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Line 33: | xla_ae_headers_gt |

29: | Added sla_ledger_id in ledger cache |
30: | 07-MAI-2003 K.Boussema Changed the call to cache API, bug 2945359 |
31: | 13-MAI-2003 K.Boussema Renamed temporary tables xla_je_lines_gt by |
32: | xla_ae_lines_gt, xla_je_headers_gt by |
33: | xla_ae_headers_gt |
34: | Renamed in xla_distribution_links the column |
35: | base_amount by ledger_amount |
36: | 14-MAI-2003 K.Boussema Removed the SELECT of application_name |
37: | 20-MAI-2003 K.Boussema Added a Token to XLA_AP_CANNOT_INSERT_JE |

Line 1778: update xla_ae_headers_gt h

1774: -- Populate the parent_ae_line_num by the real ae_line_num
1775: ----------------------------------------------------------
1776: /* PROBLEM: incorrectly sets parent_ae_line_num to NULL
1777: forall i in 1..l_array_rowid.count
1778: update xla_ae_headers_gt h
1779: set parent_ae_line_num =
1780: (select l_array_ae_line_num(i)
1781: from xla_ae_lines_gt l
1782: where h.parent_header_id = l.event_id -- awan l.ae_header_id no rows

Line 1791: UPDATE xla_ae_headers_gt h

1787: and l.rowid = l_array_rowid(i))
1788: where parent_ae_line_num IS NOT NULL;
1789: */
1790: -- IF l_array_rowid.count > 0 THEN commented IF for 7230462
1791: UPDATE xla_ae_headers_gt h
1792: SET parent_ae_line_num =
1793: (SELECT ae_line_num
1794: FROM xla_ae_lines_gt l
1795: WHERE h.parent_header_id = l.event_id -- awan l.ae_header_id no rows

Line 10765: FROM xla_ae_headers_gt

10761: SELECT parent_header_id
10762: ,parent_ae_line_num
10763: ,MIN(ae_header_id)
10764: ,MAX(ae_header_id)
10765: FROM xla_ae_headers_gt
10766: WHERE parent_header_id IS NOT NULL
10767: AND parent_ae_line_num IS NOT NULL
10768: AND balance_type_code = 'A' -- added for bug:7377888
10769: AND NVL(accrual_reversal_flag,'N') = 'N'

Line 11019: ,xla_ae_headers_gt xehg

11015: ,xdl1.ref_event_id
11016: ,xeh1.ledger_id
11017: FROM xla_distribution_links xdl1
11018: ,xla_ae_headers xeh1
11019: ,xla_ae_headers_gt xehg
11020: WHERE xdl1.application_id = p_application_id
11021: AND xeh1.application_id = p_application_id
11022: AND xdl1.ae_header_id = xehg.ae_header_id
11023: AND xdl1.ae_header_id = xeh1.ae_header_id

Line 11614: ,xla_ae_headers_gt h

11610: SELECT pr.name, ec.name, et.name
11611: FROM xla_product_rules_tl pr
11612: ,xla_event_classes_tl ec
11613: ,xla_event_types_tl et
11614: ,xla_ae_headers_gt h
11615: WHERE pr.amb_context_code(+) = h.amb_context_code
11616: AND pr.application_id(+) = p_application_id
11617: AND pr.product_rule_type_code(+) = h.product_rule_type_code
11618: AND pr.product_rule_code(+) = h.product_rule_code

Line 11661: UPDATE /*+ index(XLA_AE_HEADERS_GT, XLA_AE_HEADERS_GT_N1) */ --4918497

11657: -- 4262811
11658: --------------------------------------------------------
11659: IF xla_accounting_pkg.g_mpa_accrual_exists = 'Y' THEN --4752807
11660: FORALL i IN 1..g_array_ae_header_id.COUNT
11661: UPDATE /*+ index(XLA_AE_HEADERS_GT, XLA_AE_HEADERS_GT_N1) */ --4918497
11662: xla_ae_headers_gt
11663: SET parent_header_id = g_array_ae_header_id(i)
11664: WHERE parent_header_id = g_array_event_id(i) -- instead of ae_header_id
11665: AND ledger_id = g_array_ledger_id(i)

Line 11662: xla_ae_headers_gt

11658: --------------------------------------------------------
11659: IF xla_accounting_pkg.g_mpa_accrual_exists = 'Y' THEN --4752807
11660: FORALL i IN 1..g_array_ae_header_id.COUNT
11661: UPDATE /*+ index(XLA_AE_HEADERS_GT, XLA_AE_HEADERS_GT_N1) */ --4918497
11662: xla_ae_headers_gt
11663: SET parent_header_id = g_array_ae_header_id(i)
11664: WHERE parent_header_id = g_array_event_id(i) -- instead of ae_header_id
11665: AND ledger_id = g_array_ledger_id(i)
11666: AND balance_type_code = g_array_balance_type(i)

Line 11786: FROM xla_ae_headers_gt hed

11782: , hed.parent_header_id -- 4262811
11783: , hed.parent_ae_line_num -- 4262811
11784: , hed.accrual_reversal_flag -- 4262811
11785: , NULL -- group_id
11786: FROM xla_ae_headers_gt hed
11787: where hed.balance_type_code <> 'X';
11788: ELSE -- xla_accounting_pkg.g_array_group_id.COUNT > 0
11789: FORALL i IN 1..xla_accounting_pkg.g_array_group_id.COUNT
11790: INSERT INTO xla_ae_headers

Line 11895: FROM xla_ae_headers_gt hed

11891: xla_accounting_pkg.g_array_group_id(i)
11892: ELSE NULL
11893: END
11894: ,NULL)
11895: FROM xla_ae_headers_gt hed
11896: where hed.balance_type_code <> 'X'
11897: and hed.ledger_id = xla_accounting_pkg.g_array_ledger_id(i);
11898: END IF;

Line 12539: FROM xla_ae_headers_gt

12535: , anc_id_7
12536: , anc_id_8
12537: , anc_id_9
12538: , anc_id_10
12539: FROM xla_ae_headers_gt
12540: WHERE ae_header_id is not null;
12542: --
12543: IF (C_LEVEL_EVENT >= g_log_level) THEN

Line 14690: FROM xla_ae_headers_gt

14686: , anc_id_47
14687: , anc_id_48
14688: , anc_id_49
14689: , anc_id_50
14690: FROM xla_ae_headers_gt
14691: WHERE ae_header_id is not null;
14693: --
14694: IF (C_LEVEL_EVENT >= g_log_level) THEN

Line 18890: FROM xla_ae_headers_gt

18886: , anc_id_97
18887: , anc_id_98
18888: , anc_id_99
18889: , anc_id_100
18890: FROM xla_ae_headers_gt
18891: WHERE ae_header_id is not null;
18893: --
18894: IF (C_LEVEL_EVENT >= g_log_level) THEN