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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 21

       03-Mar-04   rpgupta    115.4      1. Commented delete dmls and added calls to api's
       19-Mar-04   pbodla     115.5      Bug 3517726 : CWB data is not getting deleted.
       23-Mar-04   nhunur     115.6      removed if clause before cwb delete,added distinct
                                         clause for person rates cursor.
       25-Mar-04   rpgupta    115.7      Changed logic for person selection to work like
       					 participation process.
       26-Mar-04   pbodla     115.8      Added code to delete
       26-Mar-04   pbodla     115.9      l_ocrd_date need to be passed to
       27-Apr-04   rpgupta    115.13     bug 3517726 - elete records in ben_cwb_person_rates
                                         with the given group_pl_id, ler_id and life event
                                         ocrd date. Sometimes when one thread of benmngle
                                         fails, theres a possibility that a few records in
                                         person_rates exist with group_per_in_ler_id as -1
       27-Apr-04   rpgupta    115.14/15  Added online backout procedure/trace calls.
       01-Feb-2005 steotia    115.16     cwb_delete_routine and ben_cwb_person_info API
                                         used to delete person_info record
       11-Feb-2005 pbodla     115.17     Bug 4021004 : when group per in ler
                                         is backed out it is not backing out the
                                         heirarchy data and not resetting
                                         heirarchy data for reporting employees
                                         linked to this PIL.
       23-Feb-2005 pbodla     115.18     4109090 : Removed the coun(*) statements which
                                         are causing performance problems.
       28-Feb-2005 nhunur     115.19     added code to close cursors in all conditions
       13-apr-2005 nhunur     115.20     bug 4300599 - added code to handle person sel rule exceptions.
       23-sep-2005 pbodla     115.21     bug 4598824 - Romove element entry if
                                         life event backed out.
                                         Added get_ele_dt_del_mode, backout_cwb_element
       12-oct-2005 pbodla     115.22     bug 4653929 - Backout is not deleting
                                         cwb plan design data as some life events
                                         are not getting deleted : some cases
                                         are - person hired and processed after
                                         the life event occured date.
                                         - As heirarchy data is in contention
                                         it should be moved out of multi thread
       30-Nov-2005 pbodla     115.23     Bug 4758468 : join condition is missing
                                         in c_group_pils.
       08-Mar-2006 stee       115.24     Bug 5060080 : Fix cursor to not delete
                                         all the person rates for a plan and
                                         life event occurred date. If there
                                         is more than 1 life event for the
                                         person, the person rates are also
                                         deleted and the element entries are
                                         not backed out.
       06-Apr-2006 abparekh  115.25      Bug 5130397 : When CWB plan has options attached,
                                         then while backing out BEN_CWB_PERSON_RATES rows
                                         delete pay proposal only once
       25-May-2006 ikasired  115.26      Bug 5240208 fix for heirarchy issue for
                                         reassign, backout and reprocess issue
       26-May-2006 maagrawa  115.27      Always run summary refresh at end
                                         when running backout in batch.
                                         In online mode, call delete apis
                                         with update_summary ON.
       21-aug-06   nhunur    115.28      Report any broken hierarchies, people who do not have
                                         a level 1 manager but have a worksheet manager id
       20-sep-06   nhunur    115.29      Reformat the list of people and change message.
       06-Feb-07   maagrawa  115.30      When more than 1 person_rates record
                                         exists for a group_per_in_ler_id,
                                         pl_id, oipl_id combination, you get
                                         a error when calling delete api for
                                         2nd record.
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

/* global variables */
g_package                 varchar2(80) := 'ben_cwb_back_out_conc';
Line: 104

    select rowid
        from ben_cwb_group_hrchy
        where mgr_per_in_ler_id  =  p_per_in_ler_id;
Line: 108

  l_proc                        varchar2(50) := g_package||'.cwb_delete_routine';
Line: 115

    delete from ben_cwb_group_hrchy hrc
           where emp_per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id;
Line: 122

               update ben_cwb_group_hrchy set
                  mgr_per_in_ler_id = -1 ,
                  LVL_NUM = -1
               where rowid = l_chr.rowid;
Line: 142

    select rowid, emp_per_in_ler_id
        from ben_cwb_group_hrchy
        where mgr_per_in_ler_id  =  p_per_in_ler_id;
Line: 146

  l_proc                        varchar2(50) := g_package||'.cwb_delete_routine';
Line: 153

    delete from ben_cwb_group_hrchy hrc
           where emp_per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id;
Line: 160

               update ben_cwb_group_hrchy set
                  mgr_per_in_ler_id = -1 ,
                  LVL_NUM = -1
               where rowid = l_chr.rowid;
Line: 165

              delete from ben_cwb_group_hrchy
              where emp_per_in_ler_id = l_chr.emp_per_in_ler_id
                and LVL_NUM > -1;
Line: 189

  l_delete_mode               boolean;
Line: 191

  l_delete_next_change_mode   boolean;
Line: 195

  l_delete_start_date         date;
Line: 196

  l_delete_end_date           date;
Line: 210

  p_delete               => l_delete_mode,
  p_future_change        => l_future_change_mode,
  p_delete_next_change   => l_delete_next_change_mode); /*,
Line: 215

  p_delete_start_date     => l_delete_start_date,
  p_delete_end_date       => l_delete_end_date,
  p_del_future_start_date => l_del_future_start_date,
  p_del_future_end_date   => l_del_future_end_date,
  p_del_next_start_date   => l_del_next_start_date,
  p_del_next_end_date     => l_del_next_end_date);*/
Line: 224

  hr_utility.set_location('l_delete_start_date = ' || l_delete_start_date, 12);
Line: 225

  hr_utility.set_location('l_delete_end_date = ' || l_delete_end_date, 12);
Line: 234

  if l_delete_mode then
     hr_utility.set_location('l_delete_mode true', 13);
Line: 240

  if l_delete_next_change_mode then
     hr_utility.set_location('l_delete_next_change_mode true', 13);
Line: 243

  if l_delete_next_change_mode = true or l_future_change_mode = true then
     l_del_mode := hr_api.g_future_change;
Line: 267

         ,p_dt_delete_mode         IN VARCHAR2 default null
         ,p_amt                    in number default null ) is
  l_proc                     VARCHAR2(72) := 'backout_cwb_element';
Line: 285

  l_delete_warning           BOOLEAN;
Line: 286

  l_dt_delete_mode           varchar2(80);
Line: 294

  select min(effective_start_date),
  from pay_element_entries_f
  where element_entry_id = p_element_entry_id;
Line: 303

  select pel.element_link_id,
    from pay_element_types_f pet,
         pay_element_links_f pel,
         pay_element_entries_f pee,
         pay_element_entry_values_f pev
   where pev.element_entry_value_id = p_element_entry_value_id
     and pee.element_entry_id = pev.element_entry_id
     and pev.effective_start_date between pee.effective_start_date
     and pee.effective_end_date
     and pel.element_link_id = pee.element_link_id
     and pee.effective_start_date between pel.effective_start_date
     and pel.effective_end_date
     and pet.element_type_id = pel.element_type_id
     and pel.effective_start_date between pet.effective_start_date
     and pet.effective_end_date;
Line: 327

  select asg.assignment_id,
  from   per_all_assignments_f asg,
       pay_element_links_f pel,
       pay_element_entries_f pee,
       pay_element_entry_values_f pev
  where  asg.person_id = p_person_id
  and    pee.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
  and    p_effective_date between asg.effective_start_date
  and    asg.effective_end_date
  and    pee.creator_type = 'F'
  and    pee.entry_type = 'E'
  and    p_effective_date <= pee.effective_end_date
  and    pel.element_link_id = pee.element_link_id
  and    pee.effective_start_date between pel.effective_start_date
  and    pel.effective_end_date
  and    pel.element_type_id = p_element_type_id
  and    pev.element_entry_id = pee.element_entry_id
  and    pev.input_value_id = p_input_value_id
  and    (p_element_entry_value_id is null or
          pev.element_entry_value_id = p_element_entry_value_id)
  and    pev.effective_start_date between pee.effective_start_date
  and    pee.effective_end_date
  order by pee.effective_start_date ;
Line: 485

  l_dt_delete_mode := get_ele_dt_del_mode(p_effective_date, l_element_entry_id);
Line: 494

     l_dt_delete_mode := hr_api.g_zap;
Line: 497

        l_dt_delete_mode := hr_api.g_zap;
Line: 504

  hr_utility.set_location('l_dt_delete_mode = ' || l_dt_delete_mode, 9);
Line: 513

        (p_validate              => p_validate
        ,p_datetrack_delete_mode => l_dt_delete_mode
        ,p_effective_date        => l_effective_date
        ,p_element_entry_id      => l_element_entry_id
        ,p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number
        ,p_effective_start_date  => l_effective_start_date
        ,p_effective_end_date    => l_effective_end_date
        ,p_delete_warning        => l_delete_warning);
Line: 540

    Select process_date
    From  ben_benefit_actions ben
    Where ben.benefit_action_id = p_benefit_action_id;
Line: 592

         ,p_person_selection_rule_id => l_parameters.person_selection_rl
         ,p_debug_messages           => l_parameters.debug_messages_flag);
Line: 644

    Select ran.range_id
    From   ben_batch_ranges ran
    Where  ran.range_status_cd = 'U'
    And    rownum < 2
    For    update of ran.range_status_cd;
Line: 654

    select ben.person_id,
    from   ben_person_actions ben
    where  ben.benefit_action_id = p_benefit_action_id
    and    ben.action_status_cd not in ('P','E')
    and    ben.person_action_id
           between l_start_person_action_id
           and     l_end_person_action_id
    order  by ben.person_action_id;
Line: 665

    select pil.per_in_ler_id,
    from   ben_per_in_ler pil,
           ben_ler_f ler
    where  pil.person_id = l_person_id
    and    pil.lf_evt_ocrd_dt = l_ocrd_date
    and    pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd in ('STRTD', 'PROCD')
    and    pil.group_pl_id = p_group_pl_id -- CWBGLOBAL
    and    ler.ler_id = pil.ler_id
    and    ler.typ_cd = 'COMP'    -- CWBGLOBAL
    and    nvl(l_effective_date,trunc(sysdate))
           between ler.effective_start_date
           and ler.effective_end_date
    order  by pil.person_id desc;
Line: 688

    Select *
    From   ben_benefit_actions ben
    Where  ben.benefit_action_id = p_benefit_action_id;
Line: 696

     select pil.per_in_ler_id,
     from   ben_per_in_ler pil,
            ben_ler_f  ler
     where  pil.person_id = l_person_id
     and    pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd not in ('VOIDD', 'BCKDT')
     and    pil.ler_id = ler.ler_id
     and    ler.typ_cd = 'COMP'
     and    nvl(l_effective_date,trunc(sysdate))
            between ler.effective_start_date
            and ler.effective_end_date
     order by pil.lf_evt_ocrd_dt desc, pil.per_in_ler_id desc;
Line: 712

    select ppf.*
    from   per_all_people_f ppf
    where  ppf.person_id = l_person_id
    and    nvl(l_effective_date,trunc(sysdate))
           between ppf.effective_start_date
           and     ppf.effective_end_date;
Line: 720

    select ppf.*
    from   per_all_people_f ppf
    where  ppf.person_id = l_person_id
    order by effective_start_date desc;
Line: 781

          ,p_person_selection_rule_id => l_parm.person_selection_rl
          ,p_organization_id          => l_parm.organization_id
          ,p_benfts_grp_id            => l_parm.benfts_grp_id
          ,p_location_id              => l_parm.location_id
          ,p_legal_entity_id          => l_parm.legal_entity_id);
Line: 823

    update ben_batch_ranges ran
    set    ran.range_status_cd = 'P'
    where  ran.range_id = l_range_id;
Line: 899

                hr_utility.set_location ('calling delete_cwb_data',10);
Line: 901

Line: 902

                  (p_per_in_ler_id	=>	l_ler_thread.per_in_ler_id
                 , p_business_group_id	=> 	l_ler_thread.business_group_id
                 , p_update_summary     =>     false
                  ) ;
Line: 911

              delete from ben_cwb_person_rates
		where group_pl_id = p_group_pl_id
		and lf_evt_ocrd_dt = l_ocrd_date
                and group_per_in_ler_id = -1 -- Bug 5060080
		and person_id = l_person_id;
Line: 940

          update ben_person_actions
              set   action_status_cd = 'P'
              where person_id = l_person_id
              and   benefit_action_id = p_benefit_action_id;
Line: 971

            update ben_person_actions
              set   action_status_cd = 'E'
              where person_id = l_person_id
              and   benefit_action_id = p_benefit_action_id;
Line: 1086

                 ,p_person_selection_rule_id in     number   default null
                 ,p_debug_messages           in     varchar2 default 'N'
                 ,p_bckt_stat_cd             in     varchar2 default 'UNPROCD'
                ) is

/* local variable defintions */
  l_proc                   varchar2(80) := g_package||'.process';
Line: 1119

  l_person_selection       number;
Line: 1125

    select distinct  ppf.person_id, ppf.business_group_id
    from   per_all_people_f ppf
    where  -- l_effective_date between ppf.effective_start_date and ppf.effective_end_date and
         exists (select null
                   from   ben_per_in_ler pil
                   	  , ben_ler_f ler
                   where  pil.lf_evt_ocrd_dt = l_ocrd_date
                   and    pil.ler_id = ler.ler_id
                   and    l_effective_date between ler.effective_start_date
                          and ler.effective_end_date
                   /* and    ler.business_group_id = p_business_group_id   */
                   -- Looks like p_life_event_id is not passed in
                   and    ler.typ_cd = 'COMP'
                   and    pil.ler_id = nvl(p_life_event_id, pil.ler_id)
                   /* life event id made non mandatory parameter*/
                   and    pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd in ('STRTD', 'PROCD')
                   and    pil.person_id = ppf.person_id
                   and    pil.group_pl_id = p_group_pl_id
                   ) ;
Line: 1146

    select distinct  pil.person_id, pil.business_group_id
    from   ben_per_in_ler pil
                   where  pil.lf_evt_ocrd_dt = l_ocrd_date
                   and    pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd in ('STRTD', 'PROCD')
                   and    pil.group_pl_id = p_group_pl_id;
Line: 1153

   cursor c_person_selection (cv_formula_id number
			   , cv_business_group_id number
                           , cv_effective_date date
                           ) is
      select fff.formula_id
      from ff_formulas_f fff,
           ff_formulas_f fff1
      where fff.business_group_id = cv_business_group_id
        and cv_effective_date between fff.effective_start_date
                                  and fff.effective_end_date
        and fff.formula_name      = fff1.formula_name
        and cv_effective_date between fff1.effective_start_date
                                  and fff1.effective_end_date
        and fff1.formula_id        = cv_formula_id;
Line: 1171

    Select pil.per_in_ler_id
      from ben_person_actions act,
           ben_per_in_ler pil
     where act.benefit_action_id = l_benefit_action_id
       and act.action_status_cd = 'P'
       and act.person_id = pil.person_id
       and pil.lf_evt_ocrd_dt = l_ocrd_date
       and pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd = 'BCKDT'
       and pil.business_group_id = cv_group_bg_id
       and pil.group_pl_id = p_group_pl_id;
Line: 1183

    Select pln.business_group_id
    from ben_pl_f pln
    where pln.pl_id = p_group_pl_id
    and l_ocrd_date between pln.effective_start_date
                        and pln.effective_end_date;
Line: 1191

  select inf.full_name, inf.person_id
  from  ben_cwb_person_info inf
       ,ben_per_in_ler pil
  where pil.group_pl_id = cv_group_pl_id
  and   pil.lf_evt_ocrd_dt = cv_ocrd_date
  and   pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd in ('STRTD', 'PROCD')
  and   pil.ws_mgr_id is not null
  and   pil.per_in_ler_id = inf.group_per_in_ler_id
  and   not exists (select 'Y'
                   from ben_cwb_group_hrchy hrchy
                   where hrchy.emp_per_in_ler_id = pil.per_in_ler_id
                   and    hrchy.lvl_num = 1) ;
Line: 1218

  hr_utility.set_location ('p_person_selection_rule_id '||p_person_selection_rule_id,10);
Line: 1263

      ,p_comp_selection_rl      => null
      ,p_person_selection_rl    => p_person_selection_rule_id
      ,p_ler_id                 => p_life_event_id
      ,p_organization_id        => null
      ,p_benfts_grp_id          => null
      ,p_location_id            => null
      ,p_pstl_zip_rng_id        => null
      ,p_rptg_grp_id            => null
      ,p_opt_id                 => null
      ,p_eligy_prfl_id          => null
      ,p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id        => null
      ,p_legal_entity_id        => null
      ,p_payroll_id             => null
      ,p_debug_messages_flag    => p_debug_messages
      ,p_object_version_number  => l_object_version_number
      ,p_effective_date         => l_effective_date
      ,p_request_id             => fnd_global.conc_request_id
      ,p_program_application_id => fnd_global.prog_appl_id
      ,p_program_id             => fnd_global.conc_program_id
      ,p_program_update_date    => sysdate
      ,p_date_from              => l_ocrd_date
      ,p_uneai_effective_date   => null);
Line: 1291

    Delete from ben_batch_ranges
    Where  benefit_action_id = l_benefit_action_id;
Line: 1304

        l_person_selection := null;
Line: 1306

        hr_utility.set_location ('next person selected is  '||l_person_id,30);
Line: 1313

        If p_person_selection_rule_id is not NULL then
           open c_person_selection (p_person_selection_rule_id,
                                    l_business_group_id, l_ocrd_date);
Line: 1317

           fetch c_person_selection into l_person_selection;
Line: 1318

           close c_person_selection;
Line: 1320

           if l_person_selection is not null then
                      (p_person_id               => l_person_id
                      ,p_business_group_id       => l_business_group_id
                      ,p_person_selection_rule_id=> l_person_selection
                      ,p_effective_date          => l_effective_date
                      ,p_return                  => l_person_ok
                      ,p_err_message             => l_err_message );
Line: 1356

          hr_utility.set_location ('person passed selection rule  '||l_person_id,35);
Line: 1485

     ,p_person_selection_rule_id => p_person_selection_rule_id
     ,p_ler_id                   => p_life_event_id
     ,p_organization_id          => null
     ,p_benfts_grp_id            => null
     ,p_location_id              => null
     ,p_legal_entity_id          => null);
Line: 1531

                          (p_group_pl_id        => p_group_pl_id
                          ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt     => l_ocrd_date);
Line: 1547

                             ,p_person_selected   => l_person_cnt
                             ,p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id);
Line: 1623

                                  ,p_person_selected   => l_person_cnt
                                  ,p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id
       ) ;
Line: 1635

procedure cwb_delete_routine
			(p_routine                in varchar2
                         ,p_per_in_ler_id          in number
                         ,p_update_summary         in boolean
                         ) is
  cursor c_cwb_person_task is
    select task_id, object_version_number
    from ben_cwb_person_tasks
    where group_per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id;
Line: 1647

    select group_pl_id, group_oipl_id, object_version_number
    from ben_cwb_person_groups
    where group_per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id;
Line: 1652

    select distinct pl_id, oipl_id, pay_proposal_id
    from ben_cwb_person_rates
    where group_per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
    order by pay_proposal_id;
Line: 1661

     from ben_cwb_person_rates
     where group_per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
     and   pl_id = l_pl_id
     and   oipl_id = l_oipl_id ;
Line: 1674

    select object_version_number, business_group_id
    from per_pay_proposals
    where pay_proposal_id = l_pay_proposal_id;
Line: 1681

    select object_version_number
    from ben_cwb_person_info
    where group_per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id;
Line: 1686

  l_proc			varchar2(50) := g_package||'.cwb_delete_routine';
Line: 1717

    	( p_validate			=> false,
    	  p_group_per_in_ler_id 	=> p_per_in_ler_id,
    	  p_task_id			=> l_task_id,
    	  p_object_version_number	=> l_object_version_number
Line: 1736

    	( p_validate			=> false,
  	  p_group_per_in_ler_id 	=> p_per_in_ler_id,
  	  p_group_pl_id			=> l_group_pl_id,
  	  p_group_oipl_id		=> l_group_oipl_id,
  	  p_object_version_number	=> l_object_version_number,
          p_update_summary              => p_update_summary
Line: 1802

        (p_validate    		=>	false
        ,p_group_per_in_ler_id      =>      p_per_in_ler_id
        ,p_pl_id                    =>	l_pl_id
        ,p_oipl_id                  =>      l_oipl_id
        ,p_object_version_number    =>	l_object_version_number
        ,p_update_summary           => p_update_summary) ;
Line: 1819

          ( p_pay_proposal_id  => l_pay_proposal_id
           ,p_business_group_id => l_business_group_id_prop
           ,p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number_prop
           ,p_validate              => false
           ,p_salary_warning       => l_salary_warning  ) ;
Line: 1843

    	( p_validate			=> false,
  	  p_group_per_in_ler_id 	=> p_per_in_ler_id,
  	  p_object_version_number	=> l_object_version_number
Line: 1881

end cwb_delete_routine;
Line: 1889

procedure delete_cwb_data
		 (p_per_in_ler_id     		in number
                  ,p_business_group_id 		in number
                  ,p_update_summary             in boolean default false
                  ) is

  l_proc                  varchar2(50) := g_package||'.delete_cwb_data';
Line: 1902

  hr_utility.set_location( 'Calling delete for  BEN_CWB_PERSON_TASKS', 10);
Line: 1904

Line: 1905

  	   (p_routine           	=> 'BEN_CWB_PERSON_TASKS'
            ,p_per_in_ler_id     	=> p_per_in_ler_id
            ,p_update_summary           => p_update_summary
Line: 1912

  hr_utility.set_location( 'Calling delete for  BEN_CWB_PERSON_RATES', 15);
Line: 1914

Line: 1915

  	   (p_routine           	=> 'BEN_CWB_PERSON_RATES'
            ,p_per_in_ler_id     	=> p_per_in_ler_id
            ,p_update_summary           => p_update_summary
Line: 1924

Line: 1925

           (p_routine                   => 'BEN_CWB_PERSON_GROUPS'
            ,p_per_in_ler_id            => p_per_in_ler_id
            ,p_update_summary           => p_update_summary
Line: 1932

  hr_utility.set_location( 'Calling delete for  BEN_CWB_PERSON_INFO', 25);
Line: 1934

Line: 1935

  	   (p_routine           	=> 'BEN_CWB_PERSON_INFO'
            ,p_per_in_ler_id     	=> p_per_in_ler_id
            ,p_update_summary           => p_update_summary
Line: 1944

end delete_cwb_data;
Line: 1946

procedure delete_summary(p_group_per_in_ler_id in number) is
  cursor csr_summary is
     select rowid, s.*
     from  ben_cwb_summary s
     where s.group_per_in_ler_id = p_group_per_in_ler_id;
Line: 1954

   select mgr_per_in_ler_id
   from ben_cwb_group_hrchy
   where emp_per_in_ler_id = p_group_per_in_ler_id
   and lvl_num  > 0;
Line: 1964

            (p_group_per_in_ler_id     => mgr.mgr_per_in_ler_id
            ,p_group_pl_id             => summs.group_pl_id
            ,p_group_oipl_id           => summs.group_oipl_id
            ,p_elig_count_all          => -summs.elig_count_all
            ,p_emp_recv_count_all      => -summs.emp_recv_count_all
            ,p_elig_sal_val_all        => -summs.elig_sal_val_all
            ,p_ws_bdgt_val_all         => -summs.ws_bdgt_val_all
            ,p_ws_bdgt_iss_val_all     => -summs.ws_bdgt_iss_val_all
            ,p_ws_val_all              => -summs.ws_val_all
            ,p_stat_sal_val_all        => -summs.stat_sal_val_all
            ,p_oth_comp_val_all        => -summs.oth_comp_val_all
            ,p_tot_comp_val_all        => -summs.tot_comp_val_all
            ,p_rec_val_all             => -summs.rec_val_all
            ,p_rec_mn_val_all          => -summs.rec_mn_val_all
            ,p_rec_mx_val_all          => -summs.rec_mx_val_all
            ,p_misc1_val_all           => -summs.misc1_val_all
            ,p_misc2_val_all           => -summs.misc2_val_all
            ,p_misc3_val_all           => -summs.misc3_val_all);
Line: 1984

    delete ben_cwb_summary
    where  rowid = summs.rowid;
Line: 1990

end delete_summary;
Line: 2007

    select pil.per_in_ler_id,
    from   ben_per_in_ler pil,
           ben_ler_f ler
    where  pil.person_id = cv_person_id
    and    pil.lf_evt_ocrd_dt = cv_lf_evt_ocrd_dt
    and    pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd in ('STRTD', 'PROCD')
    and    pil.group_pl_id = cv_group_pl_id
    and    ler.ler_id = pil.ler_id
    and    ler.typ_cd = 'COMP'
    and    nvl(cv_effective_date,trunc(sysdate))
           between ler.effective_start_date
           and ler.effective_end_date;
Line: 2058

           (p_per_in_ler_id      => l_pil_rec.per_in_ler_id
           ,p_business_group_id  => l_pil_rec.business_group_id
           ,p_update_summary     => true);
Line: 2063

       delete_summary(p_group_per_in_ler_id  => l_pil_rec.per_in_ler_id);
Line: 2068

       delete from ben_cwb_person_rates
       where group_pl_id = p_group_pl_id
         and lf_evt_ocrd_dt = l_pil_rec.lf_evt_ocrd_dt
         and group_per_in_ler_id = -1  -- Bug 5060080
         and person_id = p_person_id;