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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 18

 sqltxt		VARCHAR2(9999);  -- SQL select statement
Line: 46

select inventory_item_status_code status
from mtl_item_status_tl
order by inventory_item_status_code;
Line: 51

select inventory_item_status_code,substr(attribute_name,18) attribute_name,attribute_value
from mtl_stat_attrib_values_all_v
where status_code_ndb  = 1
and  inventory_item_status_code=l_item_status_code
order by attribute_name;
Line: 58

select index_name
from   all_indexes
where  table_name = 'MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B'
and    owner = l_owner
Line: 67

Line: 105

		select 1 into l_org_exists
		from   mtl_parameters
		where  organization_id = l_org_id;
Line: 140

sqltxt := 'SELECT   mif.PADDED_ITEM_NUMBER	"Item Number",				'||
	  '	    mp.organization_code	"Org Code",				'||
          '	    mif.inventory_item_id	"Item Id",				'||
	  '	    mif.organization_id		"Org Id"				'||
	  '  FROM   mtl_item_flexfields mif , mtl_parameters mp 			'||
	  ' WHERE  (mif.organization_id,PADDED_ITEM_NUMBER) in				'||
	  '			(select    organization_id , padded_item_number		'||
          '			 from      mtl_item_flexfields				'||
          '			 group by  organization_Id, PADDED_ITEM_NUMBER		'||
          '			 having  count(*) > 1 )					'||
	  '   AND  mif.organization_id = mp.organization_id				';
Line: 176

To rename the Master Item, make use of the below mentioned update script.
Case 2: Both Child and Master org duplicates:
If the Duplicate Item is present in both Master and Child orgs , then user can
choose any one of the duplicated items and rename the same in the Master org.
To rename the Master Item, make use of the below mentioned update script.
Please use the below update statements to rename the Master Item.

Important: Please try these scripts on a TEST instance first.

     The below update statement can be used to correct a specific item.
     Substitute the bind variables orgid and itemid with the appropriate values.

	update mtl_system_items_b
        set segment1 = ''segment1'' || ''_DUP''
       where  organization_id = :orgid
       and    inventory_item_id = :itemid;
Line: 192

Use ''Delete Items'' form to delete the renamed item.
Line: 229

		sqltxt := 'select segment_num "Segment Number", segment_name "Segment Name",	 '||
   		  '	application_column_name "Column Name", required_flag "Required Flag"	 '||
	   	  '	from   fnd_id_flex_segments_vl						 '||
	   	  '	where  application_id = 401						 '||
	   	  '	and    id_flex_code   = ''MSTK''					 '||
	          '	and    id_flex_num    = 101						 '||
	   	  '	and    enabled_flag   = ''Y''						 '||
	  	  '	order by segment_num 							 ';
Line: 266

			Select 1 into l_seg_count from dual
			 where not exists (
			 (select APPLICATION_COLUMN_NAME "Column_Name"
			 where ID_FLEX_CODE = 'MSTK'
			 and enabled_flag = 'Y'
			 select column_name  "Column_Name"
			 from   all_ind_columns aic
			 where  table_name = 'MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B'
			 and    aic.index_name =l_index.index_name
			 and    index_owner=l_oracle_schema
			 select column_name  "Column_Name"
			 from   all_ind_columns aic
			 where  table_name = 'MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B'
			 and    aic.index_name =l_index.index_name
			 and    index_owner=l_oracle_schema
			 select APPLICATION_COLUMN_NAME "Column_Name"
			 where ID_FLEX_CODE = 'MSTK'
			 and enabled_flag = 'Y')
Line: 296

		   			Select 1 into l_org_col_exists
					from   all_ind_columns aic
					where  table_name = 'MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B'
					and    aic.index_name = l_index.index_name
					and    index_owner=l_oracle_schema
Line: 333

sqltxt := '	   SELECT glcc.PADDED_CONCATENATED_SEGMENTS  "Code Combination",					 '||
	  '	   mif.PADDED_ITEM_NUMBER 		   "Item Number",					 '||
	  '	   mp.organization_code 		   "Org Code",						 '||
	  '	   glcc.code_combination_id		   "Code Combination Id",				 '||
  	  '	   mif.inventory_item_id 		   "Item Id",						 '||
	  '	   mp.organization_id	 		   "Org Id",						 '||
	  '        decode(mif.cost_of_sales_account,glcc.code_combination_Id,''X'') "Cost Of Sales Account",	 '||
	  '	   decode(mif.sales_account,glcc.code_combination_Id,''X'')	  "Sales Account",		 '||
	  '	   decode(mif.expense_account,glcc.code_combination_Id,''X'')	  "Expense Account",		 '||
	  '	   decode(mif.encumbrance_account,glcc.code_combination_Id,''X'')	  "Encumbrance Account"		 '||
	  '	   FROM  gl_code_combinations_kfv glcc, mtl_item_flexfields mif , mtl_parameters mp		 '||
	  '        WHERE glcc.code_combination_id in (mif.cost_of_sales_account, mif.SALES_ACCOUNT,		 '||
	  '   					    mif.EXPENSE_ACCOUNT, mif.ENCUMBRANCE_ACCOUNT)		 '||
	  '        AND nvl(glcc.END_DATE_ACTIVE,sysdate) < sysdate						 '||
	  '        AND DETAIL_POSTING_ALLOWED = ''Y''								 '||
	  '	   AND CHART_OF_ACCOUNTS_ID in (select chart_of_accounts_id					 '||
	  '					from ORG_ORGANIZATION_DEFINITIONS ood				 '||
	  '					where ood.organization_id = mif.organization_id and rownum = 1)	 '||
	  '	   AND mif.organization_id = mp.organization_id 						 ';
Line: 401

sqltxt := 'SELECT mif.PADDED_ITEM_NUMBER	"Item Number",					'||
	  '	  mp.Organization_code		"Org Code",					'||
	  '	  mif.inventory_item_id		"Item Id",					'||
	  '	  mif.organization_id		"Org Id"					'||
          '  FROM    mtl_item_flexfields mif , mtl_parameters mp				'||
          '  WHERE   Not Exists (SELECT      ''x''						'||
          '                  FROM        mtl_system_items_tl msitl				'||
          '                  WHERE       msitl.organization_id = mif.organization_id		'||
          '                  AND         msitl.inventory_item_id = mif.inventory_item_id)	'||
	  '   AND mif.organization_id = mp.organization_id					';
Line: 445

sqltxt := '	select '||
	  '	mif.padded_item_number	   "PADDED ITEM NUMBER",   			 '||
	  '	mp.organization_code	   "ORGANIZATION CODE",    			 '||
	  '	mif.costing_enabled_flag   "COSTING ENABLED FLAG",	 		 '||
	  '	mif.inventory_asset_flag   "INVENTORY ASSET FLAG",  			 '||
	  '	mif.inventory_item_id	   "INVENTORY ITEM ID",    			 '||
	  '	mp.organization_id 	   "ORGANIZATION ID"     			 '||
	  '	from    mtl_item_flexfields mif, mtl_parameters mp			 '||
	  '	where   mif.organization_id = mp.organization_id 			 '||
	  '	and     mif.costing_enabled_flag = ''Y''				 '||
	  '	and not exists (select null 						 '||
	  '			from  cst_item_costs cic 				 '||
	  '	                where cic.organization_id   = mif.organization_id 	 '||
	  '	                and   cic.inventory_item_id = mif.inventory_item_id)	 ';
Line: 486

4) Select ''Costing Enabled'' checkbox. Select ''Inventory Asset Value'' checkbox if required.
If these checkboxes are already checked, then uncheck them first and then check again.
5) Save changes to this item.

Case 2:(On Hand Quantity exists for the item in the corresponding organization)
1) Issue out the on hand quantity for this item.
Now NO On Hand Quantity exists for this item.
2) Follow the steps in case 1 to enable the costing flags.
3) Receive the quantity back into the organization.

Caution:Costing Flags should be flipped only when NO On Hand Qty exists for an Item.
Otherwise it will lead to severe data corruption.
Note: If the number of items to corrected are huge, then Item Import functionality
can also be used for flipping the costing flags.
For details on Item Import, please refer to
''Oracle Manufacturing APIs and Open Interfaces Manual'' (Part No. A95955-03),
Chapter 7 - ''Oracle Inventory Open Interfaces and APIs'', Section ''Open Item Interface''.
Line: 522

sqltxt := '	select '||
	  '		mif.padded_item_number		"item number",			  '||
	  ' 		mp.organization_code 		"org code",			  '||
	  ' 	  	mif.tracking_quantity_ind 	"tracking quantity ind", 	  '||
	  '	  	mif.ont_pricing_qty_source 	"ont pricing qty source", 	  '||
	  '   	  	mif.secondary_uom_code 		"secondary uom code",   	  '||
	  ' 	  	mif.inventory_item_id 		"inventory item id",		  '||
	  ' 	  	mif.organization_id 		"organization id" 		  '||
	  '	from    mtl_item_flexfields mif, mtl_parameters mp			  '||
	  '	where   mif.organization_id=mp.organization_id				  '||
	  '	and     nvl(mif.tracking_quantity_ind,''P'') =  ''P'' 			  '||
	  '	and     nvl(mif.ont_pricing_qty_source,''P'') = ''P'' 			  '||
	  '	and     mif.secondary_uom_code is not null 				  ';
Line: 555

Item import process cannot be run to update any of the Item attributes
as users will receive the following error message.
''If tracking and pricing are set to Primary,
then Secondary Unit of measure can only have a null value. '' ');
Line: 561

Use Item Import in UPDATE mode to update the column SECONDARY_UOM_CODE
as NULL for these Items.
To null out varchar attributes through Item Import, the value ''!'' (exclamation mark)
has to be populated for the corresponding column in the interface record.
For details on Item Import, please refer to
''Oracle Manufacturing APIs and Open Interfaces Manual'' (Part No. A95955-03),
Chapter 7 - ''Oracle Inventory Open Interfaces and APIs'', Section ''Open Item Interface''.
Line: 582

sqltxt := '	select '||
	  '	   	mif.padded_item_number    "Item Number",			  '||
	  ' 	   	mp.organization_code	  "Organization Code",			  '||
	  ' 	   	pav.agent_name		  "Default Buyer",			  '||
	  '	   	to_char(pav.start_date_active,''DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'')     "Start Date Active", '||
	  '   	   	to_char(pav.end_date_active,''DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'')       "End Date Active",   '||
	  ' 	   	mif.inventory_item_id  	  "Inventory Item Id",			  '||
	  '		mif.organization_id	  "Organization Id",			  '||
	  '	   	mif.buyer_id		  "Default Buyer Id"			  '||
	  '	from    mtl_item_flexfields mif, mtl_parameters mp, po_agents_v pav	  '||
	  '	where   mif.organization_id=mp.organization_id				  '||
	  '	and     mif.buyer_id=pav.agent_id					  '||
	  '	and     sysdate not between nvl(pav.start_date_active, sysdate-1) 	  '||
 	  ' 		 		       and nvl(pav.end_date_active, sysdate+1)	  ';
Line: 613

Item import process cannot be run to update any of the Item attributes as users
will receive error messages corresponding to inactive buyers. ');
Line: 632


Note: If the number of items to be corrected are huge, then use Item Import in UPDATE mode to null out the buyer_id column.
For nulling out numeric attributes through IOI the value -999999 has to be populated for the corresponding column in the interface record. */ End If; /* End of Impact and Action */
Line: 647

sqltxt := '	select '||
	  '  		mif.padded_item_number    "Item Number",			'||
	  '  		mp.organization_code	  "Organization Code",			'||
	  ' 		mpl.planner_code	  "Planner",				'||
	  '		to_char(mpl.disable_date,''DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'')	  "Planner Disable Date", '||
	  '  		mif.inventory_item_id  	  "Inventory Item Id",			'||
	  ' 		mif.organization_id	  "Organization Id"			'||
	  ' 	from	mtl_item_flexfields mif, mtl_parameters mp, mtl_planners mpl	'||
	  ' 	where	mif.organization_id=mp.organization_id				'||
	  ' 	and	mif.organization_id=mpl.organization_id				'||
	  ' 	and	mif.planner_code=mpl.planner_code				'||
	  ' 	and	nvl(mpl.disable_date, sysdate+1) < sysdate 			';
Line: 677

Item import process cannot be run to update any of the Item attributes as users
will receive error messages corresponding to invalid planners. ');
Line: 692

use Item Import in UPDATE mode to update the column PLANNER_CODE
for these Items to either a NULL value or a valid Planner.
To null out varchar attributes through Item Import, the value ''!'' (exclamation mark)
has to be populated for the corresponding column in the interface record.
For details on Item Import, please refer to
''Oracle Manufacturing APIs and Open Interfaces Manual'' (Part No. A95955-03),
Chapter 7 - ''Oracle Inventory Open Interfaces and APIs'', Section ''Open Item Interface''.
Line: 715

sqltxt := 	'	Select	'||
		'	mif.padded_item_number     "Item Number",																	'||
		'       mp.organization_code       "Org Code",																		'||
		'	mif.inventory_item_flag    "INVENTORY ITEM FLAG",																'||
		'	mif.purchasing_item_flag   "PURCHASING ITEM FLAG",																'||
		'	mif.customer_order_flag    "CUSTOMER ORDER FLAG",																'||
		'	mif.internal_order_flag    "INTERNAL ORDER FLAG",																'||
		'	mif.invoiceable_item_flag  "INVOICEABLE ITEM FLAG",																'||
		'	decode(mif.bom_item_type,1,''Model'',2,''Option Class'',3,''Planning'',4,''Standard'',5,''Product Family'')  "BOM ITEM TYPE",							'||
		'       decode(stock_enabled_flag,inventory_item_flag,null,''N'',null,''Y'',stock_enabled_flag) "STOCK ENABLED FLAG",									'||
		'       decode(mtl_transactions_enabled_flag,stock_enabled_flag,null,''N'',null,''Y'',mtl_transactions_enabled_flag) "MTL TRANSACTIONS ENABLED FLAG",					'||
		'       decode(purchasing_enabled_flag,purchasing_item_flag,null,''N'',null,''Y'',purchasing_enabled_flag) "PURCHASING ENABLED FLAG",							'||
		'       decode(customer_order_enabled_flag,customer_order_flag,null,''N'',null,''Y'',customer_order_enabled_flag) "CUSTOMER ORDER ENABLED FLAG",					'||
		'       decode(internal_order_enabled_flag,internal_order_flag,null,''N'',null,''Y'',internal_order_enabled_flag) "INTERNAL ORDER ENABLED FLAG",					'||
		'       decode(invoice_enabled_flag,invoiceable_item_flag,null,''N'',null,''Y'',invoice_enabled_flag) "INVOICE ENABLED FLAG",								'||
		'       decode(build_in_wip_flag,inventory_item_flag,decode(build_in_wip_flag,decode(bom_item_type,1,''N'',2,''N'',3,''N'',5,''N'',build_in_wip_flag),null,build_in_wip_flag),		'||
		'       						 ''N'',decode(build_in_wip_flag,decode(bom_item_type,1,''N'',2,''N'',3,''N'',5,''N'',build_in_wip_flag),null,build_in_wip_flag),'||
		'       						 ''Y'',build_in_wip_flag) "BUILD IN WIP FLAG",											'||
		'       mif.inventory_item_id "Inventory Item Id",mif.organization_id "Org Id"														'||
		'       from mtl_item_flexfields mif, mtl_parameters mp																	'||
		'       where																						'||
		'       mif.organization_id=mp.organization_id																		'||
		'       and																						'||
		'       (  																						'||
		'          ( mif.inventory_item_flag=''N'' and mif.stock_enabled_flag=''Y'')														'||
		'          or (mif.inventory_item_flag=''N'' and  mif.mtl_transactions_enabled_flag=''Y'')												'||
		'          or (mif.purchasing_item_flag=''N'' and mif.purchasing_enabled_flag=''Y'')													'||
		'          or (mif.customer_order_flag=''N'' and  mif.customer_order_enabled_flag=''Y'')												'||
		'          or (mif.internal_order_flag=''N'' and  mif.internal_order_enabled_flag=''Y'')												'||
		'          or (mif.invoiceable_item_flag=''N'' and mif.invoice_enabled_flag=''Y'')													'||
		'          or ( (mif.inventory_item_flag=''N'' or mif.bom_item_type <> 4) and  mif.build_in_wip_flag=''Y'')										'||
		'  	)																						';
Line: 786

If records are fetched above,then please use Item Import in UPDATE mode
to correct the respective Item Status Attribute value.
For details on Item Import, please refer to
''Oracle Manufacturing APIs and Open Interfaces Manual'' (Part No. A95955-03),
Chapter 7 - ''Oracle Inventory Open Interfaces and APIs'', Section ''Open Item Interface''.
Line: 806

	 delete from bom_diag_temp_tab; -- Clear the temporary tables
Line: 815

	/* Insert the fetched records into temporary table bom_diag_temp_tab */
        sql_stmt := '';
Line: 817

	sql_stmt := ' Insert into bom_diag_temp_tab (Inventory_item_id, organization_id, '||
 		 ' char_col1,char_col2,char_col3,char_col4,char_col5,char_col6,char_col7,char_col8,char_col9) '||
		 '  Select mif.inventory_item_id ,	        '||
		'     mif.organization_Id, 			'||
		'     MIF.BOM_ENABLED_FLAG,		  	'||
		'     MIF.BUILD_IN_WIP_FLAG,			'||
		'     From mtl_item_flexfields	mif		'||
		'     Where	1=1 '||l_where_clause;
Line: 845

	sqltxt := '	Select     Inventory_Item_Id 	  "Inventory Item Id",		     '||
		  '	 	   Organization_id	  "Organization id",		     '||
		  '		   Char_Col1		  "Inventory Item Status Code",	     '||
		  '		   Char_Col2		  "BOM ENABLED FLAG",		     '||
		  '		   Char_Col3		  "BUILD IN WIP FLAG",		     '||
		  '	 	   Char_Col4		  "CUSTOMER ORDER ENABLED FLAG",     '||
		  '		   Char_Col5		  "INTERNAL ORDER ENABLED FLAG",     '||
		  '	 	   Char_Col6		  "INVOICE ENABLED FLAG",	     '||
		  '		   Char_Col7		  "MTL TRANSACTIONS ENABLED FLAG",   '||
		  '	 	   Char_Col8		  "PURCHASING ENABLED FLAG",	     '||
		  '	 	   Char_Col9		  "STOCK ENABLED FLAG"		     '||
		  '	From       bom_diag_temp_tab where 1=1	';
Line: 881

	sqltxt := '	select attribute_name "Attribute Name"	'||
		  '	from   mtl_item_attributes		'||
		  '	where status_control_code = 1		';
Line: 888

1) Please use Item Import in UPDATE mode to modify the Item Status Code
which will in turn set the values of all Status Control Attributes.
2) If required, the values of the Status Controlled Attributes that
do NOT use ''Sets Value'' setting, can then be changed.
For details on Item Import, please refer to
''Oracle Manufacturing APIs and Open Interfaces Manual'' (Part No. A95955-03),
Chapter 7 - ''Oracle Inventory Open Interfaces and APIs'', Section ''Open Item Interface''.
Line: 911

	sqltxt := '	SELECT mif.padded_item_number "Item Number",		 '||
		  '	       mp.organization_code   "Org Code",		 '||
		  '	       to_char(mif.start_date_active,''DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'')  "Start Date Active",	 '||
	 	  '	       to_char(mif.end_date_active,''DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'')    "End Date Active",	 '||
		  '	       mif.inventory_item_id  "Item Id",		 '||
		  '	       mp.organization_id     "Org Id"  		 '||
	     	  '	 FROM  mtl_item_flexfields mif , mtl_parameters mp	 '||
		  '	 WHERE 1=1						 '||
		  '      AND   mif.organization_id=mp.organization_id		 '||
		  '	 AND   ( mif.end_date_active IS NOT NULL OR mif.start_date_active IS NOT NULL ) ';
Line: 941

None of the attributes of these items can be updated.
FRM-40654 error may also occur while trying to
update these items through the Items form.
Line: 949

Please use the below update statements to null out these two date fields.

Important: Please try these scripts on a TEST instance first.

  The below update statement can be used to correct a specific item.
  Substitute the bind variables orgid and itemid
  with the appropriate values.

   update mtl_system_items_b
   set    start_date_active = null
         ,end_date_active = null
   where  organization_id = :orgid
   and    inventory_item_id = :itemid;
Line: 962

  The below two update statements can be used
  to collectively correct all the problematic items.

  update mtl_system_items_b
  set    start_date_active = null
  where  start_date_active is not null;
Line: 969

  update mtl_system_items_b
  set    end_date_active = null
  where  end_date_active is not null;