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Line 350: from wip_operations

346: l_loadType NUMBER;
347: l_jobType NUMBER;
348: cursor c_ops(v_wip_id number) is
349: select operation_seq_num
350: from wip_operations
351: where wip_entity_id = v_wip_id;
353: l_curOpSeq NUMBER;
354: l_rtgExists boolean := false;

Line 371: from wip_operations wo

367: set serialization_start_op = null
368: where wip_entity_id = l_wipID
369: and serialization_start_op <> 1
370: and not exists(select 1
371: from wip_operations wo
372: where wo.wip_entity_id = wdj.wip_entity_id
373: and wo.operation_seq_num = wdj.serialization_start_op);
374: end if;
375: return;

Line 2221: from wip_operations

2217: l_qty := wjsi_row.start_quantity;
2218: elsif(wjsi_row.load_type in (wip_constants.resched_job, wip_constants.resched_eam_job)) then
2219: select count(*)
2220: into l_rtg_count
2221: from wip_operations
2222: where wip_entity_id = wjsi_row.wip_entity_id;
2223: l_qty := nvl(wjsi_row.start_quantity, wdj_row.start_quantity);
2224: end if;
2225: --if no routing exists, update the scheduling method appropriately