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Line 182: from wsh_delivery_legs wdl, wsh_trip_stops wts1, wsh_trip_stops wts2,wsh_trips wt

178: AND wts2.stop_id = wdl.drop_off_stop_id;
180: CURSOR c_count_reprice_reqd(c_trip_id IN NUMBER) IS
181: Select count(*)
182: from wsh_delivery_legs wdl, wsh_trip_stops wts1, wsh_trip_stops wts2,wsh_trips wt
183: where wdl.pick_up_stop_id = wts1.stop_id
184: and wdl.drop_off_stop_id = wts2.stop_id
185: and wdl.reprice_required = 'Y'
186: and wts1.trip_id = wt.trip_id

Line 295: load_tender_status wsh_trips.load_tender_status%TYPE

291: mode_of_transport VARCHAR2(30),
292: consolidation_allowed VARCHAR2(1),
293: lane_id NUMBER,
294: schedule_id NUMBER,
295: load_tender_status wsh_trips.load_tender_status%TYPE
296: );
298: -- Private APIs

Line 1980: wsh_trips t

1976: IS
1977: SELECT t.trip_id, t.mode_of_transport
1978: FROM wsh_delivery_legs dl,
1979: wsh_trip_stops s,
1980: wsh_trips t
1981: WHERE dl.delivery_leg_id =c_dleg_id AND
1982: dl.pick_up_stop_id=s.stop_id AND
1983: s.trip_id=t.trip_id ;

Line 1989: FROM wsh_trips t

1986: CURSOR c_get_mode_for_trip(c_trip_id IN NUMBER)
1987: IS
1988: select t.mode_of_transport
1989: FROM wsh_trips t
1990: WHERE t.trip_id=c_trip_id;
1993: l_count NUMBER;

Line 7372: FROM fte_lanes fl, wsh_trips wt, fte_lane_rate_charts flrc

7368: CURSOR c_get_lane_info_from_trip(c_wsh_trip_id IN NUMBER) IS
7369: SELECT fl.lane_id,fl.carrier_id,flrc.list_header_id pricelist_id,
7370: fl.mode_of_transportation_code,fl.origin_id,fl.destination_id,
7371: fl.basis,fl.commodity_catg_id,fl.service_type_code,fl.comm_fc_class_code
7372: FROM fte_lanes fl, wsh_trips wt, fte_lane_rate_charts flrc
7373: WHERE fl.lane_id = wt.lane_id
7374: AND wt.trip_id = c_wsh_trip_id
7375: AND fl.lane_id = flrc.lane_id
7376: AND (flrc.start_date_active is null OR flrc.start_date_active <= p_ship_date)

Line 7392: FROM wsh_trips

7388: AND (flrc.end_date_active is null OR flrc.end_date_active > p_ship_date);
7390: CURSOR c_get_service_type(c_wsh_trip_id IN NUMBER) IS
7391: SELECT service_level
7392: FROM wsh_trips
7393: WHERE trip_id = c_wsh_trip_id;
7395: i NUMBER:=0;
7396: j NUMBER:=0;

Line 8413: -- FROM wsh_trips

8409: p_segment_id IN NUMBER ) RETURN BOOLEAN
8410: IS
8411: -- CURSOR c_get_consolidate_flag IS
8412: -- SELECT nvl(consolidation_allowed,'N')
8413: -- FROM wsh_trips
8414: -- WHERE trip_id = p_segment_id;
8416: CURSOR c_get_lane_function IS
8417: SELECT nvl(value_from, 'NONE')

Line 8418: FROM wsh_trips a, fte_prc_parameters b

8414: -- WHERE trip_id = p_segment_id;
8416: CURSOR c_get_lane_function IS
8417: SELECT nvl(value_from, 'NONE')
8418: FROM wsh_trips a, fte_prc_parameters b
8419: WHERE a.trip_id = p_segment_id
8420: AND a.lane_id = b.lane_id
8421: AND b.parameter_id = 1;

Line 8475: FROM wsh_trips wt,

8471: p_delivery_leg_id IN NUMBER ) RETURN NUMBER
8472: IS
8473: CURSOR c_get_segment IS
8474: SELECT wt.trip_id
8475: FROM wsh_trips wt,
8476: wsh_delivery_legs wdl,
8477: wsh_trip_stops wts1,
8478: wsh_trip_stops wts2
8479: WHERE wts1.stop_id = wdl.pick_up_stop_id

Line 8732: wsh_trips wt,

8728: SET reprice_required = 'N'
8729: WHERE delivery_leg_id IN (
8730: SELECT wdl.delivery_leg_id
8731: FROM wsh_delivery_legs wdl,
8732: wsh_trips wt,
8733: wsh_trip_stops wts1,
8734: wsh_trip_stops wts2
8735: WHERE wt.trip_id = wts1.trip_id
8736: AND wt.trip_id = wts2.trip_id

Line 8840: wsh_delivery_legs wdl, wsh_trip_stops wts1, wsh_trip_stops wts2,wsh_trips wt

8836: wda.parent_delivery_id,
8837: wdl.parent_delivery_leg_id
8838: from wsh_delivery_details wdd, wsh_delivery_assignments wda,
8839: wsh_new_deliveries wd,
8840: wsh_delivery_legs wdl, wsh_trip_stops wts1, wsh_trip_stops wts2,wsh_trips wt
8841: where wdd.delivery_detail_id = wda.delivery_detail_id
8842: and wda.delivery_id = wdl.delivery_id
8843: and wdl.delivery_id = wd.delivery_id
8844: and wdl.pick_up_stop_id = wts1.stop_id

Line 9828: FROM fte_trips ft, fte_wsh_trips fwt

9824: l_return_status VARCHAR2(1);
9825: /*
9826: CURSOR c_segment_from_fte_trip IS
9827: SELECT fwt.wsh_trip_id
9828: FROM fte_trips ft, fte_wsh_trips fwt
9829: WHERE ft.fte_trip_id = fwt.fte_trip_id
9830: AND ft.fte_trip_id = p_fte_trip_id;
9831: */
9832: CURSOR c_delivery_leg_from_dlvy IS

Line 10169: wsh_trips wt,

10165: SELECT DISTINCT wdl.delivery_id,wts1.trip_id ,wdl.delivery_leg_id,wnd.name
10166: FROM wsh_delivery_legs wdl ,
10167: wsh_trip_stops wts1,
10168: wsh_trip_stops wts2,
10169: wsh_trips wt,
10170: wsh_new_deliveries wnd
10171: WHERE wdl.pick_up_stop_id = wts1.stop_id
10172: AND wdl.drop_off_stop_id = wts2.stop_id
10173: AND wdl.delivery_leg_id = c_dleg_id

Line 10391: FROM wsh_trips wt

10387: wt.consolidation_allowed,
10388: wt.lane_id,
10389: wt.schedule_id,
10390: wt.load_tender_status
10391: FROM wsh_trips wt
10392: WHERE wt.trip_id = c_trip_id;
10394: CURSOR c_get_trip_direction(c_trip_id NUMBER)
10395: IS

Line 10397: FROM wsh_trips

10394: CURSOR c_get_trip_direction(c_trip_id NUMBER)
10395: IS
10396: SELECT shipments_type_flag
10397: FROM wsh_trips
10398: WHERE trip_id = c_trip_id;
10400: l_trip_info trip_info_rec;
10401: i NUMBER;

Line 12586: wsh_delivery_legs wdl, wsh_trip_stops wts1, wsh_trip_stops wts2,wsh_trips wt

12582: wda.parent_delivery_id,
12583: wdl.parent_delivery_leg_id
12584: from wsh_delivery_details wdd, wsh_delivery_assignments wda,
12585: wsh_new_deliveries wd,
12586: wsh_delivery_legs wdl, wsh_trip_stops wts1, wsh_trip_stops wts2,wsh_trips wt
12587: where wdd.delivery_detail_id = wda.delivery_detail_id
12588: and wda.delivery_id = wdl.delivery_id
12589: and wdl.delivery_id = wd.delivery_id
12590: and wdl.pick_up_stop_id = wts1.stop_id