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2 /* $Header: hxtgenai.pkb 120.3.12010000.2 2008/08/05 09:47:31 ubhat ship $ */
4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 g_debug boolean := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
8  (p_assignment_id              NUMBER
9  ,p_earning_policy             NUMBER
10  ,p_rotation_plan              NUMBER
11  ,p_shift_differential_policy  NUMBER
12  ,p_hour_deduction_policy      NUMBER
13  ,p_autogen_hours_yn           VARCHAR2
14  ,p_effective_start_date       DATE
15  ) IS
17    asg_bus_grp_id NUMBER(15);
19 /* Cursor to check for the rotation plan */
20    CURSOR chk_rot_plan IS
21      SELECT 'compatible'
22      FROM    hxt_rotation_plans rot
23      WHERE   p_effective_start_date between rot.date_from
24                                         and nvl(rot.date_to, p_effective_start_date)
26                      FROM    hxt_rotation_schedules hrs
27                             ,hxt_weekly_work_schedules wws
28                      WHERE   hrs.rtp_id = rot.id
29                      AND     wws.id = hrs.tws_id
30                      AND     wws.business_group_id <> nvl(asg_bus_grp_id, -99))
31      AND rot.id = p_rotation_plan;
33  l_rtp_compatible varchar2(15) := NULL;
35 /* Cursor to check whether Earning Policy is compatible with the Assignment */
36    CURSOR chk_earning_policy IS
37      SELECT 'compatible'
38      FROM    hxt_earning_policies erp
39      WHERE   p_effective_start_date between erp.effective_start_date
40                                         and erp.effective_end_date
41      AND     erp.business_group_id = nvl(asg_bus_grp_id, -99)
42      AND EXISTS
43         (select 1
44          from hxt_pay_element_types_f_ddf_v v
45             , pay_element_types_f t
46             , hxt_earning_rules r
47          where r.egp_id = erp.id
48          and p_effective_start_date between r.effective_start_date
49                                         and r.effective_end_date
50          and t.element_type_id = r.element_type_id
51          and p_effective_start_date between t.effective_start_date
52                                         and t.effective_end_date
53          and asg_bus_grp_id
54                     = nvl(t.business_group_id,asg_bus_grp_id)
55          and v.element_type_id = t.element_type_id
56          and p_effective_start_date between v.effective_start_date
57                                         and v.effective_end_date
58          and v.hxt_earning_category in ('ABS', 'OVT', 'REG'))
60         (select 1
61          from hxt_earning_rules er
62          where er.egp_id = erp.id
63          and p_effective_start_date between er.effective_start_date
64                                         and er.effective_end_date
65          and er.element_type_id NOT IN
66                (select ern.element_type_id
67                 from pay_element_links_f ell
68                    , per_assignments_f asm
69                    , hxt_earning_rules ern
70                 where ern.egp_id = erp.id
71                 and p_effective_start_date between ern.effective_start_date
72                                                and ern.effective_end_date
73                 and asm.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
74                 and p_effective_start_date between asm.effective_start_date
75                                                and asm.effective_end_date
76                 and ell.element_type_id = ern.element_type_id
77                 and p_effective_start_date between ell.effective_start_date
78                                                and ell.effective_end_date
79                 and nvl(ell.organization_id, nvl(asm.organization_id,-1))
80                             = nvl(asm.organization_id,-1)
81                 and (ell.people_group_id is null
82                       or exists
83                         (select 1
84                          from pay_assignment_link_usages_f usage
85                          where usage.assignment_id = asm.assignment_id
86                          and usage.element_link_id = ell.element_link_id
87                          and p_effective_start_date
88                                      between usage.effective_start_date
89                                          and usage.effective_end_date))
90                          and nvl(ell.job_id,nvl(asm.job_id,-1))
91                                = nvl(asm.job_id,-1)
92  			 and nvl(ell.position_id,nvl(asm.position_id,-1))
93                                = nvl(asm.position_id,-1)
94                          and nvl(ell.grade_id,nvl(asm.grade_id,-1))
95                                = nvl(asm.grade_id,-1)
96                          and nvl(ell.location_id,nvl(asm.location_id,-1))
97                                = nvl(asm.location_id,-1)
98                          and nvl(ell.payroll_id,nvl(asm.payroll_id,-1))
99                                = nvl(asm.payroll_id,-1)
100                          and nvl(ell.employment_category,nvl(asm.employment_category,-1)) = nvl(asm.employment_category,-1)
101                          and nvl(ell.pay_basis_id,nvl(asm.pay_basis_id,-1)) = nvl(asm.pay_basis_id,-1)
102                          and nvl(ell.business_group_id,nvl(asm.business_group_id,-1)) = nvl(asm.business_group_id,-1)))
103      AND erp.id = p_earning_policy;
105    l_egp_compatible VARCHAR2(15) := NULL;
107 /* Check whether the Shift Differentail Policy and Assignment are compatible */
108    CURSOR chk_shift_diff_policy IS
109      SELECT 'compatible'
110      FROM    hxt_shift_diff_policies sdp
111      WHERE   p_effective_start_date between sdp.date_from
112                                         and nvl(sdp.date_to
113                                                ,p_effective_start_date)
114      AND EXISTS
115            (select 1
116             from   hxt_pay_element_types_f_ddf_v v
117                   ,pay_element_types_f t
118                   ,hxt_shift_diff_rules r
119             where r.sdp_id = sdp.id
120             and p_effective_start_date between r.effective_start_date
121                                            and r.effective_end_date
122             and t.element_type_id = r.element_type_id
123             and p_effective_start_date between t.effective_start_date
124                                            and t.effective_end_date
125             and asg_bus_grp_id = t.business_group_id
126             and v.element_type_id = t.element_type_id
127             and p_effective_start_date between v.effective_start_date
128                                            and v.effective_end_date
129             and v.hxt_earning_category = 'SDF')
131            (select 1
132             from pay_element_types_f pet
133                , hxt_shift_diff_rules hsdr
134             where hsdr.sdp_id = sdp.id
135             and p_effective_start_date between hsdr.effective_start_date
136                                            and hsdr.effective_end_date
137             and pet.element_type_id = hsdr.element_type_id
138             and p_effective_start_date between pet.effective_start_date
139                                            and pet.effective_end_date
140             and pet.business_group_id <> nvl(asg_bus_grp_id, -99))
142            (select 1
143             from   hxt_shift_diff_rules dr
144             where  dr.sdp_id = sdp.id
145             and    p_effective_start_date between dr.effective_start_date
146                                               and dr.effective_end_date
147             and    dr.element_type_id not in
148                     (select sdr.element_type_id
149                      from pay_element_links_f ell
150                          ,per_assignments_f asm
151                          ,hxt_shift_diff_rules sdr
152                      where sdr.sdp_id = sdp.id
153                      and p_effective_start_date between sdr.effective_start_date
154                                                     and sdr.effective_end_date
155                      and asm.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
156                      and p_effective_start_date between asm.effective_start_date
157                                                     and asm.effective_end_date
158                      and ell.element_type_id = sdr.element_type_id
159                      and p_effective_start_date between ell.effective_start_date
160                                                     and ell.effective_end_date
161                      and nvl(ell.organization_id, nvl(asm.organization_id,-1))
162                          = nvl(asm.organization_id,-1)
163                      and (ell.people_group_id is null
164                            or exists
165                              (select 1
166                               from pay_assignment_link_usages_f usage
167                               where usage.assignment_id = asm.assignment_id
168                               and usage.element_link_id = ell.element_link_id
169                               and p_effective_start_date
170                                           between usage.effective_start_date
171                                               and usage.effective_end_date))
172                                 and nvl(ell.job_id,nvl(asm.job_id,-1))
173                                   = nvl(asm.job_id,-1)
174                                 and nvl(ell.position_id,nvl(asm.position_id,-1))
175                                   = nvl(asm.position_id,-1)
176                                 and nvl(ell.grade_id,nvl(asm.grade_id,-1))
177                                   = nvl(asm.grade_id,-1)
178                                 and nvl(ell.location_id,nvl(asm.location_id,-1))
179                                   = nvl(asm.location_id,-1)
180                                 and nvl(ell.payroll_id,nvl(asm.payroll_id,-1))
181                                   = nvl(asm.payroll_id,-1)
182                                 and nvl(ell.employment_category,nvl(asm.employment_category,-1))
183                                   = nvl(asm.employment_category,-1)
184                                 and nvl(ell.pay_basis_id,nvl(asm.pay_basis_id,-1))
185                                   = nvl(asm.pay_basis_id,-1)
186                                 and nvl(ell.business_group_id,nvl(asm.business_group_id,-1))
187                                   = nvl(asm.business_group_id,-1)))
188 and sdp.id = p_shift_differential_policy;
190  l_sdp_compatible VARCHAR2(15) := NULL;
192 /* Cursor to check  that Hour Deduction policy and Assignment are compatible */
193  CURSOR chk_hour_deduct_policy IS
194    SELECT 'compatible'
195    FROM   hxt_hour_deduct_policies hdp
196    WHERE  p_effective_start_date between hdp.date_from
197                                      and nvl(hdp.date_to,p_effective_start_date)
198    AND     nvl(hdp.business_group_id, nvl(asg_bus_grp_id, -99))
199              = nvl(asg_bus_grp_id, -98)
200    AND     hdp.id = p_hour_deduction_policy;
202    l_hdp_compatible VARCHAR2(15) := NULL;
204  CURSOR c_asg_bus_grp_id IS
205    SELECT business_group_id
206    FROM   per_assignments_f
207    WHERE  p_effective_start_date between effective_start_date
208                                      and effective_end_date
209    And    assignment_type   = 'E'
210    And    assignment_id     = p_assignment_id;
214    g_debug :=hr_utility.debug_enabled;
215    if g_debug then
216    	  hr_utility.set_location('HXT_GEN_AAI.AAI_VALIDATIONS',10);
217    end if;
219 /* Get the assignment business group id */
220    OPEN  c_asg_bus_grp_id;
221    FETCH c_asg_bus_grp_id into asg_bus_grp_id;
222    CLOSE c_asg_bus_grp_id;
224    if g_debug then
225    	  hr_utility.trace('asg_bus_grp_id :'||asg_bus_grp_id);
226    end if;
228 /* IF AUTOGEN_HOURS_YN is 'Y', then ROTATION_PLAN_NAME is required */
229    IF p_autogen_hours_yn = 'Y' and p_rotation_plan IS NULL THEN
230    --
231       if g_debug then
232       	     hr_utility.set_location('HXT_GEN_AAI.AAI_VALIDATIONS',20);
233       end if;
236       hr_utility.set_message(809, 'HXT_39496_ROT_PLAN_REQD');
237       hr_utility.raise_error;
238    --
239    END IF;
241 /* Check for rotation plan */
242    IF p_rotation_plan is NOT NULL THEN
243       if g_debug then
244      	     hr_utility.set_location('HXT_GEN_AAI.AAI_VALIDATIONS',25);
245       end if;
246       OPEN  chk_rot_plan;
247       FETCH chk_rot_plan INTO l_rtp_compatible;
248       CLOSE chk_rot_plan;
249       IF l_rtp_compatible IS NULL THEN
250       --
251          if g_debug then
252          	hr_utility.set_location('HXT_GEN_AAI.AAI_VALIDATIONS',30);
253          end if;
254       -- FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME('HXT','HXT_xxxxx_ROT_PLAN_ERR');
255       -- FND_MESSAGE.ERROR;
256          hr_utility.set_message(809, 'HXT_xxxxx_ROT_PLAN_ERR');
257          hr_utility.raise_error;
258       --
259       END IF;
260    END IF;
262 /* Check whether Earning policy and Assignment are compatible */
263    if g_debug then
264    	  hr_utility.trace('p_assignment_id is  :'|| p_assignment_id);
265           hr_utility.trace('p_earning_policy is :'|| p_earning_policy);
266    end if;
267    OPEN  chk_earning_policy;
268    FETCH chk_earning_policy into l_egp_compatible;
269    CLOSE chk_earning_policy;
270    IF l_egp_compatible IS NULL THEN
271    --
272       if g_debug then
273       	     hr_utility.set_location('HXT_GEN_AAI.AAI_VALIDATIONS',40);
274       end if;
277       hr_utility.set_message(809,'HXT_xxxxx_EARN_POL_ERR');
278       hr_utility.raise_error;
279    --
280    END IF;
282 /* Check whether Shift Differential Policy and Assignment are compatible */
283    IF p_shift_differential_policy is NOT NULL THEN
284       if g_debug then
285       	     hr_utility.set_location('HXT_GEN_AAI.AAI_VALIDATIONS',45);
286       end if;
287       OPEN  chk_shift_diff_policy;
288       FETCH chk_shift_diff_policy into l_sdp_compatible;
289       CLOSE chk_shift_diff_policy;
290       IF l_sdp_compatible IS NULL THEN
291       --
292          if g_debug then
293                 hr_utility.set_location('HXT_GEN_AAI.AAI_VALIDATIONS',50);
294          end if;
295       -- FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME('HXT','HXT_xxxxx_SDP_ERR');
296       -- FND_MESSAGE.ERROR;
297          hr_utility.set_message(809,'HXT_xxxxx_SDP_ERR');
298          hr_utility.raise_error;
299       --
300       END IF;
301    END IF;
303 /* Check whether Hour Deduction Policy and Assignment are compatible */
304    IF p_hour_deduction_policy is NOT NULL THEN
305       if g_debug then
306       	     hr_utility.set_location('HXT_GEN_AAI.AAI_VALIDATIONS',55);
307       end if;
308       OPEN  chk_hour_deduct_policy;
309       FETCH chk_hour_deduct_policy into l_hdp_compatible;
310       CLOSE chk_hour_deduct_policy;
314          	hr_utility.set_location('HXT_GEN_AAI.AAI_VALIDATIONS',60);
311       IF l_hdp_compatible IS NULL THEN
312       --
313          if g_debug then
315          end if;
316       -- FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME('HXT','HXT_xxxxx_HDP_ERR');
317       -- FND_MESSAGE.ERROR;
318          hr_utility.set_message(809,'HXT_xxxxx_HDP_ERR');
319          hr_utility.raise_error;
320       --
321       END IF;
322    END IF;
326 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
328 PROCEDURE Create_Otlr_Add_Assign_Info (
329   p_id                                NUMBER
330  ,p_effective_start_date              DATE
331 --,p_effective_end_date                DATE
332  ,p_assignment_id                     NUMBER
333  ,p_autogen_hours_yn                  VARCHAR2
334  ,p_rotation_plan                     NUMBER     DEFAULT NULL
335  ,p_earning_policy                    NUMBER
336  ,p_shift_differential_policy         NUMBER     DEFAULT NULL
337  ,p_hour_deduction_policy             NUMBER     DEFAULT NULL
338  ,p_created_by                        NUMBER
339  ,p_creation_date                     DATE
340  ,p_last_updated_by                   NUMBER
341  ,p_last_update_date                  DATE
342  ,p_last_update_login                 NUMBER
343  ,p_attribute_category                VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
344  ,p_attribute1                        VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
345  ,p_attribute2                        VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
346  ,p_attribute3                        VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
347  ,p_attribute4                        VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
348  ,p_attribute5                        VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
349  ,p_attribute6                        VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
350  ,p_attribute7                        VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
351  ,p_attribute8                        VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
352  ,p_attribute9                        VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
353  ,p_attribute10                       VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
354  ,p_attribute11                       VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
355  ,p_attribute12                       VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
356  ,p_attribute13                       VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
357  ,p_attribute14                       VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
358  ,p_attribute15                       VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
359  ,p_attribute16                       VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
360  ,p_attribute17                       VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
361  ,p_attribute18                       VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
362  ,p_attribute19                       VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
363  ,p_attribute20                       VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
364  ,p_attribute21                       VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
365  ,p_attribute22                       VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
366  ,p_attribute23                       VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
367  ,p_attribute24                       VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
368  ,p_attribute25                       VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
369  ,p_attribute26                       VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
370  ,p_attribute27                       VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
371  ,p_attribute28                       VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
372  ,p_attribute29                       VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
373  ,p_attribute30                       VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
374  ) IS
376 --The purpose of this procedure is  to INSERT a row for the additional
377 --assignment information
379 --Arguments
380 -- Arguments
381 -- p_id                         -ID of the record.
382 -- p_effective_start_date       -effective_start_date for the record to be
383 --                              -inserted.
384 -- p_assignment_id              -id of the assignment for which the information
385 --                              -has to be added.
386 -- p_autogen_hours_yn           -The value for this argument can be either
387 --                              -'Y' or 'N',to specify whether to autogen
388 --                              -the hours for this assignment
389 --p_rotation_plan               -rotation_plan_id for this assignment
390 --p_earning_policy              -earning_policy_id for this assignment
391 --p_shift_differential_policy   -shift_differential_policy_id for this
392 --                              -assignment
393 --p_hour_deduction_policy       -hour_deduction_policy_id for this assignment
394 --p_attribute1 .. p_attribute30 -attribute values
396    asg_bus_grp_id NUMBER(15);
398 /* Cursor to Check for the Duplicate row */
399    CURSOR dup_aai IS
400           SELECT '1'
401           FROM   hxt_add_assign_info_f aai
402           WHERE  aai.assignment_id = p_assignment_id;
403    l_duplicate_row VARCHAR2(1);
405 /* Cursor to Create unique ID for AAI row */
406    CURSOR create_unique_id IS
407           SELECT  hxt_seqno.nextval
408           FROM    sys.dual;
409    l_id NUMBER(15);
412    g_debug :=hr_utility.debug_enabled;
413    if g_debug then
414    	  hr_utility.set_location('HXT_GEN_AAI.Create_Otlr_Add_Assign_Info ',10);
415    end if;
417 /* First, make sure AAI row doesn't already exist for this assignment */
418    OPEN  dup_aai;
419    FETCH dup_aai into l_duplicate_row;
420       IF dup_aai%FOUND THEN
421        if g_debug then
422        	      hr_utility.set_location('HXT_GEN_AAI.Create_Otlr_Add_Assign_Info ',20);
423        end if;
427        hr_utility.raise_error;
425     -- FND_MESSAGE.Error;
426        hr_utility.set_message(809,'HXT_39481_INFO_EXST_FOR_ASSIGN');
428        CLOSE dup_aai;
429       END IF;
430    CLOSE dup_aai;
432    if g_debug then
433    	  hr_utility.set_location('HXT_GEN_AAI.Create_Otlr_Add_Assign_Info ',30);
434    end if;
436       (p_assignment_id              => p_assignment_id
437       ,p_earning_policy             => p_earning_policy
438       ,p_rotation_plan              => p_rotation_plan
439       ,p_shift_differential_policy  => p_shift_differential_policy
440       ,p_hour_deduction_policy      => p_hour_deduction_policy
441       ,p_autogen_hours_yn           => p_autogen_hours_yn
442       ,p_effective_start_date       => p_effective_start_date
443       );
444    if g_debug then
445    	  hr_utility.set_location('HXT_GEN_AAI.Create_Otlr_Add_Assign_Info ',40);
446    end if;
448 /* Create unique ID for AAI row */
449    IF (p_id is null) THEN
450      if g_debug then
451      	    hr_utility.set_location('HXT_GEN_AAI.Create_Otlr_Add_Assign_Info ',50);
452      end if;
453      OPEN  create_unique_id;
454      FETCH create_unique_id into l_id;
455        if g_debug then
456               hr_utility.trace('l_id is :'|| l_id);
457        end if;
458        IF create_unique_id%NOTFOUND THEN
459           if g_debug then
460           	 hr_utility.set_location('HXT_GEN_AAI.Create_Otlr_Add_Assign_Info ',60);
461           end if;
462        -- fnd_message.set_name('HXT', 'HXT_39124_ROW_IN_DUAL_NF');
463        -- fnd_message.error;
464           hr_utility.set_message(809,'HXT_39124_ROW_IN_DUAL_NF');
465           hr_utility.raise_error;
466        END IF;
467      CLOSE create_unique_id;
468    END IF;
470    if g_debug then
471    	  hr_utility.set_location('HXT_GEN_AAI.Create_Otlr_Add_Assign_Info ',70);
472    end if;
475           (id
476           ,effective_start_date
477           ,effective_end_date
478           ,assignment_id
479           ,autogen_hours_yn
480           ,rotation_plan
481           ,earning_policy
482           ,shift_differential_policy
483           ,hour_deduction_policy
484           ,created_by
485           ,creation_date
486           ,last_updated_by
487           ,last_update_date
488           ,last_update_login
489           ,attribute_category
490           ,attribute1
491           ,attribute2
492           ,attribute3
493           ,attribute4
494           ,attribute5
495           ,attribute6
496           ,attribute7
497           ,attribute8
498           ,attribute9
499           ,attribute10
500           ,attribute11
501           ,attribute12
502           ,attribute13
503           ,attribute14
504           ,attribute15
505           ,attribute16
506           ,attribute17
507           ,attribute18
508           ,attribute19
509           ,attribute20
510           ,attribute21
511           ,attribute22
512           ,attribute23
513           ,attribute24
514           ,attribute25
515           ,attribute26
516           ,attribute27
517           ,attribute28
518           ,attribute29
519           ,attribute30)
520    VALUES( p_id
521           ,p_effective_start_date
522           ,hr_general.end_of_time --p_effective_end_date
523           ,p_assignment_id
524           ,p_autogen_hours_yn
525           ,p_rotation_plan
526           ,p_earning_policy
527           ,p_shift_differential_policy
528           ,p_hour_deduction_policy
529           ,p_created_by
530           ,p_creation_date
531           ,p_last_updated_by
532           ,p_last_update_date
533           ,p_last_update_login
534           ,p_attribute_category
535           ,p_attribute1
536           ,p_attribute2
537           ,p_attribute3
538           ,p_attribute4
539           ,p_attribute5
540           ,p_attribute6
541           ,p_attribute7
542           ,p_attribute8
543           ,p_attribute9
544           ,p_attribute10
545           ,p_attribute11
546           ,p_attribute12
547           ,p_attribute13
548           ,p_attribute14
549           ,p_attribute15
550           ,p_attribute16
551           ,p_attribute17
552           ,p_attribute18
553           ,p_attribute19
554           ,p_attribute20
555           ,p_attribute21
556           ,p_attribute22
557           ,p_attribute23
558           ,p_attribute24
559           ,p_attribute25
560           ,p_attribute26
561           ,p_attribute27
562           ,p_attribute28
563           ,p_attribute29
564           ,p_attribute30);
566    if g_debug then
567    	  hr_utility.set_location('HXT_GEN_AAI.Create_Otlr_Add_Assign_Info ',80);
568    end if;
570 END Create_Otlr_Add_Assign_Info ;
572 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
574 PROCEDURE Update_Otlr_Add_Assign_Info (
575   p_id                         NUMBER
576  ,p_datetrack_mode             VARCHAR2
580  ,p_assignment_id              NUMBER
577  ,p_effective_date             DATE
578  ,p_effective_start_date       DATE
579 -- ,p_effective_end_date         DATE
581  ,p_autogen_hours_yn           VARCHAR2
582  ,p_rotation_plan              NUMBER     DEFAULT NULL
583  ,p_earning_policy             NUMBER
584  ,p_shift_differential_policy  NUMBER     DEFAULT NULL
585  ,p_hour_deduction_policy      NUMBER     DEFAULT NULL
586  ,p_created_by                 NUMBER
587  ,p_creation_date              DATE
588  ,p_last_updated_by            NUMBER
589  ,p_last_update_date           DATE
590  ,p_last_update_login          NUMBER
591  ,p_attribute_category         VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
592  ,p_attribute1                 VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
593  ,p_attribute2                 VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
594  ,p_attribute3                 VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
595  ,p_attribute4                 VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
596  ,p_attribute5                 VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
597  ,p_attribute6                 VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
598  ,p_attribute7                 VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
599  ,p_attribute8                 VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
600  ,p_attribute9                 VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
601  ,p_attribute10                VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
602  ,p_attribute11                VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
603  ,p_attribute12                VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
604  ,p_attribute13                VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
605  ,p_attribute14                VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
606  ,p_attribute15                VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
607  ,p_attribute16                VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
608  ,p_attribute17                VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
609  ,p_attribute18                VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
610  ,p_attribute19                VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
611  ,p_attribute20                VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
612  ,p_attribute21                VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
613  ,p_attribute22                VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
614  ,p_attribute23                VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
615  ,p_attribute24                VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
616  ,p_attribute25                VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
617  ,p_attribute26                VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
618  ,p_attribute27                VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
619  ,p_attribute28                VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
620  ,p_attribute29                VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
621  ,p_attribute30                VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
622  ) IS
624 -- The purpose of this procedure is to perform 'CORRECTION' and
625 -- 'UPDATE_OVERRIDE' for the additional assignment information.This procedure
626 -- when run in an 'UPDATE_OVERRIDE' mode would override the future changes
628 -- Arguments
629 -- p_id                         - ID of the record.
630 -- p_datetrack_mode             -The mode in which the api has to be run.
631 --                              -It can be run in 'CORRECTION' or
632 --                              -'UPDATE_OVERRIDE' mode.
633 -- p_effective_date             -The record will be update das of this date.
634 -- p_effective_start_date       -effective_start_date of the record for this
635 --                              -assignment that has effective_end_date as
636 --                              -end_of_time.
637 -- p_assignment_id              -assignment_id for which the update has to be
638 --                              -done.
639 -- p_autogen_hours_yn           -The value for this argument can be either
640 --                              -'Y' or 'N',to specify whether to autogen
641 --                              -the hours for this assignment.
642 --p_rotation_plan               -rotation_plan_id for this assignment.
643 --p_earning_policy              -earning_policy_id for this assignment.
644 --p_shift_differential_policy   -shift_differential_policy_id for this
645 --                              -assignment.
646 --p_hour_deduction_policy       -hour_deduction_policy_id for this assignment.
647 --p_attribute1 .. p_attribute30 -attribute values.
649  CURSOR c2 is
650         SELECT rowid,effective_start_date,effective_end_date
651         FROM   hxt_add_assign_info_f
652         WHERE  id = p_id
653         AND    effective_start_date = p_effective_start_date;
655  CURSOR c_delete_rec_eot is
656         SELECT rowid
657         FROM   hxt_add_assign_info_f
658         WHERE  id = p_id
659         AND    effective_end_date = hr_general.end_of_time;
661 /* Cursor to Create unique ID for AAI row */
662 /*   CURSOR create_unique_id IS
663           SELECT  hxt_seqno.nextval
664           FROM    sys.dual;
666    l_id      NUMBER(15);
667 */
668    l_effective_start_date DATE;
669    l_effective_end_date   DATE;
670    p_rowid                VARCHAR2(30);
671    p_rowid_eot            VARCHAR2(30);
672    l_count                NUMBER;
675    g_debug :=hr_utility.debug_enabled;
676    if g_debug then
677    	  hr_utility.set_location('HXT_GEN_AAI.Update_Otlr_Add_Assign_Info ',10);
678           hr_utility.set_location('HXT_GEN_AAI.Update_Otlr_Add_Assign_Info ',20);
679    end if;
681       (p_assignment_id              => p_assignment_id
682       ,p_earning_policy             => p_earning_policy
683       ,p_rotation_plan              => p_rotation_plan
684       ,p_shift_differential_policy  => p_shift_differential_policy
688       );
685       ,p_hour_deduction_policy      => p_hour_deduction_policy
686       ,p_autogen_hours_yn           => p_autogen_hours_yn
687       ,p_effective_start_date       => p_effective_start_date
689    if g_debug then
690    	  hr_utility.set_location('HXT_GEN_AAI.Update_Otlr_Add_Assign_Info ',30);
691    end if;
693    OPEN  c2;
694    FETCH c2 into p_rowid,l_effective_start_date,l_effective_end_date;
695    CLOSE c2;
697    OPEN  c_delete_rec_eot;
698    FETCH c_delete_rec_eot  into p_rowid_eot;
699    CLOSE c_delete_rec_eot;
701    IF p_rowid is NOT NULL THEN
702       if g_debug then
703       	     hr_utility.trace('effective_start_date is :'|| l_effective_start_date);
704              hr_utility.trace('effective_end_date   is :'|| l_effective_end_date);
705              hr_utility.trace('Rowid is :'|| p_rowid);
706       end if;
707      IF p_datetrack_mode = 'CORRECTION' THEN
708       if g_debug then
709       	     hr_utility.set_location('HXT_GEN_AAI.Update_Otlr_Add_Assign_Info ',40);
710       end if;
713        SET--effective_start_date      = p_effective_start_date
714           --,effective_end_date        = p_effective_end_date
715           --,assignment_id             = p_assignment_id
716            autogen_hours_yn          = p_autogen_hours_yn
717           ,rotation_plan             = p_rotation_plan
718           ,earning_policy            = p_earning_policy
719           ,shift_differential_policy = p_shift_differential_policy
720           ,hour_deduction_policy     = p_hour_deduction_policy
721           ,created_by                = p_created_by
722           ,creation_date             = p_creation_date
723           ,last_updated_by           = p_last_updated_by
724           ,last_update_date          = p_last_update_date
725           ,last_update_login         = p_last_update_login
726           ,attribute_category        = p_attribute_category
727           ,attribute1                = p_attribute1
728           ,attribute2                = p_attribute2
729           ,attribute3                = p_attribute3
730           ,attribute4                = p_attribute4
731           ,attribute5                = p_attribute5
732           ,attribute6                = p_attribute6
733           ,attribute7                = p_attribute7
734           ,attribute8                = p_attribute8
735           ,attribute9                = p_attribute9
736           ,attribute10               = p_attribute10
737           ,attribute11               = p_attribute11
738           ,attribute12               = p_attribute12
739           ,attribute13               = p_attribute13
740           ,attribute14               = p_attribute14
741           ,attribute15               = p_attribute15
742           ,attribute16               = p_attribute16
743           ,attribute17               = p_attribute17
744           ,attribute18               = p_attribute18
745           ,attribute19               = p_attribute19
746           ,attribute20               = p_attribute20
747           ,attribute21               = p_attribute21
748           ,attribute22               = p_attribute22
749           ,attribute23               = p_attribute23
750           ,attribute24               = p_attribute24
751           ,attribute25               = p_attribute25
752           ,attribute26               = p_attribute26
753           ,attribute27               = p_attribute27
754           ,attribute28               = p_attribute28
755           ,attribute29               = p_attribute29
756           ,attribute30               = p_attribute30
757        WHERE rowid = p_rowid;
759      ELSIF p_datetrack_mode = 'UPDATE_OVERRIDE' THEN
760     /* end date the existing record and then create a new record if an
761        existing record found */
763        if g_debug then
764        	      hr_utility.set_location('HXT_GEN_AAI.Update_Otlr_Add_Assign_Info ',50);
765        end if;
767        /*UPDATE hxt_add_assign_info_f
768        SET    effective_end_date = p_effective_date - 1
769        WHERE  rowid = p_rowid;
770 */
771        SELECT count(*) into l_count
772        FROM   hxt_add_assign_info_f
773        WHERE  assignment_id = p_assignment_id;
775        IF (l_count >1)  AND (p_effective_date <  p_effective_start_date) THEN
776           if g_debug then
777           	 hr_utility.set_location('HXT_GEN_AAI.Update_Otlr_Add_Assign_Info ',60);
778           end if;
779           DELETE from hxt_add_assign_info_f
780           WHERE  rowid = p_rowid_eot;
782           if g_debug then
783           	 hr_utility.trace('p_effective_date is :'||p_effective_date);
784           end if;
786           UPDATE hxt_add_assign_info_f aai
787           SET    aai.effective_end_date = p_effective_date - 1
788           WHERE  aai.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
789           AND    p_effective_date between aai.effective_start_date
790                                      and  aai.effective_end_date;
791        ELSE
792           UPDATE hxt_add_assign_info_f
793           SET    effective_end_date = p_effective_date - 1
794           WHERE  rowid = p_rowid;
795        END IF;
797        if g_debug then
798        	      hr_utility.set_location('HXT_GEN_AAI.Update_Otlr_Add_Assign_Info ',70);
799               hr_utility.trace('p_id is :'||p_id);
800        end if;
802          INSERT into HXT_ADD_ASSIGN_INFO_F
803            (id
804            ,effective_start_date
808            ,rotation_plan
805            ,effective_end_date
806            ,assignment_id
807            ,autogen_hours_yn
809            ,earning_policy
810            ,shift_differential_policy
811            ,hour_deduction_policy
812            ,created_by
813            ,creation_date
814            ,last_updated_by
815            ,last_update_date
816            ,last_update_login
817            ,attribute_category
818            ,attribute1
819            ,attribute2
820            ,attribute3
821            ,attribute4
822            ,attribute5
823            ,attribute6
824            ,attribute7
825            ,attribute8
826            ,attribute9
827            ,attribute10
828            ,attribute11
829            ,attribute12
830            ,attribute13
831            ,attribute14
832            ,attribute15
833            ,attribute16
834            ,attribute17
835            ,attribute18
836            ,attribute19
837            ,attribute20
838            ,attribute21
839            ,attribute22
840            ,attribute23
841            ,attribute24
842            ,attribute25
843            ,attribute26
844            ,attribute27
845            ,attribute28
846            ,attribute29
847            ,attribute30)
848          VALUES
849            (p_id
850            ,p_effective_date
851            ,hr_general.end_of_time
852            ,p_assignment_id
853            ,p_autogen_hours_yn
854            ,p_rotation_plan
855            ,p_earning_policy
856            ,p_shift_differential_policy
857            ,p_hour_deduction_policy
858            ,p_created_by
859            ,p_creation_date
860            ,p_last_updated_by
861            ,p_last_update_date
862            ,p_last_update_login
863            ,p_attribute_category
864            ,p_attribute1
865            ,p_attribute2
866            ,p_attribute3
867            ,p_attribute4
868            ,p_attribute5
869            ,p_attribute6
870            ,p_attribute7
871            ,p_attribute8
872            ,p_attribute9
873            ,p_attribute10
874            ,p_attribute11
875            ,p_attribute12
876            ,p_attribute13
877            ,p_attribute14
878            ,p_attribute15
879            ,p_attribute16
880            ,p_attribute17
881            ,p_attribute18
882            ,p_attribute19
883            ,p_attribute20
884            ,p_attribute21
885            ,p_attribute22
886            ,p_attribute23
887            ,p_attribute24
888            ,p_attribute25
889            ,p_attribute26
890            ,p_attribute27
891            ,p_attribute28
892            ,p_attribute29
893            ,p_attribute30);
895      if g_debug then
896      	    hr_utility.set_location('HXT_GEN_AAI.Update_Otlr_Add_Assign_Info ',80);
897      end if;
899      ELSE
900      /* INVALID datetrack_mode */
901         hr_utility.set_message(809,'HXT_xxxxx_INVALID_DTMODE');
902         hr_utility.raise_error;
903      END IF;
905    if g_debug then
906    	  hr_utility.set_location('HXT_GEN_AAI.Update_Otlr_Add_Assign_Info ',90);
907    end if;
908    END IF;
910 END Update_Otlr_Add_Assign_Info ;
912 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
913 --begin
914 --hr_utility.trace_on(null,'mhanda');