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1 package body wf_bes_funcs as
2 /* $Header: WFBESFNB.pls 120.3 2006/07/21 14:35:44 nravindr noship $ */
4    --Directory where the generated files will be stored
5    utl_dir  varchar2(512);
6    g_amp varchar2(1):='&';
8    --Function to get the list of items from a comma separated string
9    FUNCTION Tokenize(cslist VARCHAR2) return varchar_array;
11    --
12    -- Procedure : GenerateStatic
13    --
14    -- Purpose   : Main Procedure which will be called by the admin script/
15    --             concurrent program. Depending on the value in p_key,
16    --             the files for the corresponding packages are generated
17    --
18    -- Parameters: retcode - used by the concurrent program
19    --             errbuf  - used by the concurrent program
20    --             p_object_type  - used by the concurrent program
21    --             p_key  -  comma separated string of the
22    --                       correlationid/agent name
23    --
24    Procedure GenerateStatic(retcode out nocopy varchar2,
25 	                    errbuf   out nocopy varchar2,
26                             p_object_type in varchar2,
27 	 		    p_key    in varchar2) AS
29      l_var_list varchar_array;
31      l_key varchar2(512);
33      begin
34         --Get the directory where the output file is to be generated
35         select value
36 	into utl_dir
37 	from v$parameter
38 	where name = 'utl_file_dir';
40         --The value can be a comma separeated list, So take the first location and
41         --use that as the output directory.
42         if(instr(utl_dir, ',') <> 0) then
43             utl_dir:=trim(substr(utl_dir,1,instr(utl_dir,',')-1));
44         else
45             utl_dir:=trim(utl_dir);
46         end if;
48         l_key:=upper(trim(p_key));
49         if(upper(p_object_type)='EVENTS') then
51            --check if the default wf and fnd packages are included
52            --if it is not there, then add it.
53            if(instr(l_key,'ORACLE.APPS.WF.')=0) then
54               l_key:=l_key||',ORACLE.APPS.WF.';
55            end if;
56            if(instr(l_key,'ORACLE.APPS.FND.')=0) then
57               l_key:=l_key||',ORACLE.APPS.FND.';
58            end if;
59            WF_BES_FUNCS.StaticGenerateRule(Tokenize(l_key));
61         elsif(upper(p_object_type)='AGENTS') then
63            WF_BES_FUNCS.StaticQH(Tokenize(l_key));
65 	end if;
66       end;
68    --
69    -- Procedure : StaticQH
70    --
71    -- Purpose   : Procedure to generate the static Enqueue/Dequeue
72    --             procedures
73    --
74    Procedure StaticQH(p_agent_names in varchar_array) AS
76      fh            utl_file.file_type;
77      l_generated   boolean := FALSE;
78      l_atleast_one boolean;
79      l_first       boolean;
81      l_mesg        varchar2(4000);
82      l_timestamp varchar2(20);
84      cursor all_Queue_handlers(p_agent_name in varchar2) is
85      select distinct upper(trim(v.queue_handler)) qhandler
86      from (
87            select queue_handler
88            from  wf_agents
89            where  queue_handler is not null and
90            instr(upper(name),p_agent_name)=1
91       )v, user_objects uo
92      where uo.object_name = v.queue_handler
93      and   uo.object_type = 'PACKAGE BODY'
94      and   uo.status = 'VALID';
96      l_filename  varchar2(100);
98    Begin
100      select to_char(sysdate,'DDMONYYYYHH24MISS')
101      into l_timestamp
102      from dual;
104      l_filename := 'WFAGTDFNB'||l_timestamp||'.pls';
106      fh := utl_file.fopen(utl_dir, l_filename, 'w', 32767);
108      utl_file.put_line(fh, 'REM dbdrv: sql ~PROD ~PATH ~FILE none none none package '||g_amp||'phase=plb \');
109      utl_file.put_line(fh, 'REM dbdrv: checkfile(115.2=120.3):~PROD:~PATH:~FILE');
110      utl_file.put_line(fh, '/*=======================================================================*');
111      utl_file.put_line(fh, '| Copyright (c) 2005, Oracle. All Rights Reserved                        |');
112      utl_file.put_line(fh, '+========================================================================+');
113      utl_file.put_line(fh, '| NAME                                                                   |');
114      utl_file.put_line(fh, '|   WFAGTDFNB'||l_timestamp||'.pls                                       |');
115      utl_file.put_line(fh, '|                                                                        |');
116      utl_file.put_line(fh, '| DESCRIPTION                                                            |');
117      utl_file.put_line(fh, '|   This is a generated file to provide static calls for                 |');
118      utl_file.put_line(fh, '|   Enqueue/Dequeue functions.                                           |');
119      utl_file.put_line(fh, '|                                                                        |');
120      utl_file.put_line(fh, '*========================================================================*/ ');
121      utl_file.put_line(fh,'SET VERIFY OFF;');
122      utl_file.put_line(fh,'WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT FAILURE ROLLBACK;');
123      utl_file.put_line(fh,'WHENEVER OSERROR EXIT FAILURE ROLLBACK;');
125      utl_file.put_line(fh,'create or replace package body WF_AGT_DYN_FUNCS as');
127      utl_file.put_line(fh,'');
128      utl_file.put_line(fh,'--');
129      utl_file.put_line(fh,'-- Static enqueue procedure calls ');
130      utl_file.put_line(fh,'--');
131      utl_file.put_line(fh,'PROCEDURE StaticEnqueue(p_qh_name    in  varchar2,');
132      utl_file.put_line(fh,'                        p_event      in wf_event_t,');
133      utl_file.put_line(fh,'                        p_out_agent_override in  wf_agent_t,');
134      utl_file.put_line(fh,'                        p_executed   out nocopy boolean)');
135      utl_file.put_line(fh,'as');
136      utl_file.put_line(fh,'  l_qh_name varchar2(240);');
137      utl_file.put_line(fh,'begin');
138      utl_file.put_line(fh,'  p_executed := FALSE;');
139      utl_file.put_line(fh,'  l_qh_name := upper(trim(p_qh_name));');
141      if (p_agent_names is not null) then
142         for i in p_agent_names.FIRST..p_agent_names.LAST loop
143            l_first := TRUE;
144            l_atleast_one := FALSE;
145            for qhandler_rec in all_Queue_handlers(upper(p_agent_names(i))) loop
146               l_atleast_one := TRUE;
147               l_generated := TRUE;
148               utl_file.put_line(fh,'     if (l_qh_name = '''
149                                || qhandler_rec.qhandler || ''') then');
150               utl_file.put_line(fh,'         '||qhandler_rec.qhandler
151                                || '.Enqueue(p_event, p_out_agent_override);');
152               utl_file.put_line(fh,'         p_executed := TRUE;');
153               utl_file.put_line(fh,'         return;');
154               utl_file.put_line(fh,'     end if; ');
155            end loop;
156         end loop; -- p_agent_names
157      end if; -- p_agent_names
159      -- give a message within the generated file regarding the failure
160      if (not l_generated) then
161         utl_file.put_line(fh, '');
162         utl_file.put_line(fh, '  -- Package body could not be generated for the agent names given.');
163         utl_file.put_line(fh, '  -- The reason could be because the procedure(s) referred to by the');
164         utl_file.put_line(fh, '  -- agent name(s) was invalid or the agent name(s) specified do not exist');
165         utl_file.put_line(fh, '');
166      end if;
168      utl_file.put_line(fh,'end StaticEnqueue;');
170      utl_file.put_line(fh,'');
171      utl_file.put_line(fh,'--');
172      utl_file.put_line(fh,'-- Static dequeue procedure calls ');
173      utl_file.put_line(fh,'--');
175      utl_file.put_line(fh,'PROCEDURE StaticDequeue(p_qh_name    in  varchar2,');
176      utl_file.put_line(fh,'	                    p_agent_guid in  raw,');
177      utl_file.put_line(fh,'	                    p_event      in out nocopy wf_event_t,');
178      utl_file.put_line(fh,'                  	    p_wait       in  binary_integer,');
179      utl_file.put_line(fh,'	                    p_executed   out nocopy boolean)');
181      utl_file.put_line(fh,'as');
182      utl_file.put_line(fh,'  l_qh_name varchar2(240);');
183      utl_file.put_line(fh,'begin');
184      utl_file.put_line(fh,'  p_executed := FALSE;');
185      utl_file.put_line(fh,'  l_qh_name := upper(trim(p_qh_name));');
187      if (p_agent_names is not null) then
188         for i in p_agent_names.FIRST..p_agent_names.LAST loop
189            l_first := TRUE;
190            l_atleast_one := FALSE;
191            for qhandler_rec in all_Queue_handlers(upper(p_agent_names(i))) loop
192               l_atleast_one := TRUE;
193               l_generated := TRUE;
194               utl_file.put_line(fh,'     if (l_qh_name = '''
195                                || qhandler_rec.qhandler || ''') then');
196               utl_file.put_line(fh,'         '||qhandler_rec.qhandler
197                                || '.Dequeue(p_agent_guid, p_event, p_wait);');
198               utl_file.put_line(fh,'         p_executed := TRUE;');
199               utl_file.put_line(fh,'         return;');
200               utl_file.put_line(fh,'     end if; ');
201            end loop;
202         end loop; -- p_agent_names
203      end if; -- p_agent_names
205      -- give a message within the generated file regarding the failure
206      if (not l_generated) then
207         utl_file.put_line(fh, '');
208         utl_file.put_line(fh, '  -- Package body could not be generated for the agent name given.');
209         utl_file.put_line(fh, '  -- The reason could be because the procedure(s) referred to by the');
210         utl_file.put_line(fh, '  -- agent name(s) was invalid or the agent name(s) specified do not exist');
211         utl_file.put_line(fh, '');
212      end if;
214      utl_file.put_line(fh,'end StaticDequeue;');
215      utl_file.put_line(fh,' ');
216      utl_file.put_line(fh,'end WF_AGT_DYN_FUNCS;');
217      utl_file.put_line(fh,'/');
218      utl_file.put_line(fh,'commit;');
219      utl_file.put_line(fh,'exit;');
220      utl_file.put_line(fh,' ');
221      utl_file.fclose(fh);
223      dbms_output.put_line('File generated is '||utl_dir||'/'||l_filename);
224    exception
225     when others then
226       if (utl_file.is_open(fh)) then
227        utl_file.fclose(fh);
228       end if;
229       raise;
231    end StaticQH;
233    --
234    -- Procedure : StaticGenerateRule
235    --
236    -- Purpose   : Procedure to create the generate and rule functions
237    --
238    --
240    Procedure StaticGenerateRule(p_correlation_ids in varchar_array) AS
242      fh            utl_file.file_type;
243      l_generated   boolean := FALSE;
244      l_atleast_one boolean;
245      l_first       boolean;
247      l_generated_r   boolean := FALSE;
248      l_atleast_one_r boolean;
249      l_first_r       boolean;
251      l_mesg        varchar2(4000);
252      l_timestamp varchar2(20);
254      cursor all_generate_funcs(p_corrid in varchar2) is
255        select distinct upper(trim(v.function)) function
256        from (
257             select upper(substr(we.generate_function,1,instr(we.generate_function, '.')-1)) package_name,
258                    we.generate_function function
259             from  wf_events we
260             where we.generate_function is not null and
261                   instr(upper(we.name),p_corrid)=1
262            ) v, user_objects uo
263         where uo.object_name = nvl(v.package_name,v.function) and
264               uo.object_type = decode(v.package_name,null,'FUNCTION','PACKAGE BODY') and
265               uo.status = 'VALID';
267      cursor all_rule_funcs(p_corrid in varchar2) is
268        select distinct upper(trim(v.function)) function
269        from (
270             select upper(substr(wes.rule_function,1,instr(wes.rule_function, '.')-1)) package_name,
271                    wes.rule_function function
272             from  wf_events we,wf_event_subscriptions wes
273             where we.guid = wes.event_filter_guid and
274                   instr(upper(we.name),p_corrid)=1 and
275                   wes.rule_function is not null and
276                   upper(wes.rule_function) not like 'WF_RULE%' and
277                   upper(wes.rule_function) not like 'WF_XML%'
278             ) v, user_objects uo
279         where uo.object_name = nvl(v.package_name,v.function)  and
280 	      uo.object_type = decode(v.package_name,null,'FUNCTION','PACKAGE BODY') and
281 	      uo.status = 'VALID';
283      cursor seeded_rule_funcs is
284        select distinct upper(trim(v.function)) function
285        from (
286             select upper(substr(wes.rule_function,1,instr(wes.rule_function, '.')-1)) package_name,
287                    wes.rule_function function
288             from  wf_events we,wf_event_subscriptions wes
289             where we.guid = wes.event_filter_guid and
290                   wes.rule_function is not null and
291                   (
292                    upper(wes.rule_function) like 'WF_RULE%' or
293                    upper(wes.rule_function) like 'WF_XML%'
294                   )
295             ) v, user_objects uo
296         where uo.object_name = nvl(v.package_name,v.function)  and
297 	      uo.object_type = decode(v.package_name,null,'FUNCTION','PACKAGE BODY') and
298 	      uo.status = 'VALID';
300       l_filename varchar2(100);
301       Begin
303         select to_char(sysdate,'DDMONYYYYHH24MISS')
304         into l_timestamp
305         from dual;
307         l_filename := 'WFBESDFNB'||l_timestamp||'.pls';
309         fh := utl_file.fopen(utl_dir, l_filename, 'w', 32767);
311         utl_file.put_line(fh, 'REM dbdrv: sql ~PROD ~PATH ~FILE none none none package '||g_amp||'phase=plb \');
312         utl_file.put_line(fh, 'REM dbdrv: checkfile(115.2=120.3):~PROD:~PATH:~FILE');
313         utl_file.put_line(fh, '/*=======================================================================*');
314         utl_file.put_line(fh, '| Copyright (c) 2005, Oracle. All Rights Reserved                        |');
315         utl_file.put_line(fh, '+========================================================================+');
316         utl_file.put_line(fh, '| NAME                                                                   |');
317         utl_file.put_line(fh, '|   WFBESDFNB'||l_timestamp||'.pls                                       |');
318         utl_file.put_line(fh, '|                                                                        |');
319         utl_file.put_line(fh, '| DESCRIPTION                                                            |');
320         utl_file.put_line(fh, '|   PL/SQL body for package WF_BES_DYN_FUNCS                             |');
321         utl_file.put_line(fh, '|   This is a generated file to provide static calls for                 |');
322         utl_file.put_line(fh, '|   generate and rule functions                                          |');
323         utl_file.put_line(fh, '|                                                                        |');
324         utl_file.put_line(fh, '| NOTES                                                                  |');
325         utl_file.put_line(fh, '|   This package body has static function calls for following event      |');
326         utl_file.put_line(fh, '|   names or corrlation ids                                              |');
327         utl_file.put_line(fh, '|   oracle.apps.wf.%                                                     |');
328         utl_file.put_line(fh, '|   oracle.apps.fnd.%                                                    |');
329         utl_file.put_line(fh, '|                                                                        |');
330         utl_file.put_line(fh, '*========================================================================*/ ');
331         utl_file.put_line(fh,'SET VERIFY OFF;');
332         utl_file.put_line(fh,'WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT FAILURE ROLLBACK;');
333         utl_file.put_line(fh,'WHENEVER OSERROR EXIT FAILURE ROLLBACK;');
335         utl_file.put_line(fh,'create or replace package body WF_BES_DYN_FUNCS as');
337         utl_file.put_line(fh,'--');
338         utl_file.put_line(fh,'-- Generate functions');
339         utl_file.put_line(fh,'--');
341         utl_file.put_line(fh,'PROCEDURE Generate(p_func_name in varchar2,');
342         utl_file.put_line(fh,'                   p_event_name in varchar2,');
343         utl_file.put_line(fh,'                   p_event_key in varchar2,');
344         utl_file.put_line(fh,'                   p_parameter_list in wf_parameter_list_t,');
345         utl_file.put_line(fh,'                   x_msg      in out nocopy clob,');
346         utl_file.put_line(fh,'                   x_executed  out nocopy boolean)');
347         utl_file.put_line(fh,'as');
348         utl_file.put_line(fh,'  l_funcname varchar2(240);');
349         utl_file.put_line(fh,'begin');
350         utl_file.put_line(fh,'  x_executed := FALSE;');
351         utl_file.put_line(fh,'  x_msg := null;');
352         utl_file.put_line(fh,'  l_funcname := upper(trim(p_func_name));');
354         if (p_correlation_ids is not null) then
355            for i in p_correlation_ids.FIRST..p_correlation_ids.LAST loop
356               l_first := TRUE;
357               l_atleast_one := FALSE;
358               for genfunc_rec in all_generate_funcs(p_correlation_ids(i)) loop
360                  l_atleast_one := TRUE;
361                  l_generated := TRUE;
362                  if (l_first) then
363                     utl_file.put_line(fh, '');
364                     utl_file.put_line(fh, '  -- Function calls for corrid ' || p_correlation_ids(i) || '%');
365                     utl_file.put_line(fh, '  if (upper(p_event_name) like '''
366                                      || p_correlation_ids(i) || '%'') then ');
367                     l_first := FALSE;
368                  end if;
370                  utl_file.put_line(fh,'     if (l_funcname = '''
371                                   || genfunc_rec.function || ''') then');
372                  utl_file.put_line(fh,'         ' || 'x_msg := '||genfunc_rec.function
373                                   || '(p_event_name, p_event_key,p_parameter_list);');
374                  utl_file.put_line(fh,'         x_executed := TRUE;');
375                  utl_file.put_line(fh,'         return;');
376                  utl_file.put_line(fh,'     end if; ');
378 	      end loop;--for loop
380               if (l_atleast_one) then
381                  utl_file.put_line(fh, '  end if;');
382               end if;
384            end loop; --for loop
386         end if;
388         -- give a message within the generated file regarding the failure
389         if (not l_generated) then
390            utl_file.put_line(fh, '');
391            utl_file.put_line(fh, '  -- Package body could not be generated for the corrids given.');
392            utl_file.put_line(fh, '  -- The reason could be because the procedure(s) referred to by the');
393            utl_file.put_line(fh, '  -- corrid(s) was invalid or the corrid(s) specified do not exist');
394            utl_file.put_line(fh, '');
395         end if;
397         utl_file.put_line(fh,'end Generate;');
398 	utl_file.put_line(fh, '');
399         utl_file.put_line(fh,'--');
400         utl_file.put_line(fh,'-- Rule functions');
401         utl_file.put_line(fh,'--');
403         utl_file.put_line(fh,'PROCEDURE RuleFunction(p_func_name in varchar2,');
404         utl_file.put_line(fh,'                   p_subscription_guid in raw,');
405         utl_file.put_line(fh,'                   p_event             in out nocopy wf_event_t,');
406         utl_file.put_line(fh,'                   x_result            in out nocopy varchar2,');
407         utl_file.put_line(fh,'                   x_executed  out nocopy boolean)');
408         utl_file.put_line(fh,'as');
409         utl_file.put_line(fh,'  l_funcname varchar2(240);');
410         utl_file.put_line(fh,'  l_event_name varchar2(240);');
411         utl_file.put_line(fh,'begin');
412         utl_file.put_line(fh,'  x_executed := FALSE;');
413         utl_file.put_line(fh,'  l_funcname := upper(trim(p_func_name));');
414         utl_file.put_line(fh,'  l_event_name := upper(p_event.event_name);');
417         l_first_r := TRUE;
418         for seeded_rulefunc_rec in seeded_rule_funcs() loop
419              if (l_first_r) then
420                utl_file.put_line(fh, '');
421                utl_file.put_line(fh, '  -- Seeded Rule Functions');
422                l_first_r := FALSE;
423              end if;
425              utl_file.put_line(fh,'  if (l_funcname = '''
429              utl_file.put_line(fh,'     x_executed := TRUE;');
426                                   || seeded_rulefunc_rec.function || ''') then');
427              utl_file.put_line(fh,'     ' || 'x_result := '||seeded_rulefunc_rec.function
428                                   || '(p_subscription_guid, p_event);');
430              utl_file.put_line(fh,'     return;');
431              utl_file.put_line(fh,'  end if; ');
432          end loop;
435         if (p_correlation_ids is not null) then
436            for i in p_correlation_ids.FIRST..p_correlation_ids.LAST loop
438               l_first_r := TRUE;
439               l_atleast_one_r := FALSE;
440               for rulefunc_rec in all_rule_funcs(p_correlation_ids(i)) loop
441                  l_atleast_one_r := TRUE;
442                  l_generated_r := TRUE;
443                  if (l_first_r) then
444                     utl_file.put_line(fh, '');
445                     utl_file.put_line(fh, '  -- Function calls for correlation id ' || p_correlation_ids(i) ||'%');
446                     utl_file.put_line(fh, '  if (l_event_name like '''
447                                      || p_correlation_ids(i) || '%'') then ');
448                     l_first_r := FALSE;
449                  end if;
451                  utl_file.put_line(fh,'     if (l_funcname = '''
452                                   || rulefunc_rec.function || ''') then');
453                  utl_file.put_line(fh,'         ' || 'x_result := '||rulefunc_rec.function
454                                   || '(p_subscription_guid, p_event);');
455                  utl_file.put_line(fh,'         x_executed := TRUE;');
456                  utl_file.put_line(fh,'         return;');
457                  utl_file.put_line(fh,'     end if; ');
458               end loop;
459               if (l_atleast_one_r) then
460                  utl_file.put_line(fh, '  end if;');
461               end if;
462            end loop; -- p_correlation_ids
463         end if; -- p_correlation_ids
465         -- give a message within the generated file regarding the failure
466         if (not l_generated_r) then
467            utl_file.put_line(fh, '');
468            utl_file.put_line(fh, '  -- Package body could not be generated for the corrid given.');
469            utl_file.put_line(fh, '  -- The reason could be because the procedure(s) referred to by the');
470            utl_file.put_line(fh, '  -- corrid(s) was invalid or the corrid(s) specified do not exist');
471            utl_file.put_line(fh, '');
472         end if;
474         utl_file.put_line(fh,'end RuleFunction;');
477         utl_file.put_line(fh,'end WF_BES_DYN_FUNCS;');
478         utl_file.put_line(fh,'/');
479         utl_file.put_line(fh,'commit;');
480         utl_file.put_line(fh,'exit;');
481         utl_file.put_line(fh,' ');
482         utl_file.fclose(fh);
484         dbms_output.put_line('File generated is '||utl_dir||'/'||l_filename);
485       exception
486        when others then
487          if (utl_file.is_open(fh)) then
488           utl_file.fclose(fh);
489          end if;
490          raise;
491    end StaticGenerateRule;
494    --
495    -- Procedure : Tokenize
496    --
497    -- Purpose   : Process the comma separated string into tokens
498    --             and put the value in the varray
499    --
500    -- Return    : Varray containing the tokens
501    --
503    FUNCTION Tokenize(cslist VARCHAR2) return varchar_array AS
505       -- pointer where to start the search for comma
506       l_ptr int;
508       --count to keep track of tokens added to varray
509       l_count int :=1;
511       --the token separated from the input
512       l_token varchar2(100);
514       --position of comma
515       l_pos int;
517       -- the array of tokens to be returned
518       l_var_list varchar_array:=varchar_array();
520       begin
522          l_ptr := 1;
523          --loop till no more commas are found
524          loop
525             l_pos := instr(cslist,',',l_ptr,1);
527             --if no comma is found, then the next token
528             --is the last token. add it to the array and exit
529             if(l_pos=0) then
531               l_token := substr(cslist,l_ptr,length(cslist));
532               l_var_list.extend;
533               --Remove any % character found
534               l_var_list(l_count):=replace(trim(l_token),'%','');
535               exit;
536             end if;
537             --if a comma is found, get the substring till the index
538             --and add it to varray
539             l_token:= substr(cslist,l_ptr,(l_pos-l_ptr));
540             l_var_list.extend;
541             --Remove any % character found
542             l_var_list(l_count):=replace(trim(l_token),'%','');
544             l_ptr:=l_pos+1;
545             l_count:=l_count+1;
547          end loop;
548          return l_var_list;
549    end;
551 end WF_BES_FUNCS;