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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 25

    SELECT igp_wz_temp_approve_s.NEXTVAL
    FROM dual;
Line: 54

PROCEDURE update_template (
    p_template_id igp_wz_templates.template_id%TYPE,
	p_status VARCHAR2) IS
   Created By         : Prabhat Patel
   Date Created By    : 25-Feb-2004
   Purpose            : Procedure for Updating status of the Template
   remarks            :
   Change History
   Who      When        What
	 l_var  NUMBER;
Line: 68

	 FROM igp_wz_templates
	 WHERE template_id = cp_template_id;
Line: 77

	UPDATE igp_wz_templates
	SET    template_status_code = p_status
	WHERE  template_id = p_template_id;
Line: 81

END update_template;
Line: 95

    update_template(p_template_id, 'PENDING');
Line: 118

    update_template(l_template_id, 'DRAFT');
Line: 146

    update_template(l_template_id, 'PUBLISH');
Line: 204

	SELECT usr.user_name, hz.person_last_name||', '||hz.person_first_name person_name, usr.email_address
	FROM   fnd_user usr, hz_parties hz
	WHERE  usr.user_id = cp_user_id AND
	       usr.person_party_id = hz.party_id;
Line: 210

	SELECT hz.party_name
	FROM   fnd_user usr, hz_parties hz
	WHERE  usr.user_name = cp_approver AND
	       usr.person_party_id = hz.party_id;
Line: 216

    SELECT temp.template_name name,
           NVL(temp.template_title,nbsp) title,
           lk.meaning type,
           NVL(temp.description,nbsp) description,
           NVL(TO_CHAR(temp.expiry_date),nbsp) expiry_date,
    FROM   igp_wz_templates temp, igp_lookup_values lk
    WHERE  temp.template_id = cp_template_id AND
	       temp.template_type_code = lk.lookup_code AND
		   lk.lookup_type = cp_lookup_type;
Line: 365

		-- If everything is fine call the procedure to update the status to pending
		pending_status (l_template_id);