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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 108

                                      function.  Deleted gv_title heading
                                      which was not being used.
 17-DEC-2003 ssattini 115.20 3316062  Modified the cursor c_assignments to
                                      to fix the bug#3316062, corrected
                                      paa_key inline view to pick up
                                      T4A Employee Payments also.
 08-JAN-2004 ssattini 115.21 3359412  Modified the cursor c_assignments to
                                      to fix the 11510 performance bug#3359412.
 04-MAR-2004 ssattini 115.22 3479270  Modified the cursor c_assignments to
                                      to fix the bug#3479270, corrected
                                      paa_key inline view to avoid duplicate
                                      payment records.
 23-MAR-2004 ssattini 115.23 3517534  Modified the cursor c_assignments to
                                      to fix the bug#3517534, corrected
                                      parameter values validation.
 02-May-2006 ssmukher 115.24 5178951  Added a new column to display whether
                                      the Cheque/Third Party cheque/Deposit Advice has been voided.
                                      Modified the procedure payment_extract.Added a new cursor
 03_May-2006 ssmukher 115.25 5178951  Removed the effective date check from the
                                      cursor c_payment_status.
 16-May-2006 ydevi    115.26 5225939  Modified the code to get the check number and direct deposit
                                      number printed for voided payments too in the payment report

26-Sep-2006 schowta 115.27 5383895 - Following modifications are done. search for 5383895
							for all the changes done.

							a. pay_ca_payreg_extract_pkg > c_payment_period  and
							other cursors the join to date_earned has been changed to effective_date
							in all instances except in c_payroll_paydate

							cursor c_tp_pmt_check is merged with c_assignments cursor.
							c_assignments cursor is modified to include ,popm.defined_balance_id.
							Associated open cursor  is modified to check if it is null.
13-Nov-2006 schowta 115.28 		Line No. 196 - Observed that "" was missing. Modified to " "

  ** Local Package Variables
  gc_csv_delimiter       VARCHAR2(1) := ',';
Line: 226

    select 1 ord, meaning
    from  fnd_lookup_values
    where lookup_type = p_lookup_type
    and   lookup_code = p_lookup_code
    and ( ( p_person_language is null and language = 'US' ) or
      ( p_person_language is not null and language = p_person_language ) )
    union all
    select 2 ord, meaning
    from  fnd_lookup_values
    where lookup_type = p_lookup_type
    and   lookup_code = p_lookup_code
    and ( language = 'US' and p_person_language is not null
    and language <> p_person_language )
    order by 1;
Line: 298

  ** can insert data and the label in this PL/SQL table which will
  ** be printed at the end of the report.
  ** The PL/SQL table which needs to be populated is
  ** LTT_PAYMENT_EXTRACT_DATA. This PL/SQL table is defined in the
  ** Package pay_ca_payreg_extract_data_pkg (pycaprpd.pkh/pkb).
  PROCEDURE formated_static_header(
              p_output_file_type  in varchar2
             ,p_static_label1    out  NOCOPY varchar2
             ,p_static_label2    out  NOCOPY varchar2

    lv_format1          varchar2(32000);
Line: 321

        select legislation_code into lv_leg_code
        from   per_business_groups
        where  business_group_id = gv_business_group_id;
Line: 502

  ** can insert data and the label in this PL/SQL table which will
  ** be printed at the end of the report.
  ** The PL/SQL table which needs to be populated is
  ** LTT_PAYMENT_EXTRACT_DATA. This PL/SQL table is defined in the
  ** Package pay_ca_payreg_extract_data_pkg (pycaprpd.pkh/pkb).
 /* Added two columns p_case_number, p_payee_name to format the
    Third Party Payments, to fix bug#2745577 */
 PROCEDURE formated_static_data(
                   p_employee_full_name        in varchar2
                  ,p_employee_number           in varchar2
                  ,p_payment_type              in varchar2
                  ,p_payment_number            in varchar2
                  ,p_bank_number_bank_name     in varchar2
                  ,p_transit_code              in varchar2
                  ,p_account_number            in varchar2
                  ,p_payment_amount            in varchar2
                  ,p_payroll_name              in varchar2
                  ,p_gre_name                  in varchar2
                  ,p_period	               in varchar2
                  ,p_payment_method            in varchar2
                  ,p_pay_date                  in varchar2
                  ,p_case_number               in varchar2
                  ,p_payee_name                in varchar2
                  ,p_payment_status            in varchar2
                  ,p_output_file_type          in varchar2
                  ,p_static_data1             out NOCOPY varchar2
                  ,p_static_data2             out NOCOPY varchar2

    lv_format1 VARCHAR2(32000);
Line: 659

    ** Assignment Action for the selection parameters entered by the
    ** user in the SRS. The Assignment Action returned by this cursor
    ** is used to  retreive the Payment Number and Period Name.
   cursor c_assignments (
                       cp_start_date           in date
                      ,cp_end_date             in date
                      ,cp_payroll_id           in number default NULL
                      ,cp_consolidation_set_id in number
		      ,cp_payment_type_id      in number default NULL
		      ,cp_tax_unit_id          in number default NULL
		      ,cp_payment_method_id    in number default NULL
                      ,cp_business_group_id    in number
                      ) is
   select  hou.name
       ,ppp.value   /* Payment Amount */
       ,paa_key.effective_date       /*  BUG: 5383895 paa_key.date_earned changed to paa_key.effective_date */
      ,popm.defined_balance_id  /*  BUG: 5383895 added to avoid the cursor c_tp_pmt_check  */
   from  per_all_people_f ppf
        ,per_all_assignments_f paf
        ,hr_all_organization_units_tl hou
        ,pay_all_payrolls_f      pap
        ,pay_payment_types_tl ppt_tl
        ,pay_payment_types ppt
        ,pay_org_payment_methods_f_tl popm_tl
        ,pay_org_payment_methods_f popm
        ,pay_pre_payments ppp
        ,(select distinct paa_pre.assignment_action_id /* Locked Action Id */
		 ,ppa_pre.effective_date  /* BUG: 5383895 added ppa_pre.effective_date  */
          from    pay_run_types_f prt
                 ,pay_assignment_actions paa_run
                 ,pay_action_interlocks pai
                 ,pay_assignment_actions paa_pre
                 ,pay_payroll_actions ppa_pre
          where   ppa_pre.business_group_id  = cp_business_group_id
          and     ppa_pre.effective_date between cp_start_date and  cp_end_date /* BUG: 5383895 ppa_pre.date_earned changed to ppa_pre.effective_date */
          and     ppa_pre.action_status = 'C'
          and     ppa_pre.action_type in ('U','P')
          and     ((ppa_pre.consolidation_set_id = cp_consolidation_set_id) OR
                    (cp_consolidation_set_id is NULL))
          and     ppa_pre.payroll_action_id = paa_pre.payroll_action_id
          and     paa_pre.action_status = 'C'
          and     pai.locking_action_id = paa_pre.assignment_action_id
          and     paa_run.assignment_action_id = pai.locked_action_id
          and     ((paa_run.tax_unit_id = cp_tax_unit_id) OR
                    (cp_tax_unit_id is NULL))
          and     paa_run.action_status = 'C'
          and     paa_run.run_type_id is not NULL
          and     prt.run_type_id = paa_run.run_type_id
          and     prt.run_method <> 'C'
         ) paa_key
   where   pap.business_group_id = cp_business_group_id
   and     pap.payroll_id = paa_key.payroll_id
   and     paa_key.effective_date between pap.effective_start_date
                                and pap.effective_end_date  /* BUG: 5383895 paa_key.date_earned changed to paa_key.effective_date */
   and     ((pap.payroll_id = cp_payroll_id) OR
            (cp_payroll_id is NULL))
   and     ppp.assignment_action_id = paa_key.assignment_action_id
   and     ppp.org_payment_method_id = popm.org_payment_method_id
   and     paa_key.effective_date between popm.effective_start_date and
                                    popm.effective_end_date  /* BUG: 5383895 paa_key.date_earned changed to paa_key.effective_date */
   and     popm.business_group_id = cp_business_group_id
   and     ((popm.org_payment_method_id = cp_payment_method_id) OR
            (cp_payment_method_id is NULL))
   and     popm.org_payment_method_id = popm_tl.org_payment_method_id
   and     popm_tl.language = userenv('LANG')
   and     ppt.payment_type_id = popm.payment_type_id
   and     ppt.payment_type_id = ppt_tl.payment_type_id
   and     ppt_tl.language = userenv('LANG')
   and     ((ppt.payment_type_id =  cp_payment_type_id) OR
             (cp_payment_type_id is NULL))
   and     hou.organization_id = paa_key.tax_unit_id
   and     hou.language =  userenv('LANG')
   and     paf.assignment_id = paa_key.assignment_id
   and     paa_key.effective_date between paf.effective_start_date and
                                    paf.effective_end_date  /* BUG: 5383895 paa_key.date_earned changed to paa_key.effective_date */
   and     paf.person_id = ppf.person_id
   and     paa_key.effective_date between ppf.effective_start_date and
                                    ppf.effective_end_date     /* BUG: 5383895 paa_key.date_earned changed to paa_key.effective_date */
   order by ppt_tl.payment_type_name,popm_tl.org_payment_method_name,
Line: 772

    select pay_us_employee_payslip_web.get_check_number(cp_assignment_action_id
          /* nvl(to_number(paa.serial_number),paa.assignment_action_id),*/
         pay_payroll_actions ppa,
         pay_assignment_actions paa,
         pay_action_interlocks pai
    where  pai.locked_action_id = cp_assignment_action_id
    and pai.locking_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
    and paa.action_status = 'C'
    and paa.pre_payment_id = cp_pre_payment_id
    and paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
    and ppa.effective_date between cp_start_date and cp_end_date /* BUG: 5383895 ppa.date_earned changed to ppa.effective_date */
    and ppa.business_group_id = cp_business_group_id;
Line: 796

   select decode(gv_leg_code,'CA',
                decode(pea.segment7,NULL,' ',
                       rtrim(substrb(pea.segment7,1,150))), 'US',--bug 2254026
                decode(pea.segment5,NULL,' ',
          /*Per'l Payment Method Bank_number for CA, Bank Name for US */
          ,pea.segment4 /* Per'l Payment Method Transit_code */
          ,pea.segment3  /* Per'l Payment Method Account_Number */
   from pay_personal_payment_methods_f pppm /*added newly to fix bug#2133040 */
       ,pay_external_accounts pea
   where pppm.personal_payment_method_id = cp_personal_paymeth_id
   and   cp_effective_date between pppm.effective_start_date and
                                pppm.effective_end_date    /* BUG: 5383895   cp_date_earned changed to cp_effective_date */
   and    pppm.external_account_id = pea.external_account_id(+);
Line: 815

    select ppa.effective_date,ptp.period_name
    from per_time_periods ptp,
         pay_payroll_actions ppa,
         pay_assignment_actions paa,
         pay_action_interlocks pai
    where  pai.locking_action_id = cp_assignment_action_id
    and pai.locked_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
    and paa.action_status = 'C'
    and paa.run_type_id is not null
    and paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
    and ppa.action_type in ('Q','R')
    and ppa.business_group_id = cp_business_group_id
    and ptp.payroll_id = ppa.payroll_id
    and ppa.date_earned between ptp.start_date and ptp.end_date;
Line: 836

    select peev.screen_entry_value
       pay_element_entry_values_f 	peev,
       pay_input_values_f     		piv_att,
       pay_element_entries_f  		peef,
       pay_element_types_f       	pet
    where     peef.assignment_id = cp_asg_id
    AND     EXISTS (select null from pay_element_links_f pelf
                    where pelf.element_link_id= peef.element_link_id
                    and   pelf.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
        	    and   cp_effective_date between
                        pelf.effective_start_date and pelf.effective_end_date        /* BUG: 5383895  date_earned changed to effective_date */
                    and   cp_effective_date between
                        pet.effective_start_date and pet.effective_end_date      /* BUG: 5383895  date_earned changed to effective_date */
                    AND	    pet.third_party_pay_only_flag = 'Y')
    AND    cp_effective_date between
            peef.effective_start_date and peef.effective_end_date    /* BUG: 5383895  date_earned changed to effective_date */
    AND	  pet.element_type_id	= piv_att.element_type_id
    AND   upper(piv_att.name)	= 'ATTACHMENT NUMBER'
    AND   cp_effective_date between
          piv_att.effective_start_date and piv_att.effective_end_date     /* BUG: 5383895  date_earned changed to effective_date */
    AND	peef.element_entry_id	= peev.element_entry_id
    AND	piv_att.input_value_id	= peev.input_value_id
    AND cp_effective_date between
        peev.effective_start_date and peev.effective_end_date      /* BUG: 5383895  date_earned changed to effective_date */
    AND peef.personal_payment_method_id = cp_persnl_pmt_meth_id
    AND peef.entry_information22 = cp_pmt_amount;
Line: 867

    select 'Y'
    from pay_org_payment_methods_f
    where org_payment_method_id = cp_org_pmt_method_id
    and defined_balance_id is null;
Line: 877

    select pppm.payee_type,pppm.payee_id
    from pay_personal_payment_methods_f pppm
    where pppm.personal_payment_method_id = cp_personal_paymeth_id
    and   cp_effective_date between pppm.effective_start_date and
                                pppm.effective_end_date;     /* BUG: 5383895   cp_date_earned changed to cp_effective_date */
Line: 886

    select name from hr_all_organization_units_tl
    where organization_id = cp_payee_id
    and   language =  userenv('LANG');
Line: 893

    select initcap(rtrim(ppf.title))||' '||rtrim(ppf.first_name)||' '||rtrim(ppf.last_name)
    from per_all_people_f ppf
    where ppf.person_id = cp_payee_id
    and cp_effective_date between ppf.effective_start_date and
                               ppf.effective_end_date;    /* BUG: 5383895   cp_date_earned changed to cp_effective_date */
Line: 905

     SELECT void_pa.effective_date
      FROM pay_assignment_actions chq_or_mag_aa,
           pay_assignment_actions void_aa,
           pay_payroll_actions    void_pa
      WHERE chq_or_mag_aa.payroll_action_id = p_payact_id
        AND ((fnd_number.canonical_to_number(chq_or_mag_aa.serial_number)
                   = p_chkno) OR ( p_chkno is NULL))
        AND locked_action_id = chq_or_mag_aa.assignment_action_id
        AND locking_action_id = void_aa.assignment_action_id
        AND void_pa.payroll_action_id = void_aa.payroll_action_id
        AND void_pa.action_type = 'D';
Line: 923

    select decode(ppa_pymt.action_type,
                  'M', to_char(NVL(ppp.source_action_id,cp_pre_payment_action)),
      from pay_pre_payments       ppp,
           pay_assignment_actions paa_pymt,
           pay_payroll_actions ppa_pymt,
           pay_action_interlocks pai
     where pai.locked_action_id = cp_pre_payment_action
       and paa_pymt.assignment_action_id = pai.locking_action_id
       and ppa_pymt.payroll_action_id = paa_pymt.payroll_action_id
       and ppa_pymt.action_type in ('M','H', 'E')
       and paa_pymt.pre_payment_id = cp_pre_payment_id
       and ppp.pre_payment_id = paa_pymt.pre_payment_id;
Line: 1433

       update fnd_concurrent_requests
        set output_file_type = 'HTML'
       where request_id = FND_GLOBAL.CONC_REQUEST_ID ;