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Line 17: national_identifier per_people_f.national_identifier%TYPE,

13: --
14: -- NI Component Global Variables.
15: --
16: type ni is record(
17: national_identifier per_people_f.national_identifier%TYPE,
18: sex varchar2(1),
19: date_of_birth date);
20: g_ni ni;
21: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Line 312: from per_people_f per,

308: is
309: cursor csr_ni is
310: select
311: hr_ni_chk_pkg.chk_nat_id_format(per.national_identifier, 'DDDDDD-DDDDDDD') NI
312: from per_people_f per,
313: per_assignments_f asg
314: where asg.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
315: and per.person_id = asg.person_id
316: and p_effective_date between per.effective_start_date and per.effective_end_date

Line 562: from per_people_f pap

558: l_exception_flag per_people_extra_info.pei_information1%TYPE;
559: --
560: cursor csr_exception_flag is
561: select pei.pei_information1
562: from per_people_f pap
563: ,per_people_extra_info pei
564: ,per_assignments_f paa
565: where paa.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
566: and paa.business_group_id = p_business_group_id

Line 726: from per_people_f per,

722: --
723: cursor csr_new_born is
724: select
725: nvl(cei.cei_information13, 'N')
726: from per_people_f per,
727: per_contact_relationships ctr,
728: per_assignments_f asg,
729: per_contact_extra_info_f cei
730: where asg.assignment_id = p_assignment_id

Line 753: from per_people_f per2

749: (
750: per.start_date = per.effective_start_date
751: and not exists(
752: select null
753: from per_people_f per2
754: where per2.person_id = per.person_id
755: and p_date_earned
756: between per2.effective_start_date and per2.effective_end_date)
757: )

Line 838: from per_people_f per,

834: nvl(ctr.cont_information4, 'N') DISABLED_FLAG,
835: decode(ctr.cont_information7, 'Y', child_flag(per.national_identifier, p_date_earned), 'N') CHILD_FLAG,
836: -- Bug 6784288 Bug 6825145
837: decode(ctr.cont_information2, 'Y', decode(ctr.cont_information11,'4',underaged_dpnt_flag(ctr.contact_type, per.national_identifier, p_date_earned),addtl_child_flag(ctr.contact_type, per.national_identifier, p_date_earned)), 'N') ADDTL_CHILD
838: from per_people_f per,
839: per_contact_relationships ctr,
840: per_assignments_f asg
841: where asg.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
842: and p_date_earned

Line 861: from per_people_f per2

857: (
858: per.start_date = per.effective_start_date
859: and not exists(
860: select null
861: from per_people_f per2
862: where per2.person_id = per.person_id
863: and p_date_earned
864: between per2.effective_start_date and per2.effective_end_date)
865: )

Line 877: from per_people_f per,

873: disabled_flag(per.person_id, p_date_earned) DISABLED_FLAG,
874: child_flag(per.national_identifier, p_date_earned) CHILD_FLAG,
875: nvl(pei.pei_information3,'N') FEMALE_EMP_DOC,
876: super_aged_flag(per.national_identifier, p_date_earned) SUPER_AGED_FLAG -- Bug 4124430
877: from per_people_f per,
878: per_assignments_f asg,
879: per_people_extra_info pei
880: where asg.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
881: and p_date_earned

Line 1021: ,per_people_f pp

1017: is
1018: select pei_information8 loss_code
1019: ,pei_information9 loss_date
1020: from per_people_extra_info pei
1021: ,per_people_f pp
1022: ,per_assignments_f paa
1023: ,per_time_periods ptp
1024: where paa.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
1025: and paa.business_group_id = p_business_group_id

Line 1116: p_ni in per_people_f.national_identifier%type,

1112: -- 'N' otherwise.
1113: --
1114: function is_exempted_dependent(
1115: p_cont_type in per_contact_relationships.contact_type%type,
1116: p_ni in per_people_f.national_identifier%type,
1117: p_itax_dpnt_flag in per_contact_relationships.cont_information2%type,
1118: p_addl_tax_exem_flag in per_contact_relationships.cont_information3%type,
1119: p_addl_disabled_flag in per_contact_relationships.cont_information4%type,
1120: p_addl_exem_flag_child in per_contact_relationships.cont_information7%type,

Line 1262: p_ni in per_people_f.national_identifier%type,

1260: function dpnt_eligible_for_basic_exem(
1261: p_cont_type in per_contact_relationships.contact_type%type,
1262: p_ni in per_people_f.national_identifier%type,
1263: p_itax_dpnt_flag in per_contact_relationships.cont_information2%type,
1264: p_addl_disabled_flag in per_contact_relationships.cont_information4%type,
1265: p_age_ckh_exp_flag in per_contact_relationships.cont_information8%type,
1266: p_eff_date in pay_payroll_actions.effective_date%type