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Line 563: jl_br_ar_borderos bo,

559: l_payment_schedule_id
560: from ra_customer_trx_all ct,
561: ar_payment_schedules_all ps,
562: jl_br_ar_select_controls sc,
563: jl_br_ar_borderos bo,
564: jl_br_ar_collection_docs cd
565: where ct.customer_trx_id = cd.customer_trx_id
566: and ct.org_id = cd.org_id
567: and ps.payment_schedule_id = cd.payment_schedule_id

Line 1151: jl_br_ar_borderos_all b

1147: jl_br_ar_occurrence_docs_all oc,
1148: ra_customer_trx_all ract,
1149: jl_br_ar_bank_occurrences bo,
1150: jl_br_ar_select_accounts_all csc,
1151: jl_br_ar_borderos_all b
1152: where oc.document_id between l_start_id and l_end_id
1153: and nvl(oc.occurrence_status,'CONFIRMED') <> 'CREATED'
1154: and oc.document_id = cd.document_id
1155: and cd.customer_trx_id = ract.customer_trx_id

Line 1806: jl_br_ar_borderos_all b,

1802: jl_br_ar_collection_docs_all cd,
1803: ra_customer_trx_all ract,
1804: jl_br_ar_bank_occurrences bo,
1805: jl_br_ar_select_accounts_all csc,
1806: jl_br_ar_borderos_all b,
1807: ar_system_parameters_all sys,
1808: gl_date_period_map per1,
1809: gl_sets_of_books gsb
1810: WHERE oc.document_id between l_start_rowid and l_end_rowid