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Line 10: -- igf_gr_rfms_pkg

6: --sjadhav 06-Nov-2004 FA 149 build, do not insert into igf_gr_rfms_disb for cod year
7: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
8: --ayedubat 13-OCT-04 FA 149 COD-XML Standards build bug # 3416863
9: -- Changed the TBH calls of the packages: igf_aw_awd_disb_pkg and
10: -- igf_gr_rfms_pkg
11: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
12: -- veramach July 2004 FA 151 HR integration (bug # 3709292)
13: -- Impact of obsoleting columns from igf_aw_awd_disb_pkg
14: ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Line 16: -- in call to igf_gr_rfms_pkg.update_row, changed the

12: -- veramach July 2004 FA 151 HR integration (bug # 3709292)
13: -- Impact of obsoleting columns from igf_aw_awd_disb_pkg
14: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
15: -- veramach 12-Mar-2004 Bug 3490915
16: -- in call to igf_gr_rfms_pkg.update_row, changed the
17: -- value of pell_amout to l_offered_amt
18: -- Also, ft_pell_amt is calculated and updated in
19: -- the RFMS record.
20: ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Line 820: igf_gr_rfms_pkg.update_row(

816: fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement,'igf.plsql.igf_gr_repackage.repackage.debug','updating igf_gr_rfms with pell_amount:'||l_offered_amt);
817: END IF;
819: -- Update the Origination Record
820: igf_gr_rfms_pkg.update_row(
821: x_rowid => lc_rfms.row_id,
822: x_origination_id => lc_rfms.origination_id,
823: x_ci_cal_type => lc_rfms.ci_cal_type,
824: x_ci_sequence_number => lc_rfms.ci_sequence_number,