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Line 163: IF l_mo_line_rec.operation = INV_GLOBALS.G_OPR_DELETE THEN

159: /* Initially Lets Set it to Requested Quantity ( quantity) */
160: /* Since they should be the same. */
161: l_mo_line_rec.primary_quantity := l_mo_line_rec.quantity;
162: WSH_Util_Core.PrintLn('Operation Row ==> '||l_mo_line_rec.operation);
163: IF l_mo_line_rec.operation = INV_GLOBALS.G_OPR_DELETE THEN
164: /* physically delete this row */
165: /* This first Queries To see If Any Reservations Exist */
166: /* ( GMI Transcations) Then deletes or Updates. */
167: /* Else it will just delete this line. */

Line 179: IF l_mo_line_rec.operation = INV_GLOBALS.G_OPR_UPDATE THEN

175: l_opm_lot_ctl,
176: l_opm_loct_ctl;
177: Close get_opm_item;
179: IF l_mo_line_rec.operation = INV_GLOBALS.G_OPR_UPDATE THEN
180: gmi_reservation_util.println('Operation update');
181: IF (l_opm_lot_ctl <> 0 OR l_opm_loct_ctl <> 0) THEN
182: gmi_reservation_util.println('Going to fetch get_detailed_qtys ');
183: Open get_detailed_qtys;

Line 211: IF l_mo_line_rec.operation = INV_GLOBALS.G_OPR_UPDATE THEN

207: l_mo_line_rec.last_update_date := SYSDATE;
208: l_mo_line_rec.last_updated_by := FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID;
209: l_mo_line_rec.last_update_login := FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID;
211: IF l_mo_line_rec.operation = INV_GLOBALS.G_OPR_UPDATE THEN
212: /* This will first check if old_line quantity or line_status */
213: /* or quantity_detailed is different from New Then Call */
214: /* query to get reservations and do update logic. */
215: /* Else it will just update this row. */

Line 218: ELSIF l_mo_line_rec.operation = INV_GLOBALS.G_OPR_CREATE THEN

214: /* query to get reservations and do update logic. */
215: /* Else it will just update this row. */
216: gmi_reservation_util.println('Going to update row');
217: GMI_Move_Order_LINE_Util.update_Row( l_mo_line_rec);
218: ELSIF l_mo_line_rec.operation = INV_GLOBALS.G_OPR_CREATE THEN
219: /* Set create defaults */
220: gmi_reservation_util.println('Going to get get new id');
221: l_mo_line_rec.creation_date := SYSDATE;
222: l_mo_line_rec.created_by := FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID;

Line 365: IF ( p_mo_line_rec.operation = INV_GLOBALS.G_OPR_CREATE) THEN

361: WSH_Util_Core.PrintLn('quantity ==> '||p_mo_line_rec.quantity);
362: WSH_Util_Core.PrintLn('status ==> '||p_mo_line_rec.line_status);
363: WSH_Util_Core.PrintLn('trans id ==> '||p_mo_line_rec.transaction_type_id);
365: IF ( p_mo_line_rec.operation = INV_GLOBALS.G_OPR_CREATE) THEN
367: IF p_mo_line_rec.header_id is NULL OR
368: p_mo_line_rec.line_number is NULL OR
369: p_mo_line_rec.organization_id is NULL OR

Line 384: ELSIF ( p_mo_line_rec.operation = INV_GLOBALS.G_OPR_UPDATE) THEN

381: END IF;
384: ELSIF ( p_mo_line_rec.operation = INV_GLOBALS.G_OPR_UPDATE) THEN
386: IF p_mo_line_rec.header_id is NULL OR
387: p_mo_line_rec.line_id is NULL OR
388: p_mo_line_rec.line_number is NULL OR