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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 25

      select version
      into   g_db_version
      from   v$instance
      where  rownum = 1;
Line: 40

       ' SELECT read_only_flag'||
       ' WHERE oracle_username = upper(:b)'
    INTO l_read_only_flag USING X_schema_name;
Line: 61

      INSERT INTO AD_GENERIC_TEMP(line_sequence, contents)
      VALUES (g_seq_no, substr(X_msg, i, MAX_LOGSTR_SIZE));
Line: 152

       select column_name, data_type, data_type_owner
       from  dba_tab_columns
       where owner = X_table_owner
       and   table_name = X_table_name;
Line: 194

       select column_name, data_type, data_type_owner
       from  dba_tab_columns
       where owner = X_from_schema
       and   table_name = X_table_name
       and (data_type  in ('LONG', 'LONG RAW')
            (data_type_owner is not null
             data_type_owner not in ('SYSTEM', 'MDSYS', X_from_schema)));
Line: 227

      select 'x'
      into   l_type_exists
      from   dba_types
      where type_name = X_type_name
      and   owner = X_type_owner;
Line: 363

      select column_name, data_type, data_type_owner, data_length,
             data_precision, data_scale, nullable
      from   dba_tab_columns
      where  owner = X_from_schema
      and    table_name = X_table_name
      order by column_id;
Line: 506

          SELECT spec.timestamp, temporary
          INTO   l_spec_table_timestamp, l_temporary
          FROM   DBA_OBJECTS spec
          WHERE  spec.OWNER = X_to_schema
          AND    spec.OBJECT_NAME = X_table_name
          AND    spec.OBJECT_TYPE = 'TABLE';
Line: 525

            SELECT src.timestamp, nvl(l_temporary, temporary)
            INTO   l_source_table_timestamp, l_temporary
            FROM   DBA_OBJECTS src
            WHERE  src.OWNER = X_from_schema
            AND    src.OBJECT_NAME = X_table_name
            AND    src.OBJECT_TYPE = 'TABLE';
Line: 557

                          'GRANT SELECT ON '||
                          ' TO '|| X_to_schema|| ' WITH GRANT OPTION');
Line: 597

      l_stmt := ' INSERT INTO '||X_to_schema||'.'||X_table_name||
                          '('|| l_col_list||') '||
                ' SELECT '||l_col_list||
                ' FROM '||X_from_schema||'.'||X_table_name||
                ' WHERE rownum = 1 '||
                ' AND NOT EXISTS ( '||
                       ' SELECT null'||
                       ' FROM '||X_to_schema||'.'||X_table_name||
                       ' WHERE rownum = 1)';
Line: 622

      select text
      from   dba_source
      where owner = X_source_schema
      and name = X_name
      and type = X_type
      order by line;
Line: 846

      select synonym_name, table_name, table_owner
      from   dba_synonyms
      where owner = X_apps_schema
      and    synonym_name = 'AD_PREPMODE_CHECK_FILES';
Line: 880

       select object_type, object_name
       bulk collect into spec_obj_type_tab, spec_obj_name_tab
       from dba_objects
       where owner = X_spec_schema
       and object_name not in ('APPS_DDL', 'APPS_ARRAY_DDL')
       and object_type not in ('INDEX', 'LOB INDEX', 'LOB');
Line: 986

       select object_type, object_name
       bulk collect into clone_obj_type_tab, clone_obj_name_tab
       from dba_objects
       where owner = X_clone_schema
       and object_type not in ('INDEX', 'LOB INDEX', 'LOB')
       and object_name not in ('APPS_DDL', 'APPS_ARRAY_DDL')
       order by decode(object_type, 'PACKAGE', 1, 'VIEW', 2,
Line: 1042

     select count(*)
     into   l_obj_count
     from   dba_objects
     where  owner = X_clone_schema
     and    object_name not in ('APPS_DDL', 'APPS_ARRAY_DDL');
Line: 1143

    l_stmt := 'select status, message '||
              'from sys.dbms_upg_status$ s '||
              'where source_schema = :X_source_schema '||
              'and   target_schema = :x_target_schema '||
              'and ( status like ''CLONE%'' or '||
              '      status like ''SWAP%'') '||
              'order by sequence# desc';
Line: 1265

      select synonym_name, table_name, table_owner
      from   dba_synonyms src
      where  src.owner = X_source_schema
      and    src.synonym_name in (
        select cl.synonym_name
        from   dba_synonyms cl
        where  cl.owner = X_clone_schema
        and    cl.table_owner = X_spec_schema);