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Line 43: insert into fnd_imp_monitor(request_id, snapshot_id, set_type, virtual_bug_no,

39: bug_no := patchlist(i).bug_number;
40: --baseline := patchlist(i).baseline;
41: patch_id := patchlist(i).patch_id;
42: -- MONITOR: for every patch in the request, create a local singleton record('S')
43: insert into fnd_imp_monitor(request_id, snapshot_id, set_type, virtual_bug_no,
44: virtual_patch_id, r1_requestor, r1_sync_date, r2_requestor, r2_sync_date, --ang
45: creation_date, last_update_date, last_updated_by, created_by)
46: values(request_id__, snapshot_id__, 'S', bug_no,
47: patch_id, request_id__, null, request_id__, null, sysdate, sysdate, -1, -1); --ang

Line 135: from fnd_imp_monitor

132: PROCEDURE logstats(request_id__ INTEGER, stage__ CHAR) IS
133: CURSOR stats1 IS
134: select virtual_patch_id, r1_requestor --ang
135: from fnd_imp_monitor
136: where r1_requestor IS NOT NULL and request_id <> r1_requestor
137: and psmaster2_sz <> 0 and request_id = request_id__;
138: CURSOR stats2 IS
139: select virtual_patch_id, r2_requestor --ang

Line 140: from fnd_imp_monitor

136: where r1_requestor IS NOT NULL and request_id <> r1_requestor
137: and psmaster2_sz <> 0 and request_id = request_id__;
138: CURSOR stats2 IS
139: select virtual_patch_id, r2_requestor --ang
140: from fnd_imp_monitor
141: where r2_requestor IS NOT NULL and request_id <> r2_requestor
142: and psmaster2_sz <> 0 and request_id = request_id__;
143: tmp1 stats1%ROWTYPE;
144: tmp2 stats2%ROWTYPE;

Line 175: from fnd_imp_monitor

171: PROCEDURE rsync1(request_id__ INTEGER) IS
172: CURSOR bugsnaps1 IS
173: --select snapshot_id, virtual_bug_no, set_type
174: select snapshot_id, virtual_patch_id, set_type --ang
175: from fnd_imp_monitor
176: where request_id = request_id__ and
177: ((set_type IN ('M', 'S', 's') and r1_sync_date IS NULL)
178: or psmaster2_sz = 0)
179: order by snapshot_id, set_type desc, virtual_patch_id;

Line 188: delete from fnd_imp_monitor where request_id = request_id__;

184: stage__ CHAR := '1';
185: psmaster2_sz__ NUMBER;
186: BEGIN
187: -- MONITOR/BUGSET: clean local records
188: delete from fnd_imp_monitor where request_id = request_id__;
189: -- todo: would this clear what PW sets!?
190: delete from fnd_imp_bugset where request_id = request_id__ and set_type <> 'A';
192: makesingletons(request_id__);

Line 201: insert into fnd_imp_monitor(request_id, snapshot_id, set_type, virtual_bug_no,

197: select request_id__, s.snapshot_id, 'M', s.virtual_bug_no, 0-s.virtual_bug_no, sysdate, sysdate, -1, -1
198: from fnd_imp_bugset s
199: where s.request_id = request_id__
200: group by s.snapshot_id, s.virtual_bug_no;
201: insert into fnd_imp_monitor(request_id, snapshot_id, set_type, virtual_bug_no,
202: r1_requestor, r1_sync_date, r2_requestor, r2_sync_date,
203: creation_date, last_update_date, last_updated_by, created_by)
204: select request_id__, s.snapshot_id, 'M' set_type, s.virtual_bug_no,
205: request_id__, null, request_id__, null, sysdate, sysdate, -1, -1

Line 211: insert into fnd_imp_monitor(request_id, snapshot_id, set_type, virtual_bug_no,

207: where s.request_id = request_id__ and set_type = 'M';
208: */
209: -- MONITOR: for all prereqs, create a local servant singleton record ('s')
210: /* ang - not applicable as AD Team, for now, isn't doing prereq analysis
211: insert into fnd_imp_monitor(request_id, snapshot_id, set_type, virtual_bug_no,
212: r1_requestor, r1_sync_date, r2_requestor, r2_sync_date,
213: creation_date, last_update_date, last_updated_by, created_by)
214: select request_id__, s.snapshot_id, 's' set_type, s.bug_no virtual_bug_no,
215: request_id__, null, request_id__, null, sysdate, sysdate, -1, -1

Line 219: and s.bug_no NOT IN(select m.virtual_bug_no from fnd_imp_monitor m where m.request_id = request_id__)

215: request_id__, null, request_id__, null, sysdate, sysdate, -1, -1
216: from fnd_imp_bugset s
217: where s.request_id = request_id__
218: and s.set_type = 'm'
219: and s.bug_no NOT IN(select m.virtual_bug_no from fnd_imp_monitor m where m.request_id = request_id__)
220: group by s.snapshot_id, s.bug_no;
221: */
222: -- MONITOR: remove any local 'M', 'S' or 's' records that already have an up-to-date global record
223: update fnd_imp_monitor x

Line 223: update fnd_imp_monitor x

219: and s.bug_no NOT IN(select m.virtual_bug_no from fnd_imp_monitor m where m.request_id = request_id__)
220: group by s.snapshot_id, s.bug_no;
221: */
222: -- MONITOR: remove any local 'M', 'S' or 's' records that already have an up-to-date global record
223: update fnd_imp_monitor x
224: set
225: r1_requestor =
226: (select DECODE(stage__,'1',n.r1_requestor,n.r2_requestor)
227: from fnd_imp_monitor n

Line 227: from fnd_imp_monitor n

223: update fnd_imp_monitor x
224: set
225: r1_requestor =
226: (select DECODE(stage__,'1',n.r1_requestor,n.r2_requestor)
227: from fnd_imp_monitor n
228: where n.request_id IS NULL
229: --and n.snapshot_id = x.snapshot_id and n.virtual_bug_no = x.virtual_bug_no), --ang
230: and n.snapshot_id = x.snapshot_id and n.virtual_patch_id = x.virtual_patch_id), --ang
231: r1_sync_date =

Line 233: from fnd_imp_monitor n

229: --and n.snapshot_id = x.snapshot_id and n.virtual_bug_no = x.virtual_bug_no), --ang
230: and n.snapshot_id = x.snapshot_id and n.virtual_patch_id = x.virtual_patch_id), --ang
231: r1_sync_date =
232: (select DECODE(stage__,'1',n.r1_sync_date,n.r2_sync_date)
233: from fnd_imp_monitor n
234: where n.request_id IS NULL
235: --and n.snapshot_id = x.snapshot_id and n.virtual_bug_no = x.virtual_bug_no), --ang
236: and n.snapshot_id = x.snapshot_id and n.virtual_patch_id = x.virtual_patch_id), --ang
237: psmaster2_sz =

Line 239: from fnd_imp_monitor n

235: --and n.snapshot_id = x.snapshot_id and n.virtual_bug_no = x.virtual_bug_no), --ang
236: and n.snapshot_id = x.snapshot_id and n.virtual_patch_id = x.virtual_patch_id), --ang
237: psmaster2_sz =
238: (select n.psmaster2_sz
239: from fnd_imp_monitor n
240: where n.request_id IS NULL
241: --and n.snapshot_id = x.snapshot_id and n.virtual_bug_no = x.virtual_bug_no) --ang
242: and n.snapshot_id = x.snapshot_id and n.virtual_patch_id = x.virtual_patch_id) --ang
243: where x.request_id = request_id__

Line 245: select 1 from fnd_imp_monitor m

241: --and n.snapshot_id = x.snapshot_id and n.virtual_bug_no = x.virtual_bug_no) --ang
242: and n.snapshot_id = x.snapshot_id and n.virtual_patch_id = x.virtual_patch_id) --ang
243: where x.request_id = request_id__
244: and EXISTS (
245: select 1 from fnd_imp_monitor m
246: where
247: m.request_id IS NULL
248: --and m.snapshot_id = x.snapshot_id and m.virtual_bug_no = x.virtual_bug_no --ang
249: and m.snapshot_id = x.snapshot_id and m.virtual_patch_id = x.virtual_patch_id

Line 282: delete from fnd_imp_monitor

278: wipedata(0-virtual_patch_id__, snapshot_id__);
279: end if;
281: -- delete global record
282: delete from fnd_imp_monitor
283: where request_id IS NULL and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__ and virtual_patch_id = virtual_patch_id__;
284: -- insert global record
285: insert into fnd_imp_monitor(request_id, snapshot_id, set_type, virtual_patch_id,
286: r1_requestor, r1_sync_date, r2_requestor, r2_sync_date, psmaster2_sz,

Line 285: insert into fnd_imp_monitor(request_id, snapshot_id, set_type, virtual_patch_id,

281: -- delete global record
282: delete from fnd_imp_monitor
283: where request_id IS NULL and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__ and virtual_patch_id = virtual_patch_id__;
284: -- insert global record
285: insert into fnd_imp_monitor(request_id, snapshot_id, set_type, virtual_patch_id,
286: r1_requestor, r1_sync_date, r2_requestor, r2_sync_date, psmaster2_sz,
287: creation_date, last_update_date, last_updated_by, created_by)
288: values(NULL, snapshot_id__, set_type__, virtual_patch_id__,
289: request_id__, time__, request_id__, null, psmaster2_sz__,

Line 292: update fnd_imp_monitor set set_type = 'S'

288: values(NULL, snapshot_id__, set_type__, virtual_patch_id__,
289: request_id__, time__, request_id__, null, psmaster2_sz__,
290: sysdate, sysdate, -1, -1);
291: if(SIGN(virtual_patch_id__) = -1) then
292: update fnd_imp_monitor set set_type = 'S'
293: where request_id IS NULL and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__
294: and set_type = 's' and virtual_patch_id = 0-virtual_patch_id__;
295: end if;
296: -- update local record

Line 297: update fnd_imp_monitor set r1_sync_date = time__, last_update_date = time__, psmaster2_sz = psmaster2_sz__

293: where request_id IS NULL and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__
294: and set_type = 's' and virtual_patch_id = 0-virtual_patch_id__;
295: end if;
296: -- update local record
297: update fnd_imp_monitor set r1_sync_date = time__, last_update_date = time__, psmaster2_sz = psmaster2_sz__
298: where request_id = request_id__ and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__
299: and set_type = set_type__ and virtual_patch_id = virtual_patch_id__;
300: commit;
301: --fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, to_char(sysdate,'HH24:MI:SS')||'> Done with patch: '||virtual_bug_no__);

Line 310: from fnd_imp_monitor

307: PROCEDURE rsync2(request_id__ INTEGER) IS
308: CURSOR bugsnaps2 IS
309: select snapshot_id, virtual_patch_id, set_type, psmaster2_sz
310: from fnd_imp_monitor
311: where request_id = request_id__ and
312: ((set_type IN ('M', 'S', 's') and r2_sync_date IS NULL)
313: or psmaster2_sz = 0)
314: order by snapshot_id, set_type desc, virtual_patch_id;

Line 323: update fnd_imp_monitor x

319: stage__ CHAR := '2';
320: psmaster2_sz__ NUMBER;
321: BEGIN
322: -- MONITOR: remove any local 'M', 'S' or 's' records that already have an up-to-date global record
323: update fnd_imp_monitor x
324: set
325: r2_requestor =
326: (select DECODE(stage__,'1',n.r1_requestor,n.r2_requestor)
327: from fnd_imp_monitor n

Line 327: from fnd_imp_monitor n

323: update fnd_imp_monitor x
324: set
325: r2_requestor =
326: (select DECODE(stage__,'1',n.r1_requestor,n.r2_requestor)
327: from fnd_imp_monitor n
328: where n.request_id IS NULL
329: and n.snapshot_id = x.snapshot_id and n.virtual_patch_id = x.virtual_patch_id),
330: r2_sync_date =
331: (select DECODE(stage__,'1',n.r1_sync_date,n.r2_sync_date)

Line 332: from fnd_imp_monitor n

328: where n.request_id IS NULL
329: and n.snapshot_id = x.snapshot_id and n.virtual_patch_id = x.virtual_patch_id),
330: r2_sync_date =
331: (select DECODE(stage__,'1',n.r1_sync_date,n.r2_sync_date)
332: from fnd_imp_monitor n
333: where n.request_id IS NULL
334: and n.snapshot_id = x.snapshot_id and n.virtual_patch_id = x.virtual_patch_id)
335: where x.request_id = request_id__
336: and EXISTS (

Line 337: select 1 from fnd_imp_monitor m

333: where n.request_id IS NULL
334: and n.snapshot_id = x.snapshot_id and n.virtual_patch_id = x.virtual_patch_id)
335: where x.request_id = request_id__
336: and EXISTS (
337: select 1 from fnd_imp_monitor m
338: where
339: m.request_id IS NULL
340: and m.snapshot_id = x.snapshot_id and m.virtual_patch_id = x.virtual_patch_id
341: and DECODE(stage__,'1',m.r1_sync_date,m.r2_sync_date) >= lastupdate(x.snapshot_id, x.virtual_patch_id)

Line 359: update fnd_imp_monitor set r2_requestor = request_id__, r2_sync_date = time__, last_update_date = time__

355: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, to_char(sysdate,'HH24:MI:SS')||'> No Patch Metadata found for patch: '||virtual_patch_id__);
356: end if;
358: -- update global record
359: update fnd_imp_monitor set r2_requestor = request_id__, r2_sync_date = time__, last_update_date = time__
360: where request_id IS NULL and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__
361: and set_type = set_type__ and virtual_patch_id = virtual_patch_id__;
362: -- update local record
363: update fnd_imp_monitor set r2_sync_date = time__, last_update_date = time__

Line 363: update fnd_imp_monitor set r2_sync_date = time__, last_update_date = time__

359: update fnd_imp_monitor set r2_requestor = request_id__, r2_sync_date = time__, last_update_date = time__
360: where request_id IS NULL and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__
361: and set_type = set_type__ and virtual_patch_id = virtual_patch_id__;
362: -- update local record
363: update fnd_imp_monitor set r2_sync_date = time__, last_update_date = time__
364: where request_id = request_id__ and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__
365: and set_type = set_type__ and virtual_patch_id = virtual_patch_id__;
366: commit;
367: END LOOP;

Line 520: SELECT COUNT(*) INTO cnt FROM fnd_imp_monitor where request_id IS NULL and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__ and virtual_patch_id = patch_id__;

517: PROCEDURE wipedata(patch_id__ INTEGER, snapshot_id__ INTEGER) IS
518: cnt NUMBER;
519: BEGIN
520: SELECT COUNT(*) INTO cnt FROM fnd_imp_monitor where request_id IS NULL and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__ and virtual_patch_id = patch_id__;
521: delete from fnd_imp_monitor where request_id IS NULL and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__ and virtual_patch_id = patch_id__; commit;
522: SELECT COUNT(*) INTO cnt from FND_IMP_PFileInfo where patch_id = patch_id__;
523: delete from FND_IMP_PFileInfo where patch_id = patch_id__; commit;
524: SELECT COUNT(*) INTO cnt from FND_IMP_PFileInfo2 where patch_id = patch_id__;

Line 521: delete from fnd_imp_monitor where request_id IS NULL and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__ and virtual_patch_id = patch_id__; commit;

517: PROCEDURE wipedata(patch_id__ INTEGER, snapshot_id__ INTEGER) IS
518: cnt NUMBER;
519: BEGIN
520: SELECT COUNT(*) INTO cnt FROM fnd_imp_monitor where request_id IS NULL and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__ and virtual_patch_id = patch_id__;
521: delete from fnd_imp_monitor where request_id IS NULL and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__ and virtual_patch_id = patch_id__; commit;
522: SELECT COUNT(*) INTO cnt from FND_IMP_PFileInfo where patch_id = patch_id__;
523: delete from FND_IMP_PFileInfo where patch_id = patch_id__; commit;
524: SELECT COUNT(*) INTO cnt from FND_IMP_PFileInfo2 where patch_id = patch_id__;
525: delete from FND_IMP_PFileInfo2 where patch_id = patch_id__; commit;

Line 698: from fnd_imp_monitor

694: IS
695: snapshot_id__ NUMBER;
696: cursor c_bugs(v_req_id number, v_snapshot_id number) IS
697: select virtual_bug_no
698: from fnd_imp_monitor
699: where set_type in ('s','S')
700: and request_id = v_req_id
701: and snapshot_id = v_snapshot_id;
702: cursor M_bugs(v_req_id number, v_snapshot_id number) IS

Line 704: from fnd_imp_monitor

700: and request_id = v_req_id
701: and snapshot_id = v_snapshot_id;
702: cursor M_bugs(v_req_id number, v_snapshot_id number) IS
703: select virtual_patch_id
704: from fnd_imp_monitor
705: where set_type = 'M'
706: and request_id = v_req_id
707: and snapshot_id = v_snapshot_id;
708: BEGIN

Line 720: from fnd_imp_monitor m

716: delete from fnd_imp_lang_summary l
717: where l.snapshot_id = snapshot_id__
718: and patch_id in (
719: select m.virtual_patch_id
720: from fnd_imp_monitor m
721: where m.set_type in ('s','S','M')
722: and m.request_id = request_id__
723: and m.snapshot_id = l.snapshot_id
724: union

Line 954: from fnd_imp_monitor

950: v_return varchar2(1) := 'N';
952: cursor c_bugs(v_req_id number, v_snapshot_id number) IS
953: select virtual_bug_no
954: from fnd_imp_monitor
955: where set_type in ('s','S')
956: and request_id = v_req_id
957: and snapshot_id = v_snapshot_id;
958: BEGIN