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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 4

  procedure INSERT_ROW (
         p_award_budget_id             NUMBER
        ,p_proposal_installment_id     NUMBER
        ,p_budget_period_id            NUMBER
        ,p_expenditure_type_cat        VARCHAR2
        ,p_expenditure_category_flag   VARCHAR2
        ,p_budget_amount               NUMBER
        ,p_indirect_flag               VARCHAR2
        ,p_project_id                  NUMBER
        ,p_task_id                     NUMBER
        ,p_period_name                 VARCHAR2
	,p_start_date                  DATE
	,p_end_date                    DATE
	,p_transferred_flag            VARCHAR2
        ,x_rowid    	          OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
        ,x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2) IS

    cursor c_budget_line is
    select  rowid
    from    igw_award_budgets
    where   award_budget_id  = p_award_budget_id;
Line: 26

    l_last_updated_by  		NUMBER := FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID;
Line: 27

    l_last_update_login         NUMBER := FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID;
Line: 28

    l_last_update_date          DATE   := SYSDATE;
Line: 33

    insert into igw_award_budgets(
      (  p_award_budget_id
Line: 85

                              ,p_procedure_name => 'INSERT_ROW' );
Line: 88

end insert_row;
Line: 92

  procedure UPDATE_ROW (
  	 p_rowid    	               ROWID
        ,p_award_budget_id             NUMBER
        ,p_proposal_installment_id     NUMBER
        ,p_budget_period_id            NUMBER
        ,p_expenditure_type_cat        VARCHAR2
        ,p_expenditure_category_flag   VARCHAR2
        ,p_budget_amount               NUMBER
        ,p_indirect_flag               VARCHAR2
        ,p_project_id                  NUMBER
        ,p_task_id                     NUMBER
        ,p_period_name                 VARCHAR2
	,p_start_date                  DATE
	,p_end_date                    DATE
	,p_transferred_flag            VARCHAR2
        ,p_record_version_number       NUMBER
        ,x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2) IS

  l_last_updated_by  	NUMBER := FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID;
Line: 111

  l_last_update_login   NUMBER := FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID;
Line: 112

  l_last_update_date    DATE   := SYSDATE;
Line: 117

  SELECT rowid
    from    igw_award_budgets
    where   award_budget_id  =    p_award_budget_id;
Line: 130

    update igw_award_budgets
    set	   budget_period_id = p_budget_period_id
    ,      expenditure_type_cat = p_expenditure_type_cat
    ,	   expenditure_category_flag = p_expenditure_category_flag
    ,	   budget_amount = p_budget_amount
    ,	   indirect_flag = p_indirect_flag
    ,	   project_id = p_project_id
    ,	   task_id   = p_task_id
    ,	   period_name = p_period_name
    ,      start_date = p_start_date
    ,      end_date = p_end_date
    ,      transferred_flag = p_transferred_flag
    ,      record_version_number = record_version_number + 1
    where rowid = l_row_id
    and   record_version_number = p_record_version_number;
Line: 155

                             ,p_procedure_name => 'UPDATE_ROW' );
Line: 158

end update_row;
Line: 162

procedure DELETE_ROW (
   p_rowid                       IN  ROWID
  ,p_award_budget_id             IN  NUMBER
  ,p_record_version_number       IN  NUMBER
  ,x_return_status               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) is

  l_row_id  ROWID := p_rowid;
Line: 171

  SELECT rowid
  from    igw_award_budgets
  where   award_budget_id  =  p_award_budget_id;
Line: 185

  delete from igw_award_budgets
  where rowid = l_row_id
  and record_version_number = p_record_version_number;
Line: 198

                              ,p_procedure_name => 'DELETE_ROW' );
Line: 201