line_id = POL.po_line_id
395: and PLL.ship_to_location_id = HRL.location_id (+)
396: and PLL.ship_to_location_id = HZ.location_id (+)