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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 213

    SELECT      closing_status, period_name, period_type
    FROM        gl_period_statuses
    WHERE       application_id          = C_GL_APPLICATION_ID
      AND       ledger_id               = p_ledger_id
      AND       adjustment_period_flag  = 'N'
      AND       p_accounting_date       BETWEEN start_date AND end_date;
Line: 379

  select user_profile_option_name
  from   fnd_profile_options_vl
  where  profile_option_name = l_profile_name;
Line: 417

  SELECT nvl(control_account_type_code, 'N')
--        ,control_account_enabled_flag
  INTO   g_app_ctl_acct_source_code
--        ,g_app_ctl_acct_enabled_flag
  FROM   xla_subledgers
  WHERE  application_id = g_application_id;
Line: 429

    UPDATE xla_ae_headers_gt h
       SET (period_year,period_closing_status) =
           (SELECT period_year,closing_status
              FROM gl_period_statuses gl
             WHERE gl.period_name    = h.period_name
               AND gl.ledger_id      = h.ledger_id
               AND gl.application_id = 101);
Line: 471

        SELECT    security_segment_code, chart_of_accounts_id
        INTO      g_pri_security_seg_code, g_pri_coa_id
        FROM      gl_access_sets
        WHERE     access_set_id   = g_pri_access_set_id;
Line: 478

        SELECT    security_segment_code, chart_of_accounts_id
        INTO      g_sec_security_seg_code, g_sec_coa_id
        FROM      gl_access_sets
        WHERE     access_set_id   = g_sec_access_set_id;
Line: 561

    SELECT asa.ledger_id
      FROM gl_access_set_assignments asa
     WHERE asa.ledger_id             = g_ledger_id
       AND asa.access_privilege_code = C_ACCESS_SET_FULL_PRIVILEGE
       AND asa.access_set_id         = g_pri_access_set_id;
Line: 568

    SELECT asa.ledger_id
      FROM gl_access_set_assignments asa
     WHERE asa.ledger_id             = g_ledger_id
       AND asa.access_privilege_code = C_ACCESS_SET_FULL_PRIVILEGE
       AND asa.access_set_id         in (g_pri_access_set_id, g_sec_access_set_id);
Line: 575

    SELECT  entity_id, event_id, ae_header_id
      FROM  xla_validation_lines_gt;
Line: 604

      SELECT  u.user_name, a.name
      INTO    g_user_name, g_access_set_name
      FROM    fnd_user u, gl_access_sets a
      WHERE   u.user_id       = xla_environment_pkg.g_usr_id
      AND     a.access_set_id = g_pri_access_set_id;
Line: 690

    SELECT  t.entity_id, t.event_id, t.ae_header_id, t.ae_line_num
           ,NULL segment_value
      FROM  xla_validation_lines_gt t
            LEFT OUTER JOIN gl_access_set_assignments asa
            on  asa.ledger_id             = g_ledger_id
            AND asa.access_privilege_code = C_ACCESS_SET_FULL_PRIVILEGE
            AND asa.access_set_id         = g_pri_access_set_id
            LEFT OUTER JOIN gl_access_set_assignments asa2
            on  asa2.segment_value         = t.bal_seg_value
            AND asa2.ledger_id             = g_ledger_id
            AND asa2.access_privilege_code = C_ACCESS_SET_FULL_PRIVILEGE
            AND asa2.access_set_id         = g_sec_access_set_id
     WHERE  asa.access_set_id IS NULL
       AND  asa2.access_set_id IS NULL;
Line: 706

    SELECT  t.entity_id, t.event_id, t.ae_header_id, t.ae_line_num
           ,NULL segment_value
      FROM  xla_validation_lines_gt t
            LEFT OUTER JOIN gl_access_set_assignments asa
            on  asa.ledger_id             = g_ledger_id
            AND asa.access_privilege_code = C_ACCESS_SET_FULL_PRIVILEGE
            AND asa.access_set_id         = g_pri_access_set_id
            LEFT OUTER JOIN gl_access_set_assignments asa2
            on  asa2.segment_value         = t.mgt_seg_value
            AND asa2.ledger_id             = g_ledger_id
            AND asa2.access_privilege_code = C_ACCESS_SET_FULL_PRIVILEGE
            AND asa2.access_set_id         = g_sec_access_set_id
     WHERE  asa.access_set_id IS NULL
       AND  asa2.access_set_id IS NULL;
Line: 722

    SELECT  t.entity_id, t.event_id, t.ae_header_id, t.ae_line_num
           ,t.bal_seg_value segment_value
      FROM  xla_validation_lines_gt t
            LEFT OUTER JOIN gl_access_set_assignments asa
            ON  asa.segment_value         = t.bal_seg_value
            AND asa.access_privilege_code = C_ACCESS_SET_FULL_PRIVILEGE
            AND asa.ledger_id             = g_ledger_id
            AND asa.access_set_id         = g_pri_access_set_id
     WHERE  asa.access_set_id IS NULL;
Line: 733

    SELECT  t.entity_id, t.event_id, t.ae_header_id, t.ae_line_num
           ,t.bal_seg_value segment_value
      FROM  xla_validation_lines_gt t
            LEFT OUTER JOIN gl_access_set_assignments asa
            ON  asa.segment_value         = t.bal_seg_value
            AND asa.access_privilege_code = C_ACCESS_SET_FULL_PRIVILEGE
            AND asa.ledger_id             = g_ledger_id
            AND asa.access_set_id         in (g_pri_access_set_id, g_sec_access_set_id)
     WHERE  asa.access_set_id IS NULL;
Line: 744

    SELECT  t.entity_id, t.event_id, t.ae_header_id, t.ae_line_num
           ,t.bal_seg_value segment_value
      FROM  xla_validation_lines_gt t
            LEFT OUTER JOIN gl_access_set_assignments asa
            on  asa.segment_value         = t.bal_seg_value
            AND asa.ledger_id             = g_ledger_id
            AND asa.access_privilege_code = C_ACCESS_SET_FULL_PRIVILEGE
            AND asa.access_set_id         = g_pri_access_set_id
            LEFT OUTER JOIN gl_access_set_assignments asa2
            on  asa2.segment_value         = t.mgt_seg_value
            AND asa2.ledger_id             = g_ledger_id
            AND asa2.access_privilege_code = C_ACCESS_SET_FULL_PRIVILEGE
            AND asa2.access_set_id         = g_sec_access_set_id
     WHERE  asa.access_set_id IS NULL
       AND  asa2.access_set_id IS NULL;
Line: 761

    SELECT  t.entity_id, t.event_id, t.ae_header_id, t.ae_line_num
           ,t.mgt_seg_value segment_value
      FROM  xla_validation_lines_gt t
            LEFT OUTER JOIN gl_access_set_assignments asa
            ON  asa.segment_value         = t.mgt_seg_value
            AND asa.access_privilege_code = C_ACCESS_SET_FULL_PRIVILEGE
            AND asa.ledger_id             = g_ledger_id
            AND asa.access_set_id         = g_pri_access_set_id
     WHERE  asa.access_set_id IS NULL;
Line: 772

    SELECT  t.entity_id, t.event_id, t.ae_header_id, t.ae_line_num
           ,t.mgt_seg_value segment_value
      FROM  xla_validation_lines_gt t
            LEFT OUTER JOIN gl_access_set_assignments asa
            ON  asa.segment_value         = t.mgt_seg_value
            AND asa.access_privilege_code = C_ACCESS_SET_FULL_PRIVILEGE
            AND asa.ledger_id             = g_ledger_id
            AND asa.access_set_id         in (g_pri_access_set_id, g_sec_access_set_id)
     WHERE  asa.access_set_id IS NULL;
Line: 884

        SELECT  u.user_name, a.name
        INTO    g_user_name, g_access_set_name
        FROM    fnd_user u, gl_access_sets a
        WHERE   u.user_id       = xla_environment_pkg.g_usr_id
        AND     a.access_set_id = g_pri_access_set_id;
Line: 1129

      INSERT INTO xla_validation_lines_gt
      SELECT     /*+  cardinality(h,1) index(l, XLA_AE_LINES_U1) use_nl(l) use_nl(ccid) */
                ,max(l.ae_line_num) over (partition by l.ae_header_id)
                ,max(l.displayed_line_number) over (partition by l.ae_header_id)
                ,nvl(fcu.minimum_accountable_unit, power(10, -1* fcu.precision))
                ,'||CASE WHEN g_mgt_seg_column_name is NULL THEN 'NULL' ELSE 'ccid.'||g_mgt_seg_column_name END||'
                ,'||CASE WHEN g_cc_seg_column_name  is NULL THEN 'NULL' ELSE 'ccid.'||g_cc_seg_column_name  END||'
                ,'||CASE WHEN g_na_seg_column_name  is NULL THEN 'NULL' ELSE 'ccid.'||g_na_seg_column_name  END||'
                -- ccid_enabled_flag
                ,CASE WHEN ccid.enabled_flag IS NULL THEN NULL
                      WHEN ccid.enabled_flag = ''N'' THEN ''N''
                      WHEN h.accounting_date < nvl(ccid.start_date_active, h.accounting_date) THEN ''D''
                      WHEN h.accounting_date > nvl(ccid.end_date_active, h.accounting_date) THEN ''D''
                      ELSE ''Y''
                ,CASE WHEN ccid.summary_flag = ''Y'' THEN ''Y'' ELSE ''N'' END
                ,CASE WHEN ccid.enabled_flag IS NULL
                      or (ccid.code_combination_id = -1 and nvl(l.gain_or_loss_flag, ''N'')=''Y'')
                      or l.accounting_class_code IS NULL
                      or ccid.enabled_flag = ''N''
                      or h.accounting_date < nvl(ccid.start_date_active, h.accounting_date)
                      or h.accounting_date > nvl(ccid.end_date_active, h.accounting_date)
                      or (ccid.summary_flag = ''Y'')
                      or (h.balance_type_code <> ''B'' AND ccid.detail_posting_allowed_flag = ''N'')
                      or (h.balance_type_code = ''B'' AND ccid.detail_budgeting_allowed_flag = ''N'')
                      or ('''||g_app_ctl_acct_source_code||''' <> ''Y'' AND
                          (nvl(ccid.reference3,''N'') NOT IN (''Y'', ''N'', '''||g_app_ctl_acct_source_code||''')))
                      or ('''||g_app_ctl_acct_source_code||''' = ''N'' AND nvl(ccid.reference3,''N'') <> ''N'')
                      or (nvl(ccid.reference3,''N'') <> ''N'' AND
                          (l.party_type_code IS NULL OR l.party_id IS NULL))
                      or (nvl(ccid.reference3,''N'') = ''CUSTOMER'' AND l.party_type_code <> ''C'')
                      or (nvl(ccid.reference3,''N'') = ''SUPPLIER'' AND l.party_type_code <> ''S'')
                      or (l.party_type_code IS NOT NULL AND l.party_type_code NOT IN (''C'', ''S''))
                      or ((l.party_id IS NOT NULL OR l.party_site_id IS NOT NULL) AND l.party_type_code IS NULL)
                    --  or ((l.party_site_id IS NOT NULL OR l.party_type_code IS NOT NULL) AND l.party_id IS NULL)
                      or (nvl(l.gain_or_loss_flag,''N'') = ''N'' AND l.entered_dr IS NULL AND l.entered_cr IS NULL)
                      or (l.entered_dr IS NOT NULL AND l.accounted_dr IS NULL)
                      or (l.entered_cr IS NOT NULL AND l.accounted_cr IS NULL)
                      or (nvl(l.gain_or_loss_flag, ''N'') = ''N'' and l.entered_dr IS NULL AND l.accounted_dr IS NOT NULL)
                      or (nvl(l.gain_or_loss_flag, ''N'') = ''N'' and l.entered_cr IS NULL AND l.accounted_cr IS NOT NULL)
                      or (NVL(l.entered_cr,0) > 0 AND NVL(l.accounted_cr,0) < 0)
                      or (NVL(l.entered_dr,0) > 0 AND NVL(l.accounted_dr,0) < 0)
                      or (NVL(l.entered_cr,0) < 0 AND NVL(l.accounted_cr,0) > 0)
                      or (NVL(l.entered_dr,0) < 0 AND NVL(l.accounted_dr,0) > 0)
                      or (:1 = l.currency_code AND nvl(l.gain_or_loss_flag, ''N'') = ''N'' AND
                          (nvl(l.unrounded_entered_dr,9E125) <> nvl(l.unrounded_accounted_dr,9E125) or
                           nvl(l.unrounded_entered_cr,9E125) <> nvl(l.unrounded_accounted_cr,9E125)))
                      or (:2 = l.currency_code AND
                          (l.currency_conversion_type IS NOT NULL or nvl(l.currency_conversion_rate,1) <> 1))
                      or (:3 <> l.currency_code AND
                          ((l.currency_conversion_type = ''User'' AND l.currency_conversion_rate IS NULL) or
                           (nvl(l.currency_conversion_type,''User'') <> ''User'' AND l.currency_conversion_date IS NULL)))
                      or (:4 <> ccid.chart_of_accounts_id)
                      or (l.accounted_cr is NULL and l.accounted_dr is NULL and l.currency_conversion_rate is NULL)
                      THEN ''Y''
                      ELSE NULL
                ,NULL -- substituted_ccid
      FROM       xla_ae_headers_gt      h
                ,xla_ae_lines           l
                ,gl_code_combinations   ccid
                ,fnd_currencies fcu
      WHERE     ccid.code_combination_id(+) = l.code_combination_id
        AND     l.ae_header_id          = h.ae_header_id
        AND       h.ledger_id             = :5
        AND       l.currency_code = fcu.currency_code
        AND     l.application_id        = '||g_application_id;
Line: 1316

        trace(p_msg    => '# of rows inserted:'||to_char(SQL%ROWCOUNT),
              p_module => l_log_module,
              p_level  => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT);
Line: 1323

      INSERT INTO xla_validation_lines_gt
      SELECT     /*+ leading(h) cardinality(h,1) index(l, XLA_AE_LINES_U1) use_nl(l) use_nl(ccid) */
                ,max(l.ae_line_num) over (partition by l.ae_header_id)
                ,max(l.displayed_line_number) over (partition by l.ae_header_id)
                ,nvl(fcu.minimum_accountable_unit, power(10, -1* fcu.precision))
                -- code_combination_id
                 WHEN l.code_combination_id <> -1
                      and (ccid.enabled_flag = ''N''
                           or h.accounting_date < nvl(ccid.start_date_active, h.accounting_date)
                           or h.accounting_date > nvl(ccid.end_date_active, h.accounting_date))
                      and ccid.alternate_code_combination_id is not NULL
                 THEN  -- ccid disabled or outdated, ccid1 defined
                     WHEN nvl(gsa.code_combination_id, nvl(gsa1.code_combination_id, nvl(gsa2.code_combination_id, gsa3.code_combination_id))) is not NULL
                          and (--ccid1.enabled_flag is NULL
                               ccid1.enabled_flag = ''N''
                               or h.accounting_date < nvl(ccid1.start_date_active, h.accounting_date)
                               or h.accounting_date > nvl(ccid1.end_date_active, h.accounting_date)
                               --or ccid1.summary_flag = ''Y''
                               --or (ccid1.detail_posting_allowed_flag = ''N'' and h.balance_type_code <>''B'')
                               --or (ccid1.detail_budgeting_allowed_flag = ''N'' and h.balance_type_code = ''B'')
                     THEN nvl(gsa.code_combination_id, nvl(gsa1.code_combination_id, nvl(gsa2.code_combination_id, gsa3.code_combination_id)))
                     ELSE ccid.alternate_code_combination_id
                 WHEN l.code_combination_id <> -1
                      and nvl(gsa.code_combination_id, nvl(gsa1.code_combination_id, nvl(gsa2.code_combination_id, gsa3.code_combination_id))) is not NULL
                      and (--ccid.enabled_flag is NULL
                           ccid.enabled_flag = ''N''
                           or h.accounting_date < nvl(ccid.start_date_active, h.accounting_date)
                           or h.accounting_date > nvl(ccid.end_date_active, h.accounting_date)
                           --or ccid.summary_flag = ''Y''
                           --or (ccid.detail_posting_allowed_flag = ''N'' and h.balance_type_code <> ''B'')
                           --or (ccid.detail_budgeting_allowed_flag =''N'' and h.balance_type_code = ''B'')
                 THEN nvl(gsa.code_combination_id, nvl(gsa1.code_combination_id, nvl(gsa2.code_combination_id, gsa3.code_combination_id)))
                 ELSE l.code_combination_id
                ,CASE WHEN l.code_combination_id <> -1
                           and (ccid.enabled_flag = ''N''
                                or h.accounting_date < nvl(ccid.start_date_active, h.accounting_date)
                                or h.accounting_date > nvl(ccid.end_date_active, h.accounting_date))
                           and ccid.alternate_code_combination_id is not NULL
                      THEN ccid1.'||g_bal_seg_column_name||'
                      ELSE ccid.'||g_bal_seg_column_name||'
Line: 1805

        trace(p_msg    => '# of rows inserted:'||to_char(SQL%ROWCOUNT),
              p_module => l_log_module,
              p_level  => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT);
Line: 1811

       'UPDATE xla_validation_lines_gt l
        ( l.bal_seg_value
        ,l.error_flag) =
       ( SELECT
           ccid.' || g_bal_seg_column_name;
Line: 1907

        trace(p_msg    => 'UPDATE sql:',
          p_module => l_log_module,
          p_level  => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT);
Line: 1925

        trace(p_msg    => '# of rows updated:'||to_char(SQL%ROWCOUNT),
          p_module => l_log_module,
          p_level  => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT);
Line: 1932

      INSERT INTO xla_validation_lines_gt
      SELECT     /*+  cardinality(h,1) index(l, XLA_AE_LINES_U1) use_nl(l) use_nl(ccid) */
                ,max(l.ae_line_num) over (partition by l.ae_header_id)
                ,max(l.displayed_line_number) over (partition by l.ae_header_id)
                ,nvl(fcu.minimum_accountable_unit, power(10, -1* fcu.precision))
                 WHEN l.code_combination_id <> -1
                      and (ccid.enabled_flag = ''N''
                           or h.accounting_date < nvl(ccid.start_date_active, h.accounting_date)
                           or h.accounting_date > nvl(ccid.end_date_active, h.accounting_date))
                      and ccid.alternate_code_combination_id is not NULL
                 ELSE l.code_combination_id
                 WHEN l.code_combination_id <> -1
                      and (ccid.enabled_flag = ''N''
                           or h.accounting_date < nvl(ccid.start_date_active, h.accounting_date)
                           or h.accounting_date > nvl(ccid.end_date_active, h.accounting_date))
                      and ccid.alternate_code_combination_id is not NULL
                 ELSE ccid.'||g_bal_seg_column_name||'
Line: 2296

        trace(p_msg    => '# of rows inserted:'||to_char(SQL%ROWCOUNT),
              p_module => l_log_module,
              p_level  => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT);
Line: 2302

    UPDATE xla_ae_headers
       SET zero_amount_flag = 'Y'
     WHERE application_id = g_application_id and
           ae_header_id in
           (select ae_header_id
              from xla_validation_lines_gt
             group by ae_header_id
             having sum(abs(accounted_cr)) = 0 and sum(abs(accounted_dr))=0);
Line: 2312

      UPDATE /*+ index(XAL,XLA_AE_LINES_U1)*/ xla_ae_lines xal -- 4769388
         SET (code_combination_id, substituted_ccid)=
               (SELECT code_combination_id, substituted_ccid
                  FROM xla_validation_lines_gt xvlg
                 WHERE xvlg.ae_header_id = xal.ae_header_id
                   AND xvlg.ae_line_num = xal.ae_line_num)
       WHERE xal.application_id = g_application_id
         AND (xal.ae_header_id, xal.ae_line_num) in
             (select /*+ unnest cardinality(GT,10)*/        -- 4769388
                     ae_header_id, ae_line_num
                from xla_validation_lines_gt  GT            -- 4769388
               where substituted_ccid is not NULL);
Line: 2326

        trace(p_msg    => '# of rows updated to xla_ae_lines:'||to_char(SQL%ROWCOUNT),
              p_module => l_log_module,
              p_level  => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT);
Line: 2335

    INSERT INTO xla_validation_lines_gt
    SELECT       h.ae_header_id
                ,max(l.ae_line_num) over (partition by l.ae_header_id)
                ,max(l.displayed_line_number) over (partition by l.ae_header_id)
                ,nvl(fcu.minimum_accountable_unit, power(10, -1* fcu.precision))
                                        'SEGMENT1', ccid.segment1,
                                        'SEGMENT2', ccid.segment2,
                                        'SEGMENT3', ccid.segment3,
                                        'SEGMENT4', ccid.segment4,
                                        'SEGMENT5', ccid.segment5,
                                        'SEGMENT6', ccid.segment6,
                                        'SEGMENT7', ccid.segment7,
                                        'SEGMENT8', ccid.segment8,
                                        'SEGMENT9', ccid.segment9,
                                        'SEGMENT10', ccid.segment10,
                                        'SEGMENT11', ccid.segment11,
                                        'SEGMENT12', ccid.segment12,
                                        'SEGMENT13', ccid.segment13,
                                        'SEGMENT14', ccid.segment14,
                                        'SEGMENT15', ccid.segment15,
                                        'SEGMENT16', ccid.segment16,
                                        'SEGMENT17', ccid.segment17,
                                        'SEGMENT18', ccid.segment18,
                                        'SEGMENT19', ccid.segment19,
                                        'SEGMENT20', ccid.segment20,
                                        'SEGMENT21', ccid.segment21,
                                        'SEGMENT22', ccid.segment22,
                                        'SEGMENT23', ccid.segment23,
                                        'SEGMENT24', ccid.segment24,
                                        'SEGMENT25', ccid.segment25,
                                        'SEGMENT26', ccid.segment26,
                                        'SEGMENT27', ccid.segment27,
                                        'SEGMENT28', ccid.segment28,
                                        'SEGMENT29', ccid.segment29,
                                        'SEGMENT30', ccid.segment30,
                                        'SEGMENT1', ccid.segment1,
                                        'SEGMENT2', ccid.segment2,
                                        'SEGMENT3', ccid.segment3,
                                        'SEGMENT4', ccid.segment4,
                                        'SEGMENT5', ccid.segment5,
                                        'SEGMENT6', ccid.segment6,
                                        'SEGMENT7', ccid.segment7,
                                        'SEGMENT8', ccid.segment8,
                                        'SEGMENT9', ccid.segment9,
                                        'SEGMENT10', ccid.segment10,
                                        'SEGMENT11', ccid.segment11,
                                        'SEGMENT12', ccid.segment12,
                                        'SEGMENT13', ccid.segment13,
                                        'SEGMENT14', ccid.segment14,
                                        'SEGMENT15', ccid.segment15,
                                        'SEGMENT16', ccid.segment16,
                                        'SEGMENT17', ccid.segment17,
                                        'SEGMENT18', ccid.segment18,
                                        'SEGMENT19', ccid.segment19,
                                        'SEGMENT20', ccid.segment20,
                                        'SEGMENT21', ccid.segment21,
                                        'SEGMENT22', ccid.segment22,
                                        'SEGMENT23', ccid.segment23,
                                        'SEGMENT24', ccid.segment24,
                                        'SEGMENT25', ccid.segment25,
                                        'SEGMENT26', ccid.segment26,
                                        'SEGMENT27', ccid.segment27,
                                        'SEGMENT28', ccid.segment28,
                                        'SEGMENT29', ccid.segment29,
                                        'SEGMENT30', ccid.segment30,
                                        'SEGMENT1', ccid.segment1,
                                        'SEGMENT2', ccid.segment2,
                                        'SEGMENT3', ccid.segment3,
                                        'SEGMENT4', ccid.segment4,
                                        'SEGMENT5', ccid.segment5,
                                        'SEGMENT6', ccid.segment6,
                                        'SEGMENT7', ccid.segment7,
                                        'SEGMENT8', ccid.segment8,
                                        'SEGMENT9', ccid.segment9,
                                        'SEGMENT10', ccid.segment10,
                                        'SEGMENT11', ccid.segment11,
                                        'SEGMENT12', ccid.segment12,
                                        'SEGMENT13', ccid.segment13,
                                        'SEGMENT14', ccid.segment14,
                                        'SEGMENT15', ccid.segment15,
                                        'SEGMENT16', ccid.segment16,
                                        'SEGMENT17', ccid.segment17,
                                        'SEGMENT18', ccid.segment18,
                                        'SEGMENT19', ccid.segment19,
                                        'SEGMENT20', ccid.segment20,
                                        'SEGMENT21', ccid.segment21,
                                        'SEGMENT22', ccid.segment22,
                                        'SEGMENT23', ccid.segment23,
                                        'SEGMENT24', ccid.segment24,
                                        'SEGMENT25', ccid.segment25,
                                        'SEGMENT26', ccid.segment26,
                                        'SEGMENT27', ccid.segment27,
                                        'SEGMENT28', ccid.segment28,
                                        'SEGMENT29', ccid.segment29,
                                        'SEGMENT30', ccid.segment30,
                                        'SEGMENT1', ccid.segment1,
                                        'SEGMENT2', ccid.segment2,
                                        'SEGMENT3', ccid.segment3,
                                        'SEGMENT4', ccid.segment4,
                                        'SEGMENT5', ccid.segment5,
                                        'SEGMENT6', ccid.segment6,
                                        'SEGMENT7', ccid.segment7,
                                        'SEGMENT8', ccid.segment8,
                                        'SEGMENT9', ccid.segment9,
                                        'SEGMENT10', ccid.segment10,
                                        'SEGMENT11', ccid.segment11,
                                        'SEGMENT12', ccid.segment12,
                                        'SEGMENT13', ccid.segment13,
                                        'SEGMENT14', ccid.segment14,
                                        'SEGMENT15', ccid.segment15,
                                        'SEGMENT16', ccid.segment16,
                                        'SEGMENT17', ccid.segment17,
                                        'SEGMENT18', ccid.segment18,
                                        'SEGMENT19', ccid.segment19,
                                        'SEGMENT20', ccid.segment20,
                                        'SEGMENT21', ccid.segment21,
                                        'SEGMENT22', ccid.segment22,
                                        'SEGMENT23', ccid.segment23,
                                        'SEGMENT24', ccid.segment24,
                                        'SEGMENT25', ccid.segment25,
                                        'SEGMENT26', ccid.segment26,
                                        'SEGMENT27', ccid.segment27,
                                        'SEGMENT28', ccid.segment28,
                                        'SEGMENT29', ccid.segment29,
                                        'SEGMENT30', ccid.segment30,
                ,CASE WHEN g_caller = C_CALLER_ACCT_PROGRAM AND l.code_combination_id = -1 THEN 'Y'
                      WHEN ccid.enabled_flag IS NULL THEN NULL
                      WHEN ccid.enabled_flag = 'N' THEN 'N'
                      WHEN h.accounting_date < nvl(ccid.start_date_active, h.accounting_date) THEN 'D'
                      WHEN h.accounting_date > nvl(ccid.end_date_active, h.accounting_date) THEN 'D'
                      ELSE 'Y' END
                ,CASE WHEN ccid.summary_flag = 'Y' THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END
                ,CASE WHEN ccid.enabled_flag IS NULL
                      or ccid.enabled_flag = 'N'
                      or l.accounting_class_code IS NULL
                      or h.accounting_date < nvl(ccid.start_date_active, h.accounting_date)
                      or h.accounting_date > nvl(ccid.end_date_active, h.accounting_date)
                      or (ccid.summary_flag = 'Y')
                      or (h.balance_type_code <> 'B' AND ccid.detail_posting_allowed_flag = 'N')
                      or (h.balance_type_code = 'B' AND ccid.detail_budgeting_allowed_flag = 'N')
                      or (g_app_ctl_acct_source_code <> 'Y'
                            AND (nvl(ccid.reference3,'N') NOT IN ('Y', 'N', g_app_ctl_acct_source_code)))
                      or (g_app_ctl_acct_source_code= 'N' AND nvl(ccid.reference3,'N') <> 'N')
                      or (nvl(ccid.reference3,'N') <> 'N' AND
                          (l.party_type_code IS NULL OR l.party_id IS NULL))
                      or (nvl(ccid.reference3,'N') = 'CUSTOMER' AND l.party_type_code <> 'C')
                      or (nvl(ccid.reference3,'N') = 'SUPPLIER' AND l.party_type_code <> 'S')
                      or (l.party_type_code IS NOT NULL AND l.party_type_code NOT IN ('C', 'S'))
                      or ((l.party_id IS NOT NULL OR l.party_site_id IS NOT NULL) AND l.party_type_code IS NULL)
                     -- or ((l.party_site_id IS NOT NULL OR l.party_type_code IS NOT NULL) AND l.party_id IS NULL)
                      or (l.entered_dr IS NULL AND l.entered_cr IS NULL)
                      or (l.entered_dr IS NOT NULL AND l.accounted_dr IS NULL)
                      or (l.entered_cr IS NOT NULL AND l.accounted_cr IS NULL)
                      or (l.entered_dr IS NULL AND l.accounted_dr IS NOT NULL)
                      or (l.entered_cr IS NULL AND l.accounted_cr IS NOT NULL)
                      or (NVL(l.entered_cr,0) > 0 AND NVL(l.accounted_cr,0) < 0)
                      or (NVL(l.entered_dr,0) > 0 AND NVL(l.accounted_dr,0) < 0)
                      or (NVL(l.entered_cr,0) < 0 AND NVL(l.accounted_cr,0) > 0)
                      or (NVL(l.entered_dr,0) < 0 AND NVL(l.accounted_dr,0) > 0)
                      or (g_ledger_currency_code = l.currency_code AND
                          (nvl(l.unrounded_entered_dr,C_NUM) <> nvl(l.unrounded_accounted_dr,C_NUM) or
                           nvl(l.unrounded_entered_cr,C_NUM) <> nvl(l.unrounded_accounted_cr,C_NUM)))
                      or (g_ledger_currency_code = l.currency_code AND
                          (l.currency_conversion_type IS NOT NULL or nvl(l.currency_conversion_rate,1) <> 1))
                      or (g_ledger_currency_code <> l.currency_code AND
                          ((l.currency_conversion_type = 'User' AND l.currency_conversion_rate IS NULL) or
                           (nvl(l.currency_conversion_type,'User') <> 'User' AND l.currency_conversion_date IS NULL)))
                      or (g_ledger_coa_id <> ccid.chart_of_accounts_id)
                      THEN 'Y'
                      ELSE NULL
    FROM         xla_ae_headers         h
                ,xla_ae_lines           l
                ,gl_code_combinations   ccid
                ,fnd_currencies fcu
    WHERE       ccid.code_combination_id(+) = l.code_combination_id
      AND       l.ae_header_id              = h.ae_header_id
      AND       l.application_id            = h.application_id
      AND       l.currency_code = fcu.currency_code
      AND       h.ledger_id                 = g_ledger_id
      AND       h.ae_header_id              = g_ae_header_id
      AND       h.application_id            = g_application_id;
Line: 2608

    trace(p_msg    => '# lines inserted = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT,
          p_module => l_log_module,
          p_level  => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT);
Line: 2639

    SELECT h.ae_header_id
          ,CASE WHEN h.doc_category_code IS NOT NULL AND cat.code IS NULL
                THEN 'N'
                ELSE 'Y'
                END doc_category_code_valid_flag
          ,CASE WHEN h.doc_sequence_id IS NOT NULL AND doc.doc_sequence_id IS NULL
                THEN 'N'
                ELSE 'Y'
                END doc_sequence_id_valid_flag
    FROM   xla_ae_headers h
           LEFT OUTER JOIN fnd_doc_sequence_categories cat
           ON   cat.code                     = h.doc_category_code
           LEFT OUTER JOIN fnd_document_sequences doc
           ON   doc.doc_sequence_id          = h.doc_sequence_id
    WHERE  h.ae_header_id             = g_ae_header_id
    AND    h.application_id           = g_application_id
    AND    ((h.doc_category_code IS NOT NULL AND cat.code IS NULL) OR
            (h.doc_sequence_id IS NOT NULL AND doc.doc_sequence_id IS NULL));
Line: 2663

    SELECT h.ae_header_id
          ,CASE WHEN h.doc_category_code IS NOT NULL AND cat.code IS NULL
                THEN 'N'
                ELSE 'Y'
                END doc_category_code_valid_flag
          ,CASE WHEN h.doc_sequence_id IS NOT NULL AND doc.doc_sequence_id IS NULL
                THEN 'N'
                ELSE 'Y'
                END doc_sequence_id_valid_flag
    FROM   xla_ae_headers_gt h
           LEFT OUTER JOIN fnd_doc_sequence_categories cat
           ON   cat.code                     = h.doc_category_code
           LEFT OUTER JOIN fnd_document_sequences doc
           ON   doc.doc_sequence_id          = h.doc_sequence_id
    WHERE  h.ledger_id = g_ledger_id
      AND  h.accounting_date <= NVL(g_end_date, h.accounting_date)    -- 4262811
      AND  ((h.doc_category_code IS NOT NULL AND cat.code IS NULL) OR
            (h.doc_sequence_id IS NOT NULL AND doc.doc_sequence_id IS NULL));
Line: 2734

      SELECT    application_name INTO l_app_name
      FROM      fnd_application_vl
      WHERE     application_id = g_application_id;
Line: 2755

      SELECT    application_name INTO l_app_name
      FROM      fnd_application_vl
      WHERE     application_id = g_application_id;
Line: 2824

    SELECT h.ae_header_id
          ,h.ae_line_num       -- 5522973
          ,e.encumbrance_type  -- 5522973
          ,e.enabled_flag encum_type_enabled_flag
    FROM  xla_validation_lines_gt h
          LEFT OUTER JOIN gl_encumbrance_types e
          ON   e.encumbrance_type_id        = h.encumbrance_type_id
    WHERE h.ledger_id             = g_ledger_id
    AND   h.balance_type_code     = 'E'
--  AND   h.encumbrance_type_id   IS NOT NULL  -- 5522973 removed
    AND   nvl(e.enabled_flag,'N') = 'N';
Line: 2950

    SELECT h.ae_header_id
          ,bv.budget_name                                                                           -- 5592776
          ,bv.status budget_version_status
          ,CASE WHEN h.balance_type_code = 'B' AND
                     gp.period_year > b.latest_opened_year
                THEN 'N'
                ELSE 'Y' END budget_period_valid_flag
    FROM  xla_ae_headers h
          JOIN gl_period_statuses gp
          ON   gp.period_name               = h.period_name
          AND  gp.ledger_id                 = g_ledger_id
          AND  gp.application_id            = C_GL_APPLICATION_ID
          LEFT OUTER JOIN gl_budget_versions bv
          ON   bv.budget_version_id     = h.budget_version_id
          LEFT OUTER JOIN gl_budgets b
          ON   b.budget_name             = bv.budget_name
          AND  b.budget_type             = bv.budget_type
    WHERE h.ae_header_id        = g_ae_header_id
      AND h.application_id      = g_application_id
      AND h.balance_type_code   = 'B'
      AND h.budget_version_id   IS NOT NULL
      AND (bv.status IS NULL OR
           nvl(bv.status,'I') in ('I', 'F') OR
           gp.period_year > b.latest_opened_year);
Line: 2980

    SELECT h.ae_header_id
          ,bv.budget_name                                                                           -- 5592776
          ,decode(nvl(b.ledger_id,h.ledger_id), h.ledger_id, bv.status , 'X') budget_version_status -- 5592776
          ,CASE WHEN h.balance_type_code = 'B' AND
                     h.period_year > b.latest_opened_year
                THEN 'N'
                ELSE 'Y' END budget_period_valid_flag
    FROM  xla_ae_headers_gt h
          LEFT OUTER JOIN gl_budget_versions bv
          ON   bv.budget_version_id     = h.budget_version_id
          LEFT OUTER JOIN gl_budgets b
          ON   b.budget_name             = bv.budget_name
          AND  b.budget_type             = bv.budget_type
    WHERE h.ledger_id           = g_ledger_id
      AND h.balance_type_code   = 'B'
      AND h.budget_version_id   IS NOT NULL
      AND (bv.status IS NULL OR
           nvl(bv.status,'I') in ('I', 'F') OR
           b.ledger_id <> h.ledger_id OR                                                            -- 5592776
           h.period_year > b.latest_opened_year);
Line: 3092

      SELECT    budget_name
      INTO      l_budget_name
      FROM      gl_budget_versions
      WHERE     budget_version_id = l_err.budget_version_id;
Line: 3162

    SELECT effective_date_rule_code
      FROM gl_je_sources  gjs
         , xla_subledgers xs
     WHERE gjs.je_source_name = xs.je_source_name
       AND xs.application_id  = g_application_id;
Line: 3169

    SELECT xah.ae_header_id
      FROM xla_ae_headers         xah
         , gl_transaction_dates   gtd
     WHERE xah.accounting_date         = gtd.transaction_date
       AND gtd.transaction_calendar_id = g_transaction_calendar_id
       AND gtd.business_day_flag          = 'N';
Line: 3288

      SELECT h.ae_header_id
            ,CASE WHEN h.balance_type_code = 'E' AND
                           gp.period_year > g.latest_encumbrance_year
                  THEN 'N'
                  ELSE 'Y' END encum_period_valid_flag
            ,CASE WHEN h.balance_type_code = 'A' AND
                           gp.closing_status not in ('O', 'F')
                  THEN 'N'
                  ELSE 'Y' END gl_date_valid_flag
            ,CASE WHEN h.reference_date IS NULL THEN 'Y'
                  WHEN nvl(rp.closing_status,'C') in ('O', 'F') THEN 'Y'
                  ELSE 'N' END reference_date_valid_flag
            ,NULL                            header_num            -- 4262811
            ,NULL                            period_closing_status -- 4262811
            ,h.period_name                   period_name           -- 5136994
      FROM   xla_ae_headers     h
             JOIN gl_ledgers g
             ON   g.ledger_id                  = h.ledger_id
             JOIN gl_period_statuses gp
             ON   gp.period_name               = h.period_name
             AND  gp.ledger_id                 = h.ledger_id
             AND  gp.application_id            = C_GL_APPLICATION_ID
             LEFT OUTER JOIN gl_period_statuses rp
             ON   rp.adjustment_period_flag    = 'N'
             AND  h.reference_date BETWEEN rp.start_date AND rp.end_date
             AND  rp.ledger_id                 = h.ledger_id
             AND  rp.application_id            = C_GL_APPLICATION_ID
      WHERE  h.ae_header_id        = g_ae_header_id
      AND    h.application_id      = g_application_id
      AND    ((h.balance_type_code = 'B' AND h.budget_version_id IS NULL) OR
              (h.balance_type_code <> 'B' AND h.budget_version_id IS NOT NULL) OR
              (h.balance_type_code NOT IN ('A', 'B', 'E')) OR
              (h.balance_type_code = 'E' AND gp.period_year > g.latest_encumbrance_year) OR
              (h.balance_type_code = 'A' AND gp.closing_status NOT IN ('O', 'F')) OR
              (h.reference_date IS NOT NULL AND nvl(rp.closing_status,'C') NOT IN ('O', 'F')));
Line: 3332

      SELECT     /*+ index(gp, GL_PERIOD_STATUSES_U3) */
                ,NULL reference_date
                ,CASE WHEN h.balance_type_code = 'E' AND
                         --h.period_year > g_latest_encumbrance_year                                   -- 5136994
                           NVL(h.period_year,g_latest_encumbrance_year+1) > g_latest_encumbrance_year  -- 5136994
                      THEN 'N'
                      ELSE 'Y' END encum_period_valid_flag
                ,CASE WHEN h.balance_type_code = 'A' AND
                         --h.period_closing_status not in ('O', 'F')
                           NVL(h.period_closing_status,'X') not in ('O', 'F') -- 5136994
                      THEN 'N'
                      ELSE 'Y' END gl_date_valid_flag
                ,'Y' reference_date_valid_flag
                ,NVL(h.header_num,0)             header_num            -- 4262811
                ,h.period_closing_status         period_closing_status -- 4262811
                ,h.period_name                   period_name           -- 5136994
      FROM       xla_ae_headers_gt h
      WHERE      h.ledger_id = g_ledger_id
        AND     (h.accounting_date <= g_end_date OR h.period_closing_status IN ('P','C')    -- 4262811
                   OR h.period_name IS NULL)  -- 5136994
        AND      ((h.balance_type_code =  'B' AND h.budget_version_id IS NULL) OR
                  (h.balance_type_code <> 'B' AND h.budget_version_id IS NOT NULL) OR
                  (h.balance_type_code NOT IN ('A', 'B', 'E')) OR
                -- 5136994
                  (h.balance_type_code =  'E' AND NVL(h.period_year,g_latest_encumbrance_year+1) > g_latest_encumbrance_year) OR
                  (h.balance_type_code =  'A' AND NVL(h.period_closing_status,'X') NOT IN ('O', 'F')));
Line: 3604

    SELECT t.*
      FROM xla_validation_lines_gt t
           LEFT OUTER JOIN gl_ledger_segment_values s
           ON  s.segment_value     = t.bal_seg_value
           AND s.segment_type_code = C_BAL_SEGMENT
           AND s.ledger_id         = p_seg_ledger_id
           AND t.accounting_date   BETWEEN NVL(s.start_date, t.accounting_date)
                                   AND NVL(s.end_date, t.accounting_date)
     WHERE t.ccid_enabled_flag IS NOT NULL
       AND s.ledger_id IS NULL
       AND t.code_combination_id <> -1;
Line: 3652

    SELECT fnd_flex_ext.get_segs('SQLGL', 'GL#', l_err.ccid_coa_id, l_err.code_combination_id)
    INTO   l_account
    FROM   dual;
Line: 3726

    SELECT t.*
      FROM xla_validation_lines_gt t
           LEFT OUTER JOIN gl_ledger_segment_values s
           ON  s.segment_value     = t.mgt_seg_value
           AND s.segment_type_code = C_MGT_SEGMENT
           AND s.ledger_id         = p_seg_ledger_id
           AND t.accounting_date   BETWEEN NVL(s.start_date, t.accounting_date)
                                   AND NVL(s.end_date, t.accounting_date)
     WHERE t.ccid_enabled_flag IS NOT NULL
       AND s.ledger_id IS NULL;
Line: 3738

    SELECT  id_flex_structure_name
    FROM    fnd_id_flex_structures_vl
    WHERE   application_id = 101
    AND     id_flex_num = p_coa_id;
Line: 3778

    SELECT fnd_flex_ext.get_segs('SQLGL', 'GL#', l_err.ccid_coa_id, l_err.code_combination_id)
    INTO   l_account
    FROM   dual;
Line: 3862

    SELECT t.ae_header_id, t.ae_line_num, t.event_id, t.displayed_line_number,
           t.party_type_code, t.party_id, t.party_site_id,
           c.cust_account_id customer_id, ps.site_use_id customer_site_id,
           s.vendor_id, ss.vendor_site_id
      FROM xla_validation_lines_gt t
           LEFT OUTER JOIN hz_cust_accounts_all c
           ON   c.cust_account_id       = t.party_id
           LEFT OUTER JOIN hz_cust_site_uses_all ps
           ON   ps.site_use_id          = t.party_site_id
           LEFT OUTER JOIN ap_supplier_sites_all ss
           ON   ss.vendor_site_id   = t.party_site_id
           LEFT OUTER JOIN ap_suppliers s
           ON   s.vendor_id             = t.party_id
      WHERE  (t.party_type_code IS NULL
        AND ((c.cust_account_id IS NOT NULL )OR (t.party_site_id IS NOT NULL AND ps.site_use_id IS NULL ))
        OR  (t.party_type_code = 'S'
       AND ((s.vendor_id IS NULL) OR
            (t.party_site_id IS NOT NULL AND ss.vendor_site_id IS NULL)))  ;
Line: 4037

    SELECT t.ae_header_id
          ,curr.enabled_flag           curr_enabled_flag
          ,curr.start_date_active      curr_start_date_active
          ,curr.end_date_active        curr_end_date_active
    FROM   xla_validation_lines_gt t
           LEFT OUTER JOIN fnd_currencies curr
           ON   curr.currency_code          = t.entered_currency_code
    WHERE  (curr.enabled_flag IS NULL) OR
           (curr.enabled_flag = 'N') OR
           (t.accounting_date < nvl(curr.start_date_active,t.accounting_date)) OR
           (t.accounting_date > nvl(curr.end_date_active,t.accounting_date));
Line: 4183

    SELECT t.ae_header_id
          ,fnd_flex_ext.get_segs('SQLGL', 'GL#', t.ccid_coa_id, t.code_combination_id) account
      FROM xla_validation_lines_gt t
           JOIN gl_budget_versions bud
           ON  bud.budget_version_id           = t.budget_version_id
           LEFT OUTER JOIN gl_budget_assignments b
           ON  b.currency_code                 = t.entered_currency_code
           AND b.code_combination_id           = t.code_combination_id
           AND b.ledger_id                     = g_ledger_id
           LEFT OUTER JOIN gl_budorg_bc_options bc
           ON  bc.range_id = b.range_id
           AND t.budget_version_id = bc.funding_budget_version_id
     WHERE t.balance_type_code = 'B'
       AND t.budget_version_id IS NOT NULL
       AND bc.funding_budget_version_id IS NULL;
Line: 4288

    SELECT t.ae_header_id
      FROM xla_validation_lines_gt t
           LEFT OUTER JOIN xla_lookups lk
           ON  lk.lookup_type        = 'XLA_ACCOUNTING_CLASS'
           AND lk.lookup_code        = t.accounting_class_code
     WHERE lk.lookup_code            IS NULL
       AND t.accounting_class_code   IS NOT NULL;
Line: 4402

    SELECT      *
    FROM        xla_validation_lines_gt
    WHERE       error_flag = 'Y';
Line: 4407

    SELECT fnd_flex_ext.get_segs('SQLGL', 'GL#', p_coa_id, p_code_combination_id)
    FROM   dual;
Line: 4411

    SELECT meaning
    FROM   fnd_lookups
    AND    lookup_code = l_lookup_code;
Line: 4417

    SELECT name
    FROM   xla_product_rules_vl
    WHERE  product_rule_type_code = p_prod_rule_type_code
    AND    product_rule_code      = p_prod_rule_code
    AND    application_id         = g_application_id
    AND    amb_context_code       = g_amb_context_code;
Line: 4425

    SELECT budget_name
    FROM   gl_budget_versions
    WHERE  budget_version_id = p_budget_version_id;
Line: 4430

    SELECT gdct.user_conversion_type
    FROM   gl_daily_conversion_types gdct
    WHERE  gdct.conversion_type   =  p_conv_type;
Line: 4732

          SELECT application_name INTO l_app_name
          FROM   fnd_application_vl
          WHERE  application_id = g_application_id;
Line: 4782

          SELECT application_name INTO l_app_name
          FROM   fnd_application_vl
          WHERE  application_id = g_application_id;
Line: 4815

        SELECT gain_or_loss_flag INTO l_gain_or_loss_flag
          FROM xla_ae_lines
         WHERE application_id = g_application_id
           AND ae_header_id   = l_err.ae_header_id
           AND ae_line_num    = l_err.ae_line_num;
Line: 5297

       The following sql updates # of errors * # of lines.

    FORALL i IN l_prev_err_count+1..g_err_count
      UPDATE     xla_validation_lines_gt
        set      balancing_line_type = C_LINE_TYPE_COMPLETE
        WHERE    ae_header_id = g_err_hdr_ids(i); */
Line: 5319

          SET balancing_line_type = C_LINE_TYPE_COMPLETE
        WHERE ae_header_id = l_distinct_hdr_ids(i);
Line: 5356

    SELECT      bal_seg_value                  bal_seg_val
              , entered_currency_code          currency_code
              , max_ae_line_num                max_ae_line_num
              , max_displayed_line_number      max_disp_line_num
              , sum(nvl(accounted_dr,0))       accted_dr
              , sum(nvl(accounted_cr,0))       accted_cr
              , sum(nvl(entered_dr,0))         entered_dr
              , sum(nvl(entered_cr,0))         entered_cr
              , accounting_date                accounting_date
              , party_type_code                party_type_code
              , party_id                       party_id
              , party_site_id                  party_site_id
    FROM        xla_validation_lines_gt
    WHERE       ae_header_id = p_ae_header_id
    GROUP BY    bal_seg_value
              , entered_currency_code
              , max_ae_line_num
              , max_displayed_line_number
              , accounting_date
              , party_type_code
              , party_id
              , party_site_id
    HAVING    sum(nvl(accounted_dr,0)) <> sum(nvl(accounted_cr,0));
Line: 5382

    SELECT chart_of_accounts_id
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT1',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment1)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT2',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment2)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT3',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment3)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT4',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment4)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT5',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment5)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT6',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment6)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT7',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment7)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT8',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment8)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT9',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment9)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT10',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment10)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT11',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment11)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT12',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment12)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT13',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment13)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT14',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment14)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT15',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment15)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT16',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment16)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT17',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment17)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT18',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment18)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT19',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment19)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT20',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment20)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT21',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment21)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT22',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment22)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT23',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment23)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT24',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment24)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT25',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment25)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT26',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment26)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT27',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment27)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT28',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment28)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT29',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment29)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT30',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment30)
      FROM gl_code_combinations t
     WHERE t.code_combination_id = p_sus_ccid;
Line: 5417

    SELECT      display_order
    FROM        (SELECT ROWNUM display_order, application_column_name
                 FROM ( SELECT application_column_name
                        FROM   FND_ID_FLEX_SEGMENTS_VL
                        WHERE  ID_FLEX_NUM    = p_coa_id
                        AND    ID_FLEX_CODE   = 'GL#'
                        AND    APPLICATION_ID = 101
                        order by decode(enabled_flag, 'Y', 1, 'N', 2), segment_num))
    WHERE       application_column_name = p_seg_col_name;
Line: 5461

    l_stmt := 'SELECT '||g_mgt_seg_column_name||'
               FROM   gl_code_combinations
               WHERE  code_combination_id = '||g_sla_ledger_cur_bal_sus_ccid;
Line: 5491

    l_stmt := 'SELECT code_combination_id, reference3 FROM gl_code_combinations '||
              'WHERE chart_of_accounts_id = :1 ';
Line: 5594

          SELECT reference3 INTO l_ref3
            FROM gl_code_combinations
           WHERE code_combination_id = l_sus_ccid;
Line: 5613

    INSERT INTO xla_validation_lines_gt
        ,l_bal.party_site_id );
Line: 5722

    SELECT ae_header_id
      FROM xla_validation_lines_gt
     WHERE balance_type_code = 'A' --  <> 'B'   -- 4458381
       AND entered_currency_code <> 'STAT'
       AND balancing_line_type = C_LINE_TYPE_PROCESS
     GROUP BY ae_header_id, entity_id , event_id
     HAVING ROUND(nvl(sum(unrounded_entered_dr/entered_currency_mau), 0)+p_rounding_offset) <>
               ROUND(nvl(sum(unrounded_entered_cr/entered_currency_mau), 0)+p_rounding_offset)
       AND count(distinct entered_currency_code) = 1;
Line: 5756

    SELECT xlo.rounding_rule_code
    INTO   l_rounding_rule_code
    FROM   xla_ledger_options     xlo
    WHERE xlo.application_id = g_application_id
      AND xlo.ledger_id = g_trx_ledger_id;
Line: 5807

        UPDATE  xla_validation_lines_gt
           SET  balancing_line_type = C_LINE_TYPE_COMPLETE
         WHERE  ae_header_id = l_comp_hdr_ids(j)
           AND  balancing_line_type = C_LINE_TYPE_PROCESS;
Line: 5851

    SELECT  ae_header_id
    FROM    xla_validation_lines_gt
    WHERE   balance_type_code = 'A'
    AND     entered_currency_code <> 'STAT'
    AND     balancing_line_type = C_LINE_TYPE_PROCESS
    GROUP BY ae_header_id, entity_id, event_id
    HAVING   sum(nvl(accounted_dr,0)) <> sum(nvl(accounted_cr,0))
       AND   ROUND( NVL(SUM(unrounded_accounted_dr),0) /p_mau+p_rounding_offset)
               <> ROUND( NVL(SUM(unrounded_accounted_cr),0) /p_mau+p_rounding_offset);
Line: 5869

    SELECT  pr.name, lk.meaning, ec.name, et.name
    FROM    xla_product_rules_tl    pr
            ,xla_event_classes_tl   ec
            ,xla_event_types_tl     et
            ,xla_lookups            lk
            ,xla_ae_headers         h
    WHERE   lk.lookup_code            = h.product_rule_type_code
      AND   lk.lookup_type            = 'XLA_OWNER_TYPE'
      AND   pr.amb_context_code       = g_amb_context_code
      AND   pr.application_id         = g_application_id
      AND   pr.product_rule_type_code = h.product_rule_type_code
      AND   pr.product_rule_code      = h.product_rule_code
      AND   pr.language               = USERENV('LANG')
      AND   ec.application_id         = et.application_id
      AND   ec.event_class_code       = et.event_class_code
      AND   ec.language               = USERENV('LANG')
      AND   et.application_id         = h.application_id
      AND   et.event_type_code        = h.event_type_code
      AND   et.language               = USERENV('LANG')
      AND   h.ae_header_id            = p_ae_header_id
      AND   h.application_id          = g_application_id;
Line: 5927

    SELECT nvl(fcu.minimum_accountable_unit, power(10, -1* fcu.precision))
    INTO   l_mau, l_rounding_rule_code
    FROM   xla_ledger_options     xlo
          ,gl_ledgers             gl
          ,fnd_currencies         fcu
    WHERE xlo.application_id = g_application_id
      AND xlo.ledger_id = g_trx_ledger_id
      AND gl.ledger_id = g_ledger_id
      AND fcu.currency_code = gl.currency_code;
Line: 6028

        UPDATE  xla_validation_lines_gt
           SET  balancing_line_type = C_LINE_TYPE_COMPLETE
         WHERE  ae_header_id = l_comp_hdr_ids(j)
           AND  balancing_line_type = C_LINE_TYPE_PROCESS;
Line: 6064

    SELECT bal_seg_value               bal_seg_val
          ,entered_currency_code       entered_currency_code
          ,nvl(sum(entered_dr), 0)     entered_dr
          ,nvl(sum(entered_cr), 0)     entered_cr
          ,nvl(sum(accounted_dr), 0)     accted_dr
          ,nvl(sum(accounted_cr), 0)     accted_cr
          ,ae_header_id                ae_header_id
          ,max_ae_line_num                max_ae_line_num
          ,max_displayed_line_number      max_disp_line_num
          ,accounting_date                accounting_date
    WHERE balancing_line_type in (C_LINE_TYPE_PROCESS
                                 ,C_LINE_TYPE_ENC_BALANCING) -- 4458381
      AND balance_type_code <> 'B'
      AND entered_currency_code <> 'STAT'
    GROUP BY bal_seg_value
    HAVING nvl(sum(accounted_dr), 0) <> nvl(sum(accounted_cr), 0)
           or nvl(sum(entered_dr), 0) <> nvl(sum(entered_cr), 0);
Line: 6097

    SELECT chart_of_accounts_id
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT1',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment1)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT2',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment2)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT3',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment3)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT4',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment4)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT5',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment5)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT6',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment6)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT7',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment7)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT8',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment8)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT9',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment9)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT10',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment10)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT11',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment11)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT12',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment12)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT13',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment13)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT14',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment14)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT15',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment15)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT16',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment16)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT17',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment17)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT18',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment18)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT19',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment19)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT20',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment20)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT21',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment21)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT22',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment22)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT23',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment23)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT24',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment24)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT25',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment25)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT26',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment26)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT27',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment27)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT28',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment28)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT29',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment29)
         , decode(p_bal_seg_column,'SEGMENT30',p_bal_seg_val,t.segment30)
      FROM gl_code_combinations t
     WHERE t.code_combination_id = p_rounding_ccid;
Line: 6132

    SELECT      display_order
    FROM        (SELECT ROWNUM display_order, application_column_name
                 FROM ( SELECT application_column_name
                        FROM   FND_ID_FLEX_SEGMENTS_VL
                        WHERE  ID_FLEX_NUM    = p_coa_id
                        AND    ID_FLEX_CODE   = 'GL#'
                        AND    APPLICATION_ID = 101
                        order by decode(enabled_flag, 'Y', 1, 'N', 2), segment_num))
    WHERE       application_column_name = p_seg_col_name;
Line: 6217

    l_stmt := 'SELECT '||g_mgt_seg_column_name||'
               FROM   gl_code_combinations
               WHERE  code_combination_id = '||g_sla_rounding_ccid;
Line: 6247

    l_stmt := 'SELECT code_combination_id, reference3 FROM gl_code_combinations '||
              'WHERE chart_of_accounts_id = :1 ';
Line: 6358

          SELECT reference3
            INTO l_ref3
            FROM gl_code_combinations
           WHERE code_combination_id = l_rounding_ccid;
Line: 6399

    INSERT INTO xla_validation_lines_gt
Line: 6443

      SELECT fnd_flex_ext.get_segs('SQLGL', 'GL#', g_ledger_coa_id, l_rounding_ccid)
        INTO l_account
        FROM dual;
Line: 6524

    SELECT  distinct
          , le2.name                   from_le_name
          , le3.name                   to_le_name
          , le1.name                   le_name
          , err.ccid
          , je.user_je_category_name   je_category_name
          , hdr.entity_id
          , hdr.event_id
          , hdr.ae_header_id
    FROM    fun_bal_errors_gt           err
          , xla_ae_headers_gt           hdr
          , gl_je_categories            je
          , xle_entity_profiles         le1
          , xle_entity_profiles         le2
          , xle_entity_profiles         le3
    WHERE   err.group_id                = hdr.ae_header_id
      AND   je.je_category_name(+)      = hdr.je_category_name
      AND   le1.legal_entity_id(+)      = err.le_id
      AND   le2.legal_entity_id(+)      = err.from_le_id
      AND   le3.legal_entity_id(+)      = err.to_le_id;
Line: 6547

    SELECT  distinct
          , le2.name                   from_le_name
          , le3.name                   to_le_name
          , le1.name                   le_name
          , err.ccid
          , je.user_je_category_name   je_category_name
          , hdr.entity_id
          , hdr.event_id
          , hdr.ae_header_id
    FROM    fun_bal_errors_gt           err
          , xla_ae_headers              hdr
          , gl_je_categories            je
          , xle_entity_profiles         le1
          , xle_entity_profiles         le2
          , xle_entity_profiles         le3
    WHERE   err.group_id                = hdr.ae_header_id
      AND   je.je_category_name(+)      = hdr.je_category_name
      AND   le1.legal_entity_id(+)      = err.le_id
      AND   le2.legal_entity_id(+)      = err.from_le_id
      AND   le3.legal_entity_id(+)      = err.to_le_id
      AND   hdr.application_id          = g_application_id
      AND   hdr.ae_header_id            = g_ae_header_id;
Line: 6759

      SELECT    fnd_flex_ext.get_segs('SQLGL', 'GL#', g_ledger_coa_id, l_err.ccid)
      INTO      l_account
      FROM      dual;
Line: 6785

      SELECT    fnd_flex_ext.get_segs('SQLGL', 'GL#', g_ledger_coa_id, l_err.ccid)
      INTO      l_account
      FROM      dual;
Line: 6879

              ) IS SELECT ae_header_id
                FROM    xla_validation_lines_gt l
                WHERE   balance_type_code       = 'A'
                AND     entered_currency_code  <> 'STAT'
                AND     balancing_line_type     = C_LINE_TYPE_PROCESS
                GROUP BY ae_header_id
                --HAVING        sum(nvl(accounted_dr,0)) <> sum(nvl(accounted_cr,0))
                HAVING  ROUND( NVL(SUM(unrounded_accounted_dr),0) /p_mau+p_rounding_offset)
               <> ROUND( NVL(SUM(unrounded_accounted_cr),0) /p_mau+p_rounding_offset)

                ORDER BY ae_header_id;
Line: 6953

    SELECT nvl(fcu.minimum_accountable_unit, power(10, -1* fcu.precision))
    INTO   l_mau, l_rounding_rule_code
    FROM   xla_ledger_options     xlo
          ,gl_ledgers             gl
          ,fnd_currencies         fcu
    WHERE xlo.application_id = g_application_id
      AND xlo.ledger_id      = g_trx_ledger_id
      AND gl.ledger_id       = g_ledger_id
      AND fcu.currency_code  = gl.currency_code;
Line: 7038

      INSERT INTO fun_bal_headers_gt (
        VALUES (
Line: 7054

      trace(p_msg    => '# rows inserted into fun_bal_headers_gt: '||SQL%ROWCOUNT,
            p_module => l_log_module,
            p_level  => C_LEVEL_EVENT);
Line: 7060

   INSERT INTO fun_bal_lines_gt (
        SELECT   l.ae_header_id
        FROM     xla_validation_lines_gt l
                ,fun_bal_headers_gt h
        WHERE    l.balancing_line_type = C_LINE_TYPE_PROCESS
        AND      l.ae_header_id = h.group_id
	AND      EXISTS (select 1 from xla_distribution_links xdl
			where xdl.ae_header_id= l.ae_header_id
			and xdl.ae_line_num= l.ae_line_num
			and (xdl.temp_line_num IS NULL or xdl.temp_line_num >0));
Line: 7093

      trace(p_msg    => '# non-reversal rows inserted into fun_bal_lines_gt: '||SQL%ROWCOUNT,
            p_module => l_log_module,
            p_level  => C_LEVEL_EVENT);
Line: 7100

    INSERT INTO fun_bal_lines_gt (
        SELECT   l.ae_header_id
        FROM     xla_validation_lines_gt l
                ,fun_bal_headers_gt h
        WHERE    l.balancing_line_type = C_LINE_TYPE_PROCESS
        AND      l.ae_header_id = h.group_id
	AND      EXISTS (select 1 from xla_distribution_links xdl
			where xdl.ae_header_id= l.ae_header_id
			and xdl.ae_line_num= l.ae_line_num
			and xdl.temp_line_num <0)
Line: 7133

      trace(p_msg    => '# reversal rows inserted into fun_bal_lines_gt: '||SQL%ROWCOUNT,
            p_module => l_log_module,
            p_level  => C_LEVEL_EVENT);
Line: 7174

    INSERT INTO xla_validation_lines_gt(
            SELECT   res.group_id
                    ,nvl(fcu.minimum_accountable_unit, power(10, -1* fcu.precision))
                    ,ROUND(res.entered_amt_cr /(nvl(fcu.minimum_accountable_unit, power(10, -1* fcu.precision)))+l_rounding_offset)*(nvl(fcu.minimum_accountable_unit, power(10, -1* fcu.precision)))
                    ,ROUND(res.entered_amt_dr /(nvl(fcu.minimum_accountable_unit, power(10, -1* fcu.precision)))+l_rounding_offset)*(nvl(fcu.minimum_accountable_unit, power(10, -1* fcu.precision)))
                    ,ROUND(res.accounted_amt_cr /l_mau+l_rounding_offset)*l_mau
                    ,ROUND(res.accounted_amt_dr /l_mau+l_rounding_offset)*l_mau
                            ,'SEGMENT1', ccid.segment1, 'SEGMENT2', ccid.segment2
                            ,'SEGMENT3', ccid.segment3, 'SEGMENT4', ccid.segment4
                            ,'SEGMENT5', ccid.segment5, 'SEGMENT6', ccid.segment6
                            ,'SEGMENT7', ccid.segment7, 'SEGMENT8', ccid.segment8
                            ,'SEGMENT9', ccid.segment9, 'SEGMENT10', ccid.segment10
                            ,'SEGMENT11', ccid.segment11, 'SEGMENT12', ccid.segment12
                            ,'SEGMENT13', ccid.segment13, 'SEGMENT14', ccid.segment14
                            ,'SEGMENT15', ccid.segment15, 'SEGMENT16', ccid.segment16
                            ,'SEGMENT17', ccid.segment17, 'SEGMENT18', ccid.segment18
                            ,'SEGMENT19', ccid.segment19, 'SEGMENT20', ccid.segment20
                            ,'SEGMENT21', ccid.segment21, 'SEGMENT22', ccid.segment22
                            ,'SEGMENT23', ccid.segment23, 'SEGMENT24', ccid.segment24
                            ,'SEGMENT25', ccid.segment25, 'SEGMENT26', ccid.segment26
                            ,'SEGMENT27', ccid.segment27, 'SEGMENT28', ccid.segment28
                            ,'SEGMENT29', ccid.segment29, 'SEGMENT30', ccid.segment30, NULL)
                    ,decode(res.balancing_type, C_FUN_INTRA, C_LINE_TYPE_IC_BAL_INTRA,
            FROM     fun_bal_results_gt     res
                    ,xla_validation_lines_gt l
                    ,gl_code_combinations   ccid
                    ,fnd_currencies fcu
            WHERE   l.ae_line_num           = l.max_ae_line_num
              AND   l.ae_header_id          = res.group_id
              AND   ccid.code_combination_id= res.ccid
          AND   res.entered_currency_code = fcu.currency_code
	  AND      EXISTS (select 1 from xla_distribution_links xdl
			where xdl.ae_header_id= l.ae_header_id
			and xdl.ae_line_num= l.ae_line_num
			and (xdl.temp_line_num IS NULL or xdl.temp_line_num >0));
Line: 7269

    INSERT INTO xla_validation_lines_gt(
            SELECT   res.group_id
                    ,nvl(fcu.minimum_accountable_unit, power(10, -1* fcu.precision))
                    ,ROUND(res.entered_amt_dr /(nvl(fcu.minimum_accountable_unit, power(10, -1* fcu.precision)))+l_rounding_offset)*(nvl(fcu.minimum_accountable_unit, power(10, -1* fcu.precision)))
		    ,ROUND(res.entered_amt_cr /(nvl(fcu.minimum_accountable_unit, power(10, -1* fcu.precision)))+l_rounding_offset)*(nvl(fcu.minimum_accountable_unit, power(10, -1* fcu.precision)))
                    --,ROUND(res.entered_amt_dr /(nvl(fcu.minimum_accountable_unit, power(10, -1* fcu.precision)))+l_rounding_offset)*(nvl(fcu.minimum_accountable_unit, power(10, -1* fcu.precision)))
                    ,ROUND(res.accounted_amt_dr /l_mau+l_rounding_offset)*l_mau
		    ,ROUND(res.accounted_amt_cr /l_mau+l_rounding_offset)*l_mau
                    --,ROUND(res.accounted_amt_dr /l_mau+l_rounding_offset)*l_mau
                            ,'SEGMENT1', ccid.segment1, 'SEGMENT2', ccid.segment2
                            ,'SEGMENT3', ccid.segment3, 'SEGMENT4', ccid.segment4
                            ,'SEGMENT5', ccid.segment5, 'SEGMENT6', ccid.segment6
                            ,'SEGMENT7', ccid.segment7, 'SEGMENT8', ccid.segment8
                            ,'SEGMENT9', ccid.segment9, 'SEGMENT10', ccid.segment10
                            ,'SEGMENT11', ccid.segment11, 'SEGMENT12', ccid.segment12
                            ,'SEGMENT13', ccid.segment13, 'SEGMENT14', ccid.segment14
                            ,'SEGMENT15', ccid.segment15, 'SEGMENT16', ccid.segment16
                            ,'SEGMENT17', ccid.segment17, 'SEGMENT18', ccid.segment18
                            ,'SEGMENT19', ccid.segment19, 'SEGMENT20', ccid.segment20
                            ,'SEGMENT21', ccid.segment21, 'SEGMENT22', ccid.segment22
                            ,'SEGMENT23', ccid.segment23, 'SEGMENT24', ccid.segment24
                            ,'SEGMENT25', ccid.segment25, 'SEGMENT26', ccid.segment26
                            ,'SEGMENT27', ccid.segment27, 'SEGMENT28', ccid.segment28
                            ,'SEGMENT29', ccid.segment29, 'SEGMENT30', ccid.segment30, NULL)
                    ,decode(res.balancing_type, C_FUN_INTRA, C_LINE_TYPE_IC_BAL_INTRA,
            FROM     fun_bal_results_gt     res
                    ,xla_validation_lines_gt l
                    ,gl_code_combinations   ccid
                    ,fnd_currencies fcu
            WHERE   l.ae_line_num           = l.max_ae_line_num
              AND   l.ae_header_id          = res.group_id
              AND   ccid.code_combination_id= res.ccid
              AND   res.entered_currency_code = fcu.currency_code
	      AND      EXISTS (select 1 from xla_distribution_links xdl
			where xdl.ae_header_id= l.ae_header_id
			and xdl.ae_line_num= l.ae_line_num
			and xdl.temp_line_num <0);
Line: 7377

         SET balancing_line_type = C_LINE_TYPE_COMPLETE
       WHERE ae_header_id = l_err_hdr_ids(j); */
Line: 7399

         SET balancing_line_type = C_LINE_TYPE_COMPLETE
       WHERE ae_header_id = l_distinct_hdr_ids(i);
Line: 7405

      trace(p_msg    => '# rows updated with C_LINE_TYPE_COMPLETE: '||SQL%ROWCOUNT,
            p_module => l_log_module,
            p_level  => C_LEVEL_EVENT);
Line: 7464

    SELECT t.bal_seg_value
          ,t.balance_type_code       -- 4458381
          ,min(t.accounting_date) accounting_date
      FROM xla_validation_lines_gt t
     WHERE balancing_line_type IN (C_LINE_TYPE_XLA_BALANCING
       AND t.code_combination_id IS NULL
       AND ((g_res_encumb_ccid IS NOT NULL AND t.balance_type_code = 'E') OR
            (g_sla_entered_cur_bal_sus_ccid IS NOT NULL AND t.balance_type_code = 'A'))
     GROUP BY  t.bal_seg_value, t.balance_type_code;
Line: 7476

    SELECT entity_id
      FROM xla_validation_lines_gt
     WHERE balancing_line_type IN (C_LINE_TYPE_XLA_BALANCING
       AND code_combination_id < 0
     GROUP BY entity_id, event_id, ae_header_id;
Line: 7486

    SELECT      display_order
    FROM        (SELECT ROWNUM display_order, application_column_name
                 FROM ( SELECT application_column_name
                        FROM   FND_ID_FLEX_SEGMENTS_VL
                        WHERE  ID_FLEX_NUM    = p_coa_id
                        AND    ID_FLEX_CODE   = 'GL#'
                        AND    APPLICATION_ID = 101
                        order by decode(enabled_flag, 'Y', 1, 'N', 2), segment_num))
    WHERE       application_column_name = p_seg_col_name;
Line: 7497

    SELECT reference3
      FROM gl_code_combinations
     WHERE code_combination_id = p_ccid;
Line: 7657

    UPDATE   xla_validation_lines_gt t
       SET   code_combination_id     = l_ccids(i)
            ,control_account_enabled_flag = l_reference3s(i)
            ,mgt_seg_value           = l_mgt_seg_values(i)
     WHERE   t.bal_seg_value         = l_bal_seg_values(i)
       AND   t.balance_type_code     = l_bal_type_codes(i) -- 4458381
       AND   t.code_combination_id   IS NULL;
Line: 7666

    trace(p_msg    => '# rows updated for filled for missing ccid = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT,
          p_module => l_log_module,
          p_level  => C_LEVEL_EVENT);
Line: 7784

    SELECT entity_id, event_id, ae_header_id, balance_type_code
      FROM xla_validation_lines_gt
     WHERE balancing_line_type = C_LINE_TYPE_XLA_BALANCING
       AND balance_type_code = 'A'
     GROUP BY entity_id, event_id, ae_header_id, balance_type_code;
Line: 7811

    SELECT nvl(fcu.minimum_accountable_unit, power(10, -1* fcu.precision))
    INTO   l_mau, l_rounding_rule_code
    FROM   xla_ledger_options     xlo
          ,gl_ledgers             gl
          ,fnd_currencies         fcu
    WHERE xlo.application_id = g_application_id
      AND xlo.ledger_id = g_trx_ledger_id
      AND gl.ledger_id = g_ledger_id
      AND fcu.currency_code = gl.currency_code;
Line: 7845

  SELECT ae_header_id, bal_seg_value, entered_currency_code, encumbrance_type_id
    BULK COLLECT INTO l_bal_hdr_ids, l_bal_bal_segs, l_bal_ent_currs, l_bal_enc_ids
    FROM xla_validation_lines_gt t
   WHERE balance_type_code not in('E','B')
     AND entered_currency_code <> 'STAT'
     AND balancing_line_type in (C_LINE_TYPE_PROCESS,
   GROUP BY ae_header_id, entered_currency_mau, bal_seg_value, entered_currency_code, encumbrance_type_id
  HAVING decode(l_rounding_rule_code
               ,'NEAREST' ,ROUND(sum(nvl(unrounded_entered_cr,0))/entered_currency_mau)
               ,'UP'      ,CEIL(sum(nvl(unrounded_entered_cr,0))/entered_currency_mau)
                          ,FLOOR(sum(nvl(unrounded_entered_cr,0))/entered_currency_mau)) <>
               ,'NEAREST' ,ROUND(sum(nvl(unrounded_entered_dr,0))/entered_currency_mau)
               ,'UP'      ,CEIL(sum(nvl(unrounded_entered_dr,0))/entered_currency_mau)
Line: 7876

                  SELECT DISTINCT xvl.ae_header_id, xvl.entered_currency_code
		  BULK COLLECT INTO l_already_bal_hdr_ids, l_already_bal_ent_currs
		  FROM xla_validation_lines_gt xvl
                  WHERE xvl.ae_header_id IN (

						  SELECT t.ae_header_id
						    FROM xla_validation_lines_gt t
						   WHERE t.balance_type_code not in('E','B')
						     AND t.entered_currency_code <> 'STAT'
						     AND t.balancing_line_type in (C_LINE_TYPE_PROCESS,
						   GROUP BY t.ae_header_id, t.entered_currency_mau, t.bal_seg_value, t.entered_currency_code, t.encumbrance_type_id
						  HAVING decode(l_rounding_rule_code
							       ,'NEAREST' ,ROUND(sum(nvl(t.unrounded_entered_cr,0))/t.entered_currency_mau)
							       ,'UP'      ,CEIL(sum(nvl(t.unrounded_entered_cr,0))/t.entered_currency_mau)
									  ,FLOOR(sum(nvl(t.unrounded_entered_cr,0))/t.entered_currency_mau)) <>
							       ,'NEAREST' ,ROUND(sum(nvl(t.unrounded_entered_dr,0))/t.entered_currency_mau)
							       ,'UP'      ,CEIL(sum(nvl(t.unrounded_entered_dr,0))/t.entered_currency_mau)
		  GROUP BY xvl.ae_header_id, xvl.entered_currency_mau, xvl.entered_currency_code
		  HAVING    decode(l_rounding_rule_code
				    ,'NEAREST' ,ROUND(sum(nvl(xvl.unrounded_entered_cr,0))/xvl.entered_currency_mau)
				    ,'UP'      ,CEIL(sum(nvl(xvl.unrounded_entered_cr,0))/xvl.entered_currency_mau)
			           ,FLOOR(sum(nvl(xvl.unrounded_entered_cr,0))/xvl.entered_currency_mau)) =
				    ,'NEAREST' ,ROUND(sum(nvl(xvl.unrounded_entered_dr,0))/xvl.entered_currency_mau)
                                    ,'UP'      ,CEIL(sum(nvl(xvl.unrounded_entered_dr,0))/xvl.entered_currency_mau)
                        AND  decode(l_rounding_rule_code
                                    ,'NEAREST' ,ROUND(sum(nvl(xvl.unrounded_accounted_cr,0))/l_mau)*l_mau
                                    ,'UP' ,CEIL(sum(nvl(xvl.unrounded_accounted_cr,0))/l_mau)*l_mau
                                    ,FLOOR(sum(nvl(xvl.unrounded_accounted_cr,0))/l_mau)*l_mau) <>
                                    ,'NEAREST' ,ROUND(sum(nvl(xvl.unrounded_accounted_dr,0))/l_mau)*l_mau
Line: 7930

          INSERT INTO xla_validation_lines_gt
               WHEN sum(nvl(unrounded_accounted_cr,0)) <> 0 THEN
               WHEN sum(nvl(unrounded_accounted_cr,0)) <> 0 THEN
               WHEN sum(nvl(unrounded_accounted_cr,0)) <> 0 THEN
               WHEN sum(nvl(unrounded_accounted_cr,0)) <> 0 THEN
              WHEN sum(nvl(unrounded_accounted_dr,0)) <> 0 THEN
            END  -- unrounded_entered_cr
              WHEN sum(nvl(unrounded_accounted_dr,0)) <> 0 THEN
            END  -- entered_cr
              WHEN sum(nvl(unrounded_accounted_dr,0)) <> 0 THEN
            END  -- unrounded_accounted_cr
              WHEN sum(nvl(unrounded_accounted_dr,0)) <> 0 THEN
            END  -- accounted_cr
       FROM xla_validation_lines_gt        t
      WHERE ae_header_id = l_bal_hdr_ids(i)
        AND entered_currency_code = l_bal_ent_currs(i)
        AND bal_seg_value = l_bal_bal_segs(i)
        AND NVL(encumbrance_type_id,-99) = NVL(l_bal_enc_ids(i),-99)
        AND balancing_line_type IN (C_LINE_TYPE_PROCESS
      GROUP BY
            -- This has been added to combine two insert statements
            -- (for Debit and Credit) - Bug 5279912.
            -- Without this, credit and debit lines are merged.
     HAVING sum(nvl(unrounded_accounted_cr,0)) <> 0
         OR sum(nvl(unrounded_accounted_dr,0)) <> 0;
Line: 8075

          INSERT INTO xla_validation_lines_gt
       FROM xla_validation_lines_gt  t
      WHERE t.ae_header_id = l_already_bal_hdr_ids(i)
        AND t.entered_currency_code = l_already_bal_ent_currs(i)
        AND t.balancing_line_type IN (C_LINE_TYPE_PROCESS
Line: 8208

    UPDATE  xla_validation_lines_gt t
       SET (code_combination_id, control_account_enabled_flag, mgt_seg_value) = (
           SELECT nc.code_combination_id
                 ,decode(g_mgt_seg_column_name, g_bal_seg_column_name, t.bal_seg_value,
                         'SEGMENT1', sc.segment1, 'SEGMENT2', sc.segment2,
                         'SEGMENT3', sc.segment3, 'SEGMENT4', sc.segment4,
                         'SEGMENT5', sc.segment5, 'SEGMENT6', sc.segment6,
                         'SEGMENT7', sc.segment7, 'SEGMENT8', sc.segment8,
                         'SEGMENT9', sc.segment9, 'SEGMENT10', sc.segment10,
                         'SEGMENT11', sc.segment11, 'SEGMENT12', sc.segment12,
                         'SEGMENT13', sc.segment13, 'SEGMENT14', sc.segment14,
                         'SEGMENT15', sc.segment15, 'SEGMENT16', sc.segment16,
                         'SEGMENT17', sc.segment17, 'SEGMENT18', sc.segment18,
                         'SEGMENT19', sc.segment19, 'SEGMENT20', sc.segment20,
                         'SEGMENT21', sc.segment21, 'SEGMENT22', sc.segment22,
                         'SEGMENT23', sc.segment23, 'SEGMENT24', sc.segment24,
                         'SEGMENT25', sc.segment25, 'SEGMENT26', sc.segment26,
                         'SEGMENT27', sc.segment27, 'SEGMENT28', sc.segment28,
                         'SEGMENT29', sc.segment29, 'SEGMENT30', sc.segment30, NULL)
             FROM gl_code_combinations nc,
                  gl_code_combinations sc
            WHERE nvl(nc.segment1,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT1',
              AND nvl(nc.segment2,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT2',
              AND nvl(nc.segment3,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT3',
              AND nvl(nc.segment4,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT4',
              AND nvl(nc.segment5,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT5',
              AND nvl(nc.segment6,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT6',
              AND nvl(nc.segment7,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT7',
              AND nvl(nc.segment8,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT8',
              AND nvl(nc.segment9,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT9',
              AND nvl(nc.segment10,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT10',
              AND nvl(nc.segment11,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT11',
              AND nvl(nc.segment12,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT12',
              AND nvl(nc.segment13,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT13',
              AND nvl(nc.segment14,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT14',
              AND nvl(nc.segment15,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT15',
              AND nvl(nc.segment16,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT16',
              AND nvl(nc.segment17,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT17',
              AND nvl(nc.segment18,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT18',
              AND nvl(nc.segment19,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT19',
              AND nvl(nc.segment20,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT20',
              AND nvl(nc.segment21,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT21',
              AND nvl(nc.segment22,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT22',
              AND nvl(nc.segment23,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT23',
              AND nvl(nc.segment24,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT24',
              AND nvl(nc.segment25,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT25',
              AND nvl(nc.segment26,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT26',
              AND nvl(nc.segment27,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT27',
              AND nvl(nc.segment28,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT28',
              AND nvl(nc.segment29,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT29',
              AND nvl(nc.segment30,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT30',
              AND nc.chart_of_accounts_id  = sc.chart_of_accounts_id
              AND sc.code_combination_id   = g_sla_entered_cur_bal_sus_ccid)
     WHERE t.balancing_line_type = C_LINE_TYPE_XLA_BALANCING;
Line: 8298

        UPDATE     xla_validation_lines_gt
           SET     balancing_line_type = C_LINE_TYPE_COMPLETE
         WHERE     ae_header_id = l_err_hdr_ids(j)
           AND     balancing_line_type = C_LINE_TYPE_PROCESS;
Line: 8355

    SELECT entity_id, event_id, ae_header_id, balance_type_code
      FROM xla_validation_lines_gt
     WHERE balancing_line_type = C_LINE_TYPE_ENC_BALANCING
     GROUP BY entity_id, event_id, ae_header_id, balance_type_code;
Line: 8381

    SELECT nvl(fcu.minimum_accountable_unit, power(10, -1* fcu.precision))
    INTO   l_mau, l_rounding_rule_code
    FROM   xla_ledger_options     xlo
          ,gl_ledgers             gl
          ,fnd_currencies         fcu
    WHERE xlo.application_id = g_application_id
      AND xlo.ledger_id = g_trx_ledger_id
      AND gl.ledger_id = g_ledger_id
      AND fcu.currency_code = gl.currency_code;
Line: 8415

  SELECT ae_header_id, bal_seg_value, entered_currency_code, encumbrance_type_id
    BULK COLLECT INTO l_bal_hdr_ids, l_bal_bal_segs, l_bal_ent_currs, l_bal_enc_ids
    FROM xla_validation_lines_gt t
   WHERE balance_type_code = 'E'
     AND entered_currency_code <> 'STAT'
     AND balancing_line_type in (C_LINE_TYPE_PROCESS,
   GROUP BY ae_header_id, entered_currency_mau, bal_seg_value, entered_currency_code, encumbrance_type_id
               ,'NEAREST' ,ROUND(sum(nvl(unrounded_entered_cr,0))/entered_currency_mau)
               ,'UP'      ,CEIL(sum(nvl(unrounded_entered_cr,0))/entered_currency_mau)
                          ,FLOOR(sum(nvl(unrounded_entered_cr,0))/entered_currency_mau)) <>
               ,'NEAREST' ,ROUND(sum(nvl(unrounded_entered_dr,0))/entered_currency_mau)
               ,'UP'      ,CEIL(sum(nvl(unrounded_entered_dr,0))/entered_currency_mau)
               ,'NEAREST' ,ROUND(sum(nvl(unrounded_accounted_cr,0))/l_mau)
               ,'UP'      ,CEIL(sum(nvl(unrounded_accounted_cr,0))/l_mau)
                          ,FLOOR(sum(nvl(unrounded_accounted_cr,0))/l_mau)) <>
               ,'NEAREST' ,ROUND(sum(nvl(unrounded_accounted_dr,0))/l_mau)
               ,'UP'      ,CEIL(sum(nvl(unrounded_accounted_dr,0))/l_mau)
Line: 8458

          INSERT INTO xla_validation_lines_gt
               WHEN sum(nvl(unrounded_accounted_cr,0)) <> 0 THEN
               WHEN sum(nvl(unrounded_accounted_cr,0)) <> 0 THEN
               WHEN sum(nvl(unrounded_accounted_cr,0)) <> 0 THEN
               WHEN sum(nvl(unrounded_accounted_cr,0)) <> 0 THEN
              WHEN sum(nvl(unrounded_accounted_dr,0)) <> 0 THEN
            END  -- unrounded_entered_cr
              WHEN sum(nvl(unrounded_accounted_dr,0)) <> 0 THEN
            END  -- entered_cr
              WHEN sum(nvl(unrounded_accounted_dr,0)) <> 0 THEN
            END  -- unrounded_accounted_cr
              WHEN sum(nvl(unrounded_accounted_dr,0)) <> 0 THEN
            END  -- accounted_cr
       FROM xla_validation_lines_gt        t
      WHERE ae_header_id = l_bal_hdr_ids(i)
        AND entered_currency_code = l_bal_ent_currs(i)
        AND bal_seg_value = l_bal_bal_segs(i)
        AND NVL(encumbrance_type_id,-99) = NVL(l_bal_enc_ids(i),-99)
        AND balancing_line_type IN (C_LINE_TYPE_PROCESS
      GROUP BY
            -- This has been added to combine two insert statements
            -- (for Debit and Credit) - Bug 5279912.
            -- Without this, credit and debit lines are merged.
     HAVING sum(nvl(unrounded_accounted_cr,0)) <> 0
         OR sum(nvl(unrounded_accounted_dr,0)) <> 0;
Line: 8652

    UPDATE  xla_validation_lines_gt t
       SET (code_combination_id, control_account_enabled_flag, mgt_seg_value) = (
           SELECT nc.code_combination_id
                 ,decode(g_mgt_seg_column_name, g_bal_seg_column_name, t.bal_seg_value,
                         'SEGMENT1', sc.segment1, 'SEGMENT2', sc.segment2,
                         'SEGMENT3', sc.segment3, 'SEGMENT4', sc.segment4,
                         'SEGMENT5', sc.segment5, 'SEGMENT6', sc.segment6,
                         'SEGMENT7', sc.segment7, 'SEGMENT8', sc.segment8,
                         'SEGMENT9', sc.segment9, 'SEGMENT10', sc.segment10,
                         'SEGMENT11', sc.segment11, 'SEGMENT12', sc.segment12,
                         'SEGMENT13', sc.segment13, 'SEGMENT14', sc.segment14,
                         'SEGMENT15', sc.segment15, 'SEGMENT16', sc.segment16,
                         'SEGMENT17', sc.segment17, 'SEGMENT18', sc.segment18,
                         'SEGMENT19', sc.segment19, 'SEGMENT20', sc.segment20,
                         'SEGMENT21', sc.segment21, 'SEGMENT22', sc.segment22,
                         'SEGMENT23', sc.segment23, 'SEGMENT24', sc.segment24,
                         'SEGMENT25', sc.segment25, 'SEGMENT26', sc.segment26,
                         'SEGMENT27', sc.segment27, 'SEGMENT28', sc.segment28,
                         'SEGMENT29', sc.segment29, 'SEGMENT30', sc.segment30, NULL)
             FROM gl_code_combinations nc,
                  gl_code_combinations sc
            WHERE nvl(nc.segment1,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT1',
              AND nvl(nc.segment2,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT2',
              AND nvl(nc.segment3,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT3',
              AND nvl(nc.segment4,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT4',
              AND nvl(nc.segment5,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT5',
              AND nvl(nc.segment6,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT6',
              AND nvl(nc.segment7,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT7',
              AND nvl(nc.segment8,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT8',
              AND nvl(nc.segment9,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT9',
              AND nvl(nc.segment10,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT10',
              AND nvl(nc.segment11,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT11',
              AND nvl(nc.segment12,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT12',
              AND nvl(nc.segment13,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT13',
              AND nvl(nc.segment14,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT14',
              AND nvl(nc.segment15,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT15',
              AND nvl(nc.segment16,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT16',
              AND nvl(nc.segment17,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT17',
              AND nvl(nc.segment18,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT18',
              AND nvl(nc.segment19,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT19',
              AND nvl(nc.segment20,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT20',
              AND nvl(nc.segment21,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT21',
              AND nvl(nc.segment22,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT22',
              AND nvl(nc.segment23,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT23',
              AND nvl(nc.segment24,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT24',
              AND nvl(nc.segment25,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT25',
              AND nvl(nc.segment26,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT26',
              AND nvl(nc.segment27,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT27',
              AND nvl(nc.segment28,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT28',
              AND nvl(nc.segment29,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT29',
              AND nvl(nc.segment30,C_CHAR) = DECODE(g_bal_seg_column_name,'SEGMENT30',
              AND nc.chart_of_accounts_id  = sc.chart_of_accounts_id
              AND sc.code_combination_id   = DECODE(t.balance_type_code, 'E'
                                                   ,g_res_encumb_ccid, g_sla_entered_cur_bal_sus_ccid))
     WHERE t.balancing_line_type = C_LINE_TYPE_ENC_BALANCING;
Line: 8743

        UPDATE     xla_validation_lines_gt
           SET     balancing_line_type = C_LINE_TYPE_COMPLETE
         WHERE     ae_header_id = l_err_hdr_ids(j)
           AND     balancing_line_type = C_LINE_TYPE_PROCESS;
Line: 8782

    SELECT transfer_to_gl_mode_code
      FROM xla_ledger_options
     WHERE ledger_id      = g_ledger_id
       AND application_id = g_application_id;
Line: 8821

  INSERT INTO xla_ae_lines
	,description               -- added line for bug 6902085
        ,mpa_accrual_entry_flag)  -- 4262811
    SELECT       l.ae_header_id
                ,max_ae_line_num +
                  ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by l.ae_header_id
                                     order by l.ae_line_num)
                ,max_displayed_line_number +
                  ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by l.ae_header_id
                                     order by l.displayed_line_number)
                ,CASE l.balancing_line_type
                      WHEN C_LINE_TYPE_ENC_BALANCING THEN C_ACCT_CLASS_RFE -- 4458381
                      WHEN C_LINE_TYPE_ENC_BAL_ERROR THEN C_ACCT_CLASS_RFE -- 4458381
                      ELSE C_ACCT_CLASS_BALANCE END
                -- control_balance_flag
                ,CASE l.balancing_line_type
                      ELSE DECODE(NVL(ccid.reference3,'N'),'N',NULL,
                              DECODE(ccid.account_type, 'A', 'P'
                                                      , 'L', 'P'
                                                      , 'O', 'P'
                                                      , NULL)) END
		,xl.meaning                            -- added line for bug 6902085
                        g_ledger_currency_code, NULL,
                ,decode(l.entered_currency_code, g_ledger_currency_code, NULL, 'User')
                ,decode(l.entered_currency_code, g_ledger_currency_code, NULL,
                        CASE WHEN l.accounted_dr IS NOT NULL AND l.entered_dr <> 0
                                  THEN l.accounted_dr/l.entered_dr
                             WHEN l.accounted_dr IS NOT NULL
                                  THEN 1
                             WHEN l.entered_cr <> 0
                                  THEN l.accounted_cr/l.entered_cr
                             ELSE 1
                ,'N'   -- 4262811
    FROM          xla_validation_lines_gt  l
                 ,gl_code_combinations     ccid
                 ,xla_lookups              xl                          -- added line for bug 6902085
    WHERE        l.balancing_line_type NOT IN (C_LINE_TYPE_PROCESS, C_LINE_TYPE_COMPLETE)
      AND        ccid.code_combination_id(+) = l.code_combination_id
      AND        xl.lookup_type = 'XLA_JE_VALD_LINE_DESC'              -- added filter for bug 6902085
      AND        xl.lookup_code = decode(l.balancing_line_type         -- added filter for bug 6902085
Line: 8953

    trace(p_msg    => '# xla_ae_lines inserted for balancing = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT,
          p_module => l_log_module,
          p_level  => C_LEVEL_EVENT);
Line: 8997

    DELETE FROM xla_ae_segment_values
     WHERE ae_header_id in (SELECT /*+ UNNEST NO_SEMIJOIN */ ae_header_id       -- 4752774
                              FROM xla_ae_headers_gt
                             WHERE ledger_id = g_ledger_id
                               AND accounting_date <= NVL(g_end_date, accounting_date));  -- 4262811
Line: 9005

    DELETE FROM xla_ae_segment_values
     WHERE ae_header_id = g_ae_header_id;
Line: 9009

  INSERT INTO xla_ae_segment_values
        (ae_header_id, segment_type_code, segment_value, ae_lines_count)
  SELECT ae_header_id, C_BAL_SEGMENT, bal_seg_value, count(*)
    FROM xla_validation_lines_gt
   WHERE bal_seg_value IS NOT NULL
   GROUP BY ae_header_id, bal_seg_value
  SELECT ae_header_id, C_MGT_SEGMENT, mgt_seg_value, count(*)
    FROM xla_validation_lines_gt
   WHERE mgt_seg_value IS NOT NULL
   GROUP BY ae_header_id, mgt_seg_value
  SELECT ae_header_id, C_CC_SEGMENT, cost_center_seg_value, count(*)
    FROM xla_validation_lines_gt
   WHERE cost_center_seg_value IS NOT NULL
   GROUP BY ae_header_id, cost_center_seg_value
  SELECT ae_header_id, C_NA_SEGMENT, natural_account_seg_value, count(*)
    FROM xla_validation_lines_gt
   WHERE natural_account_seg_value IS NOT NULL
   GROUP BY ae_header_id, natural_account_seg_value;
Line: 9032

    trace(p_msg    => '# xla_ae_segment_values inserted = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT,
          p_module => l_log_module,
          p_level  => C_LEVEL_EVENT);
Line: 9062

    SELECT *
      FROM xla_validation_lines_gt
     WHERE balancing_line_type IN (C_LINE_TYPE_LC_BALANCING
       AND control_account_enabled_flag <> 'N'
       AND (party_type_code IS NULL OR party_id IS NULL);
Line: 9204

      UPDATE xla_validation_lines_gt
         SET accounting_entry_status_code = xla_ae_journal_entry_pkg.C_INVALID
      WHERE ae_header_id = g_err_hdr_ids(i);
Line: 9209

      UPDATE xla_validation_lines_gt
         SET accounting_entry_status_code = xla_ae_journal_entry_pkg.C_RELATED_INVALID
       WHERE event_id = g_err_event_ids(i);
Line: 9253

    SELECT ae_header_id
         , funds_status_code
         , event_id
         , entity_id
         , l_array_hdr_funds_status_code
         , l_array_event_id
         , l_array_entity_id
      FROM xla_ae_headers_gt
     WHERE ledger_id = g_ledger_id;
Line: 9276

      UPDATE xla_ae_headers
         SET funds_status_code            = l_array_hdr_funds_status_code(i)
           , accounting_entry_status_code = CASE WHEN l_array_hdr_funds_status_code(i) = 'F' THEN
			                     WHEN l_array_hdr_funds_status_code(i) = 'T' THEN
                                                 ELSE accounting_entry_status_code
             -- Bug 5056632. updates group_id back to Null if je is invalid
           , group_id                     = CASE WHEN l_array_hdr_funds_status_code(i) = 'F' THEN
    				            WHEN l_array_hdr_funds_status_code(i) = 'T' THEN
                                                 ELSE group_id
       WHERE application_id    = g_application_id
         AND ae_header_id      = l_array_ae_header_id(i);
Line: 9295

      trace(p_msg    => '# row updated in xla_ae_headers = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT,
            p_module => l_log_module,
            p_level  => C_LEVEL_EVENT);
Line: 9352

    SELECT xvl.ae_header_id
         , xvl.ae_line_num
         , xvl.event_id
         , xvl.entity_id
         , xvl.funds_status_code
         , flv.meaning
         , xah.funds_status_code
         , xvl.entered_cr
         , xvl.entered_dr
         , xvl.accounted_cr
         , xvl.accounted_dr
         , xvl.unrounded_entered_cr
         , xvl.unrounded_entered_dr
         , xvl.unrounded_accounted_cr
         , xvl.unrounded_accounted_dr
         , l_array_ae_line_num
         , l_array_event_id
         , l_array_entity_id
         , l_array_ln_funds_status_code
         , l_array_ln_funds_status
         , l_array_hdr_funds_status_code
         , l_array_entered_cr
         , l_array_entered_dr
         , l_array_accounted_cr
         , l_array_accounted_dr
         , l_array_unrounded_entered_cr
         , l_array_unrounded_entered_dr
         , l_array_unrounded_accounted_cr
         , l_array_unrounded_accounted_dr
      FROM xla_validation_lines_gt xvl
         , xla_ae_headers          xah
         , fnd_lookup_values       flv
     WHERE xvl.ae_header_id                   = xah.ae_header_id
       AND xvl.accounting_class_code         <> 'RFE'
       AND flv.lookup_type                    = 'FUNDS_CHECK_RESULT_CODE'
       AND flv.lookup_code                    = xvl.funds_status_code
       AND flv.language                       = USERENV('LANG');
Line: 9450

      UPDATE xla_ae_lines
       SET funds_status_code = l_array_ln_funds_status_code(i)
         , entered_cr   = CASE WHEN entered_cr IS NULL
                               THEN NULL
                               WHEN l_array_hdr_funds_status_code(i)            = 'P'
                                AND SUBSTR(l_array_ln_funds_status_code(i),1,1) = 'F'
                               THEN 0
                               ELSE entered_cr END
         , entered_dr   = CASE WHEN entered_dr IS NULL
                               THEN NULL
                               WHEN l_array_hdr_funds_status_code(i)            = 'P'
                                AND SUBSTR(l_array_ln_funds_status_code(i),1,1) = 'F'
                               THEN 0
                               ELSE entered_dr END
         , accounted_cr = CASE WHEN accounted_cr IS NULL
                               THEN NULL
                               WHEN l_array_hdr_funds_status_code(i)            = 'P'
                                AND SUBSTR(l_array_ln_funds_status_code(i),1,1) = 'F'
                               THEN 0
                               ELSE accounted_cr END
         , accounted_dr = CASE WHEN accounted_dr IS NULL
                               THEN NULL
                               WHEN l_array_hdr_funds_status_code(i)            = 'P'
                                AND SUBSTR(l_array_ln_funds_status_code(i),1,1) = 'F'
                               THEN 0
                               ELSE accounted_dr END
         , unrounded_entered_cr
                        = CASE WHEN unrounded_entered_cr IS NULL
                               THEN NULL
                               WHEN l_array_hdr_funds_status_code(i)            = 'P'
                                AND SUBSTR(l_array_ln_funds_status_code(i),1,1) = 'F'
                               THEN 0
                               ELSE unrounded_entered_cr END
         , unrounded_entered_dr
                        = CASE WHEN unrounded_entered_dr IS NULL
                               THEN NULL
                               WHEN l_array_hdr_funds_status_code(i)            = 'P'
                                AND SUBSTR(l_array_ln_funds_status_code(i),1,1) = 'F'
                               THEN 0
                               ELSE unrounded_entered_dr END
         , unrounded_accounted_cr
                        = CASE WHEN unrounded_accounted_cr IS NULL
                               THEN NULL
                               WHEN l_array_hdr_funds_status_code(i)            = 'P'
                                AND SUBSTR(l_array_ln_funds_status_code(i),1,1) = 'F'
                               THEN 0
                               ELSE unrounded_accounted_cr END
         , unrounded_accounted_dr
                        = CASE WHEN unrounded_accounted_dr IS NULL
                               THEN NULL
                               WHEN l_array_hdr_funds_status_code(i)            = 'P'
                                AND SUBSTR(l_array_ln_funds_status_code(i),1,1) = 'F'
                               THEN 0
                               ELSE unrounded_accounted_dr END
     WHERE application_id    = g_application_id
       AND ae_header_id      = l_array_ae_header_id(i)
       AND ae_line_num       = l_array_ae_line_num(i);
Line: 9509

      trace(p_msg    => '# row updated in xla_ae_lines = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT,
            p_module => l_log_module,
            p_level  => C_LEVEL_EVENT);
Line: 9516

      UPDATE xla_ae_lines
         SET entered_cr   = CASE WHEN entered_cr IS NULL
                                 THEN NULL
                                 ELSE entered_cr   - NVL(l_array_entered_dr(i),0)
           , entered_dr   = CASE WHEN entered_dr IS NULL
                                 THEN NULL
                                 ELSE entered_dr   - NVL(l_array_entered_cr(i),0)
           , accounted_cr = CASE WHEN accounted_cr IS NULL
                                 THEN NULL
                                 ELSE accounted_cr - NVL(l_array_accounted_dr(i),0)
           , accounted_dr = CASE WHEN accounted_dr IS NULL
                                 THEN NULL
                                 ELSE accounted_dr - NVL(l_array_accounted_cr(i),0)
           , unrounded_entered_cr
                               = CASE WHEN unrounded_entered_cr IS NULL
                                 THEN NULL
                                 ELSE unrounded_entered_cr   - NVL(l_array_unrounded_entered_dr(i),0)
           , unrounded_entered_dr
                               = CASE WHEN unrounded_entered_dr IS NULL
                                 THEN NULL
                                 ELSE unrounded_entered_dr   - NVL(l_array_unrounded_entered_cr(i),0)
           , unrounded_accounted_cr
                               = CASE WHEN unrounded_accounted_cr IS NULL
                                 THEN NULL
                                 ELSE unrounded_accounted_cr - NVL(l_array_unrounded_accounted_dr(i),0)
           , unrounded_accounted_dr
                               = CASE WHEN unrounded_accounted_dr IS NULL
                                 THEN NULL
                                 ELSE unrounded_accounted_dr - NVL(l_array_unrounded_accounted_cr(i),0)
       WHERE application_id                               = g_application_id
         AND ae_header_id                                 = l_array_ae_header_id(i)
         AND l_array_hdr_funds_status_code(i)             = 'P'
         AND SUBSTR(l_array_ln_funds_status_code(i),1,1)  = 'F'
         AND accounting_class_code                        = 'RFE';
Line: 9560

      trace(p_msg    => '# RFE row updated in xla_ae_lines = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT,
            p_module => l_log_module,
            p_level  => C_LEVEL_EVENT);
Line: 9589

PROCEDURE update_error_status
  l_log_module          VARCHAR2(240);
Line: 9594

    l_log_module := C_DEFAULT_MODULE||'.update_error_status';
Line: 9598

    trace(p_msg    => 'BEGIN of procedure update_error_status',
          p_module => l_log_module,
          p_level  => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
Line: 9607

    UPDATE xla_ae_headers
       SET accounting_entry_status_code = C_AE_STATUS_INVALID
           -- Bug 5056632. updates group_id back to Null if je is invalid
          ,group_id                     = NULL
     WHERE ae_header_id = g_err_hdr_ids(i)
       AND application_id = g_application_id;
Line: 9615

    trace(p_msg    => '# xla_ae_headers updated to C_AE_STATUS_INVALID = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT,
          p_module => l_log_module,
          p_level  => C_LEVEL_EVENT);
Line: 9624

       UPDATE xla_ae_headers
          SET accounting_entry_status_code = C_AE_STATUS_RELATED
        WHERE accounting_entry_status_code <> C_AE_STATUS_INVALID
          AND event_id = g_err_event_ids(i)
          AND application_id = g_application_id;
Line: 9631

       UPDATE xla_ae_headers xah1                  -- 4262811a
          SET accounting_entry_status_code = C_AE_STATUS_RELATED
              -- Bug 5056632. updates group_id back to Null if je is invalid
             ,group_id                     = NULL
        WHERE xah1.accounting_entry_status_code <> C_AE_STATUS_INVALID
          AND xah1.event_id = g_err_event_ids(i)
          AND xah1.application_id = g_application_id
          AND xah1.parent_ae_line_num IS NULL      -- 4262811a Existing logic, and this works for Accrual Reversal.
          AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1                 -- 4262811a Do not update MPA's original entry, it is set correctly above.
                          FROM   xla_ae_headers xah2
                          WHERE  xah2.event_id        = xah1.event_id         -- 5231063 g_err_event_ids(i)
                          AND    xah2.application_id  = xah1.application_id   -- 5231063 g_application_id
                          AND    xah2.ae_header_id    = g_err_hdr_ids(i)
                          AND    xah2.parent_ae_line_num IS NOT NULL);
Line: 9647

       trace(p_msg    => '# xla_ae_headers updated to C_AE_STATUS_RELATED = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT,
             p_module => l_log_module,
             p_level  => C_LEVEL_EVENT);
Line: 9655

       UPDATE xla_ae_headers xah1
          SET (accounting_entry_status_code, group_id) =
              (SELECT DECODE(xah2.accounting_entry_status_code
                      -- Bug 5056632. updates group_id back to Null if je is invalid
               FROM   xla_ae_headers xah2
               WHERE  xah2.event_id       = g_err_event_ids(i)
               AND    xah2.application_id = g_application_id
               AND    xah2.ae_header_id   = xah1.parent_ae_header_id
               AND    xah2.parent_ae_line_num IS NULL)
        WHERE xah1.event_id       = g_err_event_ids(i)
          AND xah1.application_id = g_application_id
          AND xah1.parent_ae_line_num IS NOT NULL;
Line: 9676

     UPDATE xla_events_gt
          SET process_status_code = 'I'
        WHERE event_id = g_err_event_ids(i)
          AND process_status_code <> 'E';
Line: 9682

     UPDATE xla_events_gt evt     -- 4262811a
          SET process_status_code =
              (SELECT DECODE(xah2.parent_ae_line_num,NULL,'I'  -- 4262811a  Status of MPA rows does not affect event status
                                                         , evt.process_status_code)
               FROM   xla_ae_headers xah2
               WHERE  xah2.event_id       = g_err_event_ids(i)
               AND    xah2.application_id = g_application_id
               AND    xah2.ae_header_id   = g_err_hdr_ids(i))
        WHERE event_id = g_err_event_ids(i)
          AND process_status_code <> 'E';
Line: 9695

       trace(p_msg    => '# xla_events_gt updated = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT,
             p_module => l_log_module,
             p_level  => C_LEVEL_EVENT);
Line: 9702

    trace(p_msg    => 'End of procedure update_error_status',
          p_module => l_log_module,
          p_level  => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
Line: 9712

      (p_location => 'xla_je_validation_pkg.update_error_status');
Line: 9725

    SELECT distinct xah.ledger_id, xah.event_id
      FROM xla_ae_headers xah
         , xla_events_gt  xeg
     WHERE xeg.event_id = xah.event_id
       AND xah.application_id = g_application_id
       AND xeg.process_status_code = 'I';
Line: 9779

    SELECT application_column_name
      FROM fnd_segment_attribute_values
     WHERE application_id = 101
       AND id_flex_code = 'GL#'
       AND id_flex_num = p_coa_id
       AND attribute_value = 'Y'
       AND segment_attribute_type = p_qualifier;
Line: 9820

    SELECT suspense_allowed_flag
      INTO g_suspense_allowed_flag
      FROM gl_ledgers
     WHERE ledger_id = g_ledger_id;
Line: 9826

    SELECT name
          ,currency_code ledger_currency_code
          ,chart_of_accounts_id ledger_coa_id
      INTO g_ledger_name,
      FROM gl_ledgers
     WHERE ledger_id = g_ledger_id;
Line: 9959

SELECT nvl(valuation_method_flag,'N')
INTO   l_valuation_method_flag
WHERE  application_id = g_application_id;
Line: 10057

      delete from xla_validation_lines_gt;
Line: 10071

      delete from xla_validation_lines_gt;
Line: 10086

Line: 10164

        delete from xla_validation_lines_gt;
Line: 10258

    delete from xla_validation_lines_gt;