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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 82

                       select list to fetch meaning from igs_lookup_values

     CURSOR cur_desc( x_type igs_lookups_view.lookup_type%TYPE, x_code  igs_lookups_view.lookup_code%TYPE ) IS
     SELECT meaning
     FROM   igs_lookup_values
     WHERE  lookup_type = x_type
     AND    lookup_code = x_code
     AND    (SYSDATE BETWEEN NVL(start_date_active,SYSDATE)
     AND    NVL(end_date_active,SYSDATE))
     AND    enabled_flag = 'Y';
Line: 161

  smadathi        24-Jun-2002     Bug 2404720. The cursor c_credittype_id select is modified to fetch description column along
                                  with credit_type_id column. The call to IGS_FI_CREDITS_API_PUB.Create_Credit has been modified
                                  to  pass this description value to the formal parameter p_description.

  brajendr        22-FEB-2002     modifed the cursor (c_cc_number)which is used for creating the credit number as per the DLD

  jbegum          20-FEB-2002     Enh bug # 2228910
                                  Removed the source_transaction_id column from igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row

  sykrishn        04-FEB-2002     Modifications due to SFCR020- Changes to call to credits  API and changes in igs_fi_credits_pkg.update_row
                                  to add the new columns
                                  Code related to derivation of credit_source removed since it is going to be passed as null to credits API. - SFCR020 - 2191470

  sarakshi        01-Feb-2002     In the call to the credit's API adding a new parameter p_invoice_id as a part of
                                  SFCR003 , bug:2195715.

  masehgal        17-Jan-2002     ENH # 2170429
                                  Obsoletion of SPONSOR_CD from UPDATE_ROW Call to IGS_FI_INV_INT Tablehandler
  CURSOR c_credittype_id(cp_v_credit_class igs_fi_cr_types.credit_class%TYPE) IS
  SELECT credit_type_id , description
  FROM   igs_fi_cr_types
  WHERE  SYSDATE BETWEEN effective_start_date AND NVL(effective_end_date,SYSDATE)
  AND    credit_class  = cp_v_credit_class;
Line: 188

  SELECT lookup_code
  FROM   igs_lookup_values
  WHERE  lookup_type = 'IGS_CREDIT_CARDS'
  AND    meaning = ''||cp_meaning||'';
Line: 194

  SELECT LAST_DAY(TO_DATE('01/' || cp_month_year,'DD/MM/YYYY')) expiry_date
  FROM   dual;
Line: 391

PROCEDURE update_cc_credit(
             p_credit_card_approval_code IN NUMBER,
             p_credit_id IN NUMBER,
             x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
             x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
             x_msg_data  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
             ) AS
  Created By :samaresh
  Date Created By : 29-SEP-2001
  Purpose : This Procedure calls the Create Credits API
  Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
  Change History
  Who             When            What
  pmarada         26-May-2005     Enh#3020586- added tax year code column as per 1098-t reporting build
  pathipat        21-Apr-2004     Enh 3558549 - Comm Receivables Enh
                                  Added param x_source_invoice_id in call to igs_fi_credits_pkg.update_row()
  vvutukur        16-Jun-2003     Enh#2831582.Lockbox Build. Added 3 new parameters(lockbox_interface_id,batch_name,deposit_date) to the TBH
                                  update_row call of credits table.
  schodava        16-Jun-2003     Enh 2381587 - Credit Card Fund Transfer Build.
                                  Modified the Credits TBH update row
  vvutukur        16-Dec-2002     Enh#2584741.Modified the tbh call to igs_fi_credits_pkg.update_row to add 3 new
                                  parameters check_number,source_transaction_type,source_transaction_ref.
  vchappid        02-Dec-2002     Enh#2584986, NOCOPY is manually added for x_return_status procedure parameter
  vvutukur        25-Nov-2002     Enh#2584986.Modified the call to igs_fi_credits_pkg.update_row to pass gl_date.
  vvutukur        16-Sep-2002     Enh#2564643.Removed references to subaccount_id.ie.,from the call to
  CURSOR c_credit_dtls(cp_credit_id NUMBER) IS
    SELECT *
    FROM igs_fi_credits
    WHERE credit_id = cp_credit_id;
Line: 433

         igs_fi_credits_pkg.update_row(x_rowid                       => l_credit_dtls_rec.row_id,
                                       x_credit_id                   => l_credit_dtls_rec.credit_id,
                                       x_credit_number               => l_credit_dtls_rec.credit_number,
                                       x_status                      => l_credit_dtls_rec.status,
                                       x_credit_source               => l_credit_dtls_rec.credit_source,
                                       x_party_id                    => l_credit_dtls_rec.party_id,
                                       x_credit_type_id              => l_credit_dtls_rec.credit_type_id,
                                       x_credit_instrument           => l_credit_dtls_rec.credit_instrument,
                                       x_description                 => l_credit_dtls_rec.description,
                                       x_amount                      => l_credit_dtls_rec.amount,
                                       x_currency_cd                 => l_credit_dtls_rec.currency_cd,
                                       x_exchange_rate               => l_credit_dtls_rec.exchange_rate,
                                       x_transaction_date            => l_credit_dtls_rec.transaction_date,
                                       x_effective_date              => l_credit_dtls_rec.effective_date,
                                       x_reversal_date               => l_credit_dtls_rec.reversal_date,
                                       x_reversal_reason_code        => l_credit_dtls_rec.reversal_reason_code,
                                       x_reversal_comments           => l_credit_dtls_rec.reversal_comments,
                                       x_unapplied_amount            => l_credit_dtls_rec.unapplied_amount,
                                       x_source_transaction_id       => l_credit_dtls_rec.source_transaction_id,
                                       x_receipt_lockbox_number      => l_credit_dtls_rec.receipt_lockbox_number,
                                       x_merchant_id                 => l_credit_dtls_rec.merchant_id,
                                       x_credit_card_code            => l_credit_dtls_rec.credit_card_code,
                                       x_credit_card_holder_name     => l_credit_dtls_rec.credit_card_holder_name,
                                       x_credit_card_number          => l_credit_dtls_rec.credit_card_number,
                                       x_credit_card_expiration_date => l_credit_dtls_rec.credit_card_expiration_date,
                                       x_credit_card_approval_code   => TO_CHAR(p_credit_card_approval_code),
                                       x_awd_yr_cal_type             => l_credit_dtls_rec.awd_yr_cal_type,
                                       x_awd_yr_ci_sequence_number   => l_credit_dtls_rec.awd_yr_ci_sequence_number,
                                       x_fee_cal_type                => l_credit_dtls_rec.fee_cal_type,
                                       x_fee_ci_sequence_number      => l_credit_dtls_rec.fee_ci_sequence_number,
                                       x_attribute_category          => l_credit_dtls_rec.attribute_category,
                                       x_attribute1                  => l_credit_dtls_rec.attribute1,
                                       x_attribute2                  => l_credit_dtls_rec.attribute2,
                                       x_attribute3                  => l_credit_dtls_rec.attribute3,
                                       x_attribute4                  => l_credit_dtls_rec.attribute4,
                                       x_attribute5                  => l_credit_dtls_rec.attribute5,
                                       x_attribute6                  => l_credit_dtls_rec.attribute6,
                                       x_attribute7                  => l_credit_dtls_rec.attribute7,
                                       x_attribute8                  => l_credit_dtls_rec.attribute8,
                                       x_attribute9                  => l_credit_dtls_rec.attribute9,
                                       x_attribute10                 => l_credit_dtls_rec.attribute10,
                                       x_attribute11                 => l_credit_dtls_rec.attribute11,
                                       x_attribute12                 => l_credit_dtls_rec.attribute12,
                                       x_attribute13                 => l_credit_dtls_rec.attribute13,
                                       x_attribute14                 => l_credit_dtls_rec.attribute14,
                                       x_attribute15                 => l_credit_dtls_rec.attribute15,
                                       x_attribute16                 => l_credit_dtls_rec.attribute16,
                                       x_attribute17                 => l_credit_dtls_rec.attribute17,
                                       x_attribute18                 => l_credit_dtls_rec.attribute18,
                                       x_attribute19                 => l_credit_dtls_rec.attribute19,
                                       x_attribute20                 => l_credit_dtls_rec.attribute20,
                                       x_gl_date                     => l_credit_dtls_rec.gl_date,
                                       x_check_number                => l_credit_dtls_rec.check_number,
                                       x_source_transaction_type     => l_credit_dtls_rec.source_transaction_type,
                                       x_source_transaction_ref      => l_credit_dtls_rec.source_transaction_ref,
                                       x_credit_card_status_code     => l_credit_dtls_rec.credit_card_status_code,
                                       x_credit_card_payee_cd        => l_credit_dtls_rec.credit_card_payee_cd,
                                       x_credit_card_tangible_cd     => l_credit_dtls_rec.credit_card_tangible_cd,
                                       x_lockbox_interface_id        => l_credit_dtls_rec.lockbox_interface_id,
                                       x_batch_name                  => l_credit_dtls_rec.batch_name,
                                       x_deposit_date                => l_credit_dtls_rec.deposit_date,
                                       x_source_invoice_id           => l_credit_dtls_rec.source_invoice_id,
                                       x_tax_year_code               => l_credit_dtls_rec.tax_year_code,
                                       x_waiver_name                 => l_credit_dtls_rec.waiver_name
Line: 508

END update_cc_credit;
Line: 520

            And Update Invoice record with optional_fee_flag=>'D'(Declined)
  Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
  Change History
  Who             When            What
  svuppala        04-AUG-2005     Enh 3392095 - Tution Waivers build
                                 Impact of Charges API version Number change
                                 Modified igs_fi_charges_api_pvt.create_charge - version 2.0 and x_waiver_amount
  pmarada         26-May-2005    Enh#3020586- added tax year code column as per 1098-t reporting build
  smadathi        03-jun-2002    Enh. Bug 2831584. Modified opening of cursor cur_invheader to pass TO_NUMBER(p_invoice_id))
                                 instead of passing l_inv_id. This was changed because the amount due and amount made same
                                 by the update row call even after the declining of fees by charges API.
  vvutukur        15-Nov-2002    Enh#2584986.Passed SYSDATE to the call to charges API for the parameter
  vvutukur        16-Sep-2002    Enh#2564643.Removed references to subaccount_id.ie.,the assignment of
                                 L_CHG_REC.P_SUBACCOUNT_ID to L_CUR_INVHEADER.SUBACCOUNT_ID,and from
                                 calls to igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row.
  masehgal        17-Jan-2002     ENH # 2170429
                                  Obsoletion of SPONSOR_CD from UPDATE_ROW Call to IGS_FI_INV_INT Tablehandler
-- Cursor for fetching Invoice Header details
    CURSOR cur_invheader(cp_invoice_id IGS_FI_INV_INT.Invoice_Id%TYPE) IS
          SELECT *
      FROM igs_fi_inv_int
          WHERE invoice_id = cp_invoice_id;
Line: 546

    SELECT *
    WHERE  invoice_id = p_invoice_id;
Line: 666

          igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row(  x_rowid                                    =>    l_cur_invheader.row_id                        ,
                                          x_invoice_id                               =>    l_cur_invheader.invoice_id                    ,
                                          x_person_id                                =>    l_cur_invheader.person_id                     ,
                                          x_fee_type                                 =>    l_cur_invheader.fee_type                      ,
                                          x_fee_cat                                  =>    l_cur_invheader.fee_cat                       ,
                                          x_fee_cal_type                             =>    l_cur_invheader.fee_cal_type                  ,
                                          x_fee_ci_sequence_number                   =>    l_cur_invheader.fee_ci_sequence_number        ,
                                          x_course_cd                                =>    l_cur_invheader.course_cd                     ,
                                          x_attendance_mode                          =>    l_cur_invheader.attendance_mode               ,
                                          x_attendance_type                          =>    l_cur_invheader.attendance_type               ,
                                          x_invoice_amount_due                       =>    l_cur_invheader.invoice_amount_due            ,
                                          x_invoice_creation_date                    =>    l_cur_invheader.invoice_creation_date         ,
                                          x_invoice_desc                             =>    l_cur_invheader.invoice_desc                  ,
                                          x_transaction_type                         =>    l_cur_invheader.transaction_type              ,
                                          x_currency_cd                              =>    l_cur_invheader.currency_cd                   ,
                                          x_status                                   =>    l_cur_invheader.status                        ,
                                          x_attribute_category                       =>    l_cur_invheader.attribute_category            ,
                                          x_attribute1                               =>    l_cur_invheader.attribute1                    ,
                                          x_attribute2                               =>    l_cur_invheader.attribute2                    ,
                                          x_attribute3                               =>    l_cur_invheader.attribute3                    ,
                                          x_attribute4                               =>    l_cur_invheader.attribute4                    ,
                                          x_attribute5                               =>    l_cur_invheader.attribute5                    ,
                                          x_attribute6                               =>    l_cur_invheader.attribute6                    ,
                                          x_attribute7                               =>    l_cur_invheader.attribute7                    ,
                                          x_attribute8                               =>    l_cur_invheader.attribute8                    ,
                                          x_attribute9                               =>    l_cur_invheader.attribute9                    ,
                                          x_attribute10                              =>    l_cur_invheader.attribute10                   ,
                                          x_invoice_amount                           =>    l_cur_invheader.invoice_amount                ,
                                          x_bill_id                                  =>    l_cur_invheader.bill_id                       ,
                                          x_bill_number                              =>    l_cur_invheader.bill_number                   ,
                                          x_bill_date                                =>    l_cur_invheader.bill_date                     ,
                                          x_waiver_flag                              =>    l_cur_invheader.waiver_flag                   ,
                                          x_waiver_reason                            =>    l_cur_invheader.waiver_reason                 ,
                                          x_effective_date                           =>    l_cur_invheader.effective_date                ,
                                          x_invoice_number                           =>    l_cur_invheader.invoice_number                ,
                                          x_exchange_rate                            =>    l_cur_invheader.exchange_rate                 ,
                                          x_bill_payment_due_date                    =>    l_cur_invheader.bill_payment_due_date         ,
                                          x_optional_fee_flag                        =>    'D'                                           ,
                                          x_mode                                     =>    'R',
                                          x_reversal_gl_date                         =>    TRUNC(SYSDATE),
                                          x_tax_year_code                            =>    l_cur_invheader.tax_year_code,
                                          x_waiver_name                              =>    l_cur_invheader.waiver_name
Line: 727

  Purpose : This Procedure Updates All Invoice records which are not Declined
            for the given Student and SubAccountID with optional_fee_flag => 'A'(Accepted)
  Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
  Change History
  Who             When            What
  pmarada        26-May-2005    Enh#3020586- added tax year code column as per 1098-t reporting build
  vvutukur        04-Dec-2003   Bug#3249288.Modified cursor cur_opt_fees to select invoice records having
                                optional fee flag as 'O' without need to look at the value of optional_payment_ind
				at fee type set up level.
  pathipat        04-Jun-2003   Enh 2831584 - SS Enhancements Build
                                Modified cursor cur_opt_fees - included join with igs_fi_invln_int_all
  vvutukur        25-Nov-2002   Enh#2584986.Passed NULL to the newly added parameter x_reversal_gl_date in the call to
  vvutukur        16-Sep-2002   Enh#2564643.Removed the references to subaccount_id.ie., from
                                parameters list p_subaccount_id,from cursor cur_opt_fees and from the
                                call to igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row.9/16/02
                                  removal build.
  masehgal        17-Jan-2002     ENH # 2170429
                                  Obsoletion of SPONSOR_CD from UPDATE_ROW Call to IGS_FI_INV_INT Tablehandler

-- Cursor to fetch all the Optional fees which are not Declined
  CURSOR cur_opt_fees IS
    SELECT inv.invoice_id
    FROM   igs_fi_inv_int_all inv ,
           igs_fi_invln_int_all invln
    WHERE  invln.invoice_id = inv.invoice_id
    AND    NVL(invln.error_account,'N') = 'N'
    AND    inv.person_id = p_person_id
    AND    inv.optional_fee_flag ='O';
Line: 760

     SELECT  *
     FROM  igs_fi_inv_int
     WHERE invoice_id = p_invoice_id;
Line: 779

          Igs_Fi_Inv_Int_Pkg.update_row(  x_rowid                                    =>    l_cur_inv_int.row_id                        ,
                                          x_invoice_id                               =>    l_cur_inv_int.invoice_id                    ,
                                          x_person_id                                =>    l_cur_inv_int.person_id                     ,
                                          x_fee_type                                 =>    l_cur_inv_int.fee_type                      ,
                                          x_fee_cat                                  =>    l_cur_inv_int.fee_cat                       ,
                                          x_fee_cal_type                             =>    l_cur_inv_int.fee_cal_type                  ,
                                          x_fee_ci_sequence_number                   =>    l_cur_inv_int.fee_ci_sequence_number        ,
                                          x_course_cd                                =>    l_cur_inv_int.course_cd                     ,
                                          x_attendance_mode                          =>    l_cur_inv_int.attendance_mode               ,
                                          x_attendance_type                          =>    l_cur_inv_int.attendance_type               ,
                                          x_invoice_amount_due                       =>    l_cur_inv_int.invoice_amount_due            ,
                                          x_invoice_creation_date                    =>    l_cur_inv_int.invoice_creation_date         ,
                                          x_invoice_desc                             =>    l_cur_inv_int.invoice_desc                  ,
                                          x_transaction_type                         =>    l_cur_inv_int.transaction_type              ,
                                          x_currency_cd                              =>    l_cur_inv_int.currency_cd                   ,
                                          x_status                                   =>    l_cur_inv_int.status                        ,
                                          x_attribute_category                       =>    l_cur_inv_int.attribute_category            ,
                                          x_attribute1                               =>    l_cur_inv_int.attribute1                    ,
                                          x_attribute2                               =>    l_cur_inv_int.attribute2                    ,
                                          x_attribute3                               =>    l_cur_inv_int.attribute3                    ,
                                          x_attribute4                               =>    l_cur_inv_int.attribute4                    ,
                                          x_attribute5                               =>    l_cur_inv_int.attribute5                    ,
                                          x_attribute6                               =>    l_cur_inv_int.attribute6                    ,
                                          x_attribute7                               =>    l_cur_inv_int.attribute7                    ,
                                          x_attribute8                               =>    l_cur_inv_int.attribute8                    ,
                                          x_attribute9                               =>    l_cur_inv_int.attribute9                    ,
                                          x_attribute10                              =>    l_cur_inv_int.attribute10                   ,
                                          x_invoice_amount                           =>    l_cur_inv_int.invoice_amount                ,
                                          x_bill_id                                  =>    l_cur_inv_int.bill_id                       ,
                                          x_bill_number                              =>    l_cur_inv_int.bill_number                   ,
                                          x_bill_date                                =>    l_cur_inv_int.bill_date                     ,
                                          x_waiver_flag                              =>    l_cur_inv_int.waiver_flag                   ,
                                          x_waiver_reason                            =>    l_cur_inv_int.waiver_reason                 ,
                                          x_effective_date                           =>    l_cur_inv_int.effective_date                ,
                                          x_invoice_number                           =>    l_cur_inv_int.invoice_number                ,
                                          x_exchange_rate                            =>    l_cur_inv_int.exchange_rate                 ,
                                          x_bill_payment_due_date                    =>    l_cur_inv_int.bill_payment_due_date         ,
                                          x_optional_fee_flag                        =>    'A'                                         ,
                                          x_mode                                     =>    'R',
                                          x_reversal_gl_date                         =>    l_cur_inv_int.reversal_gl_date,
                                          x_tax_year_code                            =>    l_cur_inv_int.tax_year_code,
                                          x_waiver_name                              =>    l_cur_inv_int.waiver_name
Line: 895

  SELECT   person_id           ,  s_student_todo_type    , sequence_number    ,
           reference_number    ,  cal_type               , ci_sequence_number ,
           course_cd           ,  unit_cd                , other_reference    ,
           logical_delete_dt   ,  Created_by             , creation_date      ,
           last_updated_by     ,  last_update_date       , last_update_login  ,
           request_id          ,  program_application_id , program_id         ,
           program_update_date ,  rowid,uoo_id
  FROM     igs_pe_std_todo_ref
  WHERE    person_id            = cp_n_person_id
  AND      s_student_todo_type  = cst_fee_recalc
  AND      logical_delete_dt  IS NULL
  ORDER BY cal_type , ci_sequence_number;
Line: 1027

        igs_pe_std_todo_ref_pkg.update_row ( x_rowid                  =>    rec_c_igs_pe_std_todo_ref.rowid,
                                             x_person_id              =>    rec_c_igs_pe_std_todo_ref.person_id,
                                             x_s_student_todo_type    =>    rec_c_igs_pe_std_todo_ref.s_student_todo_type,
                                             x_sequence_number        =>    rec_c_igs_pe_std_todo_ref.sequence_number,
                                             x_reference_number       =>    rec_c_igs_pe_std_todo_ref.reference_number,
                                             x_cal_type               =>    rec_c_igs_pe_std_todo_ref.cal_type,
                                             x_ci_sequence_number     =>    rec_c_igs_pe_std_todo_ref.ci_sequence_number,
                                             x_course_cd              =>    rec_c_igs_pe_std_todo_ref.course_cd,
                                             x_unit_cd                =>    rec_c_igs_pe_std_todo_ref.unit_cd,
                                             x_other_reference        =>    rec_c_igs_pe_std_todo_ref.other_reference,
                                             x_logical_delete_dt      =>    SYSDATE,
                                             x_mode                   =>    'R',
                                             x_uoo_id                 =>    rec_c_igs_pe_std_todo_ref.uoo_id);
Line: 1136

  SELECT message_text
  FROM   fnd_new_messages
  WHERE  message_name = cp_v_message_name
  AND    application_id = 8405
  AND    language_code = USERENV('LANG');