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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 18

      SELECT 'x'
      FROM   okl_ls_rt_fctr_sets_v
      WHERE  name = p_name;
Line: 24

      SELECT end_of_term_ver_id
      FROM   okl_fe_eo_term_vers
      WHERE  end_of_term_id = p_eot_id
         AND p_eff_from BETWEEN effective_from_date AND nvl(effective_to_date, p_eff_from + 1)
         AND sts_code = 'ACTIVE';
Line: 167

    okl_lrt_pvt.insert_row(p_api_version   =>  g_api_version
                          ,p_init_msg_list =>  g_false
                          ,x_return_status =>  l_return_status
                          ,x_msg_count     =>  x_msg_count
                          ,x_msg_data      =>  x_msg_data
                          ,p_lrtv_rec      =>  lp_lrtv_rec
                          ,x_lrtv_rec      =>  x_lrtv_rec);
Line: 187

    okl_lrv_pvt.insert_row(p_api_version   =>  g_api_version
                          ,p_init_msg_list =>  g_false
                          ,x_return_status =>  l_return_status
                          ,x_msg_count     =>  x_msg_count
                          ,x_msg_data      =>  x_msg_data
                          ,p_lrvv_rec      =>  lp_lrvv_rec
                          ,x_lrvv_rec      =>  x_lrvv_rec);
Line: 234

  PROCEDURE update_lease_rate_set(p_api_version    IN             number
                                 ,p_init_msg_list  IN             varchar2      DEFAULT okl_api.g_false
                                 ,x_return_status     OUT NOCOPY  varchar2
                                 ,x_msg_count         OUT NOCOPY  number
                                 ,x_msg_data          OUT NOCOPY  varchar2
                                 ,p_lrtv_rec       IN             lrtv_rec_type
                                 ,x_lrtv_rec          OUT NOCOPY  lrtv_rec_type
                                 ,p_lrvv_rec       IN             okl_lrvv_rec
                                 ,x_lrvv_rec          OUT NOCOPY  okl_lrvv_rec) IS

    CURSOR get_eot_version(p_eot_id        number
                          ,p_eff_from  IN  date) IS
      SELECT end_of_term_ver_id
      FROM   okl_fe_eo_term_vers
      WHERE  end_of_term_id = p_eot_id
         AND p_eff_from BETWEEN effective_from_date AND nvl(effective_to_date, p_eff_from + 1)
         AND sts_code = 'ACTIVE';
Line: 256

    l_api_name            CONSTANT varchar2(30) := 'update_lrs';
Line: 259

    l_module              CONSTANT fnd_log_messages.module%TYPE := 'okl.plsql.okl_lease_rate_sets_pvt.update_lease_rate_set';
Line: 273

                             ,'begin debug OKLRECCB.pls call update_lease_rate_set');
Line: 372

      okl_lease_rate_factors_pvt.delete_lease_rate_factors(p_api_version   =>  p_api_version
                                                       ,p_init_msg_list =>  okl_api.g_false
                                                       ,x_return_status =>  l_return_status
                                                       ,x_msg_count     =>  x_msg_count
                                                       ,x_msg_data      =>  x_msg_data
                                                       ,p_lrv_id        =>  lp_lrvv_rec.rate_set_version_id);
Line: 407

    okl_lrt_pvt.update_row(p_api_version   =>  g_api_version
                          ,p_init_msg_list =>  g_false
                          ,x_return_status =>  l_return_status
                          ,x_msg_count     =>  x_msg_count
                          ,x_msg_data      =>  x_msg_data
                          ,p_lrtv_rec      =>  lp_lrtv_rec
                          ,x_lrtv_rec      =>  x_lrtv_rec);
Line: 426

    okl_lrv_pvt.update_row(p_api_version   =>  g_api_version
                          ,p_init_msg_list =>  g_false
                          ,x_return_status =>  l_return_status
                          ,x_msg_count     =>  x_msg_count
                          ,x_msg_data      =>  x_msg_data
                          ,p_lrvv_rec      =>  lp_lrvv_rec
                          ,x_lrvv_rec      =>  x_lrvv_rec);
Line: 479

                             ,'end debug OKLPLRTB.pls.pls call update_lease_rate_set');
Line: 504

  END update_lease_rate_set;
Line: 514

      SELECT max(qte.expected_start_date) start_date
      FROM   okl_lease_quotes_b qte
            ,okl_fe_rate_set_versions lrv
      WHERE  qte.rate_card_id = lrv.rate_set_version_id
         AND lrv.rate_set_version_id = p_lrv_id;
Line: 523

      SELECT max(qte.expected_start_date) start_date
      FROM   okl_quick_quotes_b qte
            ,okl_fe_rate_set_versions lrv
      WHERE  qte.rate_card_id = lrv.rate_set_version_id
         AND lrv.rate_set_version_id = p_lrv_id;
Line: 532

      SELECT effective_from_date
      FROM   okl_fe_rate_set_versions
      WHERE  rate_set_version_id = p_lrv_id;
Line: 541

      SELECT max(effective_from_date)
      FROM   okl_fe_criteria_set ech
            ,okl_fe_criteria ecl
      WHERE  ecl.criteria_set_id = ech.criteria_set_id
         AND ech.source_id = p_lrv_id AND source_object_code = 'LRS';
Line: 660

      SELECT id
      FROM   okl_ls_rt_fctr_sets_v lrtv
      WHERE  id = p_id;
Line: 737

                          ,l_lrtv_rec.end_of_term_id ;
Line: 776

      SELECT rate_set_version_id
      FROM   okl_fe_rate_set_versions_v
      WHERE  rate_set_version_id = p_id;
Line: 858

                          ,l_lrvv_rec.attribute15 ;
Line: 900

      SELECT rate_set_version_id
      FROM   okl_fe_rate_set_versions
      WHERE  rate_set_id = p_lrt_id AND version_number = p_version_number;
Line: 906

      SELECT end_of_term_ver_id
      FROM   okl_fe_eo_term_vers
      WHERE  end_of_term_id = p_eot_id
         AND p_eff_from BETWEEN effective_from_date AND nvl(effective_to_date, p_eff_from + 1)
         AND sts_code = 'ACTIVE';
Line: 1042

    okl_lrt_pvt.update_row(p_api_version   =>  g_api_version
                          ,p_init_msg_list =>  g_false
                          ,x_return_status =>  l_return_status
                          ,x_msg_count     =>  x_msg_count
                          ,x_msg_data      =>  x_msg_data
                          ,p_lrtv_rec      =>  lp_lrtv_rec
                          ,x_lrtv_rec      =>  x_lrtv_rec);
Line: 1059

    okl_lrv_pvt.insert_row(p_api_version   =>  g_api_version
                          ,p_init_msg_list =>  g_false
                          ,x_return_status =>  l_return_status
                          ,x_msg_count     =>  x_msg_count
                          ,x_msg_data      =>  x_msg_data
                          ,p_lrvv_rec      =>  lp_lrvv_rec
                          ,x_lrvv_rec      =>  x_lrvv_rec);
Line: 1115

      SELECT rate_set_version_id
      FROM   okl_fe_rate_set_versions
      WHERE  rate_set_id = p_lrt_id AND version_number = p_version_number;
Line: 1120

      SELECT rate_set_id
      FROM   okl_fe_rate_set_versions
      WHERE  rate_set_version_id = p_rate_set_version_id;
Line: 1126

      SELECT version_number
      FROM   okl_fe_rate_set_versions
      WHERE  rate_set_version_id = p_lrv_id;
Line: 1237

      okl_lrv_pvt.update_row(p_api_version   =>  g_api_version
                            ,p_init_msg_list =>  g_false
                            ,x_return_status =>  l_return_status
                            ,x_msg_count     =>  x_msg_count
                            ,x_msg_data      =>  x_msg_data
                            ,p_lrvv_rec      =>  lp_lrvv_rec
                            ,x_lrvv_rec      =>  x_lrvv_rec);
Line: 1250

                               ,'Procedure okl_lrv_pvt.update_row returned with status ' ||
Line: 1364

      SELECT rate_set_id
      FROM   okl_fe_rate_set_versions
      WHERE  rate_set_version_id = p_lrv_id;
Line: 1370

      SELECT rate_set_version_id
      FROM   okl_fe_rate_set_versions
      WHERE  rate_set_id = p_lrt_id AND version_number = p_version_number;
Line: 1375

      SELECT nvl(lrs_rate,standard_rate) interest_rate
      FROM   okl_fe_rate_set_versions lrsv
      WHERE  lrsv.rate_set_version_id = p_lrv_id;
Line: 1548

      okl_ecc_values_pvt.delete_eligibility_criteria(p_api_version   =>  p_api_version
                                                    ,p_init_msg_list =>  okl_api.g_false
                                                    ,x_return_status =>  l_return_status
                                                    ,x_msg_count     =>  x_msg_count
                                                    ,x_msg_data      =>  x_msg_data
                                                    ,p_source_id     =>  lp_lrvv_rec.rate_set_version_id
                                                    ,p_source_type   =>  'LRS');
Line: 1561

                               ,'Procedure okl_ecc_values_pvt.delete_eligibility_criteria returned with status ' ||
Line: 1630

      okl_lrv_pvt.update_row(p_api_version   =>  g_api_version
                            ,p_init_msg_list =>  g_false
                            ,x_return_status =>  l_return_status
                            ,x_msg_count     =>  x_msg_count
                            ,x_msg_data      =>  x_msg_data
                            ,p_lrvv_rec      =>  l_prev_lrvv_rec
                            ,x_lrvv_rec      =>  x_lrvv_rec);
Line: 1643

                               ,'Procedure okl_lrv_pvt.update_row returned with status ' ||
Line: 1684

    okl_lrt_pvt.update_row(p_api_version   =>  g_api_version
                          ,p_init_msg_list =>  g_false
                          ,x_return_status =>  l_return_status
                          ,x_msg_count     =>  x_msg_count
                          ,x_msg_data      =>  x_msg_data
                          ,p_lrtv_rec      =>  lp_lrtv_rec
                          ,x_lrtv_rec      =>  x_lrtv_rec);
Line: 1697

                             ,'Procedure okl_lrt_pvt.update_row returned with status ' ||
Line: 1709

    okl_lrv_pvt.update_row(p_api_version   =>  g_api_version
                          ,p_init_msg_list =>  g_false
                          ,x_return_status =>  l_return_status
                          ,x_msg_count     =>  x_msg_count
                          ,x_msg_data      =>  x_msg_data
                          ,p_lrvv_rec      =>  lp_lrvv_rec
                          ,x_lrvv_rec      =>  x_lrvv_rec);
Line: 1722

                             ,'Procedure okl_lrv_pvt.update_row returned with status ' ||
Line: 1894

  PROCEDURE update_lrs_gen_lrf(p_api_version    IN             number
                              ,p_init_msg_list  IN             varchar2      DEFAULT okl_api.g_false
                              ,x_return_status     OUT NOCOPY  varchar2
                              ,x_msg_count         OUT NOCOPY  number
                              ,x_msg_data          OUT NOCOPY  varchar2
                              ,p_lrtv_rec       IN             lrtv_rec_type
                              ,x_lrtv_rec          OUT NOCOPY  lrtv_rec_type
                              ,p_lrvv_rec       IN             okl_lrvv_rec
                              ,x_lrvv_rec          OUT NOCOPY  okl_lrvv_rec) IS
    lp_lrvv_rec                    okl_lrvv_rec;
Line: 1905

    l_api_name            CONSTANT varchar2(30) := 'update_lrs_gen';
Line: 1908

    l_module              CONSTANT fnd_log_messages.module%TYPE := 'okl.plsql.okl_lease_rate_sets_pvt.update_lrs_gen_lrf';
Line: 1921

                             ,'begin debug OKLRECCB.pls call update_lrs_gen_lrf');
Line: 1952

    update_lease_rate_set(p_api_version   =>  g_api_version
                         ,p_init_msg_list =>  g_false
                         ,x_return_status =>  l_return_status
                         ,x_msg_count     =>  x_msg_count
                         ,x_msg_data      =>  x_msg_data
                         ,p_lrtv_rec      =>  lp_lrtv_rec
                         ,x_lrtv_rec      =>  x_lrtv_rec
                         ,p_lrvv_rec      =>  lp_lrvv_rec
                         ,x_lrvv_rec      =>  x_lrvv_rec);
Line: 1989

                             ,'end debug OKLPLRTB.pls.pls call update_lrs_gen_lrf');
Line: 2014

  END update_lrs_gen_lrf;
Line: 2275

  PROCEDURE update_lrs_gen_lrf_submit(p_api_version    IN             number
                                     ,p_init_msg_list  IN             varchar2      DEFAULT okl_api.g_false
                                     ,x_return_status     OUT NOCOPY  varchar2
                                     ,x_msg_count         OUT NOCOPY  number
                                     ,x_msg_data          OUT NOCOPY  varchar2
                                     ,p_lrtv_rec       IN             lrtv_rec_type
                                     ,x_lrtv_rec          OUT NOCOPY  lrtv_rec_type
                                     ,p_lrvv_rec       IN             okl_lrvv_rec
                                     ,x_lrvv_rec          OUT NOCOPY  okl_lrvv_rec) IS
    lp_lrvv_rec                    okl_lrvv_rec;
Line: 2289

    l_module              CONSTANT fnd_log_messages.module%TYPE := 'okl.plsql.okl_lease_rate_sets_pvt.update_lrs_gen_lrf_submit';
Line: 2302

                             ,'begin debug OKLRECCB.pls call update_lrs_gen_lrf_submit');
Line: 2333

    update_lease_rate_set(p_api_version   =>  g_api_version
                         ,p_init_msg_list =>  g_false
                         ,x_return_status =>  l_return_status
                         ,x_msg_count     =>  x_msg_count
                         ,x_msg_data      =>  x_msg_data
                         ,p_lrtv_rec      =>  lp_lrtv_rec
                         ,x_lrtv_rec      =>  x_lrtv_rec
                         ,p_lrvv_rec      =>  lp_lrvv_rec
                         ,x_lrvv_rec      =>  x_lrvv_rec);
Line: 2385

                             ,'end debug OKLPLRTB.pls.pls call update_lrs_gen_lrf_submit');
Line: 2410

  END update_lrs_gen_lrf_submit;
Line: 2562

      SELECT end_of_term_ver_id
      FROM   okl_fe_eo_term_vers
      WHERE  end_of_term_id = p_eot_id
         AND p_effective_from BETWEEN effective_from_date AND nvl(effective_to_date, p_effective_from + 1)
         AND sts_code = 'ACTIVE';
Line: 2633

      okl_lease_rate_factors_pvt.delete_lease_rate_factors(p_api_version   =>  p_api_version
                                                       ,p_init_msg_list =>  okl_api.g_false
                                                       ,x_return_status =>  x_return_status
                                                       ,x_msg_count     =>  x_msg_count
                                                       ,x_msg_data      =>  x_msg_data
                                                       ,p_lrv_id        =>  p_rate_set_version_id);
Line: 2693

      SELECT 'X'
      FROM   okl_fe_rate_set_versions
      WHERE  version_number =  (SELECT max(to_number(version_number))
              FROM   okl_fe_rate_set_versions
              WHERE  rate_set_id = p_rate_set_id)
         AND rate_set_version_id = p_rate_set_version_id;
Line: 2702

      SELECT 'X'
      FROM   okl_fe_rate_set_versions
      WHERE  rate_set_id = p_rate_set_id
         AND rate_set_version_id <> p_rate_set_version_id
         AND sts_code <> 'ABANDONED';
Line: 2713

    l_update_header                boolean;
Line: 2714

    l_update_version               boolean;
Line: 2767

      l_update_header := false;
Line: 2768

      l_update_version := false;
Line: 2773

          l_update_version := true;
Line: 2790

            l_update_header := true;
Line: 2795

        l_update_version := true;
Line: 2812

          l_update_header := true;
Line: 2826

          l_update_version := true;
Line: 2831

          IF NOT l_update_header THEN
            lp_lrtv_rec := get_lrtv_rec(lp_lrvv_rec.rate_set_id
Line: 2844

          l_update_header := true;
Line: 2850

      IF l_update_version THEN
        okl_lrv_pvt.update_row(p_api_version   =>  g_api_version
                              ,p_init_msg_list =>  p_init_msg_list
                              ,x_return_status =>  l_return_status
                              ,x_msg_count     =>  x_msg_count
                              ,x_msg_data      =>  x_msg_data
                              ,p_lrvv_rec      =>  lp_lrvv_rec
                              ,x_lrvv_rec      =>  lx_lrvv_rec);
Line: 2867

      IF l_update_header THEN
        okl_lrt_pvt.update_row(p_api_version   =>  g_api_version
                              ,p_init_msg_list =>  p_init_msg_list
                              ,x_return_status =>  l_return_status
                              ,x_msg_count     =>  x_msg_count
                              ,x_msg_data      =>  x_msg_data
                              ,p_lrtv_rec      =>  lp_lrtv_rec
                              ,x_lrtv_rec      =>  lx_lrtv_rec);