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Line 962: FROM jai_rcv_tp_inv_details a , JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL b , jai_rcv_tp_invoices c, JAI_RGM_REGISTRATIONS d

958: CURSOR c_tp_inv_details (cp_regime_id IN NUMBER , cp_invoice_id IN NUMBER , cp_line_number IN NUMBER) IS
959: SELECT 1 chk , a.tax_id , a.tax_rate , a.tax_amount , NULL ,a.tax_type ,
960: a.line_number invoice_line_number, /* INVOICE LINES UPTAKE */
961: NVL(b.mod_cr_percentage,0) recoverable_ptg, NULL
962: FROM jai_rcv_tp_inv_details a , JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL b , jai_rcv_tp_invoices c, JAI_RGM_REGISTRATIONS d
963: WHERE c.invoice_id = cp_invoice_id
964: AND a.batch_invoice_id = c.batch_invoice_id
965: AND a.tax_id = b.tax_id
966: AND a.line_number = cp_line_number /*INVOICE LINES UPTAKE cp_dist_line_number */

Line 1060: FROM jai_rcv_tp_invoices jrti

1056: * Added union clause.
1057: */
1058: UNION
1059: SELECT jrti.invoice_id
1060: FROM jai_rcv_tp_invoices jrti
1061: WHERE jrti.vendor_id = apc.vendor_id
1062: AND jrti.vendor_site_id = apc.vendor_site_id
1063: AND apc.org_id = p_org_id

Line 1203: || invoice and jai_rcv_tp_invoices table.

1199: || For third party invoices , there will be no records in the JAI_AP_MATCH_INV_TAXES table
1200: || For third party invoices , the tax details need to be picked up from the jai_rcv_tp_inv_details table.
1201: || It should be joined to the jai_rcv_tp_.invoices table based on the batch_invoice_id column and
1202: || we arrive at the correct batch_invoice_id based on the invoice_id link between the third party
1203: || invoice and jai_rcv_tp_invoices table.
1204: || Using this link, if the r_tax_dist_dtl is populated, it will take its normal course.
1205: */
1207: OPEN c_tp_inv_details(p_regime_id , ap_acc_dist.invoice_id , ap_acc_dist.invoice_line_number); /* INVOICE LINES UPTAKE distribution_line_number); */