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1 package pay_za_irp5_magtape_pkg as
2 /* $Header: pyzamag.pkh 120.5.12000000.2 2007/07/03 11:32:39 rpahune noship $ */
4 type char240_data_type_table is table of varchar2(240)
5      index by binary_integer;
7 -- Note: A driving cursor applies to a specific magnetic block. Each block
8 --       could have several formulas associated with it.
9 --       Cursors can pass parameters to the formulas, by indicating them
10 --       with a TRANSFER...=P. Parameters are available to all subsequent
11 --       blocks. The same go for contexts (C). Contexts will be used for
12 --       archive and live database items.
13 --       If you want to use a parameter from a previous cursor in the WHERE
14 --       clause of a subsequent cursor, use get_parameter_value.
16 -- The driving cursor for the File Header
17 cursor header_cursor is
18    select 'TRANSFER_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID=P', nvl(to_char(hoi.organization_id), '&&&'),
19           'TRANSFER_CREATOR_NAME=P',      nvl(substr(hoi.org_information1, 1, 80),  '&&&'),
20           'TRANSFER_PAYE_NUMBER=P',       nvl(substr(hoi.org_information2, 1, 80),  '&&&'),
21           'TRANSFER_CONTACT_NAME=P',      nvl(substr(hoi.org_information3, 1, 80),  '&&&'),
22           'TRANSFER_CONTACT_PHN=P',       nvl(substr(hoi.org_information4, 1, 80),  '&&&'),
23           'TRANSFER_ALT_PHN=P',           nvl(substr(hoi.org_information5, 1, 80),  '&&&'),
24           'TRANSFER_ADD_1=P',             nvl(substr(hoi.org_information6, 1, 80),  '&&&'),
25           'TRANSFER_ADD_2=P',             nvl(substr(hoi.org_information7, 1, 80),  '&&&'),
26           'TRANSFER_ADD_3=P',             nvl(substr(hoi.org_information8, 1, 80),  '&&&'),
27           'TRANSFER_ADD_4=P',             nvl(substr(hoi.org_information9, 1, 80),  '&&&'),
28           'TRANSFER_POST_CODE=P',         nvl(substr(hoi.org_information10, 1, 80), '&&&')
29    from   hr_all_organization_units   haou,
30           hr_organization_information hoi
31    where  hoi.organization_id = haou.organization_id
32      and  hoi.org_information_context = 'ZA_TAX_FILE_ENTITY'
33      and  pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('BUS_GRP') = hoi.organization_id;
35 -- The driving cursor for the Employer Header
36 -- Note: TRANSFER_PAYROLL_ACTION_ID is the optional Payroll Action ID parameter
37 --       on the Electronic Tax File Magtape SRS. If supplied it is the Payroll
38 --       Action of the Archive Run.
39 cursor subheader_cursor is
40    select 'TRANSFER_TRADE_NAME=P',    nvl(substr(hoi.org_information1, 1, 80), '&&&'),
41           'TRANSFER_PAYE_NUMBER=P',   nvl(substr(hoi.org_information3, 1, 80), '&&&'),
42           'TRANSFER_DIP_IND=P',       nvl(substr(hoi.org_information4, 1, 80), '&&&'),
43           'TRANSFER_EMP_ADD_1=P',     nvl(substr(hloc.address_line_1, 1, 80),  '&&&'),
44           'TRANSFER_EMP_ADD_2=P',     nvl(substr(hloc.address_line_2, 1, 80),  '&&&'),
45           'TRANSFER_EMP_ADD_3=P',     nvl(substr(hloc.address_line_3, 1, 80),  '&&&'),
46           'TRANSFER_EMP_ADD_4=P',     nvl(substr(hloc.town_or_city, 1, 80),    '&&&'),
47           'TRANSFER_EMP_POSTCODE=P',  nvl(substr(hloc.postal_code, 1, 80),     '&&&'),
48           'TRANSFER_LEG_ENTITY_ID=P', haou.organization_id
49    from   hr_all_organization_units   haou,
50           hr_organization_information hoi,
51           hr_locations                hloc
52    where  hoi.organization_id = haou.organization_id
53      and  pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('BUS_GRP') = haou.business_group_id
54      and  hoi.org_information_context = 'ZA_LEGAL_ENTITY'
55      and  hloc.location_id (+) = haou.location_id
56      and  exists
57           (
58              select ''
59              from   pay_payroll_actions       ppa,
60                     pay_assignment_actions    paa,
61                     per_assignment_extra_info paei
62              where  ppa.payroll_action_id =
63                     nvl(pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TRANSFER_PAYROLL_ACTION_ID'),
64                         ppa.payroll_action_id)
65               and   ppa.action_type = 'X'
66               and   ppa.report_type = 'ZA_IRP5'
67               and   pay_za_irp5_archive_pkg.get_parameter('TAX_YEAR',
68                     ppa.legislative_parameters) =
69                     pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TAX_YEAR')
70               and   paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
71               and   paa.assignment_id = paei.assignment_id
72               and   to_char(haou.organization_id) = paei.aei_information7
73               and   paei.aei_information_category = 'ZA_SPECIFIC_INFO'
74               and   paa.serial_number is not null
75               and   py_za_tax_certificates.irp5_indicator(paa.assignment_action_id) in ('Y','N') -- 6166892
76               and   substr(paa.serial_number, 1, 1) in ('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9')
77           )
78    order by haou.organization_id;
80 -- The driving cursor for the Employee Details
81 -- Note: TRANSFER_PAYROLL_ACTION_ID is the optional Payroll Action ID parameter
82 --       on the Electronic Tax File Magtape SRS. If supplied it is the Payroll
83 --       Action of the Archive Run.
84 -- Note: TRANSFER_LEG_ENTITY_ID is passed from the subheader_cursor
85 -- Note: The ASSIGNMENT_ACTION_ID context is the Assignment Action of the Archiver
86 -- Note: The last entry in this tax year is chosen. It might happen that a person
87 --       transfers between payrolls, but this is not catered for; since he is
88 --       supposed to start on a new assignment number.
89 cursor employee_cursor is
90    SELECT  'TRANSFER_EMPEE_NAME=P',           nvl(ltrim(rtrim(substr(paei.aei_information2, 1, 80))), '&&&'),
91           'TRANSFER_LAST_NAME=P',            nvl(substr(ppf.last_name, 1, 80), '&&&'),
92           'TRANSFER_ID_NUMBER=P',            nvl(substr(ppf.national_identifier, 1, 80), '&&&'),
93           'TRANSFER_BIRTH_DATE=P',           nvl(to_char(ppf.date_of_birth, 'YYYYMMDD'), '8010101'),
94           'TRANSFER_EMPLOYEE_NUMBER=P',      nvl(substr(ppf.employee_number, 1, 80), '&&&'),
95           'TRANSFER_FIRST_NAME=P',           nvl(substr(ppf.first_name, 1, 80), '&&&'),
96           'TRANSFER_MIDDLE_NAMES=P',         nvl(substr(ppf.middle_names, 1, 80), '&&&'),
97           'TRANSFER_CC_TRUST_NUMBER=P',      nvl(substr(paei.aei_information3, 1, 80), '&&&'),
98           'TRANSFER_NATURE=P',               nvl(substr(paei.aei_information4, 1, 80), '&&&'),
99           'TRANSFER_CONTRACTOR=P',           nvl(substr(paei.aei_information6, 1, 80), '&&&'),
100           'TRANSFER_LABOUR_BROKER=P',        nvl(substr(paei.aei_information10, 1, 80), '&&&'), -- Bug 3396163
101           'TRANSFER_PENSION_BASIS=P',        nvl(substr(paei.aei_information8, 1, 80), nvl(substr(scl.segment10, 1, 80), '1')),
102           'TRANSFER_PASSPORT=P',             nvl(substr(ppf.per_information2, 1, 80),  '&&&'),
103           'TRANSFER_INCOME_NUMBER=P',        nvl(substr(ppf.per_information1, 1, 80),  '&&&'),
104           'TRANSFER_ASSIGNMENT_ACTION_ID=P', paa.assignment_action_id,
105           'TRANSFER_CERTIFICATE_NUMBER=P',   substr(paa.serial_number, 1, 80),
106           'TRANSFER_TAX_DIRECTIVE_NO=P',     nvl(faidn.context,'&&&'),
107           'ASSIGNMENT_ID=C',                 paa.assignment_id,
108           'ASSIGNMENT_ACTION_ID=C',          paa.assignment_action_id,
109           'PAYROLL_ACTION_ID=C',             paa.payroll_action_id,
110           'PERSON_ID=C',                     pef.person_id,
111           'DATE_EARNED=C',                   fnd_date.date_to_canonical(ppa.effective_date),
112           'PAYROLL_ID=C',                    pef.payroll_id,
113           'SOURCE_TEXT=C',                   nvl(faidn.context,'To Be Advised')
114    from   pay_payroll_actions       ppa,
115           hr_soft_coding_keyflex    scl,
116           pay_all_payrolls_f        papf,
117           per_assignments_f         pef,
118           per_people_f              ppf,
119           pay_assignment_actions    paa,
120           per_assignment_extra_info paei,
121           ff_archive_items         fai,
122           ff_archive_item_contexts faidn,
123           ff_contexts              fc1,
124           ff_database_items        fdi
125    where  ppa.payroll_action_id =
126           nvl(pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TRANSFER_PAYROLL_ACTION_ID'),
127               ppa.payroll_action_id)
128      and  ppa.action_type = 'X'
129      and  ppa.report_type = 'ZA_IRP5'
130      and  pay_za_irp5_archive_pkg.get_parameter('TAX_YEAR', ppa.legislative_parameters) =
131           pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TAX_YEAR')
132      and  paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
133      and  paa.assignment_id = paei.assignment_id
134      and  paa.serial_number is not null
135      and  py_za_tax_certificates.irp5_indicator(paa.assignment_action_id) in ('Y','N') -- 6166892
136      and  substr(paa.serial_number, 1, 1) in ('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9')
137      and  pef.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
138      and  ppf.person_id = pef.person_id
139      and  ppf.per_information_category = 'ZA'
140      and  pef.effective_start_date =
141      (
142         select max(pef2.effective_start_date)
143         from   per_assignments_f pef2
144         where  pef2.effective_start_date <= ppa.effective_date
145         and    pef2.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
146      )
147      and  ppf.effective_start_date =
148      (
149         select max(ppf2.effective_start_date)
150         from   per_people_f ppf2
151         where  ppf2.effective_start_date <= ppa.effective_date
152         and    ppf2.person_id = ppf.person_id
153      )
154      and  papf.payroll_id          = pef.payroll_id
155      and  papf.effective_start_date =
156      (
157         select max(papf2.effective_start_date)
158         from   pay_all_payrolls_f papf2
159         where  papf2.effective_start_date <= ppa.effective_date
160         and    papf2.payroll_id = pef.payroll_id
161      )
162      and  scl.soft_coding_keyflex_id (+) = papf.soft_coding_keyflex_id
163      and  paei.aei_information7 =
164           pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TRANSFER_LEG_ENTITY_ID')
165      and  paei.aei_information_category = 'ZA_SPECIFIC_INFO'
166      AND  fai.context1 = paa.assignment_action_id
167      and  fc1.context_name = 'SOURCE_TEXT'
168      and  faidn.context_id = fc1.context_id
169      and  fai.archive_item_id = faidn.archive_item_id
170      and  fdi.user_entity_id = fai.user_entity_id
171      and  fdi.user_name = 'A_TAX_ON_LUMP_SUMS_ASG_LMPSM_TAX_YTD'
172    order  by paa.serial_number;
174 -- The driving cursor for the Deductions Details
175 -- Note: TRANSFER_ASSIGNMENT_ACTION_ID is the assignment action id passed from the
176 --       employee_cursor.
177 cursor deductions_cursor is
178    SELECT distinct 'TRANSFER_DEDUCTION=P',    1,
179           'TRANSFER_SARS_CODE=P',    SARS_CODE,
181           'SOURCE_ID=C',             SOURCE_ID,
182           'SOURCE_NUMBER=C',         SOURCE_NUMBER
183    from
184    (
185    Select substr(fai.value, 1, 80) DEDUCTION,
186           code.code                SARS_CODE,
187           faic2.CONTEXT            CLEARANCE_NO,
188           code.code                SOURCE_ID,
189           faic2.CONTEXT SOURCE_NUMBER
190    FROM
191    ff_archive_items         fai,
192           ff_archive_item_contexts faic2,
193           ff_contexts              fc2,
194           pay_za_irp5_bal_codes    code,
195           ff_database_items        fdi
196    where  fai.context1 =
197           pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TRANSFER_ASSIGNMENT_ACTION_ID')
198      and  fc2.context_name = 'SOURCE_NUMBER'
199      and  faic2.context_id = fc2.context_id
200      and  fai.archive_item_id = faic2.archive_item_id
201      AND  fdi.user_entity_id = fai.user_entity_id
202      AND  fdi.user_name             = code.user_name
203      AND code.user_name IN    (
215    )
216 UNION all
217   select
218           substr(fai.value, 1, 80) DEDUCTION,
219           code.code                SARS_CODE,
220           '99999999999'            CLEARANCE_NO,
221           code.code                SOURCE_ID,
222           '99999999999'            SOURCE_NUMBER
223    FROM
224           ff_archive_items         fai,
225           pay_za_irp5_bal_codes    code,
226           ff_database_items        fdi
227    Where  fai.context1 =
228           pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TRANSFER_ASSIGNMENT_ACTION_ID')
229    AND  fdi.user_entity_id = fai.user_entity_id
230    AND  fdi.user_name             = code.user_name
231    And   code.user_name in
232   (
237     )
238  ) deduction
239    order  by SARS_CODE , SOURCE_NUMBER;
241 level_cnt number;
243 end pay_za_irp5_magtape_pkg;