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2 /* $Header: EGOVIMUS.pls 120.7 2007/08/08 15:52:45 dsakalle noship $ */
4   PROCEDURE Propagate_Item_Num_To_Child (
5                                            p_batch_id                  NUMBER
6                                          , p_ss_id                     NUMBER
7                                          , p_ss_ref                    VARCHAR2
8                                          , p_old_item_number           VARCHAR2
9                                          , p_item_number               VARCHAR2
10                                         );
12   /* Function to do the preprocessing of Import
13    * This method is called from Concurrent Program
14    * and then, this method internally calls the
15    * various defaulting/copy APIs that are needed
16    * for preprocessing
17    */
18   PROCEDURE Preprocess_Import(retcode               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
19                               errbuf                OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
20                               p_batch_id                       NUMBER);
22   /*
23    * This API does the defaulting of Org Assignments
24    * from Style to SKU and from SKU to Style
25    */
26   PROCEDURE Default_Org_Assignments( retcode       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
27                                      errbuf        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
28                                      p_batch_id    NUMBER
29                                    );
31   /*
32    * This method does the defaulting of Item people
33    */
34   PROCEDURE Default_Item_People( retcode               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
35                                  errbuf                OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
36                                  p_batch_id                       NUMBER
37                                );
39   /*
40    * This method copies Item people from style to SKU (that are newly added to style) directly into the Procudution table
41    */
42   PROCEDURE Copy_Item_People_From_Style( retcode               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
43                                          errbuf                OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
44                                          p_batch_id                       NUMBER
45                                        );
47   /*
48    * This API Marks all the records to process_flag 10 in all interface tables
49    * to disable SKUs for processing, and marks process_flag to 1
50    * to enable SKUs for processing
51    */
52   PROCEDURE Enable_Disable_SKU_Processing( retcode                  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
53                                            errbuf                   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
54                                            p_batch_id               NUMBER,
55                                            p_enable_sku_processing  VARCHAR2 /* T - TRUE / F - FALSE */
56                                          );
58   /*
59    * This method copies the LC Project
60    */
61   PROCEDURE Copy_LC_Projects( retcode               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
62                               errbuf                OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
63                               p_batch_id                       NUMBER
64                             );
66   PROCEDURE Process_Import_Copy_Options
67       (   p_api_version           IN          NUMBER
68       ,   p_commit                IN          VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_TRUE
69       ,   p_batch_id              IN          NUMBER
70       ,   p_copy_option           IN          VARCHAR2
71       ,   p_template_name         IN          VARCHAR2
72       ,   p_template_sequence     IN          NUMBER
73       ,   p_selection_flag        IN          VARCHAR2
74       ,   x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
75       ,   x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
76       ,   x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
77       );
79   PROCEDURE Process_Variant_Attrs
80                                        (   p_api_version           IN          NUMBER
81                                        ,   p_commit                IN          VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_TRUE
82                                        ,   p_batch_id              IN          NUMBER
83                                        ,   p_item_number           IN          VARCHAR2
84                                        ,   p_organization_id       IN          NUMBER
85                                        ,   p_attr_group_type       IN          VARCHAR2
86                                        ,   p_attr_group_name       IN          VARCHAR2
87                                        ,   p_attr_name             IN          VARCHAR2
88                                        ,   p_data_level_name       IN          VARCHAR2
89                                        ,   p_attr_value_num        IN          NUMBER
90                                        ,   p_attr_value_str        IN          VARCHAR2
91                                        ,   p_attr_value_date       IN          DATE
92                                        ,   x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
93                                        ,   x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
94                                        ,   x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
95                                        );
97   PROCEDURE Get_Interface_Errors(
98                                   p_batch_id       IN NUMBER,
99                                   x_item_err_table OUT NOCOPY EGO_VARCHAR_TBL_TYPE,
100                                   x_rev_err_table  OUT NOCOPY EGO_VARCHAR_TBL_TYPE,
101                                   x_uda_err_table  OUT NOCOPY EGO_VARCHAR_TBL_TYPE
102                                 );
104   /*
105    * This method will stale out all the rows in batch
106    * that are not latest for enabled_for_data_pool batches
107    */
108   PROCEDURE Validate_Timestamp_In_Batch(retcode     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
109                                         errbuf      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
110                                         p_batch_id  IN NUMBER);
112   PROCEDURE Update_Timestamp_In_Prod(retcode     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
113                                      errbuf      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
114                                      p_batch_id  IN NUMBER);
116   PROCEDURE Copy_Attachments ( retcode      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
117                                errbuf       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
118                                p_batch_id   IN NUMBER  );
120   /*
121    * This method is called at the end of import processing.
122    * If any SKUs are created in EGO_SKU_VARIANT_ATTR_USAGES table
123    * but corresponding variant attributes are not present in
124    * production table, then delete that entry.
125    */
126   PROCEDURE Clean_Dirty_SKUs( retcode    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
127                               errbuf     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
128                               p_batch_id IN NUMBER );