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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 303

      SELECT 1, uomc.uom_class um_type, uomc.conversion_rate std_factor
      FROM   mtl_uom_conversions uomc, mtl_units_of_measure uom, sy_uoms_mst sy
      WHERE  sy.um_code             = Vum_code
      AND    uom.unit_of_measure    = sy.unit_of_measure
      AND    uomc.uom_code          = uom.uom_code
      AND    uomc.inventory_item_id = Vinventory_item_id
      AND    (   (uomc.disable_date IS NULL)
              OR (uomc.disable_date > sysdate) )
      SELECT 2, um_type, std_factor
      FROM   sy_uoms_mst
      WHERE  um_code = Vum_code
      AND    delete_mark = 0
      ORDER by 1;
Line: 320

      SELECT item_um
      FROM   ic_item_mst
      WHERE  item_id = v_item_id;
Line: 329

      SELECT type_factor, type_factorrev
      FROM   ic_item_cnv
      WHERE  item_id = v_item_id
      AND    lot_id  = v_lot_id
      AND    delete_mark = 0
      AND    um_type = v_um_type;
Line: 337

       SELECT item_no
       FROM   ic_item_mst
       WHERE  item_id = Vitem_id;
Line: 342

       SELECT inventory_item_id
       FROM   mtl_system_items
       WHERE  segment1= Vitem_no
       AND    rownum  = 1;
Line: 735

      SELECT 1, uomc.uom_class um_type, uomc.conversion_rate std_factor
      FROM   mtl_uom_conversions uomc, mtl_units_of_measure uom, sy_uoms_mst sy
      WHERE  sy.um_code             = Vum_code
      AND    uom.unit_of_measure    = sy.unit_of_measure
      AND    uomc.uom_code          = uom.uom_code
      AND    uomc.inventory_item_id = Vinventory_item_id
      SELECT 2, um_type, std_factor
      FROM   sy_uoms_mst
      WHERE  um_code = Vum_code
      AND    delete_mark = 0
      ORDER by 1;
Line: 749

      SELECT item_um
      FROM   ic_item_mst
      WHERE  item_id = v_item_id;
Line: 756

      SELECT type_factor
      FROM   ic_item_cnv
      WHERE  item_id = v_item_id
      AND    lot_id  = v_lot_id
      AND    delete_mark = 0
      AND    um_type = v_um_type;
Line: 767

      SELECT num_data
      FROM   lm_item_dat
      WHERE  orgn_code = v_lab_type
      AND    item_id  = v_item_id
      AND    formula_id = v_formula_id
      AND    tech_parm_name = v_parm_name
      AND    delete_mark = 0;
Line: 776

       SELECT item_no
       FROM   ic_item_mst
       WHERE  item_id = Vitem_id;
Line: 781

       SELECT inventory_item_id
       FROM   mtl_system_items
       WHERE  segment1= Vitem_no
       AND    rownum  = 1;
Line: 1051

        specified from within a select statement for I2.

        pitem_id     The surrogate key of the item number

        plot_id      The surrogate key for the lot number/
                     sublot of the item number being converted.
                     ALLOWS ZERO if performing a LAB conversion.

        pcur_qty     The current quantity to convert.

        pcur_uom     The current unit of measure to convert from.

        pnew_uom     The unit of measure to convert to.


        0 - SUCCESS
       -1 - Package problem.
       -3 - UM_TYPE and conversion factor for current UOM not found.
       -4 - UM_TYPE and conversion factor for NEW UOM not found.
       -5 - Cannot determine INVENTORY UOM for item.
       -6 - UM_TYPE and conversion factor for INV UOM not found.
       -7 - Cannot find conversion factor for CURRENT UOM.
      -10 - Cannot find conversion factor for NEW UOM.
      ============================================================== */
  FUNCTION i2uom_cv(pitem_id    NUMBER,
                    plot_id     NUMBER,
                    pcur_uom    VARCHAR2,
                    pcur_qty    NUMBER ,
                    pnew_uom    VARCHAR2)
                    RETURN NUMBER IS

    /* Variable Declarations
    l_iret       NUMBER := -1;