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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 37

                                              we need to delete input values
     27-Sep-2006 sudedas   115.2    5497299   Modify proc modify_calc_res_rule.
                                              Formula Result WH_FEE_AMT will
                                              feed Old Fees 'Withheld Fee Amount'
                                              Instead of New Fees.
                                              Changed cursor c_get_mig_elem_bg
                                              in proc qual_elem_upg.

  ** Local Package Variables
  type varchar2_tab is table of varchar2(100) index by binary_integer;
Line: 78

select 'Exists'
  from pay_element_types_f
 where (upper(element_name) like upper(c_ele_name) OR
        upper(element_name) like upper(c_ele_name || ' Calculator'))
   and business_group_id = p_business_grp_id;
Line: 172

select formula_text
  from ff_formulas_f
 where formula_name = cp_formula_name
   and business_group_id = p_business_grp_id;
Line: 220

   update ff_formulas_f
      set formula_text = l_new_formula_text
    where formula_name = l_formula_name
      and business_group_id = p_business_grp_id;
Line: 230

     from ff_compiled_info
    where formula_id in (select formula_id
                           from ff_formulas_f
                          where formula_name in (l_formula_name,
Line: 236

     from ff_fdi_usages
    where formula_id in (select formula_id
                           from ff_formulas_f
                          where formula_name in (l_formula_name,
Line: 265

select element_name,
       element_information1 category,
       element_information3 processing_runtype,
  from pay_element_types_f
 where element_type_id =  p_old_ele_type_id
   and business_group_id = p_business_grp_id
   and cp_eff_date between effective_start_date
                          and effective_end_date
 order by effective_start_date;
Line: 283

select formula_id,                   -- Formula ID for Skip Rule
       element_information5,         -- Calculator Element
       element_information8,         -- Voluntary Deductions
       element_information19,        -- Special Features
       element_information20         -- Verifier
  from pay_element_types_f
 where element_type_id = cp_ele_type_id
   and business_group_id = p_business_grp_id;
Line: 345

Line: 469

Line: 497

       update pay_element_types_f
          set formula_id = l_skip_rule
             ,element_information2 = l_elem_inf2
             ,element_information5 = l_cal_elem
             ,element_information8 = l_vol_dedn
             ,element_information19 = l_spec_feat
             ,element_information20 = l_verifier
        where element_type_id = p_old_ele_type_id
          and business_group_id = p_business_grp_id;
Line: 525

                This function first deletes all the formula result rules for
                the old element.
                STEP 2
                It copies the formula result rules from the Base element
                of the New element created to the Base element of the Old
PROCEDURE copy_result_rules(p_old_ele_type_id    number,
                            p_new_ele_type_id    number,
                            p_business_grp_id  number

-- Get processing rules that need to be copied
cursor c_get_stat_proc_rules(cp_ele_type_id number,
                             cp_bg_grp_id  number) IS
select business_group_id,
 from pay_status_processing_rules_f
where element_type_id in (select element_type_id
                            from pay_element_types_f
                           where element_type_id =  cp_ele_type_id
                             and business_group_id = cp_bg_grp_id);
Line: 558

select pfrrf.business_group_id,
       NULL legislation_code,
       NULL legislation_sub_grp,
  from pay_status_processing_rules_f psprf,
       pay_element_types_f petf,
       pay_formula_result_rules_f pfrrf
 where petf.element_type_id = cp_ele_type_id
   and petf.business_group_id = cp_bg_grp_id
   and psprf.element_type_id = petf.element_type_id
   and pfrrf.status_processing_rule_id = psprf.status_processing_rule_id;
Line: 596

    * Delete the formula result rules for the Old element.
   delete from pay_formula_result_rules_f
         where status_processing_rule_id in (select distinct status_processing_rule_id
                                               from pay_status_processing_rules_f psprf,
                                                    pay_element_types_f petf
                                              where petf.element_type_id = p_old_ele_type_id
                                                and psprf.element_type_id = petf.element_type_id
		                                        and petf.business_group_id = p_business_grp_id);
Line: 605

   delete from pay_status_processing_rules_f
         where element_type_id in (select distinct element_type_id
                                     from pay_element_types_f
                                    where element_type_id = p_old_ele_type_id
                                      and business_group_id = p_business_grp_id);
Line: 696

select balance_type_id
  from pay_balance_types
 where business_group_id = cp_business_grp_id
   and balance_name in (cp_ele_name,
                        cp_ele_name || ' Accrued',
                        cp_ele_name || ' Accrued Fees',
                        cp_ele_name || ' Additional',
                        cp_ele_name || ' Arrears',
                        cp_ele_name || ' Fees',
                        cp_ele_name || ' Not Taken',
                        cp_ele_name || ' Replacement')
order by balance_name;
Line: 712

select effective_start_date,
  from pay_balance_feeds_f
 where business_group_id = cp_business_grp_id
   and balance_type_id = cp_balance_type_id;
Line: 727

select 'Exists'
  from pay_balance_feeds_f
 where balance_type_id = cp_balance_type_id
   and input_value_id = cp_input_val_id
   and business_group_id = cp_business_grp_id;
Line: 826

                           X_Rowid                   => l_rowid,
                           X_Balance_Feed_Id         => l_balance_feed_id,
                           X_Effective_Start_Date    => l_eff_start_date,
                           X_Effective_End_Date      => l_eff_end_date,
                           X_Business_Group_Id       => p_business_grp_id,
                           X_Legislation_Code        => l_leg_code,
                           X_Balance_Type_Id         => l_old_bal_type_id_tab(l_count),
                           X_Input_Value_Id          => l_inp_val_id,
                           X_Scale                   => l_scale,
                           X_Legislation_Subgroup    => l_leg_sub_group);
Line: 863

  Description : This procedure deletes all the balance feeds for the balances
                associated to the element passed.
PROCEDURE del_balance_feeds(p_new_ele_name varchar2,
                            p_business_grp_id number)

  hr_utility.trace('Entering ' || gv_package_name || '.del_balances');
Line: 879

   * This delete statement deletes the balance feeds for the balances
   * associated with the element passed.
    from pay_balance_feeds_f
   where balance_type_id in (select balance_type_id
                               from pay_balance_types
                              where balance_name in
                                      p_new_ele_name || ' Accrued',
                                      p_new_ele_name || ' Accrued Fees',
                                      p_new_ele_name || ' Additional',
                                      p_new_ele_name || ' Arrears',
                                      p_new_ele_name || ' Fees',
                                      p_new_ele_name || ' Not Taken',
                                      p_new_ele_name || ' Replacement')
                                and business_group_id = p_business_grp_id);
Line: 920

select status_processing_rule_id
  from pay_status_processing_rules_f
 where element_type_id in (select element_type_id
                            from pay_element_types_f
                           where element_name =  cp_ele_name
                             and business_group_id = cp_bg_grp_id);
Line: 932

select petf.element_type_id,
  from pay_element_types_f petf,
       pay_input_values_f pivf
 where petf.element_name like cp_ele_name
   and petf.business_group_id = cp_business_group_id
   and pivf.element_type_id = petf.element_type_id
   and pivf.name = cp_inp_val_name;
Line: 953

   * Get the status processing rule id. This is then used in the Update
   * statement below'
  open c_get_stat_proc_rules(p_new_ele_name || ' Calculator',
Line: 963

   * the old Base element. These values are then updated for the
   * STOP_ENTRY result in the Calculator formula
  open c_get_inp_val_id_general(p_old_ele_name,
                                'Pay Value',
Line: 976

   * Updates the New Calculator formula result rule so that the
   * STOP_ENTY result goes to the 'Pay Value' of Old Base element
  update pay_formula_result_rules_f
     set element_type_id = l_ele_type_id,
         input_value_id = l_inp_val_id
   where status_processing_rule_id = l_stat_proc_rule_id
     and result_name = 'STOP_ENTRY'
     and business_group_id = p_business_grp_id;
Line: 1007

  update pay_formula_result_rules_f
     set element_type_id = l_old_fees_ele_type_id,
         input_value_id = l_old_fees_inp_val_id
   where status_processing_rule_id = l_stat_proc_rule_id
     and result_name = 'WH_FEE_AMT'
     and business_group_id = p_business_grp_id;
Line: 1022

  Description : This procedure deletes the base element of the New element
                created. We do not want the customer to use the Base element
                in the future for processing. We will also have to delete
                input Values associated with the base element.

PROCEDURE del_base_element(p_new_ele_name varchar2,
                           p_business_grp_id number)

CURSOR c_element_name(cp_element_name varchar2)  IS
     SELECT  element_Type_id
     FROM    pay_element_Types_f
     WHERE   element_name = cp_element_name
       AND    business_group_id = p_business_grp_id;
Line: 1054

    * Delete the formula result rules associated with the New Base element
     FROM pay_formula_result_rules_f
    WHERE  status_processing_rule_id
           IN (SELECT status_processing_rule_id
                 FROM pay_status_processing_rules_f psprf
                WHERE   psprf.element_type_id = l_element_type_id );
Line: 1063

   FROM   pay_status_processing_rules_f
   WHERE  element_type_id = l_element_Type_id;
Line: 1067

  /* Delete the Input Values associated with the Base Element */
   FROM  pay_input_values_f
   WHERE element_type_id = l_element_type_id;
Line: 1074

    * Deleted the base element
   FROM    pay_element_types_f
   WHERE   element_Type_id = l_element_type_id;
Line: 1107

      * Update statement for elements of category 'Alimony', 'Child Support' and
      * 'Spousal Support'.
     update pay_input_values_f pivf
        set mandatory_flag = 'X'
      where pivf.element_type_id in (select distinct element_type_id
                                       from pay_element_types_f
                                      where element_name = p_ele_name
                                        and business_group_id = p_business_grp_id)
        and pivf.name in ('Allowances')
        and pivf.business_group_id = p_business_grp_id;
Line: 1122

      * Update statement for elements of category 'Credit Debt' and 'Garnishment'.
     update pay_input_values_f pivf
        set mandatory_flag = 'X'
      where pivf.element_type_id in (select distinct element_type_id
                                       from pay_element_types_f
                                      where element_name = p_ele_name
                                        and business_group_id = p_business_grp_id)
        and pivf.name in ('Dedns at Time of Writ',
                          'Clear Arrears')
        and pivf.business_group_id = p_business_grp_id;
Line: 1138

      * Update statement for elements of category 'Bankruptcy Order'.
     update pay_input_values_f pivf
        set mandatory_flag = 'X'
      where pivf.element_type_id in (select distinct element_type_id
                                       from pay_element_types_f
                                      where element_name = p_ele_name
                                        and business_group_id = p_business_grp_id)
        and pivf.name in ('Dedns at Time of Writ',
                          'Clear Arrears')
        and pivf.business_group_id = p_business_grp_id;
Line: 1154

      * Update statement for elements of category 'Education Loan'.
     update pay_input_values_f pivf
        set mandatory_flag = 'X'
      where pivf.element_type_id in (select distinct element_type_id
                                       from pay_element_types_f
                                      where element_name = p_ele_name
                                        and business_group_id = p_business_grp_id)
        and pivf.name in ('Dedns at Time of Writ',
                          'Filing Status',
                          'Num Dependents',
                          'Clear Arrears')
        and pivf.business_group_id = p_business_grp_id;
Line: 1172

      * Update statement for elements of category 'Tax Levy'.
     update pay_input_values_f pivf
        set mandatory_flag = 'X'
      where pivf.element_type_id in (select distinct element_type_id
                                       from pay_element_types_f
                                      where element_name = p_ele_name
                                        and business_group_id = p_business_grp_id)
        and pivf.name in ('Percentage',
                          'Num Dependents',
                          'Clear Arrears')
        and pivf.business_group_id = p_business_grp_id;
Line: 1188

      * Update statement for elements of category 'Employee Requested'.
     update pay_input_values_f pivf
        set mandatory_flag = 'X'
      where pivf.element_type_id in (select distinct element_type_id
                                       from pay_element_types_f
                                      where element_name = p_ele_name
                                        and business_group_id = p_business_grp_id)
        and pivf.name in ('Dedns at Time of Writ',
                          'Clear Arrears')
        and pivf.business_group_id = p_business_grp_id;
Line: 1212

                category passed in as a parameter, we will select the elements
                that will be migrated in ine request.
PROCEDURE upgrade_garnishment
           (p_elem_type_id in number)

-- Get the elements that need to be migrated for the BG
-- This package will be called with the element category passed
-- to it as a parameter. This method is used to multi-thread the whole process
cursor c_get_mig_elem_bg(cp_ele_type_id number) IS
select /*+ Choose */
      petf.element_type_id, min(petf.effective_start_date), max(petf.effective_end_date)
 from pay_element_types_f petf
where petf.element_type_id = p_elem_type_id
  and petf.element_information4 is NULL
 group by petf.element_type_id;
Line: 1233

 select element_name,
        element_information1 element_category,
        element_information5 calc_ele_type_id
   from pay_element_types_f
  where element_type_id = cp_ele_type_id
    and business_group_id = cp_business_grp_id;
Line: 1243

select element_name
  from pay_element_types_f
 where element_type_id = cp_ele_type_id
   and business_group_id = cp_business_grp_id;
Line: 1339

      update pay_element_types_f
         set element_information4 = l_calc_ele_type_id
      where element_type_id = l_old_ele_type_id;
Line: 1366

       * Delete Balance Feeds for New Balances
Line: 1384

        * Delete the New Base Element
Line: 1445

select /*+ Choose */
 from pay_element_types_f petf,
      pay_element_classifications pec
where petf.element_type_id = cp_ele_type_id
  and petf.legislation_code is NULL
  and petf.effective_end_date > cp_mig_date
  and pec.classification_id = petf.classification_id
  and pec.classification_name = 'Involuntary Deductions'
  and petf.element_name not like '%Calculator'
  and petf.element_name not like '%Verifier'
  and petf.element_name not like '%Special Inputs'
  and petf.element_name not like '%Special Features'
  and petf.element_name not like '%Fees'
  and petf.element_name not like '%Priority'
  and petf.element_information4 is NULL
  and petf.element_information1 in ('CS', 'SS', 'AY', 'EL', 'ER', 'BO', 'CD', 'G', 'TL')
  and exists (select 'Exists'
                from pay_element_types_f petfi
               where petfi.element_name like petf.element_name || ' Verifier'
                 and petfi.business_group_id = petf.business_group_id
                 and petfi.legislation_code is NULL);
Line: 1469

select parameter_value
  from pay_action_parameters
 where parameter_name = 'US_ADVANCED_WAGE_ATTACHMENT';
Line: 1492

    * If OLD architecture is selected currently then set the value for
    * 'US_ADVANCED_WAGE_ATTACHMENT' to 'Y' and make an explicit
    * commit. This ensures all elements are created using the New
    * architecture.
   open c_get_curr_arch;
Line: 1501

         update pay_action_parameters
            set parameter_value = 'Y'
          where parameter_name = 'US_ADVANCED_WAGE_ATTACHMENT';