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Line 6: g_debug boolean := hr_utility.debug_enabled;

2: /* $Header: hrtrnswi.pkb 120.19.12010000.3 2008/10/30 05:14:54 ubhat ship $ */
3: -- Global variables
4: g_date_format varchar2(10) := 'RRRR/MM/DD';
5: g_package varchar2(33) := 'HR_TRANSACTION_SWI.';
6: g_debug boolean := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
7: g_tempClob CLOB;
8: -- EO Api Map related global Variables
9: g_current_EO_name varchar2(160);
10: g_current_EO_ApiName varchar2(160);

Line 543: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering:' || l_proc,10);

539: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package || 'getDateValue';
540: l_pos number;
542: Begin
543: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering:' || l_proc,10);
545: xslprocessor.valueof(commitNode,attributeName,l_string);
546: l_pos := instr(l_string, ' ', 1);
547: if(l_pos <> 0) then

Line 559: hr_utility.set_location(' Exiting :' || l_proc,15);

555: l_date := NULL;
556: else
557: l_date := NVL(l_date, gmisc_value);
558: end if;
559: hr_utility.set_location(' Exiting :' || l_proc,15);
560: return l_date;
561: End getDateValue;
563: Function getVarchar2Value(

Line 573: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering:' || l_proc,10);

569: l_isNull VARCHAR2(10);
570: l_element xmldom.DOMElement;
571: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package || 'getVarchar2Value';
572: Begin
573: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering:' || l_proc,10);
574: xslprocessor.valueof(commitNode,attributeName,l_varchar2);
575: l_element := xmldom.makeElement(commitNode);
576: -- l_isNull := xmldom.getAttribute(l_element, 'null');
577: l_isNull := getAttributeValue (commitNode,attributeName,'null');

Line 583: hr_utility.set_location(' Exiting :' || l_proc,15);

579: l_varchar2 := NULL;
580: else
581: l_varchar2 := NVL(l_varchar2, gmisc_value);
582: end if;
583: hr_utility.set_location(' Exiting :' || l_proc,15);
584: return l_varchar2;
585: End getVarchar2Value;
587: Function getNumberValue(

Line 597: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering:' || l_proc,10);

593: l_isNull VARCHAR2(22);
594: l_element xmldom.DOMElement;
595: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package || 'getNumberValue';
596: Begin
597: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering:' || l_proc,10);
598: xslprocessor.valueof(commitNode,attributeName,l_number);
599: l_element := xmldom.makeElement(commitNode);
600: -- l_isNull := xmldom.getAttribute(l_element, 'null');
601: l_isNull := getAttributeValue (commitNode,attributeName,'null');

Line 607: hr_utility.set_location(' Exiting :' || l_proc,15);

603: l_number := NULL;
604: else
605: l_number := NVL(l_number, gmisc_value);
606: end if;
607: hr_utility.set_location(' Exiting :' || l_proc,15);
608: return l_number;
609: End getNumberValue;
611: Function get_EO_api_name(

Line 673: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering:' || l_proc,10);

669: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package || 'process_api_internal';
670: l_CDATANode xmldom.DOMNode;
672: Begin
673: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering:' || l_proc,10);
675: -- Get the ApiName fromt he EO node
676: l_EO_Name := xmldom.getAttribute(xmldom.makeElement(p_root_node),'Name');
677: --l_EO_api_name := NULL; --g_api_map(l_EO_Name);

Line 694: hr_utility.set_location('Making the CLOB:' || l_proc,15);

690: l_CDATANode := xmldom.getFirstChild(p_root_node);
691: g_processing_EO_cdatavalue := xmldom.getNodeValue(l_CDATANode);
693: -- Make a CLOB out of the root_node for binding purposes
694: hr_utility.set_location('Making the CLOB:' || l_proc,15);
695: DBMS_LOB.createTemporary(g_tempClob, FALSE);
696: -- DBMS_LOB.createTemporary(g_tempClob, FALSE);
697: xmldom.writeToClob(l_EORowNode,g_tempClob);

Line 699: hr_utility.set_location('Building the Dynamic Procedure call:' || l_proc,20);

695: DBMS_LOB.createTemporary(g_tempClob, FALSE);
696: -- DBMS_LOB.createTemporary(g_tempClob, FALSE);
697: xmldom.writeToClob(l_EORowNode,g_tempClob);
699: hr_utility.set_location('Building the Dynamic Procedure call:' || l_proc,20);
700: -- if l_EO_api_name = 'HR_PROCESS_PERSON_SS.PROCESS_API' or l_EO_api_name = 'HR_PROCESS_ASSIGNMENT_SS.PROCESS_API' then
701: -- open csr_hat_steps(l_EO_api_name);
702: -- if csr_hat_steps%NOTFOUND then
703: l_sqlbuf:= 'begin ' || l_EO_api_name

Line 722: hr_utility.set_location(' Error processing with api call '||l_EO_api_name || l_proc,50);

719: DBMS_LOB.freetemporary(g_tempClob);
721: IF(l_procapi_retstat_out = 'E') THEN
722: hr_utility.set_location(' Error processing with api call '||l_EO_api_name || l_proc,50);
723: RAISE g_process_api_internal_error;
724: END IF;
726: hr_utility.set_location(' Convert RowNode into Element:' || l_proc,20);

Line 726: hr_utility.set_location(' Convert RowNode into Element:' || l_proc,20);

722: hr_utility.set_location(' Error processing with api call '||l_EO_api_name || l_proc,50);
723: RAISE g_process_api_internal_error;
724: END IF;
726: hr_utility.set_location(' Convert RowNode into Element:' || l_proc,20);
727: -- Convert RowNode into Element and get the list of Child EO Nodes if any
728: l_CEO_NodeList :=xmldom.getChildrenByTagName(xmldom.makeElement(l_EORowNode),'CEO');
730: if (xmldom.getLength(l_CEO_NodeList) > 0) then

Line 731: hr_utility.set_location('Child Nodes Exist :' || l_proc,25);

727: -- Convert RowNode into Element and get the list of Child EO Nodes if any
728: l_CEO_NodeList :=xmldom.getChildrenByTagName(xmldom.makeElement(l_EORowNode),'CEO');
730: if (xmldom.getLength(l_CEO_NodeList) > 0) then
731: hr_utility.set_location('Child Nodes Exist :' || l_proc,25);
732: l_CEO_Node_Element :=xmldom.makeElement(xmldom.item(l_CEO_NodeList,0));
733: l_child_EO_NodeList :=xmldom.getChildrenByTagName(l_CEO_Node_Element,'EO');
735: hr_utility.set_location('Entering For Loop for Child Nodes :' || l_proc,30);

Line 735: hr_utility.set_location('Entering For Loop for Child Nodes :' || l_proc,30);

731: hr_utility.set_location('Child Nodes Exist :' || l_proc,25);
732: l_CEO_Node_Element :=xmldom.makeElement(xmldom.item(l_CEO_NodeList,0));
733: l_child_EO_NodeList :=xmldom.getChildrenByTagName(l_CEO_Node_Element,'EO');
735: hr_utility.set_location('Entering For Loop for Child Nodes :' || l_proc,30);
736: for i in 1..xmldom.getLength(l_child_EO_NodeList) loop
737: l_child_EO_Node := xmldom.item(l_child_EO_NodeList,i-1);
738: x_current_status:=process_api_internal(p_transaction_id, l_child_EO_Node,p_validate,p_effective_date,x_current_status);
739: end loop;

Line 740: hr_utility.set_location('End of For Loop :' || l_proc,35);

736: for i in 1..xmldom.getLength(l_child_EO_NodeList) loop
737: l_child_EO_Node := xmldom.item(l_child_EO_NodeList,i-1);
738: x_current_status:=process_api_internal(p_transaction_id, l_child_EO_Node,p_validate,p_effective_date,x_current_status);
739: end loop;
740: hr_utility.set_location('End of For Loop :' || l_proc,35);
741: end if;
742: end if; -- if EO API NAME IS NOT NULL
743: hr_utility.set_location('Exiting:' || l_proc,40);
744: return x_current_status;

Line 743: hr_utility.set_location('Exiting:' || l_proc,40);

739: end loop;
740: hr_utility.set_location('End of For Loop :' || l_proc,35);
741: end if;
742: end if; -- if EO API NAME IS NOT NULL
743: hr_utility.set_location('Exiting:' || l_proc,40);
744: return x_current_status;
745: End process_api_internal;

Line 766: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering:' || l_proc,10);

762: x_current_status varchar2(1);
763: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package || 'process_api_call';
765: Begin
766: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering:' || l_proc,10);
768: -- Get the ApiName from the parameter
769: l_EO_api_name := p_api_name;
770: if(xmlDOM.isNull(p_root_node)=false) then

Line 782: hr_utility.set_location('Making the CLOB:' || l_proc,15);

780: -- Make a CLOB out of the root_node for binding purposes
781: if(xmlDOM.isNull(l_EORowNode)=false) then
782: hr_utility.set_location('Making the CLOB:' || l_proc,15);
783: DBMS_LOB.createTemporary(g_tempClob, FALSE);
784: xmldom.writeToClob(l_EORowNode,g_tempClob);
785: end if;

Line 788: hr_utility.set_location('Building the Dynamic Procedure call:' || l_proc,20);

784: xmldom.writeToClob(l_EORowNode,g_tempClob);
785: end if;
788: hr_utility.set_location('Building the Dynamic Procedure call:' || l_proc,20);
789: if (xmldom.isNull(p_root_node)=false) then
790: l_sqlbuf:= 'begin ' || l_EO_api_name ||
791: '(p_transaction_step_id => :1
792: ,p_document => :2

Line 811: hr_utility.set_location('Exiting:' || l_proc,25);

807: -- Free the CLOB
808: -- Make the call to set_status to set the current_return Status
809: x_current_status:=set_status(x_current_status,l_procapi_retstat_out);
811: hr_utility.set_location('Exiting:' || l_proc,25);
812: return x_current_status;
814: End process_api_call;

Line 823: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering:' || l_proc,10);

819: return VARCHAR2 IS
820: x_return_status varchar2(1);
821: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package || 'set_status';
822: Begin
823: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering:' || l_proc,10);
825: x_return_status:=p_curent_status;
826: if (p_dyn_sql_processapi_sts = 'E') then
827: x_return_status := 'E';

Line 831: hr_utility.set_location(' Exiting :' || l_proc,15);

827: x_return_status := 'E';
828: elsif (p_dyn_sql_processapi_sts = 'W' and NVL(p_curent_status,'W') <> 'E') then
829: x_return_status := 'W';
830: end if;
831: hr_utility.set_location(' Exiting :' || l_proc,15);
833: return x_return_status;
835: End set_status;

Line 863: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering:' || l_proc,10);

859: step_row csr_hat%rowtype;
860: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package || 'set_transaction_context';
861: Begin
863: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering:' || l_proc,10);
864: hr_utility.set_location(' Opening Cursor:csr_hat' || l_proc,15);
865: g_txn_ctx := null;
866: open csr_hat;
867: fetch csr_hat into step_row;

Line 864: hr_utility.set_location(' Opening Cursor:csr_hat' || l_proc,15);

860: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package || 'set_transaction_context';
861: Begin
863: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering:' || l_proc,10);
864: hr_utility.set_location(' Opening Cursor:csr_hat' || l_proc,15);
865: g_txn_ctx := null;
866: open csr_hat;
867: fetch csr_hat into step_row;
868: close csr_hat;

Line 869: hr_utility.set_location(' Closing Cursor:csr_hat' || l_proc,20);

865: g_txn_ctx := null;
866: open csr_hat;
867: fetch csr_hat into step_row;
868: close csr_hat;
869: hr_utility.set_location(' Closing Cursor:csr_hat' || l_proc,20);
871: -- Set the Individual fields on the Global Transaction Context Record
872: hr_utility.set_location(' Setting GlobalTxnCtx' || l_proc,25);
873: g_txn_ctx.TRANSACTION_ID :=step_row.TRANSACTION_ID;

Line 872: hr_utility.set_location(' Setting GlobalTxnCtx' || l_proc,25);

868: close csr_hat;
869: hr_utility.set_location(' Closing Cursor:csr_hat' || l_proc,20);
871: -- Set the Individual fields on the Global Transaction Context Record
872: hr_utility.set_location(' Setting GlobalTxnCtx' || l_proc,25);
873: g_txn_ctx.TRANSACTION_ID :=step_row.TRANSACTION_ID;
874: g_txn_ctx.CREATOR_PERSON_ID :=step_row.CREATOR_PERSON_ID;
875: g_txn_ctx.STATUS :=step_row.STATUS;
876: g_txn_ctx.FUNCTION_ID :=step_row.FUNCTION_ID;

Line 893: hr_utility.set_location(' Completd Setting GlobalTxnCtx' || l_proc,30);

889: g_txn_ctx.EFFECTIVE_DATE := trunc(SYSDATE);
890: else
891: g_txn_ctx.EFFECTIVE_DATE := nvl(step_row.TRANSACTION_EFFECTIVE_DATE, trunc(sysdate));
892: end if;
893: hr_utility.set_location(' Completd Setting GlobalTxnCtx' || l_proc,30);
894: hr_utility.set_location(' Exiting :' || l_proc,35);
897: end set_transaction_context;

Line 894: hr_utility.set_location(' Exiting :' || l_proc,35);

890: else
891: g_txn_ctx.EFFECTIVE_DATE := nvl(step_row.TRANSACTION_EFFECTIVE_DATE, trunc(sysdate));
892: end if;
893: hr_utility.set_location(' Completd Setting GlobalTxnCtx' || l_proc,30);
894: hr_utility.set_location(' Exiting :' || l_proc,35);
897: end set_transaction_context;

Line 973: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering:' || l_proc,10);

969: step_row csr_person_details%rowtype;
970: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package || 'set_person_context';
971: l_orgid number;
972: Begin
973: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering:' || l_proc,10);
974: hr_utility.set_location(' Opening Cursor:csr_person_details' || l_proc,15);
976: if p_selected_person_id is not null AND p_selected_assignment_id is not null AND p_effective_date is not null then
977: open csr_person_details;

Line 974: hr_utility.set_location(' Opening Cursor:csr_person_details' || l_proc,15);

970: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package || 'set_person_context';
971: l_orgid number;
972: Begin
973: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering:' || l_proc,10);
974: hr_utility.set_location(' Opening Cursor:csr_person_details' || l_proc,15);
976: if p_selected_person_id is not null AND p_selected_assignment_id is not null AND p_effective_date is not null then
977: open csr_person_details;
978: fetch csr_person_details into step_row;

Line 980: hr_utility.set_location(' Closing Cursor:csr_person_details' || l_proc,20);

976: if p_selected_person_id is not null AND p_selected_assignment_id is not null AND p_effective_date is not null then
977: open csr_person_details;
978: fetch csr_person_details into step_row;
979: close csr_person_details;
980: hr_utility.set_location(' Closing Cursor:csr_person_details' || l_proc,20);
981: -- Set the Individual fields on the Global Person Record
982: hr_utility.set_location('Setting the GlobalPersonRecord:' || l_proc,25);
984: g_person_ctx.FULL_NAME :=step_row.FULL_NAME;

Line 982: hr_utility.set_location('Setting the GlobalPersonRecord:' || l_proc,25);

978: fetch csr_person_details into step_row;
979: close csr_person_details;
980: hr_utility.set_location(' Closing Cursor:csr_person_details' || l_proc,20);
981: -- Set the Individual fields on the Global Person Record
982: hr_utility.set_location('Setting the GlobalPersonRecord:' || l_proc,25);
984: g_person_ctx.FULL_NAME :=step_row.FULL_NAME;
985: g_person_ctx.PERSON_ID :=step_row.PERSON_ID;
986: g_person_ctx.EMPLOYEE_NUMBER :=step_row.EMPLOYEE_NUMBER;

Line 1030: hr_utility.set_location('Set values on Global Person Record:' || l_proc,30);

1027: hr_util_misc_ss.set_sys_ctx(step_row.legislation_code, l_orgid);
1028: end if;
1030: hr_utility.set_location('Set values on Global Person Record:' || l_proc,30);
1031: hr_utility.set_location(' Exiting :' || l_proc,35);
1033: end set_person_context;

Line 1031: hr_utility.set_location(' Exiting :' || l_proc,35);

1027: hr_util_misc_ss.set_sys_ctx(step_row.legislation_code, l_orgid);
1028: end if;
1030: hr_utility.set_location('Set values on Global Person Record:' || l_proc,30);
1031: hr_utility.set_location(' Exiting :' || l_proc,35);
1033: end set_person_context;
1035: procedure init_profiles(

Line 1047: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering:' || l_proc,10);

1043: IS
1044: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package || 'init_profiles';
1045: Begin
1047: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering:' || l_proc,10);
1048: hr_utility.set_location(' Setting Profile values:' || l_proc,15);
1050: fnd_profile.put('PER_PERSON_ID', p_person_id);
1051: fnd_profile.put('PER_ASSIGNMENT_ID', p_assignment_id);

Line 1048: hr_utility.set_location(' Setting Profile values:' || l_proc,15);

1044: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package || 'init_profiles';
1045: Begin
1047: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering:' || l_proc,10);
1048: hr_utility.set_location(' Setting Profile values:' || l_proc,15);
1050: fnd_profile.put('PER_PERSON_ID', p_person_id);
1051: fnd_profile.put('PER_ASSIGNMENT_ID', p_assignment_id);
1052: fnd_profile.put('PER_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID', p_business_group_Id);

Line 1057: hr_utility.set_location(' Exiting :' || l_proc,20);

1053: fnd_profile.put('PER_ORGANIZATION_ID', p_organization_Id);
1054: fnd_profile.put('PER_LOCATION_ID', p_location_id);
1055: fnd_profile.put('PER_PAYROLL_ID', p_payroll_id);
1057: hr_utility.set_location(' Exiting :' || l_proc,20);
1059: end init_profiles;

Line 1068: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering:' || l_proc,10);

1064: p_validate in NUMBER default hr_api.g_false_num)
1065: is
1066: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package || 'delete_transaction';
1067: begin
1068: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering:' || l_proc,10);
1069: hr_utility.set_location(' Calling:hr_transaction_api.rollback_transaction' || l_proc,15);
1070: delete_transaction_children(p_transaction_id, p_validate);
1071: hr_sflutil_ss.closesflnotifications(p_transaction_id,null,null);
1072: hr_transaction_api.rollback_transaction(

Line 1069: hr_utility.set_location(' Calling:hr_transaction_api.rollback_transaction' || l_proc,15);

1065: is
1066: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package || 'delete_transaction';
1067: begin
1068: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering:' || l_proc,10);
1069: hr_utility.set_location(' Calling:hr_transaction_api.rollback_transaction' || l_proc,15);
1070: delete_transaction_children(p_transaction_id, p_validate);
1071: hr_sflutil_ss.closesflnotifications(p_transaction_id,null,null);
1072: hr_transaction_api.rollback_transaction(
1073: p_transaction_id => p_transaction_id,

Line 1075: hr_utility.set_location(' Exiting :' || l_proc,20);

1071: hr_sflutil_ss.closesflnotifications(p_transaction_id,null,null);
1072: hr_transaction_api.rollback_transaction(
1073: p_transaction_id => p_transaction_id,
1074: p_validate => (p_validate=hr_api.g_true_num));
1075: hr_utility.set_location(' Exiting :' || l_proc,20);
1076: end delete_transaction;
1078: function convertCLOBtoXMLElement(
1079: p_document in CLOB)

Line 1085: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering:' || l_proc,10);

1081: x_commitElement xmldom.DOMElement;
1082: l_parser xmlparser.Parser;
1083: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package || 'convertCLOBtoXMLElement';
1084: Begin
1085: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering:' || l_proc,10);
1086: hr_utility.set_location(' CLOB --> xmldom.DOMElement:' || l_proc,15);
1087: -- CLOB --> xmldom.DOMElement
1088: l_parser := xmlparser.newParser;
1089: xmlparser.ParseCLOB(l_parser,p_document);

Line 1086: hr_utility.set_location(' CLOB --> xmldom.DOMElement:' || l_proc,15);

1082: l_parser xmlparser.Parser;
1083: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package || 'convertCLOBtoXMLElement';
1084: Begin
1085: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering:' || l_proc,10);
1086: hr_utility.set_location(' CLOB --> xmldom.DOMElement:' || l_proc,15);
1087: -- CLOB --> xmldom.DOMElement
1088: l_parser := xmlparser.newParser;
1089: xmlparser.ParseCLOB(l_parser,p_document);
1090: x_commitElement := xmldom.getDocumentElement(xmlparser.getDocument(l_parser));

Line 1114: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 1);

1111: begin
1112: -- check if debug enabled
1113: if g_debug then
1114: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 1);
1115: end if;
1117: -- call the overloaded setTransactionStatus with null comments
1118: setTransactionStatus(p_transaction_id,null,

Line 1126: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 10);

1122: p_propagateMessagePub,
1123: p_status);
1125: if g_debug then
1126: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 10);
1127: end if;
1129: exception
1130: when others then

Line 1769: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering:' || l_proc,10);

1765: x_return_status VARCHAR2(1);
1766: p_error_log CLOB;
1768: BEGIN
1769: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering:' || l_proc,10);
1770: commit_transaction(
1771: p_transaction_id=>p_transaction_id,
1772: p_validate =>p_validate,
1773: p_effective_date=>p_effective_date,

Line 1777: hr_utility.set_location(' Exiting:' || l_proc,20);

1773: p_effective_date=>p_effective_date,
1774: p_process_all_on_error =>hr_api.g_false_num,
1775: p_status=>x_return_status,
1776: p_error_log=>p_error_log);
1777: hr_utility.set_location(' Exiting:' || l_proc,20);
1779: RETURN x_return_status;
1781: WHEN others THEN

Line 2061: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 1);

2058: begin
2059: -- check if debug enabled
2060: if g_debug then
2061: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 1);
2062: end if;
2063: -- check if we need to propagate the error messages
2064: if(p_propagateMessagePub=hr_api.g_true_num) then
2065: hr_multi_message.enable_message_list;

Line 2181: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 10);

2177: commit;
2180: if g_debug then
2181: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 10);
2182: end if;
2184: exception
2185: when others then

Line 2316: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering:' || l_proc,10);

2312: error_log CLOB;
2314: BEGIN
2315: SAVEPOINT commit_transaction_swi;
2316: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering:' || l_proc,10);
2317: -- Call Set_Transaction_Context
2318: hr_utility.set_location(' Calling set_transaction_context:' || l_proc,15);
2319: set_transaction_context(p_transaction_id);

Line 2318: hr_utility.set_location(' Calling set_transaction_context:' || l_proc,15);

2314: BEGIN
2315: SAVEPOINT commit_transaction_swi;
2316: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering:' || l_proc,10);
2317: -- Call Set_Transaction_Context
2318: hr_utility.set_location(' Calling set_transaction_context:' || l_proc,15);
2319: set_transaction_context(p_transaction_id);
2321: -- If p_effective_date is not NULL then set it on the g_txn_ctx.EFFECTIVE_DATE
2322: IF ( p_effective_date IS NOT NULL ) THEN

Line 2327: hr_utility.set_location(' Calling set_person_context:' || l_proc,20);

2323: g_txn_ctx.EFFECTIVE_DATE:=p_effective_date;
2324: END IF;
2325: -- Call Set_Person_Context
2326: l_language:='US';
2327: hr_utility.set_location(' Calling set_person_context:' || l_proc,20);
2328: set_person_context( p_selected_person_id => g_txn_ctx.SELECTED_PERSON_ID,
2329: p_selected_assignment_id => g_txn_ctx.ASSIGNMENT_ID,
2330: p_effective_date => g_txn_ctx.EFFECTIVE_DATE);

Line 2333: hr_utility.set_location(' Calling :hr_util_misc_ss.seteffectivedate' || l_proc,25);

2329: p_selected_assignment_id => g_txn_ctx.ASSIGNMENT_ID,
2330: p_effective_date => g_txn_ctx.EFFECTIVE_DATE);
2332: x_return_status := 'S';
2333: hr_utility.set_location(' Calling :hr_util_misc_ss.seteffectivedate' || l_proc,25);
2334: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering For Loop' || l_proc,35);
2335: -- new code
2336: OPEN csr_trn;
2337: FETCH csr_trn INTO step_row;

Line 2334: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering For Loop' || l_proc,35);

2330: p_effective_date => g_txn_ctx.EFFECTIVE_DATE);
2332: x_return_status := 'S';
2333: hr_utility.set_location(' Calling :hr_util_misc_ss.seteffectivedate' || l_proc,25);
2334: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering For Loop' || l_proc,35);
2335: -- new code
2336: OPEN csr_trn;
2337: FETCH csr_trn INTO step_row;
2338: -- hsundar: Do the Document processing only when the Txn_document is not null

Line 2429: hr_utility.set_location(' Exiting For Loop:' || l_proc,40);

2425: CLOSE csr_trn;
2427: writeXMLDocToClob(error_doc ,p_error_log );
2429: hr_utility.set_location(' Exiting For Loop:' || l_proc,40);
2430: IF p_validate = hr_api.g_true_num THEN
2431: hr_utility.set_location(' p_validate=TRUE:' || l_proc,45);
2432: RAISE hr_api.validate_enabled;
2433: END IF;

Line 2431: hr_utility.set_location(' p_validate=TRUE:' || l_proc,45);

2427: writeXMLDocToClob(error_doc ,p_error_log );
2429: hr_utility.set_location(' Exiting For Loop:' || l_proc,40);
2430: IF p_validate = hr_api.g_true_num THEN
2431: hr_utility.set_location(' p_validate=TRUE:' || l_proc,45);
2432: RAISE hr_api.validate_enabled;
2433: END IF;
2434: -- Return the status to the calling procedure
2435: -- hsundar: There is no need to commit as Work-Flow takes care of it implicitly

Line 2437: hr_utility.set_location('Commiting as p_validate=FALSE:' || l_proc,50);

2433: END IF;
2434: -- Return the status to the calling procedure
2435: -- hsundar: There is no need to commit as Work-Flow takes care of it implicitly
2436: /*if p_validate = hr_api.g_false_num then
2437: hr_utility.set_location('Commiting as p_validate=FALSE:' || l_proc,50);
2438: COMMIT;
2439: END IF; */
2441: hr_utility.set_location(' Exiting:' || l_proc,55);

Line 2441: hr_utility.set_location(' Exiting:' || l_proc,55);

2437: hr_utility.set_location('Commiting as p_validate=FALSE:' || l_proc,50);
2438: COMMIT;
2439: END IF; */
2441: hr_utility.set_location(' Exiting:' || l_proc,55);
2443: --return x_return_status;
2444: p_status :=x_return_status;
2445: -- Moved the exception Block out of the for loop

Line 2451: WHEN hr_utility.hr_error THEN

2448: WHEN g_process_api_internal_error THEN
2449: p_status :=x_return_status;
2450: writeXMLDocToClob(error_doc ,p_error_log );
2451: WHEN hr_utility.hr_error THEN
2452: --do something here
2453: hr_utility.set_location('Exception:hr_utility.hr_error' || l_proc,555);
2454: ROLLBACK TO commit_transaction_swi;
2455: RAISE;

Line 2453: hr_utility.set_location('Exception:hr_utility.hr_error' || l_proc,555);

2449: p_status :=x_return_status;
2450: writeXMLDocToClob(error_doc ,p_error_log );
2451: WHEN hr_utility.hr_error THEN
2452: --do something here
2453: hr_utility.set_location('Exception:hr_utility.hr_error' || l_proc,555);
2454: ROLLBACK TO commit_transaction_swi;
2455: RAISE;
2456: WHEN hr_api.validate_enabled THEN
2457: -- As the Validate_Enabled exception has been raised

Line 2459: hr_utility.set_location('Exception:hr_api.validate_enabled' || l_proc,560);

2455: RAISE;
2456: WHEN hr_api.validate_enabled THEN
2457: -- As the Validate_Enabled exception has been raised
2458: -- we must rollback to the savepoint
2459: hr_utility.set_location('Exception:hr_api.validate_enabled' || l_proc,560);
2460: ROLLBACK TO commit_transaction_swi;
2461: p_status :=x_return_status;
2462: WHEN others THEN
2463: hr_utility.set_location('Exception:others' || l_proc,565);

Line 2463: hr_utility.set_location('Exception:others' || l_proc,565);

2459: hr_utility.set_location('Exception:hr_api.validate_enabled' || l_proc,560);
2460: ROLLBACK TO commit_transaction_swi;
2461: p_status :=x_return_status;
2462: WHEN others THEN
2463: hr_utility.set_location('Exception:others' || l_proc,565);
2464: ROLLBACK TO commit_transaction_swi;
2465: RAISE;
2467: END commit_transaction;