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1 package  WF_XML as
2 /* $Header: wfmxmls.pls 120.6.12010000.2 2008/08/14 09:07:51 sstomar ship $ */
3 /*#
4  * Provides APIs to access the Oracle Workflow XML message processing subsystem.
5  * @rep:scope public
6  * @rep:product OWF
7  * @rep:displayname Workflow XML Message Processing Subsystem
8  * @rep:lifecycle active
10  * @rep:compatibility S
11  */
14 /*===========================================================================
16   PL*SQL TABLE NAME:	wf_xml_attr_rec_type
18   DESCRIPTION:	Stores a list of element attribute/value pairs
19 ============================================================================*/
21    TYPE wf_xml_attr_rec_type IS RECORD
22    (
23       attribute           VARCHAR2(250), -- Name for the attribute,
24       value               VARCHAR2(1000) -- Value that the attribute
25                                          -- will take on
26    );
29    TYPE wf_xml_attr_table_type IS TABLE OF
30        wf_xml_attr_rec_type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
32    TYPE wf_response_rec_t IS RECORD
33    (
34     NAME     VARCHAR2(30),
35     TYPE     VARCHAR2(8),
36     FORMAT   VARCHAR2(240),
37     VALUE    VARCHAR2(32000)
38    );
40    TYPE wf_responseList_t IS TABLE OF
41      wf_response_rec_t
44    WF_NTF_REASIGN VARCHAR2(100) := 'oracle.apps.wf.notification.reassign';
45    WF_NTF_CLOSE VARCHAR2(100) := 'oracle.apps.wf.notification.close';
46    WF_NTF_CANCEL VARCHAR2(100) := 'oracle.apps.wf.notification.cancel';
48    -- Part of the oracle.apps.wf.notification.send.group group
49    WF_NTF_SEND_MESSAGE VARCHAR2(100) := 'oracle.apps.wf.notification.send';
51    WF_NTF_SEND_QUESTION VARCHAR2(100) := 'oracle.apps.wf.notification.question';
52    WF_NTF_SEND_ANSWER   VARCHAR2(100) := 'oracle.apps.wf.notification.answer';  -- As such there is no need for this
55                                 'oracle.apps.wf.notification.summary.send';
56    WF_NTF_SUMMARY VARCHAR2(100) := 'oracle.apps.fnd.wf.mailer.Mailer.notification.summary';
58    -- Part of the oracle.apps.wf.notification.receive group
60                                 'oracle.apps.wf.notification.receive.error';
62                                 'oracle.apps.wf.notification.receive.message';
64                               'oracle.apps.wf.notification.receive.sendreturn';
66                                 'oracle.apps.wf.notification.receive.unavail';
68    -- GetTagValue - Obtain the value for a given TAG from within the
69    --               Document Tree
70    -- IN
71    --    document as a CLOB
72    --    TAG to find the value of
73    --    The position to start looking for the TAG from
74    -- OUT
75    --    Value of the TAG. ie the value between the start and end TAGs
76    --    The position in the CLOB after the find
77    --    The list of attributes associated with the TAG (Not implemented as yet)
78    procedure GetTagValue(p_doc in out NOCOPY CLOB, p_tag in varchar2,
79                          p_value out NOCOPY varchar2,
80                          p_pos in out NOCOPY integer,
81                          p_attrlist in out NOCOPY wf_xml_attr_table_type);
83    -- GetXMLMessage - Return a CLOB Document containing an XML encoded
84    --                 version of the notification. No recipients list
85    --                 will be populated. That will be the responsibility
86    --                 of the calling procedure.
87    --
88    -- IN
89    --     notification id
90    --     Protocol for the message
91    --     List of recipients to recieve the notification
92    --     mailer node name
93    --     Web Agent for the HTML attachments
94    --     Reply to address for the final notification
95    --     Language for the notification
96    --     Territory for the notification
97    -- OUT
98    --     Prioirty
99    --     A CLOB Containing the XML encoded message.
100    procedure GetXMLMessage (p_nid       in  number,
101                         p_protocol  in varchar2,
102                         p_recipient_list in WF_DIRECTORY.wf_local_roles_tbl_type,
103                         p_node      in  varchar2,
104                         p_agent     in  varchar2,
105                         p_replyto   in  varchar2,
106                         p_nlang     in  varchar2,
107                         p_nterr     in varchar2,
108                         p_priority out NOCOPY number,
109                         p_message in out NOCOPY CLOB);
111    -- EnqueueNotification - To push a notification to the outbound notification
112    --                       queue.
113    -- IN
114    --    Notification ID
115    procedure EnqueueNotification(p_nid in number);
118    -- DequeueMessage - Remove a notification from the queue
119    -- IN
120    --    Queue name to operate on
121    --    Correlation for the message - NID in this implementation
122    -- OUT
123    --    The message that is obtained from the queue.
124    --    Timeout to signal whether the queue is empty.
126    procedure DequeueMessage(p_queue_name in varchar2,
127                             p_correlation in varchar2 default NULL,
128                             p_message   in out NOCOPY CLOB,
129                             p_timeout out NOCOPY boolean);
130    -- GetMessage - Get email message data
131    -- IN
132    --    Queue name to operate on
133    -- OUT
134    --    Notification ID
135    --    Comma seperated list of the recipients of the notification
136    --    Status of the notification - For the purpose of message templating
137    --    Timout. Returns TRUE where the queue is empty.
138    --    Error message
139    procedure GetMessage(
140        p_queue     in  number,
141        p_nid          out NOCOPY number,
142        p_receiverlist out NOCOPY varchar2,
143        p_status      out NOCOPY varchar2,
144        p_timeout      out NOCOPY integer,
145        p_error_result in out NOCOPY varchar2);
147    -- GetSortMessage - Get email message data
148    -- IN
149    --    Queue number to operate on
150    -- OUT
151    --    Notification ID
152    --    Recipient
153    --    Status of the notification - For the purpose of message templating
154    --    Timout. Returns TRUE where the queue is empty.
155    --    Error message
156    procedure GetShortMessage(
157        p_queue        in  number,
158        p_nid          out NOCOPY number,
159        p_recipient    out NOCOPY varchar2,
160        p_status       out NOCOPY varchar2,
161        p_timeout      out NOCOPY integer,
162        p_error_result in out NOCOPY varchar2);
164    -- GetExceptionMessage - Get email message data
165    -- IN
166    --    Queue number to operate on
167    -- OUT
168    --    Notification ID
169    --    Recipient
170    --    Status of the notification - For the purpose of message templating
171    --    Timout. Returns TRUE where the queue is empty.
172    --    Error message
173    procedure GetExceptionMessage(
174        p_queue     in  number,
175        p_nid          out NOCOPY number,
176        p_recipient out NOCOPY varchar2,
177        p_status      out NOCOPY varchar2,
178        p_timeout      out NOCOPY boolean,
179        p_error_result in out NOCOPY varchar2);
181    -- GetShortMessage - Get email message data
182    -- IN
183    --    Queue name to operate on
184    -- OUT
185    --    Notification ID
186    --    Recipient
187    --    Status of the notification - For the purpose of message templating
188    --    Timout. Returns TRUE where the queue is empty.
189    --    Error message
190    procedure GetQueueMessage(
191        p_queuename    in  varchar2,
192        p_nid          out NOCOPY number,
193        p_recipient out NOCOPY varchar2,
194        p_status      out NOCOPY varchar2,
195        p_timeout      out NOCOPY integer,
196        p_error_result in out NOCOPY varchar2);
198    -- RemoveNotification
199    --     To remove all enqueues messages for a given notification.
200    -- IN
201    --    Notification ID of the message to locate and remove.
202    -- NOTE
203    --    This is a destructive procedure that's sole purpose is to purge the
204    --    message from the queue. We only call this when we do not care for the
205    --    content.
206    procedure RemoveNotification(p_nid in number);
208    -- setFistMessage
209    --    To set the global variable g_first_message
210    -- IN
211    --    'Y' to set the flag to TRUE
212    procedure setFirstMessage(p_first_message IN varchar2);
215    -- Generate
216    -- The generate function for the WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT queue. This
217    -- will handle all oracle.apps.wf.notification.send.% events and
218    -- generate an XML representation of the outbound notification.
219    -- IN
220    -- p_event_name - The VARCHAR2 event name
221    -- p_event_key - The VARCHAR2 event key
222    -- p_parameter_list - The wf_parameter_list_t containing the parameters
223    --                    that were passed in with the event.
224    -- OUT
225    -- CLOB The XML representation of the outbound notification
226    /*#
227     * Generates the XML message content as the event data for events in the
228     * Notification Send group (oracle.apps.wf.notification.send.group). The
229     * send events are then ready to be placed on the WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT
230     * agent to be processed by the notification mailer.
231     *
232     * @param p_event_name The internal name of the event
233     * @paraminfo {rep:required}
234     * @param p_event_key The event key that identifies the specific instance of the event
235     * @paraminfo {rep:required}
236     * @param p_parameter_list The list of additional parameters for the event
237     * @paraminfo {@rep:innertype WF_PARAMETER_LIST_T} {rep:required}
238     *
239     * @return The XML message content to use as the event data payload
240     *
241     * @rep:displayname Generate Notification Content
242     * @rep:scope public
243     * @rep:lifecycle active
244     * @rep:compatibility S
245     */
246    function Generate(p_event_name in varchar2,
247                       p_event_key in varchar2,
248                       p_parameter_list in wf_parameter_list_t default null)
249                      return clob;
251    function GetAttachment(p_nid in number,
252                           p_doc in out NOCOPY CLOB,
253                           p_agent in varchar2,
254                           p_disposition in varchar2,
255                           p_doc_type in varchar2,
256                           p_pos in out NOCOPY integer) return integer;
258    -- sendNotification
259    -- This API is a wrapper to the wf_xml.enqueueNotification. It is provided
260    -- as forward compatabilty for the original mailer since the call to
261    -- wf_xml.enqueueNotification has been removed from
262    -- wf_notification.sendSingle.
263    -- To use the original mailer, one must enable the subscription that will
264    --  call this rule function.
265    -- IN
266    -- p_subscription
267    -- p_event
268    -- RETURN
269    -- varchar2 of the status
270    /*#
271     * Provides forward compatibility for the previous C-based Notification
272     * Mailer that is now replaced by the Java-based Workflow Notification
273     * Mailer. To use the C-based mailer, you must enable the subscription
274     * to the oracle.apps.wf.notification.send.group event that calls this
275     * rule function.
276     *
277     * @param p_subscription_guid The globally unique identifier of the subscription that calls this rule function
278     * @paraminfo {@rep:required}
279     * @param p_event The event message that triggers the subscription
280     * @paraminfo {@rep:innertype WF_EVENT_T} {@rep:required}
281     * @return  If succeed, returns 'SUCCESS' otherwise 'ERROR'
282     *
283     * @rep:displayname Legacy Send Notification Rule
284     * @rep:scope public
285     * @rep:lifecycle obsolete
286     * @rep:compatibility N
287     */
288    function SendNotification (p_subscription_guid in raw,
289                      p_event in out NOCOPY WF_EVENT_T) return varchar2;
291    -- receive
292    -- Handle the notification receive events
293    -- This will handle the processing of the inbound responses
294    -- IN
295    -- p_subscription_guid - The RAW GUID of the event subscription
296    -- p_event - The WF_EVENT_T containing the event information
297    function receive (p_subscription_guid in raw,
298                      p_event in out NOCOPY WF_EVENT_T) return varchar2;
300    -- GetResponseDetails
301    -- Gets the response details from the incoming XML Notifiction
302    -- structure.
303    --
304    -- IN
305    -- message - The XML Notification structure containing the
306    --           inbound response
307    procedure getResponseDetails(message in CLOB);
309    procedure getResponseDetails(message in CLOB, node out NOCOPY varchar2,
310                              version out NOCOPY integer,
311                              fromRole out NOCOPY varchar2,
312                              responses in out NOCOPY wf_responseList_t);
314    -- SummaryRule
315    -- To handle the summary notification request event
316    -- and call the approapriate summary generate function for
317    -- either the role or the member of the role.
318    /*#
319     * Launches summary notifications for each role that has open
320     * notifications and a notification preference of SUMMARY or SUMHTML.
321     * This function calls the appropriate APIs to generate the summary
322     * content for each role and for each member of those roles.
323     *
324     * @param p_subscription_guid The globally unique identifier of the subscription that calls this rule function
325     * @paraminfo {@rep:required}
326     * @param p_event The event message that triggers the subscription
327     * @paraminfo {@rep:innertype WF_EVENT_T} {@rep:required}
328     * @return  If succeed, returns 'SUCCESS' otherwise 'ERROR'
329     *
330     * @rep:displayname Send Summary Notification Rule
331     * @rep:scope public
332     * @rep:lifecycle active
333     * @rep:compatibility S
334     */
335    function SummaryRule (p_subscription_guid in raw,
336                      p_event in out NOCOPY WF_EVENT_T) return varchar2;
338    /*
339    ** error_rule - dispatch functionality for error subscription processing
340    **
341    **   Identical to default_rule, but if an exception is caught we raise it
342    **   up to cause a rollback.  We don't want messages processed off the
343    **   error queue to be continually recycled back on to the error queue.
344    **
345    **   Returns SUCCESS or raises an exception
346    **
347    */
348    /*#
349     * Catches and raises internal exceptions in message processing to force
350     * a rollback. This API helps prevent endless loops if failed messages
351     * result in error messages that also fail.
352     *
353     * @param p_subscription_guid The globally unique identifier of the subscription that calls this rule function
354     * @paraminfo {@rep:required}
355     * @param p_event The event message that triggers the subscription
356     * @paraminfo {@rep:innertype WF_EVENT_T} {@rep:required}
357     * @return  If succeed, returns 'SUCCESS' otherwise 'ERROR'
358     *
359     * @rep:displayname Send Notification Error Rule
360     * @rep:scope public
361     * @rep:lifecycle active
362     * @rep:compatibility S
363     */
364    FUNCTION error_rule(p_subscription_guid in raw,
365                        p_event in out nocopy wf_event_t) return varchar2;
367    -- Gets the LOB content for a PLSQLCLOB
368    -- IN
369    -- pAPI the API to call
370    -- pDoc The LOB to take the document
371    procedure getDocContent(pNid in NUMBER, pAPI in VARCHAR2,
372                            pDoc in out nocopy CLOB);
374    -- Gets the LOB content for a PLSQLCLOB
375    -- IN
376    -- pAPI the API to call
377    -- pDoc The LOB to take the document
378    procedure getBDocContent(pNid in NUMBER, pAPI in VARCHAR2,
379                            pDoc in out nocopy BLOB);
381    -- gets the size of the current LOB table
382    function getLobTableSize return number;
384    -- AddElementAttribute - Add an Element Attribute Value pair to the attribute
385    --                       list.
386    -- IN
387    --    Name of the attribute
388    --    Value for the attribute
389    --    The attribute list to add the name/value pair to.
390    procedure AddElementAttribute(p_attribute_name IN VARCHAR2,
391                                  p_attribute_value IN VARCHAR2,
392                                  p_attribute_list IN OUT NOCOPY wf_xml_attr_table_type);
394    -- NewLOBTag - Create a new TAG node and insert it into the
395    --          Document Tree
396    -- IN
397    --    document as a CLOB
398    --    Position to take the new Tag Node
399    --    New Tag to be created
400    --    Data to be added between the start and end TAGs
401    --    Attribute list to be included in the opening TAG
402    -- OUT
403    --    The document containing the new TAG.
404    function NewLOBTag (p_doc in out NOCOPY CLOB,
405                     p_pos in integer,
406                     p_tag in varchar2,
407                     p_data in varchar2,
408                     p_attribute_list IN OUT NOCOPY wf_xml_attr_table_type)
409    return integer;
411    -- SkipLOBTag - To move return a pointer past the nominated TAG
412    --           starting from a given position in the document.
413    -- IN
414    --    document
415    --    Position to take the new Tag Node
416    --    New Tag to be created
417    --    Data to be added
418    -- RETURN
419    --   New position past the </TAG>.
420    function SkipLOBTag (p_doc in out NOCOPY CLOB,
421                      p_tag in varchar2,
422                      p_offset in out NOCOPY integer,
423                      p_occurance in out NOCOPY integer)
424    return integer;
426    -- NewLOBTag - Create a new TAG node and insert it into the
427    --          Document Tree
428    -- IN
429    --    document as a CLOB
430    --    Position to take the new Tag Node
431    --    New Tag to be created
432    --    Data to be added between the start and end TAGs
433    --    Attribute list to be included in the opening TAG
434    -- OUT
435    --    The document containing the new TAG.
436    function NewLOBTag (p_doc in out NOCOPY CLOB,
437                     p_pos in integer,
438                     p_tag in varchar2,
439                     p_data in CLOB,
440                     p_attribute_list IN OUT NOCOPY wf_xml_attr_table_type)
441    return integer;
443    -- SkipTag - To move return a pointer past the nominated TAG
444    --           starting from a given position in the document.
445    -- IN
446    --    document
447    --    Position to take the new Tag Node
448    --    New Tag to be created
449    --    Data to be added
450    -- RETURN
451    --   New position past the </TAG>.
452    function SkipTag (p_doc in out NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
453                      p_tag in varchar2,
454                      p_offset in out NOCOPY integer,
455                      p_occurance in out NOCOPY integer)
456    return integer;
458    -- NewTag - Create a new TAG node and insert it into the
459    --          Document Tree
460    -- IN
461    --    document as a CLOB
462    --    Position to take the new Tag Node
463    --    New Tag to be created
464    --    Data to be added between the start and end TAGs
465    --    Attribute list to be included in the opening TAG
466    -- OUT
467    --    The document containing the new TAG.
468    function NewTag (p_doc in out NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
469                     p_pos in integer ,
470                     p_tag in varchar2,
471                     p_data in varchar2,
472                     p_attribute_list IN OUT NOCOPY wf_xml_attr_table_type)
473    return integer;
475 end WF_XML;