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Line 573: l_duty_station_code ghr_duty_stations_f.duty_station_code%TYPE;

569: l_asgn_data per_all_assignments_f%ROWTYPE;
570: l_assignment_id NUMBER;
571: l_location_id NUMBER;
572: l_duty_station_id NUMBER;
573: l_duty_station_code ghr_duty_stations_f.duty_station_code%TYPE;
574: l_dummy_varchar VARCHAR2(2000);
575: l_dummy_number NUMBER;
576: BEGIN
577: -- If the PAR has happened then need to go to history to get it

Line 737: p_duty_station_id IN ghr_duty_stations_f.duty_station_id%TYPE default NULL,

733: -- Bug# 3231946 Added parameter p_duty_station_code to fix the bug.
734: -- With the addition of new parameter, this function can be used to find
735: -- the locality pay area code by passing either duty_station_id or duty_station_code.
736: FUNCTION get_loc_pay_area_code(
737: p_duty_station_id IN ghr_duty_stations_f.duty_station_id%TYPE default NULL,
738: p_duty_station_code IN ghr_duty_stations_f.duty_station_code%TYPE default NULL,
739: p_effective_date IN DATE)
741: l_result ghr_locality_pay_areas_f.locality_pay_area_code%TYPE;

Line 738: p_duty_station_code IN ghr_duty_stations_f.duty_station_code%TYPE default NULL,

734: -- With the addition of new parameter, this function can be used to find
735: -- the locality pay area code by passing either duty_station_id or duty_station_code.
736: FUNCTION get_loc_pay_area_code(
737: p_duty_station_id IN ghr_duty_stations_f.duty_station_id%TYPE default NULL,
738: p_duty_station_code IN ghr_duty_stations_f.duty_station_code%TYPE default NULL,
739: p_effective_date IN DATE)
741: l_result ghr_locality_pay_areas_f.locality_pay_area_code%TYPE;
742: BEGIN

Line 748: ,ghr_duty_stations_f dst

744: IF p_duty_station_id is NOT NULL THEN
745: SELECT lpa.locality_pay_area_code
746: INTO l_result
747: FROM ghr_locality_pay_areas_f lpa
748: ,ghr_duty_stations_f dst
749: WHERE dst.duty_station_id = p_duty_station_id
750: AND NVL(p_effective_date,TRUNC(sysdate))
751: BETWEEN dst.effective_start_date and dst.effective_end_date
752: AND dst.locality_pay_area_id = lpa.locality_pay_area_id

Line 759: ,ghr_duty_stations_f dst

755: ELSIF p_duty_station_code is NOT NULL THEN
756: SELECT lpa.locality_pay_area_code
757: INTO l_result
758: FROM ghr_locality_pay_areas_f lpa
759: ,ghr_duty_stations_f dst
760: WHERE dst.duty_station_code = p_duty_station_code
761: AND NVL(p_effective_date,TRUNC(sysdate))
762: BETWEEN dst.effective_start_date and dst.effective_end_date
763: AND dst.locality_pay_area_id = lpa.locality_pay_area_id