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1 PACKAGE pos_spm_wf_pkg1 AS
2 /* $Header: POSSPM1S.pls 120.10.12010000.3 2008/11/16 02:26:34 jburugul ship $ */
4 -- notify buyer admins that an address is created
5 -- in the supplier's address book
6 PROCEDURE notify_addr_created
7   (p_vendor_id          IN  NUMBER,
8    p_address_request_id IN  NUMBER,
9    x_itemtype           OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
10    x_itemkey            OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
11    x_receiver           OUT nocopy VARCHAR2
12    );
14 -- notify buyer admins that an address is removed
15 -- in the supplier's address book
16 PROCEDURE notify_addr_removed
17   (p_vendor_id          IN  NUMBER,
18    p_address_request_id IN  NUMBER,
19    x_itemtype           OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
20    x_itemkey            OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
21    x_receiver           OUT nocopy VARCHAR2
22    );
24 -- notify buyer admins that an address is updated in
25 -- the supplier's address book
26 PROCEDURE notify_addr_updated
27   (p_vendor_id          IN  NUMBER,
28    p_address_request_id IN  NUMBER,
29    x_itemtype           OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
30    x_itemkey            OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
31    x_receiver           OUT nocopy VARCHAR2
32    );
34 -- notify buyer admins that a business classification is created in
35 -- the supplier's list
36 PROCEDURE notify_bus_class_created
37   (p_vendor_id            IN  NUMBER,
38    p_bus_class_request_id IN  NUMBER,
39    x_itemtype       	  OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
40    x_itemkey        	  OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
41    x_receiver       	  OUT nocopy VARCHAR2
42    );
44 -- notify buyer admins that a business classification is removed from
45 -- the supplier's list
46 PROCEDURE notify_bus_class_removed
47   (p_vendor_id              IN  NUMBER,
48    p_bus_class_request_id   IN  NUMBER,
49    x_itemtype       	    OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
50    x_itemkey        	    OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
51    x_receiver       	    OUT nocopy VARCHAR2
52   );
54 -- notify buyer admins that a business classification is updated in
55 -- the supplier's list
56 PROCEDURE notify_bus_class_updated
57   (p_vendor_id            IN  NUMBER,
58    p_bus_class_request_id IN  NUMBER,
59    x_itemtype       	  OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
60    x_itemkey        	  OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
61    x_receiver       	  OUT nocopy VARCHAR2
62    );
64 -- notify buyer admins that a contact is created
65 -- in the supplier's contact directory
66 PROCEDURE notify_contact_created
67   (p_vendor_id          IN  NUMBER,
68    p_contact_request_id IN  NUMBER,
69    x_itemtype           OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
70    x_itemkey            OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
71    x_receiver           OUT nocopy VARCHAR2
72    );
74 -- notify buyer admins that an contact is removed
75 -- in the supplier's contact directory
76 PROCEDURE notify_contact_removed
77   (p_vendor_id          IN  NUMBER,
78    p_contact_request_id IN  NUMBER,
79    x_itemtype           OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
80    x_itemkey            OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
81    x_receiver           OUT nocopy VARCHAR2
82    );
84 -- notify buyer admins that an contact is updated in
85 -- the supplier's contact directory
86 PROCEDURE notify_contact_updated
87   (p_vendor_id          IN  NUMBER,
88    p_contact_request_id IN  NUMBER,
89    x_itemtype           OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
90    x_itemkey            OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
91    x_receiver           OUT nocopy VARCHAR2
92    );
94 /* not needed for r12. to remove later
95 PROCEDURE notify_contact_link_created
96   (p_vendor_id            IN  NUMBER,
97    p_cont_addr_request_id IN  NUMBER,
98    x_itemtype             OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
99    x_itemkey              OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
100    x_receiver             OUT nocopy VARCHAR2
101    );
103 PROCEDURE notify_contact_link_removed
104   (p_vendor_id            IN  NUMBER,
105    p_cont_addr_request_id IN  NUMBER,
106    x_itemtype             OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
107    x_itemkey              OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
108    x_receiver             OUT nocopy VARCHAR2
109    );
110   */
112 -- notify buyer admins that a product and service is added to the
113 -- supplier's list
114 PROCEDURE notify_product_created
115   (p_vendor_id      IN  NUMBER,
116    x_itemtype       OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
117    x_itemkey        OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
118    x_receiver       OUT nocopy VARCHAR2
119    );
121 -- notify buyer admins that a product and service is removed from the
122 -- supplier's list
123 PROCEDURE notify_product_removed
124   (p_vendor_id      IN  NUMBER,
125    x_itemtype       OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
126    x_itemkey        OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
127    x_receiver       OUT nocopy VARCHAR2
128    );
130 -- notify a supplier that someone is trying to register
131 -- a supplier with same details as his/her company.
132 --
133 -- Note: This procedure uses PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION
134 --       so the notification will be created and sent in
135 --       a separate transaction!
136 --
137 -- p_vendor_id is the id of the vendor that is already in
138 -- the vendor master. A default contact of this vendor
139 -- should get the email
140 PROCEDURE notify_dup_supplier_reg
141    (p_vendor_id     IN  NUMBER,
142     p_first_name    IN  VARCHAR2,
143     p_last_name     IN  VARCHAR2,
144     p_sup_reg_email IN  VARCHAR2,
145     x_itemtype      OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
146     x_itemkey       OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
147     x_receiver      OUT nocopy VARCHAR2
148     );
150 -- notify buyer admins that a supplier has registered
151 PROCEDURE notify_supplier_registered
152   (p_supplier_reg_id IN  NUMBER,
153    x_itemtype        OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
154    x_itemkey         OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
155    x_receiver        OUT nocopy VARCHAR2
156    );
158 -- notify the supplier that his/her supplier registration is
159 -- approved
160 PROCEDURE notify_supplier_approved
161   (p_supplier_reg_id IN  NUMBER,
162    p_username        IN  VARCHAR2,
163    p_password        IN  VARCHAR2,
164    x_itemtype        OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
165    x_itemkey         OUT nocopy VARCHAR2
166    );
168 -- notify the supplier that his/her supplier registration is
169 -- rejected
170 PROCEDURE notify_supplier_rejected
171   (p_supplier_reg_id IN  NUMBER,
172    x_itemtype        OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
173    x_itemkey         OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
174    x_receiver        OUT nocopy VARCHAR2
175    );
177 -- This procedure is used by workflow to generate the buyer note with proper heading
178 -- in the notification to supplier when the supplier registration is approved or rejected.
179 -- It should not be used for other purpose.
180 --
181 -- Logic of the procedure: if notes_to_supplier is not null, returns a fnd message
182 -- POS_SUPPREG_BUYER_NOTE_HEADING for heading and the note; otherwise, null.
183 -- (bug 2725468).
184 --
185 PROCEDURE buyer_note
186   (document_id   IN VARCHAR2,
187    display_type  IN VARCHAR2,
188    document      IN OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
189    document_type IN OUT nocopy VARCHAR2);
191 -- This procedure is used by workflow to generate the buyer note with
192 -- proper heading
193 -- in the notification to supplier when the buyer approves a bank account
194 -- It should not be used for other purpose.
195 --
196 PROCEDURE bank_acct_buyer_note
197   (document_id   IN VARCHAR2,
198    display_type  IN VARCHAR2,
199    document      IN OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
200    document_type IN OUT nocopy VARCHAR2);
202 PROCEDURE notify_account_create
203   (p_vendor_id           IN NUMBER,
204    p_bank_name           IN VARCHAR2,
205    p_bank_account_number IN VARCHAR2,
206    x_itemtype      	 OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
207    x_itemkey       	 OUT nocopy VARCHAR2);
209 PROCEDURE notify_buyer_create_account
210   (p_vendor_id           IN NUMBER,
211    p_bank_name           IN VARCHAR2,
212    p_bank_account_number IN VARCHAR2,
213    x_itemtype            OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
214    x_itemkey             OUT nocopy VARCHAR2);
216 PROCEDURE notify_account_update
217   (p_vendor_id           IN NUMBER,
218    p_bank_name           IN VARCHAR2,
219    p_bank_account_number IN VARCHAR2,
220    p_currency_code       IN VARCHAR2,
221    p_bank_account_name   IN VARCHAR2,
222    x_itemtype      	 OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
223    x_itemkey       	 OUT nocopy VARCHAR2);
225 PROCEDURE notify_buyer_update_account
226   (p_vendor_id           IN NUMBER,
227    p_bank_name           IN VARCHAR2,
228    p_bank_account_number IN VARCHAR2,
229    p_currency_code       IN VARCHAR2,
230    p_bank_account_name   IN VARCHAR2,
231    x_itemtype            OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
232    x_itemkey             OUT nocopy VARCHAR2);
234 -- wf function activity to setup buyer receiver for account creation
235 PROCEDURE setup_acct_crt_buyer_rcvr
236   (itemtype  IN VARCHAR2,
237    itemkey   IN VARCHAR2,
238    actid     IN NUMBER,
239    funcmode  IN VARCHAR2,
240    resultout OUT nocopy VARCHAR2);
242 -- wf function activity to setup buyer receivers for supplier account update
243 PROCEDURE setup_acct_upd_buyer_rcvr
244   (itemtype  IN VARCHAR2,
245    itemkey   IN VARCHAR2,
246    actid     IN NUMBER,
247    funcmode  IN VARCHAR2,
248    resultout OUT nocopy VARCHAR2);
250 -- wf function activity to setup supplier receivers for buyer account update
251 PROCEDURE setup_acct_upd_supp_rcvr
252   (itemtype  IN VARCHAR2,
253    itemkey   IN VARCHAR2,
254    actid     IN NUMBER,
255    funcmode  IN VARCHAR2,
256    resultout OUT nocopy VARCHAR2);
258 -- wf function activity to setup receiver for account actions
259 PROCEDURE setup_acct_action_receiver
260   (itemtype  IN VARCHAR2,
261    itemkey   IN VARCHAR2,
262    actid     IN NUMBER,
263    funcmode  IN VARCHAR2,
264    resultout OUT nocopy VARCHAR2);
266 PROCEDURE notify_sup_on_acct_action
267   (p_bank_account_number IN VARCHAR2,
268    p_vendor_id           IN NUMBER,
269    p_bank_name           IN VARCHAR2,
270    p_request_status      IN VARCHAR2,
271    p_note                IN VARCHAR2,
272    x_itemtype            OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
273    x_itemkey             OUT nocopy VARCHAR2
274    );
276 -- wf function activity to setup receiver for account address change or remove
277 PROCEDURE setup_acct_addr_receiver
278   (itemtype  IN VARCHAR2,
279    itemkey   IN VARCHAR2,
280    actid     IN NUMBER,
281    funcmode  IN VARCHAR2,
282    resultout OUT nocopy VARCHAR2);
284 PROCEDURE notify_acct_addr_created
285   (p_vendor_id           IN NUMBER,
286    p_bank_name           IN VARCHAR2,
287    p_bank_account_number IN VARCHAR2,
288    p_currency_code       IN VARCHAR2,
289    p_bank_account_name   IN VARCHAR2,
290    p_party_site_name     IN VARCHAR2,
291    x_itemtype            OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
292    x_itemkey             OUT nocopy VARCHAR2);
294 PROCEDURE notify_acct_addr_changed
295   (p_vendor_id           IN NUMBER,
296    p_bank_name           IN VARCHAR2,
297    p_bank_account_number IN VARCHAR2,
298    p_currency_code       IN VARCHAR2,
299    p_bank_account_name   IN VARCHAR2,
300    p_party_site_name  	 IN VARCHAR2,
301    x_itemtype      	 OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
302    x_itemkey       	 OUT nocopy VARCHAR2);
304 PROCEDURE notify_acct_addr_removed
305   (p_vendor_id           IN NUMBER,
306    p_bank_name           IN VARCHAR2,
307    p_bank_account_number IN VARCHAR2,
308    p_currency_code       IN VARCHAR2,
309    p_bank_account_name   IN VARCHAR2,
310    p_party_site_name  	 IN VARCHAR2,
311    x_itemtype      	 OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
312    x_itemkey       	 OUT nocopy VARCHAR2);
314 -- Notify supplie user of login info.
315 -- The supplier user here is not the primary contact who submitted the
316 -- registration. The notification for the primary contact should be
317 -- sent using notify_supplier_approved method above.
318 PROCEDURE notify_supplier_user_approved
319   (p_supplier_reg_id IN  NUMBER,
320    p_username        IN  VARCHAR2,
321    p_password        IN  VARCHAR2,
322    x_itemtype        OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
323    x_itemkey         OUT nocopy VARCHAR2
324    );
326 -- send email to invite supplier to register
327 PROCEDURE send_supplier_invite_reg_ntf
328   (p_supplier_reg_id IN NUMBER
329    );
331 -- send email when supplier save request for later
332 PROCEDURE send_supplier_reg_saved_ntf
333   (p_supplier_reg_id IN NUMBER
334    );
335 -- send email to banking approvers once the supplier has been registered.
336 PROCEDURE notify_bank_aprv_supp_aprv
337   (p_vendor_id           IN  NUMBER,
338    x_itemtype      	 OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
339    x_itemkey       	 OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
340    x_receiver      	 OUT nocopy VARCHAR2
341    );
343 -- notify the supplier that his/her supplier registration is approved
344 -- when the user (primary contact) already exists in OID and auto-link of username is enabled
345 PROCEDURE notify_supplier_apprv_ssosync
346   (p_supplier_reg_id IN  NUMBER,
347    p_username        IN  VARCHAR2,
348    x_itemtype        OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
349    x_itemkey         OUT nocopy VARCHAR2
350    );
352 -- send email to non-primary contact of user registration
353 -- when the user already exists in OID and auto-link of username is enabled
354 PROCEDURE notify_user_approved_sso_sync
355   (p_supplier_reg_id IN  NUMBER,
356    p_username        IN  VARCHAR2,
357    x_itemtype        OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
358    x_itemkey         OUT nocopy VARCHAR2
359    );
363 -- workflow notification to supplier users for re-certification of Business Classifications
365 PROCEDURE bc_recert_workflow
366 (  ERRBUF      OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
367    RETCODE     OUT nocopy VARCHAR2
368    );
372 END pos_spm_wf_pkg1;